New Story of Lv Bu

: :Master drives thousands of miles just to be free

The Xiliang Army, lacking Zhang Ji's subordinate and more than 20,000 county soldiers, is actually a hodgepodge of horse bandits and sand bandits in Xiliang, and horse bandits and sand bandits in Nanyang. The thoughts of the horse bandit and the sand thief are just one thing to put it bluntly, just wanting today and not tomorrow. Conquer a city, first looting a lot, and after getting over the addiction, then change another place to continue to commit adultery and burn. When the encircling officers and soldiers are chasing them, they can run away. If the officers and soldiers are besieged by the army and cannot get out, then put your head on the waistband and do it!

The remarks of Mr. Wang Yun, and the reaction of the two bosses, Li Lao and Guo Bang, have verified one thing, that is, the Kwantung Allied Forces have collapsed across the board and they are no longer able to rely on. The remaining road is Daddieniang married a person and took care of himself. However, whether Sayazi runs off the road, or rectifies the battle between the army and the officers and the army, a huge amount of food, wages, and supplies are needed. Nanyang County is a place where aristocratic families gather, and it is a well-known place of wealth. This Nanyang prefect's mansion should be gold and silver like mountains and grain and grass like sea.

In this way, full of thirst and expectation for wealth, the Xiliang army used the energy of feeding. They jumped off their horses, holding large shields and vines in their hands, braving raindrops of arrows, and climbing the ladder to the city wall. For this raid on Wancheng, Li Wei and Guo Bang were fully prepared. They brought everything that could be pulled by a carriage. There were thirty crossbows and eight trebuchets.

The city wall of Nanyang Taishou Mansion is only two or three feet high, which is a piece of cake for the Xiliang Army. "Everyone who has a shield in his hand will go up to cover the arrow! The one in heavy armor will climb the city for Lao Tzu! Who is the first to climb the city wall, we Lao Li asked him to pick three things from the treasury! Don't wince! The former, kill without mercy! Those who disturb the morale of the military, kill without mercy!" Li Yu shouted loudly, waving his right hand.

"No!" Hearing that there was such a benefit, the Xiliang Army immediately opened his eyes and smiled. The big guy served as a soldier to eat food, isn't it just to get promoted and make a fortune? In an instant, all the troops slammed their promise, and the weapon was tightly gripped, and the tide rushed up. "Arrows! Use a bed crossbow! Use a catapult!" Wang Jing shouted loudly, waving a sword in his hand without the slightest confusion.

Whoosh whoosh! Whoosh whoosh! Whoosh whoosh whoosh! More than two hundred crossbowmen gathered on the city wall unfurled their bows and arrows, and shot out more than a thousand iron arrows. The two hundred and more archers used god-arm crossbows, one crossbow with five arrows to seven arrows, and they shot at the Xiliang army who was ascending to the city, and there were bursts of exclamation immediately. Hundreds of Xiliang army immediately planted from the cloud ladder, like a gourd on the ground. Fortunately, they are wearing triple heavy armor, arrows can not penetrate, but some skin injuries.

Boom?????? Whoosh?????? The twelve crossbows and four catapults above the city wall were finally fired, and huge arrows and slings falling from a high altitude fell in the crowd. In an instant, people turned their backs on their horses, and thousands of troops made changes, sculpting blood troughs abruptly. Thousands of people were hit by giant arrows and slings, and they immediately turned into piles of stumps and broken arms. The blood spurted up and formed a puff of blood mist, which looked incredibly strange under the shining of the sun. . This time, the Xiliang Army really suffered a big loss.

"It takes a long time for the bed crossbow and the catapult to load! What the **** are you doing? I don't want to die, hurry up and climb the city! Who and who? Give you a hundred breaths time, no longer put the bed crossbow and the catapult up, I Cut your head as a urinal!" Seeing the hell-like sight of Shura in front of him, Guo Bang immediately got anxious! He clanged and pulled out the first knife of the 100-refined steel ring around his waist, and cut a defeated Xiliang army into two parts from head to toe with a single knife. With a thud, the blood splashed all over his head and face.

"Flush!" "Fill the water!" "Follow me!" When I saw the two elders, Li Nao and Guo Bang, all hairy, then look at the dripping blood and the corpses on the pillow. They have always been enemies. The ridiculous military princes and tutors were immediately aroused to the sky. They roared, grabbed the giant shield or the rattan card, followed the cloud ladder, and took advantage of this empty space, and climbed three times. Go up.

The Xiliang army who climbed to the head of the city roared and danced like snowflakes with the 100-refined steel ring in their hands, and rushed directly at Wang Situ's soldiers. Boom??????????????? The bed crossbow and catapult of the Xiliang Army were finally launched, and the defenders who were busy loading arrows and slings were immediately smashed into a flowery face. In an instant, most of their crossbows and catapults were lost.

Boom?????? Boom?????? Whoosh whoosh! Whoosh whoosh! Whoosh whoosh whoosh! Now it was the turn of the Xiliang Army's crossbows and catapults to show off. The huge arrows shot out, and the round catapult fell from the sky and hit the city wall accurately. There was only a square inch above the city wall, and there was no way to hide, and there was no way to hide. The defenders were immediately devastated. Wang Yun’s soldiers were immediately killed for more than a half, and the rest were also running around, avoiding the shadowy slings and giant arrows.

As soon as the pressure of the defenders was gone, the Xiliang Army immediately seized the opportunity and climbed up. After dozens of breaths tightly, the Xiliang army was on the city wall. Under the cover of more than a hundred soldiers, Wang Situ and his three sons dodged from left to right and retreated along the city wall. Behind them, there were waves of wailing. It was the Xiliang army who had ascended to the top of the city, grinning and slaughtering his soldiers.

"No! There are too many soldiers in Xiliang, and they are all veterans after a hundred battles. It seems that they can't last long. Brother and third brother, you two keep your father away from the secret road. Last time!" After all, Wang Jing is a military commander. He has received rigorous military training, and he can tell at a glance that the eight hundred soldiers on the wall can't last long, so he quickly lowered his voice.

"Third brother, you and I will protect my father and go! Second brother, come quickly!" Wang Gai shouted loudly, waving his right hand, motioning for the soldiers on the left and right to pick up the old man. "Let go! I can't go! I'm living and dying with the Taishou Mansion!" Wang Situyuan opened his eyes, struggling to refuse to leave. "Father, if you don't leave, your second brother won't be able to leave anymore!" Wang Ding was already so anxious that he couldn't help but sweat.

He grabbed Wang Situ's skirt and whispered. Wang Situ was a wise man. Upon hearing this, he immediately fell down the donkey, murmured a few words in his mouth, half-pushed and half-situated by the soldiers. Yes, Situ Gong is still very old, and time is running out, he can disregard his old life. However, you can't watch your son live and die in front of your eyes.

Since then, Wang Ding opened the way ahead, and more than a hundred soldiers surrounded Wang Situ and walked backwards. After Wang Gai was broken with a sword, he stepped off the wall and retreated into the main hall of the Taishou Palace. "Father, don't wait! Let's leave quickly!" Seeing Wang Situ staring at the front door with eyesight, Wang Gai knew that he was worried about Wang Jing's safety. However, being besieged by more than ten thousand tigers and wolves, Wang Jing was absolutely unable to escape his birth. At this moment, Wang Gai's heart was twisted, but he had to crush his steel teeth to comfort his father.

"Go! If you don't leave, it will be too late!" Seeing that Wang Situ was still hesitating, Wang Gai waved the sword in his hand and rushed out first. Since the second brother was dead and without life, he couldn't delay the precious time he got in exchange for his life. "Situ Gong! Go!" The left and right quickly lifted Wang Situ, and followed Wang Gai in swarms. At this moment, even the time of a few breaths is extremely precious.

On the top of the city, the Xiliang army was densely packed and numerous, and only a dozen soldiers were left beside Wang Jing. His eight hundred parts, except for the one who escorted Wang Situ to escape, had long been lying on the ground and turned into a group of stumps and arms. Wang Jing's body was wounded eight times, and his head, face, and body were covered with blood. It looked like a blood gourd, dripping with blood.

"As long as my Wang Jing still has a breath! I won't let you go! Come on! You rebellious! One day, Da Sima's iron cavalry will destroy your nine races!" Wang Jing carried a handle of 100-smelting steel in his right hand. Ringing the first sword, holding the flag of Wang Situ's superintendent in his left hand, it stands tall like a big mountain. Perhaps because the blood was flowing too much, his brain felt a numbness, as if he hadn't closed his eyes for days and nights, groggy and muddled, he wanted to sleep from now on, and he slept in darkness.

"Fall arrows! Don't shoot him in the face!" The army leader who led the team suddenly waved downwards, giving orders coldly! Whoosh whoosh! Whoosh whoosh! Whoosh whoosh whoosh! Hundreds of crossbowmen opened their bows and arrows, and hundreds of arrows shot out. puff! Puff puff! Puff puff! Wang Jing and his dozen soldiers were immediately shot into sieves! farewell! father! The child has done his best!

At the last moment of his life, Wang Jing was still thinking about the safety of the old man. He bit his lips tightly and tried his best not to let the blood from his throat spray out. The sun was shining brightly, the sky was blue as washing, and the harsh northwest wind whizzed past, blowing Wang Situ's flag to the wind. Under the banner, Wang Jing stood tall, with arrows all over his body, like a door god.

"This is a tough guy, don't move his body! Just let him stand there quietly." The leader of the army said coldly. When the voice fell, he put his feet together, his right fist as his chest, and respectfully paid a military salute to Wang Jing's corpse. After a while, he raised his head and shouted loudly: "His grandma is a bear! What are you still doing in a daze? Go chase and kill Mr. Wang Yun!"

This is the case in life, even if he is fierce like a king of Chu, he will inevitably kill Wujiang. Now that the Lord has chosen to be a rogue, he must do his best to do a good job in this promising career as a rogue. "Yueheifenggaoye, it's just killing people and setting fire to the sky! Master Qingqi drove thousands of miles, just to be free and unrestrained for life, yeah???"

The Junhou raised his head, his face was already light, he hummed a little song casually, and walked away.

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