New Story of Lv Bu

: : But the sky does not leave the New Year

In the direction of the main entrance of Nanyang Taishou's Mansion, the shouts of killing and the howling of stones and crossbows suddenly stopped. Except for the occasional curse and heavy breathing, it was deathly silence. The more than a hundred soldiers who were surrounded by Wang Situ sprinting backwards couldn't help but turned around and looked back. They couldn't see anything behind the heavy pavilions. They only saw the overlapping roofs.

Even if they couldn't see it, everyone knew in their hearts what was happening at the front entrance. At this moment, Wang Jing and his trilogy are probably dead in battle. "Jing'er!" Wang Situ spouted a large amount of blood, and let out a roar, his voice was miserable, not like a human voice. His body fell down softly, and his face was like gold leaf, as if he was ten years old in an instant.

"Father!" Wang Gai and Wang Ding hurriedly stepped forward, supporting the crumbling old father one by one. The eyes of the two of them were blood red, and large drops of tears slowly flowed down their faces, and the clothes were wet in an instant. The eyes of the father and son met, sad, angry, shocked, and helpless, and all kinds of emotions changed in a flash.

"Let's go! Jing'er's blood can't flow in vain!" Wang Situ pushed Wang Gai and Wang Ding aside, and staggered forward with the sword in his hand. In the bleak northwest wind, his back looked so lonely, so lonely, like a Kuafu who was dying. Seeing Wang Situ's staggeringly clear figure, Wang Gai and Wang Ding squeezed their swords tightly, and followed them after a trot.

The three armies can win the command, but the team cannot win the ambition. For his own ideals and beliefs, Wang Situ has paid the price of blood. It is true that Situ Gong has major and minor faults and shortcomings, such as Ya An's self-proclaimed nature, such as a severe temperament, such as keen on conspiracy and tricks, such as despising martial arts, but it is undeniable that Situ is always thinking about it. Loyal minister of the ZTE Han room.

This time, will Situ Gong be able to escape his birth, get out of the disaster, and continue to do his best for the declining Han world?

No one answered, and no one thought about this question. Only the whistling north wind blew in his ears. Then, just ask the thief God.

With a squeak, the main gate of Nanyang Taishou's Mansion suddenly opened, and a large number of Xiliang soldiers poured into this solid mansion from the city gate hole and from above the city wall. "Kill!" "Chong!" "Cut off Wang Yun's head!" "Don't leave Wang Yun!" The horse bandits and sand thief roared loudly, carrying knives in the prefect's mansion. Looking, looking for the legendary treasure.

"Huh? Where did Wang Yun's servant go?" Behind the chaotic Xiliang army, Li Changyang spurred his horse and entered the prefecture's mansion with enthusiasm. He opened his eyes wide and scanned the surroundings, as if looking for something. "Boss, Mr. Wang Yun took Wang Gai, Wang Ding, and more than a hundred soldiers, and went to the back house!" When the boss asked, he hurriedly crossed his hands and replied.

"The back house? Then we can't run! Lao Li planted an ambush there long ago! Hahahahahahaha! Old man Wang Yun, you can cut off your head at the thought of, and we old Li will Happy to be in full bloom! It is well said in the arena, today's revenge is reported today! If you want to wait until tomorrow, you will not be an indomitable hero! Come with me! I want to take a look, where does Wang Yun run!"

Before he finished his words, Li Lao's legs clamped his horse's belly, and the horse under his crotch slammed his nose like an arrow.

"Search! Search for me carefully! Don't let go of any corner!" Guo Bang was riding on the horse, his face was solemn, he said coldly, looking at the chaotic Nanyang Prefect. The horse under the crotch seemed to feel the master's mood, spraying his nose and walking uneasily on the ground. Different from Li Si, Guo Ben is concerned about the food, wages and military needs accumulated in the Nanyang Prefect’s Mansion. Since the Nanyang Prefectural Mansion had been breached, the killing of Wang Yun's old man was a no-brainer. There was no relationship between early and late. Now that the troops have been conspired to conspire, they must figure out the way forward. Without food and wages, they will escape, and they will not be able to escape far.

Among the generals of Xiliang, Zhang Ji has always been known for his sincerity and gentleness. Li Yu gave people the impression of boldness and grandeur, just like the old Dong Taishi. Guo Bang is not the case. He always hides quietly in the dark, watching the wind and the grass all the time, and pondering everyone's thoughts in his heart. If Zhang Ji is a fierce tiger, Li Zhang is an angry lion, and Guo Bang is a snake, a snake hiding in the dark. Calm, even cold, abandon all emotions and only ask about victory or defeat. This is Guo Bang.

In Guo Bang’s eyes, Zhang Ji maintained his usual tall image during the rebellion, while Li Zhao was in frequent situations and made many unforgivable mistakes, just like a bull rushing into a porcelain shop, and everything It was smashed and looked vigorous, but in fact nothing was gained. God thief! Since Li Yu is not worthy to be a boss, let me Guo Bang come, and I will do better!

"Oh! Where is Situ Gong going? Is the class teacher going back to the court? Or go for a ride? Does your old man's complexion look awkward? The more than a hundred soldiers who are attending seem to be panicked. Some. Hahahahahahaha??????" A fat man with a dough like a rich man, with dozens of strong men armed with guns and sticks, stood in front of a group of people. There were two people beside the fat man, one knew him, the other seemed to have met him, he knew Dongcao seal, and the other was a small official under Dongcao seal.

"Dongcao seal! I, Wang Yun, trusted you so much. I didn't expect that the wall was down and everyone pushed me, and even you betrayed me!" The pain of losing his son was still in his throat, and he encountered betrayal from his confidant. Then out of anger. He used the sword in his hand as a crutch, slammed it firmly on the ground, and roared angrily. "Woohoo! Is it really the end of the big man's country?"

"Situ Gong! I didn't want to betray you, but they forced me to do so??????" Dong Cao Zhuan raised his head, his mouth closed for a long time, and finally squeezed out a word. Just when the Xiliang Army surrounded the Nanyang Prefect’s Mansion, the fat shopkeeper, under the guidance of the young official, touched in familiarly, and blocked the Dongcao seal in the bed. After some coercion and temptation, Dongsao Seal finally succumbed. To tell the truth, he is a literati after all. Where has he seen such a **** and tyrannical war scene?

"Don't talk nonsense! Rush up and kill them all!" Wang Gai is knowledgeable and calm and decisive. Seeing this, he still doesn't understand what happened there? He wielded his sword and charged up first. As soon as he saw his brother rushing up, Wang Ding rushed up. Behind them, dozens of soldiers clamored and pulled out the first sword of the 100-refined steel ring, shouted, and rushed to join the battle.

Behind the dozens of people, the fat shopkeeper, is the secret door leading to the secret road outside the city. If you don't kill these people, you will definitely not be able to enter the secret road. The dozens of subordinates of the fat shopkeeper are sturdy men, but they are not even a bit worse than Wang Situ's personal soldiers. At the same time, it was a way to escape. These dozens of soldiers used their full strength. After just a few breaths, the fat shopkeeper was cut down by more than half. "Hold on! Boss Li will be here soon! Gold and silver, pearl beauties, you choose!"

In a hurry, the fat shopkeeper didn't care whether he could cash it out, he jumped and yelled. Puff?????? Only a muffled sound was heard, a sharp dagger pierced into his waist from his right rib, the fat shopkeeper softened, spurted a lot of blood, and fell heavily. On the ground. "Situ Gong! Go!" Dong Cao Zhuan pulled out the first knife of the 100-refined steel ring from the waist of the fat shopkeeper, and hurled at the dozen sturdy men with a scream. In just a few breaths, he was chopped into a pile of meat sauce by five or six knives.

The little clerk who was standing at the left and rear of the fat shopkeeper didn't look good. He bent his body like a fish and slipped into the room. He plugged the door and dragged the heavy case over and blocked it tightly. At the door of the house, he sighed and fell softly. Just before this few breaths, he almost stepped into the ghost gate. It was only because of the uprising of Dongcao seal that he was lucky enough to take a life.

Boom! Boom! Boom boom boom! Boom boom boom! There was a violent impact, and it was Wang Situ's soldiers who were hitting the door of the house with their bodies. The little official immediately jumped up violently, leaned firmly against the huge desk, and pushed forward with all his energy. I knew what I had done myself, if these people rushed in, I would be hacked to death in an instant.

The door shook violently, and the dust fell down with a puff of dust, splashing the little official's head and face, but he still resisted the huge case, as if he hadn't heard of it. The door swayed more and more violently, and it was almost knocked open several times. The little official was covered with sweat, exhausted all the strength of his body to support. I don't know how long it has passed, it's as if ten thousand years have passed.

Finally no one hit the door again, and a proud and proud voice rang. "Wang Yun Lao! Finally let me Li Yu catch you! Brothers, we Lao Li will live!" Then there was a burst of crackling fights, short shouts, weapons hacked at people. The dull voice on the body, Wang Situ's old yelling, his old man actually went to the court to kill the enemy himself.

it's finally over! The little official tilted his head, slid down the huge case, fell heavily to the ground, and passed out.

Wang Situ swung his sword and killed a Xiliang army. He raised his right foot and kicked the other one down. He scanned the surroundings with his eyes, and Wang Ding was stabbed in the chest by five or six spears. He was already dead. On the other side, Wang Gai had been wounded eight times, and his whole body was already like a blood gourd. Whoosh?????? An arrow came towards Wang Gai's chest, and the one who sent the arrow was Li Su.

Wang Situ shouted, the sword in his hand danced into a ball of snowflakes, and he went straight into the Xiliang army. He danced and chanted:

"The sad song is like weeping, and you can see Angelica from a distance. Looking at your hometown from afar, you burst into tears.

The autumn wind is sluggish and Yishui is sluggish, and the Han room can't be rejuvenated, which makes me lose my head.

How happy is life, and why die? Thousands of warriors will follow me to attack the city and go straight to Luoyang?

There is so much wind here, how can the trees be repaired, the world is shaking and falling apart, and my heart is sad.

Although I die nine times without regret, how can the heavens not leave the new year? How can Cangtian not holiday??????"

The song of death was finally finished, Wang Situ set himself up, swiped the sword to his neck, and died of suicide!

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