New Story of Lv Bu

: : Baiyun Canggu, a hundred years in an instant

Having said this, Xu Zhuzi's voice became agitated, and his voice was full of sincerity and compassion. "Masters, let us recite the scriptures together, and in devout prayers, take a look at the fate of my teaching people in the next few decades! Only when we understand our life’s destiny can we pick up death in a pool of blood. The hero's weapon, wipe off the blood, and continue to move forward angrily!"

A long series of scriptures spouted from Xu Zhuzi's mouth. His long and gentle voice, full of endless compassion and endless piety, listened to everyone's ears like Huang Zhongda Lu, which made people feel relaxed and happy. Following the sound of Xuzhu, hundreds of people in the hall closed their eyes and sat upright, reciting the long and agitated scriptures together religiously.

In an instant, the entire hall was enveloped in an atmosphere of solemn grief and indignation. Everyone spread their hands, palms up, and their mouths religiously chanted the scriptures of the Taipingqing leader. With the pleasant chanting, everyone seems to have entered a mysterious and mysterious spiritual realm. Their faces are full of piety and holiness, like a child who has been away from home for many days longing to see his mother. . Finally, they read the climax of the scripture, and with the sonorous rhythm, an illusion appeared before their eyes. It started like lightning, and the key moments in my life flashed in front of my eyes one by one.

Of the hundreds of people present here, everyone seems to have seen their own life of displacement. When they were young, they saw their brothers, sisters, neighbors and elders die miserably, or died of starvation, or died of plague, or died. In the war, or died under the tyranny of the family. After adulthood, I sweat and sweat every day, do cows and horses, eat pigs and dogs. In addition, I have to endure the pain of wives and ions, wives and children are looted by the family and sold. The distant place pays off the land rent.

At this moment, everyone shed tears. Large drops of tears fell from their eye sockets, like beads with a broken thread, dripping on their own clothes, in an instant. Wet a large piece. At this moment, everyone here is immersed in boundless sadness, as if a big rock is pressed in their hearts, and they can't breathe.

Suddenly, a voice rang from the depths of everyone's soul. "The sky is dead, the yellow sky is standing, and the age is in Jiazi, the world is prosperous!" The voice was so sincere and compassionate that people could hear it, and blood boiled. Just like the drums of Hong Zhong Dalyu and Rumble, everyone immediately jumped up with the excitement. They picked up the hoe, fastened the straw ropes on their shoes, and burned their only doghouse. Hina, put on the cart and gathered together from all directions.

The banners were like the sea, and the people were like a tide. The iron crutch in the hands of the leader Xu Zhuzi pointed forward suddenly, and the world’s millions of Taiping Qing leaders shouted, and there was another trouble. With the world as the chessboard and a team of 10,000 as chess pieces, millions of Yellow Turbans fought with the government's army. With dazzling swords and guns, arrows covering the sky, the Han family's army is well-equipped and well-trained, and began a **** massacre. The yellow turban troops kept retreating, and their heads crashed to the ground, blood splattered and blood flowed.

Everyone clearly saw that they were in the yellow turban team, braving the arrows to cover the sky, watching their relatives and friends fall down one by one, groaning in pain. , Crushed the steel teeth, clenched the wooden stick and sickle in his hand, and fought bloodily with the officers and soldiers. But there are too many officers and soldiers, just like leeks, there is one crop after one crop.

I don't know how long they have been fighting together, or how many years have passed. On the battlefield, the dead in yellow robes looked at each other on the head of the corpse. The wooden stick in his hand had long been broken, and the sickle had already been chopped up. Everyone's Ou was wearing rough clothes and exhausted his strength, but the officers and soldiers killed more and more. Forget it, just give up like this and let me sleep for a while, even a short while.

Just when everyone was desperate and wanted to give up, they heard a loud thunder in the sky, and a **** of hundreds of feet appeared. He is holding an iron rod in his hand, a beaunch ring on his fingers, and a huge wine gourd on his back. He is full of arrogance, and his eyes are full of cold light, which is enough to look at the world and frighten ghosts and gods. He is not a great mentor. Zhang Jiao, who is it?

"I, the great wise teacher Zhang Jiao, is still a great Luo Jinxian now! How can I watch my people suffer? I will lead you to break the sky and establish another yellow sky! Only people with firm beliefs can make peace. I'm in the immortal class together!" Fang Luo'er said, Zhang Jiao stretched out his hand, and the showers descended from the sky, directly on the cultists who were fighting fiercely.

The rain was like a silent drizzle of moisturizing things, and in an instant, it was submerged in the bodies of the Taoist practitioners of Taipingqing. A burst of blooming breath rushed down from the top of everyone's head like the essence, and the horrible and powerful soup entered the dantian, and everyone immediately healed from their old injuries and was full of energy. Their hearts are high in fighting spirit, as if they have endless killing intent.

"The sky is dead, and the yellow sky will stand! The age is in Jiazi, the world is prosperous!" After receiving the blessing of the great sage teacher Zhang Jiao, hundreds of thousands of the yellow turban teachers immediately gave birth to dragons and tigers, like a pack of wolves and beasts. They picked up the sickle and stick in their hands, and rushed towards the Han official army when they were crazy. They counted one as ten, and ten as a hundred. In an instant, they killed the official army and the blood flowed into the river.

The trumpet of victory sounded for the first time, with flags like the sea and the setting sun like blood, and all the church members cheered loudly, leaping for joy, and celebrating the hard-won victory. Suddenly, the picture turned, green hills and green waters, oxen and grey dogs, a peaceful scene, the returning soldiers drank big bowls, ate big pieces of meat, clamoring loudly, talking about the old things, and the wife hugged the baby, happy. Sit aside. In the melodious sound of silk and bamboo, many people saw themselves sitting above the clouds. In the magnificent palace, we are drinking celebration wine with the great wise teacher Zhang Jiao and the teacher Xu Zhuo. The case in front of me was decorated with jade pan delicacies, and the maids who served on the left and right were extremely shy.

When the hostess rang, everyone woke up, and their eyes were full of tears, which was caused by excitement. "We are willing to follow the great mentor and teacher, strengthen our faith, smash the sky, establish another yellow sky, and share the prosperity and glory!" Hundreds of people here bowed together and knelt down three times toward the empty bamboo on the throne. The big gift of nine knocks, raised his head, his face is full of determination.

Xu Zhuzi was sitting on a straw mat with a bit of exhaustion on his face. He was just now in a big battle. Even if he was already on Jindan Avenue, he was a little tired to cope. Fortunately, the effect was unexpectedly good. Hundreds of elite elites in the teachings all saw that they were in the immortal class and shared their wealth and glory in the future, so they ordered their determination to follow the leader to the death, break the sky, and establish another yellow sky.

"Princes, you have already seen your future. As long as you make up your mind and devote your life to the teachings, you will definitely be among the immortal class and share the wealth and glory. Those who are talented just now are for the backbone of the teaching. The twenty-odd of you are different from them. They are pawns fighting on the battlefield, but you are me carefully selected and prepared to be released as the commander of the party."

As soon as I heard this, dozens of people in the room immediately smiled. It is a great grace for the leader to expect such a thing from himself! If I don't do my best to fight for the leader and Taiping Qing leader all his life, he will be worse than a pig and a dog! Suddenly, people share this same heart and same heart. All of these twenty people squatted on the ground and shouted: "Swear to the death allegiance to the great sage and mentor! Swear to the death allegiance to the leader! If there is any disrespect, may the yellow sky come down. Thunder and lightning, smashed me to pieces!"

Seeing the stamina of these teachers in front of him said so, Xu Zhuo nodded with satisfaction. "Everyone, please get up. You can do this, I am very relieved! Today, I will be able to explain to you the tricks in the threshold, such as the origin of the teaching, the ancestors, and the relationship between teachers and students. Also, It's how to practice, how to quickly acquire supernatural powers, and contribute to the teaching."

"I wait for those who are cultivators to pursue the way of heaven, which is the unity of man and nature. Those who are cultivators have merit and merit. Merit is to strengthen the body and mind, seek inwardly, and merit is to save the world and save others. To think about what the ordinary people think, and to do what the ordinary people do, is to ask outside. The secret of this teaching is the "Tai Ping Qing Ling Shu", this book is divided into A, B, C, D, W, G, G, Xin Ren, Gushi The volume, each with 17 volumes, totaling 170 volumes, was written by the Nanhua Lao Xian Chuan and the Great Xian Mentor. The great Xian Mentor carefully studied this book, and Fang Decheng became an immortal."

"The "Taiping Qingling Shu" volume is numerous and complex. It is largely based on the principles of obedience to the heavens, the principles of yin and yang, and the principles of governing the world, the principles of ethics, and the techniques of longevity and immortality, curing diseases and health preservation, and mastering the gods. Among the one hundred and seventy volumes, thirty volumes are the Secret in the Secret, which specifically talks about how to cultivate supernatural powers, how to call the wind and rain, and how to throw beans into a weapon. These are the essence of the book."

Having said that, Xu Zhuzi glanced at the crowd, lowered his voice and said, "It is these thirty volumes that I want to talk to you and others. These thirty volumes are divided into three parts, one of which is Taoism. Supernatural power, the second is the formation method, and the third is the profound meaning of teaching. After you listen to my talk, you will decide which one to learn. My life is boundless, and knowing is boundless. You must not be greedy. "

Upon hearing this, everyone in the audience immediately beamed. They had only heard of "Taiping Ching Lingshu", they had never seen it before.

"The origins of this sect should start with three people, Mr. Wujiao Zuo Ci, Jiangdong Yuji, and Zhang Tianshi Zhang Daoling."

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