New Story of Lv Bu

: : But, where is my country?

On October 19th, at the end of Chou, Jingzhou, Nanyang County's Junzhiwan City, in the back residence of the Prefect.

Wang Situ lay quietly on the couch, sleeping very sweetly, no, no, not sweet, but dark sweet. The so-called Heitian means that although he is asleep, he is not calm, and his mind is always fighting resolutely with some seemingly non-conscious consciousness. For example, a young girl with a graceful and slender figure wearing a light gauze, or on a battlefield where thousands of troops are settling for change and the dead is on the mountain, commanding thousands of troops, ten battles and ten battles, or in the wilderness and lonely lanterns in ancient temples. In the midst, he continued to bow and salute to the idol. The ancients have said that thinking day by day and dreaming at night, everyone’s experience and situation are different, and the dreams they have are naturally completely different.

The veterans of the four dynasties of this dynasty, the highly respected and respected Prince Yun of Situ Gong, were dreaming. This was an extremely strange dream. In the dream, he seemed to have gone back to that year. At that time, he was trapped by Zhang Rang, a servant of Zhongchang, and was thrown into prison three times. After suffering disasters and being pardoned, in order to avoid misfortune, he fell between Chenliu and Hanoi, acting chivalrously and happily in his life as a knight.

At the same time, the dark clouds rolled, the red sun faded, the wind gusts, and the mountains shook the ground, all of which heralded the coming of a gust of wind and rain. In a chaotic graveyard, under a stilted, swaying, windy, dilapidated shed, Wang Yun was resting in a stationed horse, chewing non-appetizing dry food, and warming his body with spirits. Suddenly, a person appeared faintly in front of him, and Wang Yun glanced intently, and he turned out to be an old person! In prison nine years ago, the aggressive subordinate who secretly handed himself poisoned alcohol. "It turned out to be an old friend! I haven't seen you for nine years, don't come here without any problems?" Wang Yun quickly got up to see each other.

When a person is in trouble, what he most wants to see is his friend, even if he has only one side, he can barely be called a friend. "Situ Gong, your old man made me find it hard!" The aggressive subordinate slammed his chest. "The emperor wants to see you, please come with me as soon as possible! No matter how late, it will be too late!" Jun Mingzhao, don't just drive! Upon hearing this, Wang Yun immediately grew up. The aggressive subordinate didn't talk nonsense, grabbed Wang Yun by the sleeve, and the two immediately rose into the air.

In this way, he walked swiftly above the clouds, and I don't know how long he walked, and finally came outside a glorious and magnificent palace. "The emperor has an edict: see you soon by Wang Situ!" As soon as the two came to the door, a middle official holding the edict greeted them. "Situ Gong, please come in, and so will leave here!" The aggressive subordinate gave a hand and disappeared into the thick fog.

Following the middle official of Xuanzhao, Wang Yun turned around seven times and finally came to the hall. Hey, isn't this the Deyang Hall of Nangong in Luoyang City, the capital of Han Dynasty? I saw a thick mist gushing out, and suddenly more than a hundred people appeared on the empty hall, the palace daughter holding various utensils, the warrior with the helmet and the armor, and several middle officials, among the crowd, a familiar face Finally appeared.

"Situ Gong, you made me wait so hard!" Wang Yun looked up, and it turned out to be the first emperor Lingdi! "The minister Wang Yun pays homage to your majesty! Long live long live long live long live!" Wang Yun leaned over and bowed a big salute. "Situ Gong, you have assisted Da Sima Zhu in addition to Dong Zhuo, which has allowed me to continue in the Han Dynasty for decades. I am really happy in my heart!" Lingdi quickly pulled up Wang Yun and ordered a banquet. . In an instant, the jade pan delicacies and the waterway peculiar treasure came up to the ground, and the monarch and the minister sat opposite each other, drinking and talking.

After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, Lingdi asked, "Situ Gong, what do you think of Da Sima?" Upon hearing this, Wang Yun's heart immediately shook. He really didn't understand, Your Majesty. What is the meaning of this statement? "Da Sima only controls the sky with his hand, and the north conquer the south. It is really my big man's primordial white jade pillar, the sea purple golden beam! I wonder if your majesty thinks it?"

"Oh!" The emperor sighed first, and then said: "Situ Gong, let’s tell you, this sage has been circulated in this dynasty: Dai Han, when Tu Gao! Some people say, the high, the two Lu Ye! Dangdang, the car, there are cloth curtains on the car, this sentence means that Lu Bu is the person who welcomes the prophet, and the contemporary Han is enthroned as the emperor. Because of this, I am depressed and do not know how to remedy it, so I call Situ The public came to ask about the plan. I don't know why Situ Gong taught me?" When the words were finally finished, the Emperor Ling stopped drinking, his eyes fixedly looking at Wang Yun.

As soon as he heard this, Wang Yun's head and face immediately saw sweat. This sentence came from his old father Wang Shu's mouth and was calculated after several years. It was originally in the secret room, when the father and son were sitting opposite each other, the secret words were passed to the world, and it was passed to your Majesty's ears. How could this be good? Your Majesty's meaning is very clear, this is to see the poor, the bird hides the bow.

Throughout the ages, no matter how big it is, it can't change the dynasty. For the throne, any emperor is the most important. Regardless of anyone, as long as there is a slight threat to the throne, the court will always take the knife without hesitation. Your Majesty asks knowingly. The only way to do this now is to clean up the Taiyuan Wangs and old father first. After all, Wang Situ was extremely clever, and after a little thought, he spoke.

"Your Majesty,'Dai Han, when Tu Gao Ye!' The phrase comes from "Spring and Autumn Prophecy": After the Han family was 920 years old, Meng grandson died, and he was awarded the inheritance. The Han Dynasty, when Tu Gao Ye The Emperor Wu also said: There are six or seven problems in the Han Dynasty, and the law should be ordered again. Who should be the descendants of the clan? The Han Dynasty in the sixty-seventh forty-two generations should be Tu Gaoye. In the opinion of the old officials, it is nothing but the worries of Emperor Wu. Words of later generations."

Wang Yun first opened the sect and explained clearly the origin of the phrase "Dang Tu Gaoye, a Han man!" Then, he cleared his throat and began to excuse his father. "Emperor Guangwu of this dynasty enjoys the country and has a lot of power to gain admonitions. Therefore, the most important art of admonition between the ruling and the opposition. Since there is such a statement, naturally some people will spend their lives and minds in order to seek correct answers. Your Majesty's words are: One of them!"

"Besides,'Dangtu Gaoya for the Han Dynasty!' There are several explanations for the sentence." At this point, Wang Situ sat in a precarious manner, stopped, and raised his eyes to the Lingdi. Your Majesty, I know what you mean by that. Isn't it because I suspect that the Wang Clan of Taiyuan supports Da Sima in order to be a minister of Conglong in the new dynasty? Since you are so arrogant, then I will make the muddy water more muddled! Bring in those big families, even cats and dogs, you can't just chop everyone out, right?

"Oh? There are some explanations? Situ Gong, please speak frankly!" Upon hearing this, Lingdi raised his eyebrows and looked at Wang Yun with a smile. "Your Majesty, those who are painted, the road is right! Yuan Gonglu once said that the road with my word is in response to its prophecies. There are others who say: Tu is the way, and when the paint is high, it is too high. The same is the same, and the other is very high. It's called Zhizhao. This refers to Li Wei of the Xiliang Army. There is another explanation: when you are painted high, Wei is also; when you are like Wei, you have two views. Wei is in power and tall, Wei is contemporary Han. Just not I know, this Wei is the surname? Is it the first name? Or the nobility, the prefecture." Wang Yun finally finished speaking, he was sitting tightly, his eyes quietly swept towards the emperor.

Your Majesty, you keep saying that it's Da Sima Lubu, and you know that you are pretending to be confused, and you want to start with the Wang Clan of Taiyuan in the name of this. But, your majesty, you have forgotten that Jiang is still old and spicy. Now I have involved the Runan Yuan clan of the fourth generation and the third gong, plus Li Yu and the Wei who don’t know who it is. How do you start? Can't you kill all the people surnamed Wei in the world, right?

Wang Situ's move was really a tactic from the bottom of the pot, and as expected, Lingdi immediately fell silent. After a long time, as if ten thousand years had passed, Lingdi finally spoke. "But, where's my Han family? Just hand it out obediently like this? I'm not reconciled to that!" Looking at the haggard face of the Ling Emperor, Wang Yun couldn't help but feel a trace of pity in his heart.

Everyone is willing to be born in an emperor’s house, but who knows, it’s hard to beat the cold in the heights! Just like this, I don't know how long it took, Wang Yun raised his head, and there was no one in the Deyang Hall. He stood up slowly, wiped the dripping sweat on his face, and staggered out. "But, where's my Han Dynasty? Just hand it out obediently like this? I'm not reconciled to that!" Lingdi's words kept echoing in his ears. Am I doing something wrong? Can the emperor be sacrificed for the family?

In an instant, Wang Situ's thoughts were lost. As a veteran of the four dynasties, he always regarded himself as the leader of the Han sect. However, at this time today, facing the first emperor's reproach, even pleading, he hardened his heart and refused. Without it, it was because the family and father were involved. Loyal to the emperor, must kill Da Sima, loyal to the family, he must do the opposite, close his eyes and watch the Han Dynasty return to others! Am I doing something wrong? God thief, what should I do? Wang Situ closed his eyes in pain.

"But, where's my Han Dynasty? Just hand it out obediently like this? I'm not reconciled to that!" Lingdi's haggard face appeared in front of his eyes again. Wang Situ opened his eyes and shook his head in pain. "You are a traitorous official! For your own benefit, I chose to cooperate with the power official, Lu Bu!" This is his old boss, Deng Sheng's voice at this time. "Hahahahahahaha! I am on Yuan Shuzi Highway, just in response to its admonishment!" This was the voice of Yangzhou Muyuan Shu. "Wang Yun, take me a knife!" Suddenly, a huge knife slashed in the face, and the man with the knife was the thorn in his eye! There is no way to dodge, no way to avoid.

Oops! Scared me too! Wang Situ roared, waking up from the nightmare, he was already sweating heavily.

"Father!" "Situ Gong!" The bedroom door was suddenly pushed open, and Wang Gai and a dozen attendants broke in.

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