New Story of Lv Bu

: : Talking about Situ

There is no impermeable wall in the world, from the size of the court to the kennel of ordinary people. The people of this dynasty, especially the people of Luoyang City, the capital of the Han Dynasty, are most concerned about the movement between the ruling and the opposition, such as the movement of the giants in the dynasty, and what new measures the court has taken, similar to Da Sima’s "new taxation". Such things are all the talks of the people in Luoyang.

Luoyang was the capital of the Han Dynasty, and the most powerful city in the world in this dynasty. The people who lived and lived in Luoyang were naturally prosperous and proud. Among the countless large and small cities in the world, Luoyang City is the closest to the emperor and the closest to the political center. The people of Luoyang who grew up in this environment naturally have an innate sense of pride. Look! I have seen the emperor with my own eyes! Compared with the hillbillies who live in the remote countryside, the people of Luoyang City are very proud!

Since Da Sima entered Luoyang, the government and the opposition have been completely renewed by eliminating the evil government and clarifying the administration of officials. What delights the people of Luoyang most is that the court is very open in the way of speaking. The officials and the people are never convicted of speaking. Are you not willing to talk about current affairs? There is a newspaper, and everything you want to know is on it. As a result, the people's addiction to discussing current affairs will naturally increase.

It is the habit of the people in Luoyang to care about politics more than the lace news between the lanes and alleys.

At noon today, a major incident occurred in the Grand Sima Mansion. Wang Situhe's family was killed. In the anger of Sikong, he opened his mouth and vomited a big mouthful of blood, almost not giving up his old life. This incident spread throughout Luoyang City in an instant, and the people who heard the news spontaneously imitated the "Yuedan Commentary", gathered in groups of three or five, and discussed the situation in detail.

In a small wine shop, dozens of people are chatting, their eyes are on the two people in the middle.

"I said, old and young men, did you hear that? Wang Situ and his three sons were killed together!" said a forty-year-old man. "Got it! I knew it a quarter of an hour ago! The five brothers of the brother-in-law of Uncle Inuzi's third kid's eldest aunt were working in the Da Sima Mansion, and he passed it down. Alas! Wang Situ's death is worthless! I Look at that, I think at the beginning, Da Sima shouldn't take down the wolf-hearted Xiliang army!" said a man dressed like a rich businessman.

"No! No!" The clean man shook his head like a rattle. He took a sip of wine in time, then put down the bowl and continued. "At the time, Da Sima retreated to the Xiliang Army in order to quickly stabilize the situation. The big guy thinks about it carefully, what was the situation at that time? There are tigers outside and a pack of wolves inside. If you don’t quickly stabilize the inside, the big guy will still Can I have tea here quietly? The Kwantung Allied Forces have called here long ago! When these tortoises and grandchildren fight here, it will be bloody!"

"Also!" "This is a very good remark!" Upon hearing this, the surrounding spectators immediately spoke in support. This man was right, if it hadn't been for Da Sima to quickly level the Xiliang army with his tough hands, he would still have to fight for a while. "To talk about the rebellion this time, in the final analysis, Situ is really self-inflicted! Why? The kings listened to me carefully." The clear man bought a pass, raised his slightly morose eyes, and scanned it. Circle. "My wine is okay, use mine! It's an excellent Zhao wine!" Someone beside him finally couldn't help it. He picked up the wine jar on his table and gently filled the man with a bowl, which was quiet. sit down.

"Good wine!" When the clear man heard that it was Zhao Jiu, he immediately opened his eyes and smiled. He picked up the wine bowl and took a big swig, and a strong smell of alcohol immediately filled the room. "When Da Sima was still the head of the village in Wuyuan County, his only reliance was the strict administration of his father-in-law. Later, due to fate, he became a Bingzhou pastor, but the major families in Bingzhou refused to accept him. What should I do? Nothing. Da Sima had no choice but to gritted his teeth and stomped his feet, and went to find the Taiyuan royal family. I don’t know how they talked, but Da Sima promised the Taiyuan royal family any benefits. From then on, the Taiyuan Wang family became the minister of the dragon, and gradually It became the first family of Bingzhou. Now, in Sibianyouliang four prefectures, plus the Western Regions, among all the civil servants, the children of the Wang family account for one-third!"

"Hey! The Wang family is so dazzling? I only know that the Wang family is known as the dynasty. I didn't expect that it accounted for a full one-third of the Manchu civil servants!" The businessman who had been lonely for a long time couldn't help but marvel at the case. "Princess Adele's mother is the girl of the Wang family's first-in-law. With this relationship, the relationship between the Wang family and the second son Lu Zheng is very close. However, the second son expedition to the Western Regions, self-reliant hilltops, the royal family's military power The dream has since been broken. Wang Situ supervised Nanyang to grasp the military power!"

The clear man finally finished speaking. He picked up the wine bowl and drank another sip of wine. He knew that someone who was sensible would pick up the conversation. "To be honest, the Xiliang army didn't say anything about the war, but the military discipline is too bad, no different from horse bandits and sand thief. When Xu Longxiang was not ill, he was very tight on military discipline, so nothing serious happened yet. "The businessman looked at the big guy and said.

"However, Xu Longxiang was ill, and he was seriously ill. As a result, the army of Li Hao, Guo Ben, and Fan Chou graze the sheep. It is said that there are countless cases. Wang Situ wanted to clean up the Xiliang army a long time ago. While dozing off, someone brought a pillow, but his old man didn’t follow it? So, Wang Situ made up his mind and killed the generals of Xiliang and replaced them with the children of the Wang family. In this way, the Xiliang army became Wang Jiajun. However, his thoughts were guessed by Li Hao and Guo Bin, and the two of them thought of treason, and first prepared to persuade Xu Longxiang to agree. What I did not expect was that Xu Longxiang was so angry that Li Hao died. As a younger brother, Liangzi can't solve it completely at this time, and if it doesn't, it's the opposite! In any case, Xu Longxiang died in his hands."

"The next thing, the big guys are all clear. Wang Situ's stealing the chicken is not a counterfeit. Not only was he killed himself, but he also lost his three sons. If I want to say it, I blame Wang Situ for his stubbornness. Temper, the Xiliang army’s head is difficult to pick, everyone knows. You learn from the big Sima, and you constantly transfer in and out of sand mixed with sand, plus the wear and tear on the battlefield, you can swallow it completely in less than a year. Fall out of the Xiliang Army. This is all done! Wang Situhe’s family was killed, and Wang Shijun and Lao Wangshu are also at risk, so it’s not worthwhile!"

The rich businessman in Dian Tuan Mansion finally finished speaking. He slowly sat down and enjoyed a bowl of Zhao wine that others had just brought over.

"Isn't it? When Wang Situ died, Ma Tai often went to Yin's mansion in Henan Province to report for funerals. It is said that the old Patriarch didn't come up in one breath. He vomited three mouthfuls of blood in a row. The spray was so high that it was sprayed on Fang Liang'er! Seeing the old man, Wang Shijun fainted in anger. It is said that two genius doctors Zhang and Hua geniuses personally diagnosed and treated them. It seems that neither father and son can live for a few days! This is the brother-in-law of my third brother. According to his third son, he is in charge of the Yin Mansion in Henan!"

Speaking of this, the clear man gave the businessman a triumphant glance. Look! The third son of the brother-in-law of my third brother is much closer than the five brothers of the brother-in-law of your uncle's third-brother's eldest aunt! Besides, our relatives are still the master book. "Oh! Xiongtai turned out to be an official relative! Disrespect and disrespect! How close we can be in the future!" The businessman arched his hands with a smile on his face.

"Oh! I've seen you, my man! Wang Situ, Wang Shijun, and the old Patriarch, these three people are all Taiyuan Wang's Qingtian Baiyuzhu and Jiahai Zijinliang. They left. , This Taiyuan Wang family is about to decline??????" The clean man pretended to be polite first, and then brought the topic back. "That's right!" The spectators on the left and right nodded one after another.

"The general trend of ancient and modern times, the long time must be combined, the long time must be divided, the Wang family is in decline, and the Yan family is the first family!" The rich man looked around and said with a low voice. "It is said that the reason why the rebellion of the Xiliang generals was able to be quickly quelled depends on the new Nanyang prefect Yan Quanyan Da Lang's strategizing, command Ruo determined, and moved Zhang Ji, and this gave Li Yu Guo Pun a sap! "

"Hey! What's the matter? Xue Weng, please tell me more carefully!" The crowd onlookers were immediately surprised inexplicably.

"The ins and outs of the matter are like this??????" Xue Weng glanced at the clear-cut man triumphantly, and went on.

After a quarter of an hour, the businessman with dough like a rich man finally finished speaking. He picked up the wine and carefully drank a sip of Zhao wine before he came to a conclusion. "Within ten months, all the elders of the Wang family will return to the west. Among the children of the Wang family, the only one who can tell is Wang Han-he is now one of the Jiuqing's servants, Wang Ling, and Wang Jinsan. People, the last two are both prefects."

"Wang Ling, who is a direct child, was inferior to the rising stars of Wang Han and Wang Jin because of the last mutiny incident. Wang Jin was the old boss of Da Sima, Jiuyuan. During the Siege of the city, Wang Jin and Wang Han fought side by side with Da Sima, and both were seriously injured. Da Sima is a passionate man, this love of robe will surely be remembered. On the contrary, Wang Ling It is the son of Guijie, who has a heavy mind. So, in my opinion, the career careers of Wang Jin and Wang Han will be more smoothly than Wang Ling. As a result, the protagonist will decline and the side members will prosper. This The housework of the kings of Taiyuan is not easy to deal with. It has to be easy to break for a while." The businessman sighed, as if there were countless hidden worries in his heart.

"This is it! Taiyuan Wang Family, Situ is also successful, Situ is also defeated, I don't know if it is a blessing or a curse!" The Qingzhu man said loudly. He picked up a half bowl of Zhao wine and poured it down. The dripping water flowed down the corner of his mouth, wet his front breasts, and exuded a strong aroma of wine. "Masters! Don't pass it this way! Today is just chatting, don't take it seriously."

He stood up, took off his hat and put it on his head, and staggered out of this wine shop. After walking for more than a hundred steps, he looked around at no one, and he straightened his body and stopped staggering. The afternoon sun shines on his face, and it looks so peaceful. This person's face looks familiar, full of wisdom and compassion, and it is the virtual bamboo!

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