New Story of Lv Bu

: : Cang Tian will die but not die

Xu Zhuzi straightened his figure, took a big step, and walked along the spacious street straight to the direction of Xijin City in Luoyang City. Wearing a hat on his head, mans shoes, and coarse clothes, he looks like a wild man from a backcountry. He was leaning on a dark iron rod in his right hand, and after decades of holding it, the part of the handle had been polished sharply. This iron rod is made of meteorite iron flying from the sky. Like the beaulieu ring in his hand and the extra-large wine gourd on the back, it was carried by the great sage and mentor Zhang Jiao when he traveled the world in the past. Three treasures to carry. Nowadays, the great virtuous teacher has been dead for many years. In order to inherit the will of his teacher, after the Jindan Avenue has been completed, Xu Zhuzi brought these three treasures back out of the rivers and lakes to preach.

When the great virtuous teacher was alive, especially after he was seriously ill, he often talked to the confidants of the left and right about the experience of monasticism and preaching. There is a passage that has always been regarded as a standard for Xu Zhuo, "Reading thousands of books and traveling thousands of miles, and suffering from hardship, will know the difficulties of the people in the world. Take your own hands and experience all the hardships that the people have experienced. After that, preaching was much easier."

After Xuzhuzi left the customs, Buyimanshoe, with only a few disciples by his side, set off from Jizhou and traveled all over Sibianyouliang four states. Along the way, he treated illnesses and saved people while preaching. It took more than a year before he came to Dahan. The capital of Luoyang City. This more than a year experience has benefited him a lot. Only then did he understand what the great wise mentor said in the past, and after experiencing the suffering of the people, did he know what he thought in his mind. Taiping Qing led the way in the past, with millions of believers. Isn't it because the great wise men helped the world and saved people for more than ten years?

Just like this, I walked along, and after walking for more than half an hour, I turned westward from the Xuanwu Gate of Nangong. After a few miles, the gold market was in sight. In the magnificent Luoyang city, the gold market is the largest commercial market. There are many shops here. As long as you have silver in your hand, you can buy everything from all over the world. There are more than a hundred thousand people who come in and out every day. Greatly hidden in the city, the sub-rudder of Taiping Road in Luoyang City is located in the golden city, in an inconspicuous Taoist temple.

The virtual bamboo came swiftly and walked through the streets and alleys, turning around and turning, and finally came to the gate of that small Taoist temple. This is a courtyard with five fronts and backs. It occupies a small area, but it is more specific and small, with winding paths and secluded paths. I don't know who designed it. He planned the small space extremely carefully. In addition to the usual temple, there was a small garden.

As soon as Xu Zhuzi came to the Taoist Temple, the disciples who had been waiting for a long time saw it immediately. They suppressed the joy on their faces. Some rushed to the backyard to report the news, and some came forward to guide them through various reasons. Xu Zhuzi nodded to them, followed them to the backyard, walked through three gates, and after two hidden gates, he walked down more than a hundred steps and came to a large hall covering a very large area. Among the two walls, more than ten torches burned with hula la, and it was obvious that the ventilation of this hall was excellent.

"Let’s see the leader! Respectfully ask the leader to ascend and teach the doctrine!" With a shout, hundreds of strong and powerful men bowed their heads in the hall, leaned over and bowed, and the leader was the long-lost Bodhisattva. He and Wang Xian are now the two commanders in charge of the educational affairs of Si Li. Xu Zhuo didn't say much. He nodded and gestured slowly forward, walking towards the throne on the high platform facing north and south. The throne was all made of red sandalwood and there were nine golden dragons coiling on it, which looked quite imposing.

"Everyone, get up. I have been ignoring the teaching affairs for several years since I entered the gate to meditate on the Jindan Avenue. Sili is the site of the Union State Army. The preaching is very difficult, so I specially selected it. Bodhi He and Wang Xian, the two commanders, presided over the overall situation. Now I have completed the Golden Core Road, traveled around the world, spread the doctrines, guided the elites in the education, and spent more than a year in the cold and summer. I am fortunate to be here today, Everyone has hundreds of congregations, and the prosperity of Sili’s teaching affairs is due to the achievements of the two commanders, Bodhi and Wang Xian! Come, come, let us raise a glass and live for the two commanders!” Talk 1 After speaking, Xu Zhuo raised the wine cup and said.

"Shoushou Qu Shuai!" "Shou Qu Shuai!" "Shou Qu Shuai!" In the hall, hundreds of people raised their wine cups together and said loudly, with a crash, the ceiling shook the ceiling. A piece of dust fell from the upper puff. However, hundreds of people didn't care, and together with Xu Zhuo, they drank a bowl of Zhao Jiu. Both Bodhi He and Wang Xian flushed with excitement, and were already at a loss. "The world's congregation is prosperous, the great teacher of Lai is blessed by the spirit of heaven, the teacher of Zhonglai is planning, and all the congregations are united in one heart. The little merit of the two of me is really not worth talking about! Come on, let me wait for it! The lord's birthday!"

"We live for the great virtuous teacher!" Xu Zhuzi smiled slightly, raised the wine bowl again, and gently poured the entire bowl of Zhao wine on the ground. "We live for the great virtuous teacher!" "We live for the great virtuous teacher!" "We live for the great virtuous teacher!" Hundreds of people splashed the awful Zhao wine in their hands to the ground as a memorial service. The spirit of the great wise teacher in the sky, in an instant, the rich aroma of wine immediately filled the entire hall. Hundreds of people have solemn expressions and sad expressions on their faces, chanting scriptures in their mouths.

After a while, everyone prayed, and then they all sat down, raised their eyes, and looked at the Xuzhu intently.

"It hasn't been such a grand occasion for a long time, the old man is really a little booed, I teach someone to succeed! Let us remember the oath of the great virtuous teacher before his students: for the sky is dead, the yellow sky is standing, the age is in Jiazi, the world is prosperous! Under the blessing of the Spirit of Heaven, the virtuous teacher fortifies his body and mind, works hard to preach, devotes his life to the Taiping Qing leader, and waits for the arrival of the next Jiazi."

The corners of Xu Zhuzi's eyes were a little moist, he lifted his sleeves, gently wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, and said loudly.

"Nine percent of the elites of this sect died in the great battle ten years ago. All the monarchs present here, ninety percent of them are the congregants who have recently joined the sect. , And even the teachings are not very familiar. Not only you are like this, but the whole world is like this. This is the reason why I patrol the world, spread the doctrine, and answer questions with the monarchs..."

Having said that, Xu Zhuo paused for a while, then continued. "When I was discussing the doctrines with the elites in Jizhou, some religious people asked me in public:'Now that the leader's Jindan Avenue has been completed, why not dive directly into the palace and directly cut off the head of the king of Chaozhong? Revenge for the great sage and mentor and the elites who died in the **** battlefield. Isn’t this a hundred, come more easily?”” At this point, Xu Zhuo stopped his mouth, raised his eyes, and looked at everyone’s faces one by one. Swept over. Hundreds of people were full of solemn faces and their eyes widened. Although there was no answer, looking at the expressions on their faces, it was obvious that I felt very sorrowful and very agree with them.

"This sentence is a very good question. I am afraid that 70% to 80% of the monarchs in this room think the same way. However, my answer is: No! Why? According to the doctrine of Taiping Qing Lingdao, the ultimate The purpose is to destroy the heavens and establish another yellow sky! And this is to be done by millions of religious congregations all over the world. In this way, Fanghetian Dao, the yellow sky that is erected in this way is the one where millions of religious congregations stand together. Yes! Naturally, the blessings of Huang Tian can be enjoyed by millions of church members, and I am not exclusive to Xuzhu."

"Furthermore, the way of heaven is constant, and the damage is more than enough to make up for the deficiencies. There is also a saying: the way of heaven is unfair, and everything is regarded as a dog. These two sentences are recorded in the "Tai Ping Qing Ling Shu". At first glance, this The two sentences seem to be contradictory, is it impermanence of the heavens? In fact, it is the compassionate side of the heavens to damage the more than the deficiencies. To treat all things like a dog is the ferocious side of the heavens. The two are the real thing. The way of heaven. Then, when is the way of heaven be merciful, and when is it fierce? Without it, the way of heaven is just for people!"

Hearing this, some of the church members finally couldn't help it. He stood up and shouted loudly. "According to the teacher's intention, the great wise teacher raised his army in the past years. Isn't it a destiny? According to this statement, I will simply settle my destiny and go home and be a farmer honestly. What else to participate in the peace road?" "This remark is great!" Upon hearing this, dozens of people immediately clamored together.

"No! No! In the "Tai Ping Qing Ling Shu", this issue was explained in detail. Since ancient times, where there is righteousness, there must be evil, and when there are heavens, there is a demon king. The heavens and the demon king are completely opposed. It is Huang Tian that the heavens support, and the heaven that the demon king supports. The great sage mentor saw that the heaven is about to die, and then he raised his troops. If the demon king wants to protect the heaven, he will use the thunderbolt means, treating us and other beings like dogs. The heavens will die, not dead, so the great wise and mentor made his heroic sacrifices, taught the crowds to lay a million corpses, shed blood for thousands of miles, and taught me a catastrophe. However, because of the blessings of the heavens, my religion has returned to prosperity. So much so that today."

"The so-called shuntian responds to people, compliant, it is the yellow sky, not the sky! Respond to people, deserve it, is the heart of this world! Wait until one day, the people's grievances boil, the mountains and rivers are broken, that day, I teach When the army is re-emerged! The sky will die, but I teach is born, the sky will die but not die, and there is the disaster of my teaching elite who shed blood for thousands of miles and blood, and Lu Bu and the Bingzhou army turned out to save the devil. As for the year and month of the next Jiazi, I still don’t see it yet. What I can see is that this day will come eventually. I don’t know if it will be twelve years or one hundred and twenty years. In the final analysis , It will definitely come."

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