New Story of Lv Bu

: : The thief dare you! I will kill it myself!

"What's the condition of the old Patriarch and Patriarch? Please tell me the two geniuses!" Looking at Zhang Zhongjing and Hua Tuo, who were hurriedly walking over with sad faces, Ma Taichang walked a few steps and asked respectfully. At this moment, Ma Taichang was also reluctant to be polite, and came to Wang's family to report the funeral. Unexpectedly, Lao Wang Shu and Wang Wei and his son would vomit blood together, and he was already anxious.

If the report of the funeral became a real funeral, and Lao Wang Shu and Wang Wei and his son died, Ma Taichang would become the number one star in the sky, and he would be extremely unhappy. Alas! Why am I here? Why the next chore of Tianzihao? At the thought of the frightening expressions of the assassin general Ma Zhong and the court officer Cao Yong, Ma Taichang immediately felt regretful.

Ugh! Ma Rixiong, Ma Rixiong, because you are still the veteran of the Five Dynasties in your dynasty, why didn’t you see the depth clearly?

"After all, the old Patriarch is old, and his health is not good. Su Rili relied on his breath to support himself. Today I suddenly heard about the sad news of Wang Situhe’s family death. I was shocked and angry and anxious. I vomited three mouthfuls of blood in a row, and the loss was too much, I am afraid that it will not last a few days! The Wang Shijun was too worried, and he has exhausted his source long ago. If he is good for life from now on, there is still a chance."

After all, Zhang Zhongjing has served as the prefect of Changsha, and he can be regarded as an old official in the officialdom. He still leaves a lot of room for his words. As for the overtones, it’s up to Matthew to experience it carefully. Upon hearing this, Ma Taichang was shocked immediately. Although Zhang Zhongjing spoke extremely tactfully, he still heard the overtones. Lao Wang Shu and Wang Wei were afraid that they would not survive for a few days! The difference is that Lao Wang Shu can't survive for a few days, and Wang Kui still has a glimmer of life. How can this be good?

Frightened, Ma Tai often raised his eyes and looked at Hua Tuo. Compared with Master Zhang's sophisticated and smooth, Master Hua was still a straightforward person. Hua Tuo has always practiced medicine among the people and has never been an official. This is what he regretted throughout his life. Seeing Ma Taichang's inquiry, he immediately shook his head like a rattle. "The old Patriarch's illness must be resolved within three days. As for the Patriarch, there is at least one month to live. If you want to be completely cured, in addition to the power of the medicinal stone, you must also calmly maintain your health. Difficult! It is really difficult! "

The words of Doctor Hua were indeed much more straightforward than those of Doctor Zhang. He had already made it very clear that Lao Wang said that he would die within three days, and Wang Wei had one month to live. The so-called first-line vitality is to be more open and mindful to heal the sick. But within a few days, both my brother and father died. You told him to rest in peace. How can this be done? In this way, things are already a foregone conclusion.

Matthew often heard the words of the two genius doctors clearly and clearly. There are good and bad things about this matter. The worry is that the king of Taiyuan lost the three pillars one after another within a few months. Fortunately, he did not die immediately, at least for a few days. Thinking of this, he hurriedly said: "The words of the two genius doctors, my Ma Rixi will keep in mind! I have asked the two genius doctors to bother me in the past few days! I will go to see Mrs. Zhao Yi, and there will be soon. Thank you. The two genius doctors please rest in the mansion for the time being these few days."

As soon as he finished speaking, Matthew once again bowed to salute, then got up, sighed, strode away and hurried away.

"It turned out to be such a situation? What a pity!" After listening to Ma Taichang's words, Madam Zhaoyi's Yan Yan's face immediately turned black like the bottom of a pot. Lao Wangshu was the head of the Taiyuan royal family and one of the strong supporters of the great Sima Lubu. Wang Kui was the current patriarch of the Taiyuan royal family and the most powerful financial management minister in the dynasty. The two people suddenly died. Will shock the world.

"This is the end of the matter, what's the benefit of saying nothing? In the opinion of the veteran, Madam Zhao Yi should prepare early. The most important thing at the moment is to do everything, and the veteran has already ordered the two genius doctors to stay." Ma Taichang sighed and spoke. Exhorted. He is a sincere gentleman, always insisting on standing upright, and he doesn't have so many twists and turns in his heart. Looking at Mrs. Zhao Yi's face, she thought she was going to die for Lao Wang Shu and Wang Kui. Thinking of their hard work in the past, she couldn't help but secretly saddened her, and quickly spoke of comfort.

Seeing the sincere look on Ma Taichang's face, Yan Yan couldn't help being secretly funny. Ma Taichang was worthy of being an honest gentleman who did not notice any conspiracy. "Ma Taichang, you are doing a good job! I am very relieved. Then, this matter, you are solely responsible for this. You can go to Henan Yin's mansion again to see what else Wang Shu has in mind. His old man is the pillar of the imperial court. When he is dying, if he has any wish, as long as it can be achieved, the imperial court will agree to it! As for shirts, funerals, etc., it is also the meaning of the question, mine. It means, we must be generous, and we must do it well!"

"No! The old minister is going to do it! These few days, the old minister has been resting in Henan Yin's mansion!" Ma Taichang replied.

Seeing Ma Taichang's back, Yan Yan's frowning brows finally let go, she sighed, and her voice stretched out. "Come here, bring my ginseng soup? These few days have been worn out, and I feel that my spirit is not as good as before." "No!" The maid on the left and right promised. After a while, a maid in palace dress flashed behind the screen, her skirt was still, and she brought a bowl of warm ginseng soup.

Yan Yan picked up the silver spoon, plunged into the ginseng soup for a moment, and took it out to see that it was still silver before she picked up the ginseng soup and drank it carefully. Between ten and a month, all the three pillars of the Wang family in Taiyuan fell. The former top giant in Bingzhou will finally be silent for a while. Without the constraints of Wang Situ, many major policies can be implemented smoothly. For the court, It is really a happy event. In the future, the positions of the three males and nine princes must be handled well, and they must definitely be chosen carefully.

After this turmoil, Zhong Sikong must have already started to retreat. If I hadn't expected it, then, within a month, Zhong Sikong would definitely be going to beg his bones. Huangfusong is a family of generals, and he is not very old, and he can continue to be a lieutenant for a few years. Ma Taichang is an upright gentleman who never engages in conspiracy and tricks. He is completely qualified for the post of Sikong. However, who is the post of Situ Do it? Also, among the Jiuqing, there should always be some changes, right? Should Hangul Yue and Zhang Yan be released or sealed?

After thinking about it for a while, Yan Yan put down the soup bowl in her hand and looked to the southeast.

Her eyes passed through heavy fog, as if she saw Guancheng Daying. Bong first, at this moment, are you well?

"The thief dare you! I will kill it myself!" Lu Bu hit the case, a strong force gushing out of the limbs, and hit a huge hardwood case into a pile of sawdust! With a loud noise, the sawdust flying in the Chinese army's big tent suddenly formed a cloud of mist. Amidst the flying sawdust, an eagle letter soared into the air, and then fluttered in the air for a while before it fell to the ground.

This eagle letter was sent from Pheasant County in Nanyang County, Jingzhou. It was autographed by Nanyang prefect Yan Kuan. The letter described in detail the rebellion of the generals in Xiliang. "Seeing that the Xiliang Army's military discipline was so bad, and Xu Longxiang was so ill that he couldn't control it, he was furious?????? ordered the corrupted military discipline to be handed over?????? Xu Longxiang rushed to the new field in the starry night, calming the army. ."

"However, Wang Situ did not hesitate to speak, so that the news leaked?????? Li Su, Guo Bang, and Fan Chousui made up their minds to create chaos??? I negotiated with Chen Changwen and made it speedy. Quickly rushed to Zhang Jijun, telling Zhang Ji?????? Li Lao and Guo Bang deceived the opening of the city gate, Situ Gong, the eldest son Wang Gai, the second son Wang Jing, and the youngest son Wang Ding, were all killed??? ??? Fan Chou rated five thousand fine horses and attacked Pheasant County with the intent of plundering food and grass to prepare for the need to escape?????? ??? Li Chang and Guo Bang plundered Wancheng, slaughtered more than a hundred Nanyang families, and then immediately led their troops to the south, intending to capture Xiangyang?????? Chen Changwen told Zhang Ji and Zhang Xiu's nephew to ambush Li in Yuyang anyway. Nai, Guo Bang?????? In a hurry, Li Na and Guo Bang were defeated, and the looted gains were not saved. Horse bandits, sand thief, Xing San?????? Li Na and Guo Bang fled to Yuzhou. ."

This eagle letter from Yan Dalang was made after consulting a person who understands it, carefully considering each sentence. Between the lines is the spring and autumn brushwork, which is both positive and negative, which fully demonstrates Wang Situ's incompetence. At the same time, he speaks his own merits fully. Between the words, they appear flat and straightforward, without the slightest taste of ugliness. Humph! My dear brother-in-law, at the critical moment, it depends on my Yan Dalang! Don't watch you beat us Yan Dalang on the board, but I am commendable for being loyal to you!

After all, Lu Bu was a person who had gone through many winds and waves. After his anger, he immediately became sober, and the anger in his heart seemed to disappear with the wind with the sky full of wood chips. According to common sense, Wang Situ supervised Nanyang, it is very easy to make merits, as long as he sits in Nanyang, guarantees the army's first battle, rushes in front of the battle, and has his own Xiliang generals. Unexpectedly, I stabbed such a big basket! If Yan Kuan's words are correct-forgive him and dare not lie-bad things are worse than Wang Situ's urgency!

"Which one is the nearest Jingqi? How far is it from here?" Lu Bu turned around and asked loudly. "The most recent are the four thousand tigers under General Dianwei, as well as the eight hundred private soldiers under Xu Chu's general. Before the expedition, Da Sima had replenished four thousand posts for him, and now he is also included in the tigers. These eight. Thousand Tiger Ben, chasing and destroying the remnant enemy nearby." Replied, arching his hands from left to right.

"Give my order! To transfer these eight thousand tigers back, I will take them to Yuzhou and cut off the heads of Li Lai and Guo Ben!" Lu Bulang said. "Nuo!" The entourage of the soldiers suddenly agreed and went away in a stride. As soon as he walked out of the Central Army's big tent, the Junhou looked around and quickly beckoned to call a dub. "Quickly report to General Wei that Li Wei, Guo Bang, and Fan Chou rioted in Wanxian and killed Wang Situ Man. They are now fleeing towards Yuzhou. In his anger, Da Sima will personally lead his troops to pursue them."

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