New Story of Lv Bu

: : Nanyang is broken and not my brother can't take it for granted

On October 19, before the beginning of the year, Jingzhou, Nanyang County, Yuyang County, three county halls.

"Brother Changwen, please take a look. This is an eagle letter sent from Wancheng jointly by Li Wei and Guo Bang one hour ago, indicating it to me." Zhang Ji sat after the case, holding a paper in both hands. , Placed it gently in front of Chen Qun with his right hand. His face was as dark as the bottom of a pot, his brows were furrowed, and his cheeks twitched constantly. Obviously, he was very angry with this eagle signaling.

Chen Qun's face was as plain as it used to be, and there was no trace of fluctuation, but in his heart there was a wave of waves. Looking at Zhang Ji's face, the content of this eagle letter is explosive. Could it be that things have changed? Is it because Li Dao and Guo Bang's handling made Zhang Ji greatly annoyed, or did Li Da and Guo Bang give him an order to make him feel distressed? Thinking of this, Chen Qun sweated coldly on the back of his neck.

Chen Qun was the magistrate of Luoyang and the number one county in the world. Not only was he extremely smart, but his grace and long-sleeved socializing skills definitely ranked among the top three in the world. At this moment, he was most afraid of panic. He suppressed the panic and anxiety in his heart, coughed lightly, settled down, and then slowly picked up the paper document on the case in front of him. There are two documents, one is an order jointly issued by Li Yu and Guo Bang, and the other is a summary of information sent by meticulous work hidden in Wancheng.

Two documents, which one should I look at first? Chen Qun hesitated for a moment, and decided to read the information summary first. In any case, since Li Yu's order has been issued, there is absolutely no room for change, and the remaining two paths are execution and non-execution. That being the case, might as well take a look at the intelligence summary first. If there is an order that makes Zhang Ji awkward, such as cutting off his head, there is still room for change. Thinking of this, Chen Qun was finally relieved, let the thief handle it.

There are many pieces of information in this collection. There are eight or nine pieces written in tiny lower letters, roughly speaking, they are all things that happened in Wancheng within twelve hours. Some information, such as Wang Situ's furious anger, was reported to him by the shadow and Siwencao spies long ago, and he looked at it at a glance. The most important part is how to deceive the city gate, how to occupy the city after Li Yi sent troops from Xinye, **** the four of Wang Situ and his son, and then how to deal with Li Yi, commit adultery and burn, and the whole city was in chaos.

The meticulous work he wrote seems to be of a Confucian background, and the writing is very good, and it is not annoying to say it, and it has a spring and autumn style of writing. "At the same time, the Xiliang Army sent all arrows, Wang Jing was wearing more than a hundred arrows, holding a flag in one hand, and a knife in the other, standing tall, even though he died, he was still alive." "Watching Wang Gai and Wang Ding died in battle, Wang Situ Counting people with blades in hand, chanted the death song "Elegy to Weep", and then Hengjian cried himself to death."

Although these words were shocking and inexplicable, Chen Qun had figured it out a long time ago. Wang Situ was determined to make a living and did not spend much time on it. Read on and write that the Xiliang army looted the city, raped and burned it, and Chen Qun was immediately filled with indignation. "Guo Bang's main force, Li Lao, closed the city gates, raped and burned them. In the people's homes, but there are people who have a bucket of rice, they are all tortured and tortured." "Among the women who are slightly charming, they are often counted. Adultery, from young girls to old women, is not spared." "After the torture was over, the Xiliang army slapped it with one hand. The corpses were everywhere, blood flowed into rivers, and fireworks soared to the sky. Although the end of the world has not arrived, it is better than the Yellow Turban bandit!" "Nanyang! There were more than a hundred families of the family. Hearing that Li Zhang and Guo Bin were plundering their troops, the whole family immediately fought against the Xiliang army with their shields, regardless of whether they were male or female. After this difficulty, the Nanyang family went to death, and everyone was stunned from then on. Oh sorrow!"

Seeing this, Chen Qun couldn't help but roar, and his right fist struck the heavy case hard. At this moment, he finally understood why Zhang Ji had that look. Nanyang County is a place where a family of great families live together. After this difficulty, the Nanyang family has been killed so many people are almost empty. As the head of the Chen clan in Yingchuan, how can Chen Qun not be sad?

Chen Qun's eyes radiated raging anger, tried his best to suppress the anger in his heart, panting heavily and opened another document. There are only a few lines of words written on it, the handwriting is not very neat, and there are even typos, but it is wide open, silver hooks and iron marks, and it is written by the old man after a hundred battles. "The word tells Zhang Ji: Fan Chou failed to attack Pheasant County, and the army’s grain and grass were only used for three days. In desperation, we ordered the closure of the city gates, looting the whole city for military funding, and boosting morale. After the big rope was completed, I would rate The army went south, attacked Xiangyang, and then seized the nine counties of Jingxiang, thinking of it as a backstop. Nanyang is broken and it is not enough for my brother."

After finally reading it, Chen Qun slowly placed the two documents on the case table, as if they were two Mount Tai. "Li Lai and Guo Bin carried out a large-scale raid and slaughtered more than a hundred families of the Nanyang clan. They have already offended all the aristocratic families in the world! Although Mrs. Zhao Yi also slaughtered 168 of the Guanzhong clan, but that is Conspiracy! These more than a hundred families are in vain, how different from horse bandits and sand thief?"

Zhang Ji sat there quietly, his eyes drooping, his hands twisting his beard, listening to Chen Qun's word by word, he raised his eyes and radiated two bright lights. "The big mistake has been made, I don't know why Brother Changwen taught me?" Upon hearing this, the big rock hanging in Chen Qun's heart fell to the ground with a thud. Zhang Ji has said this sentence twice, and the deep meaning in it is self-evident.

"General Zhang, the world of the big man is the world of the family and the family. Without the support of the family and the family, even if you are the emperor, it is difficult to give orders to the world. If you join Li Wei and Guo Ben at this moment, you can escape the pursuit of Da Sima. Can you kill? Even if you have escaped, can you escape the chasing of the great families of the world? Li Wei and Guo Bang are over! The general must not take chestnuts for others, bear the name of infidelity, and cause future generations to come. I can’t hold my head up. The only plan is to play the banner and go north to crusade against Li Lao and Guo Bang!"

"Just like the emperor's words! Although I, Zhang Ji, came from a rash, I can't do such a thing that people and gods are angry at!" Zhang Ji started shooting the case.

"Enlighten the two bosses, the front is Yuyang County. Shicai received an eagle letter from Boss Zhang, he wants to greet us at the north gate of Yuyang County. His army has a lot of food, grass, and military resources to support us. Half a month long." Hu Feng, Li's nephew, riding on a black horse, crossed his hands respectfully. "Um??? Very good! Brother Zhang is still good! Hahaha! Order the whole army to get off the horse for a while and rest. After a short rest, I will wait to enter the city together!" Li Xi said with a smile on his face. He was just in Wancheng. He had just used four virgins, and then immediately got on the horse and drove for more than a hundred miles. He was feeling a little tired, and he was anxious to rest.

"Wait a minute!" Fang Luoer said Li Hao's voice, only to hear a loud shout from a person behind him. Li Hao frowned and turned around to see that it was Guo Bang. "Hu Feng, give Zhang Ji an eagle letter, let him go out of the city to greet you! The whole army dismounts and rests, the horses are not allowed to unsaddle, and the hands are not allowed to leave the reins. If something happens, you can immediately mount the horse to kill the enemy!" Guo Yan rolled his eyes. , Said with a wave of his right arm.

"This?????? Boss I Guo has something to say!" Li Yi pondered for a moment, waved his hand and said. As the saying goes, knowing people, knowing the face and not knowing the heart, Zhang Ji's subordinates still have more than 20,000 county soldiers, and there are four to five thousand soldiers from Nanyang County. What if someone takes the opportunity to make trouble? Although there is a lot of criticism about Guo Bang's interception of his words and cancellation of his order, this is a trivial matter, so why bother to hurt his peace?

A quarter of an hour later, the north gate of Yuyang City burst open, but no soldiers left the city, and even on the top of the city, there was no one. Seeing this scene, even the Xiliang army, with people and horses everywhere, was a little suspicious. They got up from the ground, jumped on their horses, and started talking in twos and threes. "What's the matter?" "Where is Boss Zhang?"

Just when everyone was suspicious, only one trumpet was heard, and hundreds of flags were raised at the head of Yuyang City. Above the head of the city, a general with a helmet and armour, standing by the sword, was Zhang Ji. "Wuna, Li Zhang, Guo Pun! You and others conspired, raped and burned Wancheng, making Wancheng a piece of nothing! The hundreds of families of Nanyang clan were wiped out! How can I, Zhang Ji, forgive you for such a thing of anger and resentment?"

"Passing orders! The gates were opened wide, the whole army attacked and cut off the heads of Li Su and Guo Bang!" Zhang Ji pointed forward with his right hand and cursed with halberds. When Zhang Ji spoke, Fang Luo'er could only hear the three trumpets banging and banging, smoke and dust billowing from the front, back, left and right, and the brigade came out from all directions! "Chong!" "Kill!" "Don't leave Li Yu, Guo Bang!" "Vengeance for the villagers of Wancheng!"

The more than 20,000 horse bandits and sand thieves under Li Lao, Guo Bin, and Fan Chou started siege, burned, and committed adultery since dawn. They had been busy for most of the day. After only half an hour of rest, they brought big bags and small bags. The child and the looted woman's vehicle went south. Along the way, my feet were numb, and when I saw tens of thousands of soldiers and horses coming out, I was immediately panicked. They raped and burned in Wancheng just for the gold leaf children. Once their pockets bulged up, they were reluctant to fight to the death. Seeing that the situation was not good, she immediately threw down the women's vehicle, a group of three, a group of five, and staring in one direction, the soles of their feet were smeared.

Only Li Hao, Guo Bang, and Fan Chou's thousands of pro-army troops did not disperse, drew out their weapons, and kept the three of them rushing around. Seeing that the more the beating, the fewer the people, the county soldiers under Zhang Ji were fighting desperately. Li Hao looked around on the horse, and he saw Zhang Ji’s foot riders everywhere. He couldn't help sighing, "I miss me Li Hao. I have been in the world for several years, but I didn't want to but turned the boat in the gutter!"

Having said that, he slapped and pulled out the 100-refined steel ring around his waist with the first cut, and he was about to choke himself to death. Just at this critical moment, an arm tightly held his right hand, and Li Xi fixed his eyes, and it turned out to be Fan Chou. "Boss Li, victory or defeat is a matter of the military! The soldiers under our command are still there, come with me, let's go!" Fan Chou said with sweat. "Where are you going? Zhang Ji's military horses are everywhere, so I can't get out!" Li Zhang said with a frustrated face. Fan Chou desperately tried his best to rescue, he was very grateful.

"Go there! To the northeast, Guo Bang is there, and he is about to rush out!" Fan Chou said with a finger.

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