New Story of Lv Bu

: : The conclusion is: no swordsmen can be used for five years

At noon on October 19, the capital of the Han Dynasty, Luoyang City, Da Sima Fuzhong, Sitang, Xi Nuan Pavilion.

Mrs. Zhao Yi’s Yan Yan sits on the upper head, with Sikong kind of whisk on the right, Taichang Ma Riqian on the right, and Shaofu Xunyou and Dasinong Zhao Qi on the left of Yan Yan, these four people. In addition, Henan Yin and Dasimahu Cao Zhuan Wangwei were the whole set of decision-making teams left by the Luoyang court in the capital. If you add the Tingwei, Shang Shuling, the secretary of business to Wen Cao Cao Yong, as well as the Guangluxun, the stabbing general, and the shadow of the palm of Ma Zhong, even the intelligence agencies will have them, which can be called a collection of crowns and covers, absolutely. Negotiate signs of major events.

Sure enough, Mrs. Zhao Yi, Yan Yan, called four people to come to discuss a major matter, that is, whether this major battle should be fought again, and how to deal with the aftermath. Since the emperor's edict announced that Sima Lubu was rebellious, Luoyang and Pingyu officially broke up. Over the past six months, the big guys have worked together and finally achieved three victories in succession and secured the victory. However, with the empty treasury, heavy debts, and the ever-increasing supply of military supplies, the civil servants of the Luoyang court have long been troubled.

In today's situation, military commanders want to fight and civilian officials want to make peace. How to deal with it depends on these five people in the front hall.

"In the early morning of yesterday, General Da Sima and Wei led 200,000 foot cavalry, and the Jizhou army in Guancheng raid Yuan Benchu. From Yinshi until noon, they finally won a big victory. The battle was cut and captured more than 100,000 people, Yuan Benchu ​​divided the remnant army. For the three divisions and break through, Da Sima and General Wei are pursuing and suppressing the remnant enemy. A letter from the eagle who has reported victory came, and a letter from Da Sima, handwritten by him. Today, the summoning of the kings is to follow Da Sima asked the monarchs a word, whether this battle can be fought? If it can be fought, how long will it last? If it can not be fought, we must list the reasons one by one so that he can persuade the generals under his command. "

Speaking of this, Yan Yan stopped and gently pushed out the Ying letter for victory and Da Sima's autograph. The maids on the left and right hurriedly stepped forward gently, and handed these two documents to the four of them to watch. Looking at this moment, a delicate and soft-faced maid quickly took out a cup of ginseng soup from the bamboo basket wrapped in thick cotton wool, tested the temperature with a silver spoon, and handed it over.

Yan Yan stretched out her hand to take it, and while sipping the ginseng soup lightly, she looked up at the four people who were concentrating on the paperwork. In these recent days, she has been exhausted, exhausted, and has hurt her origin. Therefore, Zhang Zhongjing specially prepared some medicines for her to strengthen the foundation of the yuan, and instructed her to add it to the ginseng soup. "Now that the overall situation has been set, Madam is going to have a good health and recuperation, and we must not waste her mind any more. Otherwise, it will definitely hurt the fundamental loss of life." Before leaving, Zhang Zhongjing exhorted him.

After a while, the four of them all finished watching. They all dressed up, sat upright, and raised their eyes to Yan Yan.

"Masters, Da Sima’s difficulties, I must all understand. After three great victories, how can we not chase after victory? The thoughts of the generals of Bingzhou, wishing to chase the ends of the world, and send Yuan Benchu, Cao Mengde, and Yuan Gongdao three people. The head of the Xiangshang was cut off, and the six states of Jizhou, Qingzhou, Yanzhou, Xuzhou, Yuzhou, and Yangzhou were determined in one fell swoop. This is also human nature."

"However, the current situation can be seen clearly between the ruling and the opposition. The treasury is empty and debt is heavy. If it hadn't been copied from the 168 families and used their money to buy grain and grass and supply military supplies, the court would have long been there. Can’t hold on anymore. All of you are burdened with a huge burden. Isn’t Wang Kui already so tired that he vomits blood? He has to go to hospital to recuperate. The current situation is that military commanders are fighting, civilian officials are fighting, and the two factions are fighting. I have no prejudice as to how to deal with it. I ask you to speak up!"

Having said that, Yan Yan put down the bowl, raised her eyes, her eyes gleaming, and she swept across the faces of the four people one by one. To be honest, her last sentence is quite debatable. This is a big deal. How can your Madam Zhaoyi be undecided? Is it because you want to push six, two, five, and push all of them to us, so that we can be blamed? Anyone with a discerning eye knows that sooner or later this court belongs to your husband and wife.

Sikong is a veteran of the Five Dynasties. These little tricks are not worth mentioning in his eyes. Moreover, such things have always been pointed out by the Secretary, one by one, please refer to the superior, and it is true at the moment. It's not time for him to speak. Since then, Zhong Siqiang sat there calmly, and continued to drink his tea tastefully, as if the tea was a good wine and good brew.

Chong Sikong was a veteran of the Five Dynasties. Where are the qualifications? Besides, in the period of the first emperor, San Gong was only an official and had no specific responsibilities. His not speaking is also the right meaning of the question. Da Sinong Zhao Qi and Shao Fu Xun You are two old deep-fried dough sticks in the officialdom that have been well-versed in the courts. When they saw this posture, they simply looked at their noses and noses, and learned the old monk to enter the mind. They made up their minds. Spoke up.

Silence, deathly silence shrouded in the hall. On the surface, everyone is doing their own things, drinking tea, meditating, and beating the back of the head one by one. But in their hearts, they are all doing their own little calculations, military commanders want to fight, civilians want to make peace, no matter which side they are on, it is a deal that is damaged and it is definitely not a business. How could it be that everyone was exhausting, until Madam Zhao Yi couldn't hold back her breath, and the big guy rushed forward.

Unexpectedly, this tacit understanding between each other was broken by a stunned boy. "Can't fight anymore! Absolutely can't fight anymore! If you keep fighting, the ordinary people will rebel!" Taichang Ma Rixi spoke in Guanxi dialect and shook his head like a rattle. Alas! Finally someone couldn't hold it, stepped up and showed their attitude, and it was still the words of the big guy! The hand holding the tea cup stopped in the air, Zhao Qi and Xun You suddenly opened their eyes, looking at them like lightning.

"A few months ago, Cheng Xu Shu of Yu Shi Zhong was ordered to patrol the four prefectures of Liangzhou, investigate major and important cases, purge the officials, and appease the people. He started from Dunhuang County, the westernmost part of Liangzhou, and went all the way to the east. The state and land boundary. He and the old man are close friends, and often have correspondence. In Liangzhou, Jiapai is 30%, Sili is 40%, and the state has already reached 50%, all because of the huge military needs and the county treasury. Void, in order not to delay military use, there is only one move. We all know that this is drinking poison to quench thirst, but if we don’t send it, we will not be able to supply rations, salaries, and supplies for the first battle. Needless to say, we won’t even be able to move the army!"

Having said this, Ma Taichang's voice was a little choked, he paused briefly, stabilized his emotions, and then continued. "Fortunately, the people know good and bad, they all say, if there is no big Sima dividing the fields, we still have to pay 80% of the rent? Now the Kwantung coalition forces are coming over, making it clear that they are supporting the family, if they win , The land in our hands is not our own. How about sharing some for Da Sima. Xu Yuanzhi said in his heart that 95% of these additional factions were actually used for military expenditures, and there were very few embezzlements by state and county officials. Few. However, it is fine to send occasionally. What about two or three years?"

Ma Taichang's words came to an abrupt end. There are many profound meanings in this passage of his words, which need to be savored carefully. After a while, the great Sinong Zhao Qi spoke. Da Sinong is an important position in charge of the country's finances. Ma Taichang has spoken, how can he sit still? "This battle really can't be fought anymore! Just for military supplies, it costs five thousand catties of gold a day! Even if the war is ended within a month, there will be no recovery in five or six years! I don’t know if chai rice is expensive."

Having said this, Zhao Qi closed his mouth wisely, and his speech also stopped abruptly. I don't know that Chai Migui is not in charge, and he is talking about those generals who are clamoring to fight to the end, especially the generals of Bingzhou. Speaking to this level, he believes that Madam Zhao Yi can understand, and naturally there is no need to say the rest of the words. It is useless to say more, and it will cause trouble, why bother?

"What Ma Taichang and Zhao Danong said! This battle really can't go on!" At first glance, both of them expressed their attitudes, and Xunyou, the young mansion, did his part. At its peak, the income of the private wealth management organization of the Imperial Guard of the Shao Mansion was far more than that of the Da Sinong. Since Da Sima entered Luoyang, Shaofu has almost become the second great farmer, and Xun You has made great contributions to the continuous transfer.

"Although the Shaofu has no additional factions, there is nowhere to add them, but the treasury is empty. In order to win this battle, the Shaofu has advanced its income for the next five years, so it's almost impossible to sell iron! Even now Just stop, there is no five or six years, seven or eight years, and it is absolutely impossible to recover. The most important thing is that within five or six years, such a large-scale battle will never be fought again! Moreover, the Western Regions will still I opened a hole, I don’t know when I’m going to answer, so I have to keep some family background, right?"

The three of them had finished speaking, and this time it was Sikong's turn to speak. Kindly put down the tea cup without hurriedly, and straightened up. "The three are very reasonable, and the old man feels the same. The court has three such capable and cadres, which is really a great blessing! In the opinion of the old man, if he said that he should stop fighting immediately, the state generals would definitely not agree. Yes! How could it be like this. If the three count as one, can you speak in another way. For example, 50,000 people will get one year, or 100,000 people will get three months? What do you think?"

"This is great!" Xun You and Zhao Qi immediately took out a small abacus from the arms of the sea, crackled it for a while, and then the two bit their ears again, then they raised their heads and replied in unison. . "One hundred thousand people, three months, sixty thousand people, two years, absolutely no problem! Even if we sell iron, we both promise to do it! The condition is that no swords and soldiers will be used within five years!"

"Okay! Let's take care of it like this! Immediately believe the conclusion of this court meeting to Da Sima!" Yan Yan said in a few moments.

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