New Story of Lv Bu

: : What we want to borrow is your head

Junzhiwan County of Nanyang County is located at the rear, one hundred and sixty miles away from Xinyecheng to the south.

One hundred and sixty miles away, Qingqi can reach the town of Wanxian from Xinye a day and night, but everyone knows that this is just a joke. Let alone how many Qingqi there are in Jingzhou, even if there are, they don't have this courage now. Not long ago, the Xiliang Army had just broken the Jingzhou Army and chased it all the way to the city of Xiangyang. It almost captured Cai Hao, the general general of the army, alive. This was a rare victory, and all the officers and soldiers who defended the city breathed a sigh of relief. Xinye, the fishbone stuck in his mouth was finally pulled out.

The southern convenience of Xinye is Xiangyang, which is also the place where Jingzhou Muliu Biao and Liu Jingsheng are stationed. For example, today, Cai Wei suffered a big defeat, and only managed to escape back to Xiangyang with more than a thousand horses, almost completely defeated. Today's Xiangyang City is full of rumors, and the vegetation is full of soldiers. Needless to say, if you send troops to counterattack, you can hold the city even if it burns high incense. From this point of view, with the Xiliang Army blocking Xinyecheng, Wanxian would be invincible. His grandma is a bear! After a few months of trepidation, the brothers can finally take a good rest.

Not only the officers and soldiers who defended the city, but also the officials and gentry in Wanxian County thought so. The Xiliang Army had always been brave and had rested for ten and a half days. After making up for the battle and military resources, it was time to go to Xiangyang City. As for the Jingzhou army on the opposite side, they are all pustules and rookies. If the Xiliang army doesn't beat them, even if the thief is blessed by God, how dare Qingqi trek two hundred miles to attack Wanxian?

In this atmosphere of city carnival, the army stationed in Wancheng received an eagle letter from the new Nanyang prefect Yan Kwanyan Dalang, asking them to move to the pheasant county starry night, while protecting the grain platform while taking care of the west. Defense. Ever since, in the city of Wanxian County, the three thousand fine horses and seven thousand county soldiers under the command of General Longxiang Xu Rong went out of the city and drove to Jixian County, fifty miles away to the north.

As a result, only two thousand county soldiers were left in the city of Wanxian. Moreover, the two thousand county soldiers were hurriedly formed into an army, and they have not fought any major battles. According to common sense, Wang Situ, the supervisor of Nanyang, should disagree. After all, there are only two thousand rookies left by his side. However, Wang Situ not only did not feel unhappy, but also praised him greatly. Wanxian County is already invaluable. How could it be better to deploy troops to guard the Liangtai. Jingzhou people are all ghosts and ghosts. Once a big fire is set in Pheasant County, what will the soldiers on the front eat? Besides, Wanxian County is only fifty miles away from Pheasant County. Even if the Jingzhou Army is coming, there will be an hourly reinforcements.

Since Wanxian County is so invaluable and nothing dangerous, why not take the opportunity to show the wise and martial arts of Master Supervisor?

So, in the frenzy of the city carnival, all the conspiracies were implemented step by step, just waiting for the moment when the lid was finally unveiled. No one knows that the new Nanyang prefect Yankuan still has a secret order, that is to evacuate all the treasury of Wancheng, and remove the minor injuries, scholars, scholars, and even medical craftsmen, veterinarians, and Baigong from the city. ??? Naturally, there are good reasons for doing this, close to the grain stand, the wounded can get the best care, need to be repaired, and so on.

Under the cover of the heavy night, everyone has done what they should do according to their own understanding. As for whether they understood it right or not, whether it was the real meaning of the man behind the scenes, it is impossible to verify. This night, many people did not have time to sleep. They were checking their plans over and over again under the dim oil lamp??????

The darkness will eventually dissipate, the sun will still rise as usual, and all the old traces will be covered by the dripping blood. This is the case in history. What is left to future generations is only a few words, and the words are like golden records, such as "so and so was killed in Wanxian on a certain year, a certain month, and a certain day." The truth hidden between the lines can only be found in the vastness of historical materials.

At the beginning of the Yin Dynasty, at the moment when the four-dynasty veteran and superintendent of Nanyang, the great court minister Wang Situ, woke up from a nightmare, the sky on the east side turned white. After a while, the shining rays of the sun shone through the horizon. In early winter, it was warm winter again. The wind from the northwest was not as cold and severe as in previous years, but it was full of coolness and gloom.

The sentries guarding the South Gate of Wanxian County lifted their heads from their shoulders, opened their mouths and yawned, and stayed up all night between half asleep and half awake, and finally they could go back to drink a pot of hot tea and sleep well. The last one feels steadily. With the sound of yawns one after another, the sentinels all woke up one after another. They moved their stiff feet, making vulgar jokes between them.

"Well, you see, there seems to be an army coming from the south!" An eighteen or nine-year-old man stretched out his hand and said loudly. "What? An army is coming from the south?" His very long, one by one veterans in their 30s jumped up all at once. At dawn, an army unexpectedly appeared outside the city. Could it be that those Jingzhou barbarians traveled hundreds of miles to sneak attack?

After all, he is a veteran who has been on the battlefield. Although he has only fought horse bandits and sand thief, he is much better than ordinary rookies. I saw that he took off his clairvoyance without a hassle, and looked at Nanzi carefully. After a while, he slowly lowered his clairvoyance, waved his hand and said. "It's a cavalry. It is a Chinese character flag. It is not clear whether it is an enemy or a friend. You! And you! Go and call Dubo and Tuan." "No!" "No!" Two sentries on the left and right. He promised and went away in a hurry.

When the cavalry came outside the South Gate, not only did the Dubo and Tuen chiefs arrive, but also Master Junhou arrived. The adults looked around, and saw that these hundreds of cavalry were all plain, clothed in linen and filial piety, with a sad face, surrounded by a tall and open truck with a coffin on it. Looks like that, it is worth at least a thousand dollars. Look at the Chinese character banner they fought again, and you adults will understand, which general must have died in the battle? However, Xinye's generals are no more than Li Wei, Guo Bang, Fan Chou, and Zhang Ji. Could it be that one of them died in the battle? General Long Xiang Xu Rong was seriously ill, so it stands to reason that he would not kiss the arrow.

"Dare to ask you where do you come from? Where do you go? Is there a personal notice? Whose adult does this coffin belong to?" Lord Junhou stood at the head of the city and respectfully crossed his hands in salute. No way, these Xiliang army's tempers are too bad, so they scolded when they opened their mouths and hit them when they reached out their hands. It's better to perfunctory. If you accidentally wronged them, even though Situ Gong was backing them, it would still be too much trouble.

"We are a personal soldier of General Longxiang Xu Dashuai. Last night, Dashuai Xu died suddenly in Xinyecheng. We escorted his old man back to Luoyang. Come here! Show them the official seal of Dashuai Xu!" The leader of the army! Hou is burly in shape, his eyes are full of anger, like a beast that only chooses people to eat. "That's it! Please wait a while. After checking the official seal of the body, I will let you enter the city immediately." The army prince on the city head was shocked and said, Xu Dashuai is fascinated. This is a big deal!

After a while, the official seal and the body were finally checked, and there was a handwritten order from the school lieutenant Li Su. "Quickly report to Master Situ!" The captain on the city sighed and gave a few words to the city before he ordered the city gate to be opened. Xu Dashuai died suddenly, and his soldiers must be full of anger. At this time, he must be careful to deal with it, otherwise, he will be beaten for nothing and have no reason to reason.

The city gate opened with a creak, and hundreds of cavalry gathered around the coffin and slowly entered the city gate. After passing through the long gate hole, the leader of the army stopped slowly. He looked at the gatekeeper with a smile on his face and asked: "Where is Wang Situ? Where is Wang Situ? How many defenders are there in total?" "Wang Situ, his old man is in Nanyang Taishou's Mansion, and the three princes are also there. As for the garrison in the city, there are only two thousand county soldiers." Replied.

"Very good! Our family has a gratuitous request. Can I borrow something from you to use it?" The smile on the face of the leader of the army increased. "Please speak frankly! I am willing to help." The guardian Junhou said loudly. He really can't figure it out, Monk Zhang Er, do you have anything from the Xiliang Army, you still want to borrow from me? puff! The leader of the army drew a knife out of its sheath, and cut off the head of the guarding army with a single knife!

As soon as the main commander launched, the hundreds of cavalry on his left and right immediately drew their swords out of their sheaths and slashed at the county soldiers guarding the gate! All of a sudden, there was only a humming sound, like chopping dumpling stuffing, mixed with the sound of people falling to the ground, and there were bursts of exclamation. Most of the county soldiers guarding the gate are rookies who have never seen blood. Where are the opponents of this group of veterans? In just a few dozen breaths of time, they were all chopped to the ground. Looking at the corpses all over the floor, the leader of the army laughed wildly.

"What our family wants to borrow is your top head! Remember, our family is called Li Huan, and Li Wei Li is our elder brother! When you get to Huangquan, remember to come to our house. Revenge! Our house is waiting for you!" After speaking, Li Heng waved his left hand and threw the first stage in his hand into the sky, then inserted the knife into the sheath, drew out the bow like lightning, opened the bow and set the arrow, and shot with an iron arrow. Out, right at the top of the eyebrows at that moment! I only heard a chuckle, at that moment the first stage was nailed to the wall!

"Hahahahahahaha!" Li Huan let out a frantic laugh, and the tingling air he had received yesterday was vented out of his chest. At this moment, he felt very comfortable in his heart! ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? "Little ones! The army will be here soon! Leave a group of people guarding the city gate! The others follow me! Go straight to the prefectural mansion to find the bad luck of the old thief Wang Yun!" Before the words fell, his legs clamped a horse. Belly, go ahead. "Go straight to the Prefect's Mansion to find the bad luck of the old thief Wang Yun!" The crowd yelled and followed them.

At this moment, two or three miles outside the city, a group of people shouted, and the army of Li Wei and Guo Bang finally arrived.

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