New Story of Lv Bu

: :Where to go when you are stuck in Wancheng

It was almost noon, and the sky was scorching hot, radiating warmth, and the roaring north wind had stopped, but occasionally a whirlwind blew up, swirling and flying into the sky, sand and broken branches and leaves were scraped everywhere. Both make people afraid to open their eyes. The sky is blue like a wash, with a few strands of white clouds floating, and at a glance, the green hills are verdant and lush, which makes people feel like home and country.

In the huge Nanyang Prefect's Mansion, the fighting had already stopped, and the messy corpses were hurriedly carried to the backyard, exposing a large empty space. The ground paved with blue bricks was full of dripping blood and mottled arrows. The breeze was blowing, and the feathers on the arrow shaft were still shaking gently. The slumping courtyard walls and the clusters of arrows stuck in the door of the house make people know at a glance.

Hundreds of veterans who had survived a hundred battles gathered in the yard scatteredly, seeming to be waiting for something. They were full of excitement, gathered in groups of three or five, discussing something in a low voice. The Xiliang Army has always been unable to keep secrets. Even if they repeatedly demanded confidentiality, or even threatened to behead their heads, they could not resist the curiosity of these horse bandits and sand thief. Especially at this critical moment, Wang Yun's family has given all the heads. The next step is the life of the big guy. Don't be careful.

"I heard that Boss Li has decided to break through to the west and return to Xiliang. I don't know if it is true." A burly man of five big and three thick said in a low voice. "I guess there is no drama! Now Sili and Liangzhou Wubao are everywhere. Once there is a warning, every family will hide in the Wubao. Going back to Xiliang, there is nothing to rob and no looting. What are you eating?"

A forty-year-old veteran Junhou with white beard and gray beard shook his head like a rattle, and said slowly. "Old man, you said you can't go to Xiliang, then you say, where can you go?" Next to the old Junhou, a tall and thin man asked earnestly. "According to what I said, Sili and Bingzhou must not be able to go. There are only two roads left, one is south to enter Jingzhou, and the other is east!"

The old Junhou waved the whip in his hand, pointed to the east abruptly, and said loudly. "Why do you want to go east? First, the east is the territory of the Kwantung Allied Forces, and the second is the wealthy Yuzhou, Qingzhou, and Xuzhou to the east. The cities are broken and it is convenient for us to looting along the way. This is the third thing, when today is still peaceful. County, if we wait for the emperor to be held hostage, and the princes cast a rat avoidance device, it will be easy to say."

"This old man is very kind!" Hearing this, the surrounding army officers and chiefs all raised their thumbs.

"No! Xiliang will never go back! You will die of this heart! Let alone whether we can return to Xiliang, the food and grass in our hands can only be supported for three days, and most of it is in Zhang Ji's hands. With this little food, how can we get back to Xiliang? Besides, now Sili and Liangzhou are full of Chengchiwu Forts. There is nothing to rob, and nothing to plunder, even hungry and hungry. died!"

While the veterans of the Hundred Wars were discussing where to go, in the three halls of the Nanyang Prefect Mansion, the three giants of the Xiliang Army-no, two giants to be exact, Fan Chou is just a foolish fool-ongoing With fierce controversy, the focus of the debate is in which direction to break through. Boss Li Yuli has a romantic feeling of heroism in his heart, always wanting to return to Xiliang, which he is familiar with. However, Boss Guo, who has always been savvy in calculations, disagrees, and the two have been arguing for half an hour.

With a **** white cloth wrapped around Fan Chou's head, he looked at Li Lao and then at Guo Pun, looking innocently. This time, he led five thousand fine horses to raid Pheasant County, where the Liangtai is located. Unexpectedly, he was threatened by Yan Kuan booing. With only more than 10,000 steps, he placed ten ambushes and almost wiped out his five thousand fine horses. . After fled back to Wancheng embarrassed, Mr. Li was furious. He picked up the inkstone on the case table and sent a heavy note to Fan Chou. Fortunately, the Fan brothers had thick and thick skin, and the skulls were so hard that they only hurt their fur. Maybe it's been a long time under Dong Taishi's lewd prestige, the Fan brothers didn't even have the intention to resist, just like a kitten.

"You are right! We old Li always felt that Xiliang was the place where our brothers started, where both the heads and the terrain are very familiar. What we mean by Li, Xiliang is the place where our brothers started. The Qiang chieftains there are very familiar with them, asking for people, money, and horses, everywhere. Even if they are beaten up by the Bingzhou army, there are only a few hundred people left. As long as they get to the top of the field, they will tell all the tribes. The great chief, just like Taishi Dong, will be able to pull out more than 100,000 fine riders in less than two months!"

Boss Li, Li, the future Emperor Li does have the air of an emperor, he did not get angry at all, but nodded approvingly. "I said Lao Guo, according to your opinion, if we don't go to Xiliang, where should we go?" Taishi Dong was talking about the great chiefs of all ethnic groups in Xiliang, encouraging them to join the group and sending troops to looting the pass. This has achieved a great cause, and Li Lao Nature yearns for it.

"Two roads: one to the south and the other to the east! To the south is the capture of Xiangyang and the possession of the nine counties of Jingxiang in order to resist the combined state army. I have done such a big thing, and Da Sima will certainly not forgive us. It’s better to take precautions in advance. It’s better to grab a piece of land and hold it in your hands. To the east is to seize Yuzhou, hold the emperor, and make Yuan Benchu, Cao Mengde, and Yuan Gongdao throw rats away.

Seeing that Boss Li was convinced, Guo Ben was not too good to push people too much, so he lowered his voice, swiped his right hand on the map, and said loudly. "Although the Kwantung Allied Forces were defeated and collapsed thousands of miles away, they were always prepared to deal with the retaliation of the Union State Army. They didn't take care of us for a while, but those three were all thousand-year old foxes. "

"In my opinion, it is best to go south to attack Xiangyang, and then use Xiangyang as a springboard and base to collect Jingzhou nine counties from the south. Why? One is that Jingzhou's army is weak and easy to fight, and we are afraid of being beaten. Come, if you don’t grab the sites of Yuan Benchu, Cao Mengde, and Yuan Road, everyone won’t be able to tear your skin. However, it depends on what Zhang Ji and Zhang Xiu said."

Guo Yan finally finished speaking. He walked back to the back of the case, filled a large bowl of warm tea, poured his belly down, raised his eyes, and fixedly looked at Li Zhao. "Okay! Brother Guo said so well! Let's take care of it like this. I will send out an eagle letter, asking Zhang Ji to prepare food and grass, rectify equipment, and prepare to attack Xiangyang City southward! However, there is nothing in this Nanyang Mansion Treasury. Even a mouse can starve to death. If there is no food and grass, how can we fight? So, you and I will rectify the army and attack to the north, first take the pheasant county."

Li Yu took a few shots and finally made a deal. "That's all!" Guo Bang said with a long sigh. "Enjoy the two bosses! This is the Eagle Letter that was just found in Wang Yun's study!" At this moment, Li Hao's nephew, Hu Feng, strode in. "What's the matter? Say it! I'm going to rectify the army and horses and go to Pheasant County." Li Sui shouted dissatisfiedly.

"No!" Hu Feng's face was dignified, and he answered loudly before continuing. "I'm here for this! These eagle letters are all eagle letters between the new Nanyang prefect Yankuan and Wang Yun Lao'er. They are three or four a day, and the most recent one was received half an hour ago. Eagle letters Zhong said that after defeating Yuan Shao, the Beiwei Army and the Tigers and Leopard Cavaliers had departed from Guancheng Camp an hour ago, drove thousands of miles, and rushed to Pheasant County. If we fail to attack Pheasant County, we will station troops under Jiancheng. , That's going to die!"

"What?" Upon hearing these words, Li Zhang and Guo Bang suddenly exclaimed together, and a Gao'er jumped from the ground. The two of them snatched the eagle letter, carefully read it three times, and then fell to the ground. The Beiwei Army and the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry are the Taizhu troops in the Union State Army. From Guancheng to Wancheng, the starry night gallops, and they can arrive in at most two days.

"It seems that Pheasant County can't go to fight, but if you don't fight Pheasant County, how can you raise food?" Thinking of this, Li Si and Guo Bang's eyes immediately showed raging anger, it was resentment and despair. The gaze that can only be obtained when mixed with expectation. "Passing orders! The city gates are closed and the whole army looted Wancheng, searching for grain, goods, and military supplies! Remember, what I want is organized looting!"

Li Yu pulled out the 100-refined steel ring around his waist with his first knife, cut the case in front of him in two with a single knife, and roared loudly. At this moment, no one can live without food and grass, so what kind of admonishment is he still paying attention to? His grandma is a bear! Li Lao thinks he is the emperor, but before he becomes the emperor, he has to fill his stomach and live! , Without food, the emperor can count on it?

"Brother Li said very kindly!" Guo Ben stood up, he nodded in satisfaction, and the corner of his eye glanced at Hu Feng, then looked back at Li Zhang. That's right, this is the right thing to do. Prophecy and the like are **** things that are imaginary, hungry and inedible, cold and undressed, to be honest, there is no use for eggs. On the contrary, the gold and silver treasures and food are more realistic.

With an order from Li Zhang Li, the entire Wancheng city immediately became chaotic. More than 20,000 Xiliang troops were divided into hundreds of units, and they broke into each house, using knives to force the officials and the people to hand over food and money. Silver treasure, and then hold down a slightly beautiful woman, commit adultery on the spot. Suddenly, the huge Wancheng Wancheng cried loudly and burst into flames everywhere. The Xiliang army laughed wildly and burned money and looted.

The screaming cries combined with the dense smoke and fire, gradually submerged Wancheng, like an Asura hell.

At this moment, the sun in the sky was obscured by thick clouds, dark clouds rolled, lightning and thunder, and there was even a pouring rain. "God thief! Please open your eyes!" The young official who made great achievements was pressed to the ground by several Xiliang army, and he watched Miss Pearl being raped by four Xiliang army. Next to him, a hundred catties of gold are neatly stacked on top of each other, and it hasn't even been opened yet. Miss Pearl's eyes were dizzy, and seeing that she was not alive, the little official slammed into a Xiliang army.

Puff! A blade of light flashed, Xiao Li's Dou-sama's head fell to the ground, and the world was finally quiet??????

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