New Story of Lv Bu

: : The Secret of the Taiping Qing Lingdao

"The origin of this teaching comes from'Tao'. The "Taiping Qing Lingshu" describes the situation when the heaven and the earth first opened in this way."

"The past two rituals are not divided, the Ming Dynasty Hongmeng has not been formed, the heaven and the earth are not formed, like a chicken, chaotic and mysterious, there are Pangu real people, the essence of heaven and earth, from the name of the first heavenly king of the Yuan Dynasty, swimming in it, reverting to the four tribulations , The two instruments began to divide, and each other 36,000 miles, the cliff stone bleeding into water, the aquatic element insects, the element insects grow the shoreline, the shoreline grows the rigid beard, and the rigid beard grows the dragon. The Yuanshi Heavenly King is above the center of the sky, and the name is called The Yujing Mountain, the palace in the mountain, is decorated with gold and jade, and it often looks up to the weather and drinks down to the spring. This is the initial state of the universe."

"Pangu opened the heaven and the earth, there is the Yuanshi Tianwang, and the'excellent root' of this religion, that is, the'Tao'. With the'Tao', there will be the'direct descendants' of the'Tao' heaven, earth, and people. The three emperors and the gods of various roads. The Sanqing, is the representative of the "Tao", occupying the highest for 33 days, and the next thirty-two days, the three emperors and the gods of various roads are inhabited respectively. Zhonghuang Taiyi is one of the upper immortals. "

"There was Taoism first in the world, and then there was the original teaching. The so-called'Tao' is the origin of all things metamorphosed, an immortal existence in the ages, and the ultimate driving force for the operation of the universe. When it comes to'Tao', one cannot fail. Speaking of the two ancestors of Taoism, Lao Tzu and Zhuang Tzu. Among the teachings, the highest deity is the Sanqing: Yuqing Yuanshi Tianzun, Shangqing Lingbao Tianzun, Taiqing Moral Tianzun, and the Trinity of Sanqing, all of them are'Tao' The incarnation of God. The moral **** teaches the world, and the saint Lao Tzu is his eighteenth incarnation."

"Lao Tzu was the first to understand Tao, and called Tao the ultimate driving force for the operation of the universe. Zhuangzi inherited and developed this theory. The cultivation method of Shouyi. During the reign of Wenjing, it was the time when Taoism was shining, and it was called the "Huang Lao Zhi" by the people of the time. The so-called "Huang Lao" refers to the Yellow Emperor and Lao Zi. The Yellow Emperor is' The ancestor of the "Yinyang Family" and the "Shenxian Family", Lao Tzu is the ancestor of the "Taoist School", this is the Taoist school."

"In the fourth year of Emperor Wu Yuan Ding, the Fenyin alchemist got the treasure in the earth and offered it to Emperor Wu. It is said that the Yellow Emperor also got the treasure in that year, and he used to confine the Zen, and often met with the gods. He also said that the Yellow Emperor was the twelfth floor of the five cities to wait for the gods. It is said that the Yellow Emperor fights and learns immortals, then fights with magical powers, and finally rides a dragon to the sky. After hearing this, Emperor Wu was very envious and exclaimed: "Shoo! Sincere as the Yellow Emperor, I see my wife as if I take off my ears!""

"After Guangwu Zhongxing, because of the study of Zhenwei, in addition to continuing to admire the Yellow Emperor, the ruling and the opposition continued to respect Lao Tzu. Chu Wang Liu Ying even liked Huang Lao in the evening, learning as the Buddha (Buddha), and fasting sacrifices. Ming Emperor Yongping gave it to Chu for eight years. The edict of Wang Liuying said: "The king of Chu recites Huang Laozhi's micro-words, Shangfutu's Ren Temple, clean fast for March, and vows with the gods." During the Yongping period, he made the order of Chongquan, and during the Yuanhe period, he also made benefits. Wang Fu, the prefect of the prefecture, praised in the "Lao Tzu Madonna Stele": Lao Tzu, Dao Ye, was born before the invisible, started before the beginning, walked in the element of Tai Su, floated in the six emptiness, and went into the netherworld, and watched the mixture. No judgment, no distinction is made between the clear and the turbid."

"After the Han Wu, because of the'removal of a hundred schools of Confucianism,' Taoism had to go from the court to the people, using'yin and yang techniques' and'immortal techniques' to win the people's trust. In order to compete with the official Confucianism, the first People had to specialize in'sages, onmyoji, and alchemy' to show miracles, first gain the trust of emperors and dignitaries, and then go deep into the people.

"The world is stupid and had to win the trust of him with alchemy. Since then, Huang Lao's learning has become the Tao of Huang Lao. The name of Huang Di and Lao Tzu has become famous all over the world, and the Tao of Huang Lao has become a great religion. It is respected by Confucian ethics. The humble school is the backbone. It has absorbed the Mohist school of love and mutual assistance, as well as the knowledge of skilled craftsmanship, and has become a prominent school in the world. The classics in teaching should be the "Book of Changes" and "The Book of Changes" and the "Tong Qi of Zhou Yi"."

"The Book of Changes is the basic classic of this teaching. It is based on the theory of Yin and Yang and the Five Elements. It combines Fulu, Alchemy and Zhaizhu rituals. The Book of Changes combines Yixue, Huanglao and Huohou. The technique of the golden core. In addition to this, there is another book that is extremely important. This is the secret of this teaching, "Taiping Qing Lingshu". "Taiping Qing Lingshu" mainly tells about the Qihua heaven and earth, and the unity of heaven and man. The most important thing is the creation of the "Tao Ping Shi Dao". The most specific and trivial thing is to cultivate into the Dao."

"Among the three classics, the "Book of Changes" is the theoretical basis of Taoism and this teaching. The practitioners must thoroughly understand them before they can continue to practice the other two classics. "The Book of Changes in the Same Qi" and "Tai Ping Qing Ling Shu" There are all secret books, which talk about how to practice the Golden Pill Dao. The only difference is: "The Book of Changes and the Same Qi" specifically talks about alchemy, and the "Taiping Qingling Shu" not only talks about alchemy, but also very detailed, so you can do it. In addition. "Taiping Qing Lingshu" also described in detail the method of using Wu to enter Jindan Avenue."

Finally, after speaking briefly and concisely about the origin of the Taiping Dao, Xu Zhuo was silent for a moment, and then he continued to talk about it.

"The teaching of husband raising and lowering, circling three thousand rituals, the art of offensive and defensive and entertaining, the festival of light body and heavy righteousness, the things of joy and worries and rituals, the strategy of economics and common customs, the Confucian's task is also. Foreign objects abandon wisdom, The cleansing mechanism changes, the forgotten wealth and the noble, the dubious persuasion, the poor, the honourable, the unwilling to ruin, the unpleasant reputation, and the Taoist industry. The Confucian sacrifices to pray for blessings, and the Taoist practices righteousness to evil. The Confucian lover is snobbish, and the Taoist treasure has no desire. The Confucian draws on fame and fortune, while the Taoist embraces one's own goodness. What the Confucian speaks is also the book leader of the study. The Taoist learns the religious precepts of sentiment. Husbands and Taoists are good at self-cultivation to accomplish their tasks; their dwelling is good at taking what others do not dispute; their governing is also good, and good will never happen before they are brought up; they are also doing good, helping things but not virtue; they are also moving, Good view of the people with heart; its quietness, good living and carefulness without boredom. This is why it is the ruler of a hundred families, the ancestor of benevolence and justice, and the principle of small differences. It is more like this, the beginning and the end are filthy, and the end is not changed. This is also the case. A passage from the Ming section of "Tai Ping Qing Ling Shu? Nei Pian" fully explains the difference between Confucianism and Taoism."

"Therefore, anyone who enters my sect must be pure-hearted and unwilling, cherish one's own element and keep one, and strive not to fight to achieve the golden core road." Xu Zhuzi finally finished speaking, he raised his eyes and looked at everyone present, he His eyes were clear, and the ancient well was waveless. "Master, I have a question. Since the purpose of this sect is to'purify the heart and lack desires, hold on to one's origin, keep one's mind, and strive to achieve the golden core road". Then, why did the great mentor give up the golden core road and lead millions? How about teaching people to raise troops?" asked Bodhi, who had always been silent.

"This question is a very good question!" Xu Zhuzi first praised Bodhi, and then said slowly. "I said before that people who cultivate Taoism have merits and merits. Merit is sought from within, and merit is sought from outside. In the same way, there are two goals in the secret book of "Tai Ping Qing Ling Shu". , The most important thing is to create the "Tai Ping Shi Dao", and the other smaller one is to achieve the Jin Dan Da Dao. The great wise teacher has become the Golden Da Da Da, and he has risen up for the future of millions of congregations. , With one hand against the sky."

"However, there is permanence in the way of heaven, and one of them is the people who have completed the avenue. If they don’t try to directly intervene in worldly things, otherwise, they will encounter damnation. Why? Those who have achieved the golden avenue are mundane people. The gods in their eyes are now, for them, killing people is as easy as turning a hand! Only in this way, if you use immortal arts to disrupt the world, you will break the heavens. However, the great sage and mentor only broke through the critical barrier after raising his troops and became the golden pill road. If he left quietly, millions of religious people would be slaughtered by the court. The great wise teacher had no choice but to risk the condemnation of the heavens and continue to fight. After his death, Zhonghuang Taiyi begged Sanqing hard, great wise man. The teacher is only able to be ranked in the immortal class. I said so, you should understand?" Xu Zhuzi said slowly.

Silence, death is generally silent, the great wise teacher intervened in secular affairs, and ended up being condemned by the heavens, defeated and defeated, and the current leader Xu Zhuo could not interfere in secular affairs. For everyone here, what this means is self-evident.

"My princes, I will only say two points: First, it is not possible to directly intervene in everything in the world, but indirectly, such as strategizing, explaining the meaning of the scriptures, and guiding the cultivation of the princes, are all fine. Second, the great mentor He can enter Jindan Dao with martial arts, and the princes are naturally also possible." After Xu Zhuzi finished speaking, he took a deep look at everyone present.

Bodhisattva and Wang Xian were the first to smile knowingly, and among the crowd, a few finally understood the meaning of virtual bamboo. After the incumbent leader Xu Zhuzi achieved the Jindan Avenue, the reason why he worked diligently, traveled thousands of miles between the prefectures and counties of the world, met the backbone of the church, emphasized the scriptures and pointed out the confusion, for this "indirect intervention." Word. To be honest, although he was under the great pressure of God's Scourge, the leader of the old man could not directly intervene, but wherever he can play the side ball, his old man has achieved a full plus three! The teacher's deep thoughts and big plans are really unheard of, and he actually counted the ways of heaven.

Seeing that some of the people present finally understood his true mind, Xu Zhuo couldn't help but secretly rejoice in his heart.

"Okay, let's continue. So far, the three giants in the Taoist school are Zhang Daoling, Mr. Wujiao Zuo Ci and Jiangdong Yuji. Among the three, Zhang Daoling has long since passed away, and his line is called The celestial sect specializes in the techniques of talisman and ghosts and gods. Mr. Wujiao, also known as Mr. Shuixiu, is currently the most profound person in Taoism."

"Zuo Ci, put the characters, Mr. Wujiao, the famous alchemist of the Eastern Dynasties, who rarely lived in Tianzhu Mountain, and studied alchemy. Zuo Ci is the teacher of Ge Xuan. He has three volumes of "Taiqing Pill Sutra" and one volume of "Nine Ding Pill Sutra" and "Jinye Pill Sutra". There is also a legend in the Taoist school, There is a saying about the three heroes, the big brother Huang Chengyan, the second brother Zuo Ci, and the third brother Tong Yuan. The three are all outsiders, but they don’t know the truth.

"Mr. Wujiao once said:'There is a sky thunder that smashes the stone wall, and the three volumes of the book of heaven are obtained, and the name is "The Book of Dunjia". The name of the first volume is'Tian Dun', the name of the middle volume is'Di Dun', and the second volume is named'Ren Dun'. The sky can lift the clouds and cross the wind, soaring too empty; the earth can pass through mountains and rocks; people can travel around the world, hide and transform, fly swords and throw knives, and take the first level of people. "His old man’s singular retreat technique and The eight formations are unpredictable."

"Yuji, Langya, his age is ominous, and his old man, Shenlong, sees no end. Some people often see him in Jiangdong, traveling between Wujun and Huiji, setting up jingshes, burning incense, reading Taoist books, making fushui to cure diseases, Wujun, The people of Kuaiji are troublesome. Historical records:'During Emperor Shun, Langxie Palace Chongyuque, and the one hundred and seventy volumes of divine books obtained by the teacher Ganji on the water of Quyangquan, all of which are the first Zhumu of Zhu Jieqing, the title of " "Tai Ping Qing Ling Shu". "The Tai Ping Qing Ling Shu" was passed down from his old family to a great mentor. He should be my master."

"The one who cultivates the Tao, dreams of being in the immortal class. "Taiping Qingling Shu" says:'Those who can cultivate to the immortal will soar into the void, the body is invisible, and the long is the same as the Tao. There will be no calamity. Seven. The ancestors were born in heaven, and the celestial beings ascended to heaven in white day. Some lived in the upper palace, sealed in the famous mountain, and also the second to the celestial. The middle celestial person, the palace in the sky, or the Kunlun, Penglai, and Zhongshan. The celestial being, Changqi Zhu The famous cave palace, the three realms of ghosts and gods, the life and death of the earth. The immortals have merits and triumphs, and they can also be used as replenishing the heavens. If the deceased live for hundreds of millions of years, the deceased is the way to prolong life and cannot be named immortals.' The Zhonghuang Taiyi who believes in is the Shangxian among the Shangxian."

Speaking of this, the words to be said are basically finished, and Xuzhuo pauses briefly and concludes. "I will stay here for three months, and I will do my best to guide the cultivation of the monarchs. Some key points related to the teachings, such as the relationship between Yuanshi and Fen, such as the battle between the heavens and the devil, and the hidden rhyme of the heavens and the sound of Buxu, The most important thing is to cultivate the key points of Jindan Avenue, which I will explain in detail in the days to come. In the next three months, I hope that all the kings will persevere, strengthen their minds and bodies, and get a glimpse of the threshold of Jindan Avenue."

"I will work hard, harden my mind and body, and see the threshold of Jindan Avenue!" "Follow the leader, do not break this evil heaven, and never survive!" "The heaven is dead, the yellow sky is standing, and the age is in Jiazi, The world is prosperous!" Under the leadership of Bodhisattva and Wang Xian, everyone present shouted slogans loudly. After XU Zhuo's talk, they really benefited a lot.

Seeing these surging, passionate teaching backbones in front of him, Xu Zhuzi couldn't help but burst into warm currents in his heart. The spirit of the great wise teacher! I have worked hard for ten years, and finally made the Taipingqing leader prosperous. Please open your eyes and take a look at the old man. My Xuzhuo finally fulfilled the promise made in the past: to teach the family to be unhappy, and to swear not to be immortal!

At this moment, Xu Zhuzi felt a sudden shock in his mind, as if the voice and smile of the great wise teacher were right in front of his eyes.

"Xu Zhuzi, my good apprentice, how well you are doing! I am so relieved! Taiping Qing Lingdao depends on you??????"

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