New Story of Lv Bu

: : Reduce meals and withdraw pleasure in order to use the country

On October 19th, at the hour of the hour, the capital of the Han Dynasty, Luoyang City, Nangong, Xuanming Hall, and Dongnuan Pavilion.

Empress Dowager Tang Ji leaned on the thick pillows and watched the twins Liu Xi and Liu Ming, the eldest son, play in the room. After breaking away from the turbulent and wandering life of the past, Tang Ji's mood improved a lot, and it was reflected in her face when she was in a good mood. The former thin body gradually became slim, and the original face of melon seeds also gradually became rounded.

Tang Ji was originally a beauty embryo, otherwise he would not have been favored by Emperor Xiaohuai, and would dominate the private room alone. After more than two years of raising, Tang Ji has completely transformed into a beauty. Her figure is still as graceful as in the past, with a full grip on her chest, like a girl, and her white skin has become more crystal clear, as if it can be broken by a bomb. He had black hair, and he wore a bun indiscriminately, and hung loosely behind him. A pair of smart and soft eyes, like dots of paint, exudes strong maternal love and coquettishness.

In the past two years or so, the Nangong Xuanming Hall has almost become her bedroom. During the dynasty, she always showed up with her elder son Liu Ming to show her intention to take charge of the country. Tang Ji was originally very clever. In this period of time, although she never expressed her opinion as usual, this did not mean that she did not understand. To what extent the great Han's state is, what Da Sima and Mrs. Zhao Yi are doing, in the court, which is the first, which is the last, and how much food, military salaries, and armour battles are lacking, she is clear in her heart.

In Su Rili, Yan Yan, Ling Hao, and Wen Ji often came to visit her. When she sat and chatted with them, she also understood a lot of truths, such as people, nobles and nobles, clarification of officials, severe punishment of corruption, and suppression of mergers. She still knows it. She also knows a little bit about the party disputes in the court and the intricate relationships between the aristocratic families, so she still admires Madam Zhao Yi very much. Especially with all these things that happened recently, Zhao Qian rebelled and induced Cao Mengde to raid Luoyang. She was even more excited and admired.

"Queen dowager, this is a new winter coat. It was sent by Mrs. Zhao Yi specially instructed by someone to send it. Please try it on the queen mother to see if the style is satisfactory." Liu E took a light step from the screen. Walked out from behind. She has a full palace outfit, with a jasper hairpin on her head, and a huge cat-eye ring on her hand. At first glance, she is graceful and luxurious, and she is not beautiful.

"Oh." Tang Ji raised her eyes and glanced at the two brothers and sisters who were playing on the thick carpet, and then she grew up.

The winter clothes Liu E said were actually two heavy camphor wood boxes, carried in by a dozen strong female soldiers. For women, especially young women in the young season, the temptation of beautiful clothes is irresistible. As soon as the two lids were opened, Tang Ji couldn't help covering her mouth with her hand, and yelled softly, with surprise in her voice, which was an expression of extreme shock.

Two large wooden boxes were filled with clothes, silk, linen, satin, and fur. In addition, there are a dazzling array of jewelry, gems, pearls, emeralds, gold and silver headdresses, and even a gorgeous phoenix crown, each of which is beautiful. The maids who were attending on the left and right were extremely clever. When they saw the queen mother said this, they knew she was very happy, so they quickly took out these clothes and jewelry and placed them on the table and wooden shelves for viewing. "Please try on the queen mother!" The palace girls stepped back and said.

When Tang Ji accompanied Emperor Xiaohuai, Taishi Dong had already been in power. Although the worship of Emperor Xiaohuai was not shabby, it was not much better. For Tang Ji, those days were like nightmares, she was frightened every day, and she didn't even care about clothes and jewelry. Now that she saw so many clothes and jewelry, Tang Ji couldn't help being a little fascinated. She stood there foolishly, and she was stunned by touching her chin with a tender white finger. The surprise came so suddenly, she couldn't believe it. "Liu E, you pinch me, is this true? Am I in a dream? All these clothes and jewelry are mine?"

"It's yours! It's all yours! The queen mother, it's all yours! You can wear it casually, no one can take it away!" Liu E's face was full of smiles. Looking at these beautiful clothes and jewelry, her heart was full of emotion, thinking about the days spent in Chang'an City in the past, today's good days are like heaven. I'm sorry, the queen mother has never seen so many clothes and jewelry when she grows up. Da Sima and Mrs. Zhao Yi are really nice people! Thinking of this, she couldn't help but hiss.

Liu E turned around, wiped the wet eye sockets with his sleeves, and picked up the fox fur. "Queen dowager, this fox fur is white all over, and it uses the fur of the white fox's armpits. It is said that hundreds of white foxes are needed to get this fox fur! You will have a try, the queen mother!" With that said, Liu E took it easy and put the fox fur on Tang Ji's body.

Facing a tall glass mirror, Tang Ji put on the snow-white fox fur. In the huge glass mirror, there is a charming beauty, with white and crystal skin, a face that can be broken by a blow, and the pair of smart eyes, which is like a fairy daughter. After following Tang Ji for several years, how did Liu E not know her thoughts? She took a pair of jade earrings that were all-over and clear and blue, and gently put them on for Tang Ji, stepped back and took a look, took another white jade hairpin, and gently pulled Tang Ji's hair up. Bun. In an instant, a clean and refined fairy daughter appeared in the glass mirror.

"Queen dowager, dressed like this, you look like Chang'e in the Moon Palace! No! It's three points more soft and elegant than Chang'e." Liu E said with a smile, and she looked into Tang Ji's gaze. Full of love, as if looking at the young daughter who is about to get married. In this way, the two of them were talking and laughing while trying on various clothes and jewelry. They were busy for most of the hour.

"Wow???" a cry suddenly sounded, and it was extremely loud in the empty palace. Tang Ji quickly put down her clothes and jewelry, and hurried over. I saw the princess Liu Ming riding on the eldest son Liu Xi, slapping Liu Xi's **** with her little hand, squeaking and yelling in her mouth while beating. Liu Xi was pressed underneath, kicking on two calves, and two white arms fluttering wildly. A wooden sword lying quietly on the side, it is the real culprit.

Tang Ji hurriedly stepped forward, picked up Liu Ming, gently put it aside, and picked up Liu Xi, and kept touching him with both hands. "My boy, don't cry! Isn't it just a wooden sword? My sister wants it, so you can give it to her! Only such a child is so ferocious, and it will be fine when he grows up? How can I get married? Don't hesitate Just like a female general who can kill the enemy?"

Liu Ming sat on the thick carpet, pinched his waist with two small hands, and looked at his mother with big dribbling eyes, his mouth still babbling. "Good boy, here you are, this is the wooden sword you want, and I will give it to you! Since it is given to you, don't let it go." Liu E splashed the wooden sword and handed it to Liu Ming carefully. Yeah! Liu Ming held the wooden sword and set a fire to burn the sky in a decent manner, squeaking and screaming in his mouth, looking like that, as if he was showing his mother's work.

"Oh! It's all caused by the female general Lingqi! Liu Ming can dance swords at such a young age!" Liu E laughed. "Isn't it? The two daughters of the Da Sima family are the embryos of swordsmanship! Don't think Lingqi is still young, but she is right? The child of Lu Zheng looks like a small calf, he is strong! It's just that! I don’t know if it’s good in the Western Regions? It’s the eldest son Lu An, who looks warm and amiable, and looks a bit like a gentleman from an aristocratic family. Alas, it’s a pity that it's also far away in Youzhou." Tang Ji couldn't help laughing.

"Ms. Zhao Yi strategized, she did several important things in succession without saying a word! How do you think she did it?" Tang Ji asked softly. She did not expect Liu E to answer. Liu E was always cautious and would not express her opinions when she waited. Sure enough, Liu E's face immediately became dignified. She waved her hand gently and swept her eyes, and the palace daughters on the left and right immediately crossed their hands and bowed with interest, and stepped back lightly. This is the iconic action that has something to say between the two.

"Sister Liu, in the last period of time, Da Sinong Zhao Qi and Shao Fu Xun You, by the way, and Da Sima Hu Cao Zhuan Wang Wei, the three have been persuading Da Sima to accept their children when they meet. Why? The treasury is empty and tired of debts. Although it has lost a hundred and sixty-eight families, it can finally take a breath, and it will not go bankrupt now. But the soldiers who died in the battle are compensated, plus the cost of reconstruction, And next year’s spring ploughing, awarding meritorious soldiers, which of these is not costly?"

Tang Ji held the sleeping Liu Xi in her arms, leaned back, lay gently on Liu E's thigh, closed her eyes and said softly. "You mean???" The two have been together for several years, how Liu E didn't know her thoughts, but she still asked carefully. "Sister Liu, donate all those clothes and jewelry. From then on, in addition to the necessary court clothes, I have used wooden hairpin cloth clothes. Sister Yan can use it, and I can use it. The court is in a difficult time, why Sorry to be so expensive?"

Tang Ji bit the index finger of the right hand in the drought's mouth, and there was a pain in her fingertips. Distressed! Two large boxes full of clothes and jewelry are invaluable. Anyone who changes will feel distressed. However, for the future of the two children, it is better to donate. "Alright! Donate, there will be great benefits. Not donating, not only is not good, maybe there will be disadvantages." Liu E replied quietly.

Half an hour later, Liu E came to the Shao Mansion to declare the Queen Mother's edict: successive battles, the people were displaced, the family was destroyed, the court was unable to make ends meet, the treasury was empty, and the family was deeply worried, heartache, and often staying up all night. The clothes and jewelry presented by the Shaofu will be returned to the Shaofu for public auction for the needs of the national treasury. From then on, Ai Jia Muchai clothed clothes, reduced food and withdrawing pleasure, in order to use the country.

In an instant, this imperial edict spread to the ruling and the opposition, and the Chinese were rejoicing, and the prestige of the Empress Dowager Tang increased.

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