New Story of Lv Bu

: : Plundering Wancheng to reassure the army

In Nanyang County's Junzhiwan City, the shouting for killing finally stopped, followed by bursts of deafening cheers. "Wang Yun Lao Erxiao first show to the public!" "Our Xiliang army's vengeance has finally been reported!" "Long live Boss Li!" "Boss Li is mighty!" The Xiliang army in the city shouted loudly, waving the weapons in their hands. Vent out the dissatisfaction and resentment in his heart, completely disregarding the blood on his head, face, and body. At this moment they have been looking forward to it for too long, only roaring and killing can calm the anger in their hearts.

Amidst the earth-shaking cheers, Boss Li Zhang Li appeared in front of everyone at the right time. With a smile on his face, he constantly waved his hands to the left and right, as if he had already become the emperor of the world. "Boss Li is mighty!" "Long live Boss Li!" Cheers rang out from the crowd. For the hero who gave the big guy this bite, it is definitely worth the big guy's courtesy. As for how to live after killing Mr. Wang Yun, how about managing him? The big deal is that the fish die and the net breaks!

The bodies of Wang Situ and his two sons were carried on the city wall and placed in front of Wang Jing's body. Wang Jing, who had been dead for a long time, still glared with anger, holding a flag in one hand and a knife in the other, standing majestically, like Mount Tai. The howling northwest wind blew Wang Situ's flag, and the hundreds of arrows on Wang Jing trembled slightly, looking from a distance, like ripples in the angry waves.

Li Zhang's soldiers hurriedly stepped forward, cut off Wang Situ's head with a knife, hung it high on the flagpole, and then slammed the end of the flagpole into the hard bricks. "Good!" "Very good!" Such a treatment immediately evoked applause. Wang Situ's eyes were wide open, and he quietly looked down, watching his headless corpse lying quietly on the cold city wall.

The corpses of Wang Gai and Wang Ding stood one by one, lying next to Wang Jing's corpse, and the four of them reunited in such a strange posture. The four elders of the four dynasties, the pillar of the court, and the father and son of Wang Situ, one of the three men, completely withdrew from the stage of history. The suffering of Wang Situ's family has added countless variables to the history of this dynasty, and its influence will last for decades. So long, long after, the historians of this dynasty often expressed emotion. If Situ is still there, the Han Dynasty's revival can be expected!

With a smile on his face, Li Shou rode his horse to the top of the city along the long corridor. He turned the horse's head and fixedly you stared at the Xiliang Army under the wall. "My loyal and brave soldiers of the Xiliang Army!" Li Zhang opened his head in a prestigious manner. "Today, right here, I led you to complete the first step in the long journey! I cut off the head of Wang Yun's old man!"

Perhaps it was because of the excitement, or the arrogance after being complacent, Li Zhao's voice was full of pride, as if the whole world was already in his hands. "My loyal soldiers of the Xiliang Army! All this is just the first step in the long march of thousands of miles. It is just an inconspicuous wave in your long life! Follow me, go on, always At the end of your life, you will eventually get everything you want! Those who believe in me, Li Su, can get eternal life!"

After speaking these incomprehensible words, Li Zhang waved his hand and rode his horse away from the city wall and went straight to the Nanyang Prefect. The loyal and brave soldiers of the Xiliang Army were left blank and looked at each other on the original ground. What did Boss Li just say? Believe in Lee Sang, get eternal life? Am I right? It sounds like when Zhang Jiao, the great wise teacher of the past, incited believers to rebel, did he say something in a tune? "Believe in Li Zhang, you will have eternal life!" The mad believers of Li Zhang Li shouted loudly, just like Zhang Jiao used to be.

"Believe in Li Lao, you will have eternal life!" "Believe in Li Lao, you will have eternal life!" "Believe in Li Lao, you will have eternal life!" The deafening slogans sounded, shaking the world, resounding across the mountains and rivers. The left and right are just a slogan. It doesn't matter what you shout. The most important thing is momentum. Since Boss Li likes it, how difficult is it to shout more? As for whether you believe it or not, it depends on what Boss Li will do in the future.

In an instant, the slogans sounded one after another, resounding throughout the world, quite a bit of earth-shaking, vigorous renewal momentum.

"Huh? The treasury is empty? Nothing?" Guo Banging wailed and drew out most of the 100-refined steel ring around his waist, his eyes widened, and he glared at the soldiers under him. Unlike the boss of Li Zhang Li, Guo Bang does not care about false names such as "Believe in Li Zhang and gain eternal life". In his eyes, everything that can't be touched with his hands is a non-existent thing. A hero emphasizes fame, and a businessman emphasizes tangible benefits. If Li Lai is a hero, Guo Bin is a businessman, or the kind of businessman who must compare favorably with each other.

"I told Boss Guo that there is really nothing, nothing, not even a rat! If the boss doesn't believe it, you can go and see for yourself. If there is a half-word, I am willing to kill myself. Die!" Seeing that Boss Guo clearly didn't believe him in this posture, these soldiers immediately began to swear and swear. The matter is obvious, that is, there are no rats.

"Take me to see! If there is a half-word, be careful of your dog's head!" Guo Bang put the first knife of the half-refined steel ring that he pulled out into the sheath, and strode away. His elders really looked at every storeroom in Nanyang Prefect’s Mansion one by one, and as his subordinates said, they were empty, not even a mouse. Boss Guo's eyebrows immediately wrinkled, his face as dark as the bottom of a pot. There is no military pay. Without food, no military resources, even if you run away, you can't go far. Now that Wang Situ's head has been cut off, and Wang Situ's clan has been slaughtered, even if he asks to surrender, Da Sima will not agree.

After a round of inspections and it was determined that the Wancheng Mansion Treasury was indeed empty, Guo Bang went back to the second hall of the Nanyang Prefectural Mansion with a dark face. After being in the case for a few years, Li Cheng was chatting and laughing with the left and right. Seeing Guo Bang's scary black face, he couldn't help but burst into laughter. "I said, Brother Guo, why is your face so dark? Today, I finally cut off the head of Wang Yun's head, and I have to take revenge. It should be a swig of three hundred cups! Come on! Set the wine, Let me have a swig with Brother Guo!"

Upon hearing this, Guo Bang immediately became furious. Good, you Li, you know you **** put on your stinky airs! There is no food and grass, no money and food, no military resources, and no capital for running away. You **** still have the heart to drink and drink? But until now, the big guys are two grasshoppers tied on a twine, misfortune and good fortune are shared, no one can live alone.

Thinking of this, Guo Ben had to secretly endure a sigh of relief, put on a respectful look, and stood upright with cross-hands. "Knowing boss, I just went to check the mansion house. It is the mansion house of the whole city. In the huge Wancheng, the mansion house is empty, and there is not even a mouse. Our army's food and grass can only last for seven days when it is full. If we continue like this, we don’t even have the capital to run the road."

Upon hearing this, Li Yu couldn't help laughing. "I said Brother Guo, the Wancheng Mansion Depot is empty, which is expected. The entire Nanyang County's grain platform is located in the pheasant county town fifty miles to the north. The money, grain and grass in the Wancheng Mansion Depot are The battles and military resources were all transported to Xinye City in all likelihood. When Brother Fan’s five thousand elite riders return, they will be all there."

"If Fan Chou's raid on Pheasant County fails, what should I do?" Guo Bang finally couldn't help it. He stood upright, his eyes radiating raging anger, and roared loudly. Throughout the ages, military affairs have always counted more wins and less chances, and tried more to win and less. You Li Yi, a soil bun, knows to believe his mother's words, can that stuff be eaten as a meal? His grandma is a bear, it's unreasonable.

"Isn't this???? Fan Chou has five thousand fine riders after all." Li Su scratched his head and said hesitatingly. Don't say it, Wancheng Mansion is empty, and if Fan Chou gets nothing, it will be really **** cold. At this moment, report from left to right. "Enlighten Boss Li and Boss Guo, General Fan Chou has returned from Pheasant County, and he will come to see the two bosses soon!"

After a while, Fan Chou came in with a sad face, and saw his helmet tilted, his face covered with dust, blood mixed with mud, and he was killed out of thousands of horses. "Boss Li, Boss Guo, I, Fan Chou, I'm sorry for you! Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh?????? Catapult, bed crossbow, plus tens of thousands of fine riders, blasted out from all directions. I was caught off guard, and my army was exhausted, and I had no choice but to escape. Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu... When he reached the point of sadness, Fan Chou couldn't help crying.

"What? Your five thousand fine knights are exhausted? That's the elite drawn from the Xiliang Army!" Upon hearing this, Li Su jumped up. There were not many old brethren in the Xiliang Army, and the five thousand fine horses were damaged. There was no food and grass on the inside and no rescuers outside. How can I live Li Yu? With only a scream, Li Su took out the ring-snap on his waist.

"Brother Li, no! If the cause is not achieved, you can't break the general first! Let Brother Fan commit the crime and do meritorious service!" Guo Pun held Li Jia and shouted loudly. "But, without food and payment, how can we survive?" Li Kai sat down sullenly for a few minutes, covered his face with his hands, and yelled loudly. At this moment, he realized that it is not easy to fight the world, it is really difficult!

"Two brothers, the only way to do this is the last way! If we don't do this, we will have to wait to die!" Ignoring the grateful glances cast by the Fan Choufan brothers, Guo Ben sat back in his seat. Said categorically. "Why? There is one last way?" Upon hearing this, Li Zhang raised his eyes immediately, and he was no longer sad or annoyed, and looked at Guo Bang.

"Yes, that's looting Wancheng, burning, killing, looting, and reassure the army!" Guo Bang raised his head and said with a wave of his right arm.

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