New Story of Lv Bu

: : Diao Chan's mind

"What are you talking about? The generals of Xiliang rebelled, and the family of Situ was killed?" Upon hearing the news, Diao Chan sat on the couch as if he had been hit hard. At this moment, she had no master. Up. Situ Gong asked himself to supervise Nanyang to deal with the robbery of Liu Jingsheng from Jingzhou Mu Liubiao, and Diao Chan knew the twists and turns. However, not long after the expedition, there was such a bad news, which is really unbelievable. How is this possible, is it an error?

Thinking of this, she raised her head and looked at Linglong with big eyes full of tears, as if she was expecting Linglong to say that this was just a false alarm. Looking at Diao Chan's sorrowful eyes, even as a woman, Linglong felt that her heart seemed to collapse like a huge iceberg, breaking into tens of thousands of pieces in an instant, and each piece was full of sadness.

There are beautiful women in the north, peerless and independent, looking at Qingrencheng and then Qingren. Ning doesn't know the love of the city and the country, it's hard to find a beautiful woman. In a flash, Linglong couldn't help but think of this poem written by Li Yannian. What an alluring beauty! Miss Linglong princess, as the princess of the Xiqiang family, she has a lot of knowledge and can not resist such sorrow after reading all the beauty of Xiqiang!

"Diao Chan, this is true, not in a dream. After getting the news, the assassin generals Ma Zhong and Cao Shangshu didn't believe them, they took a lot of effort to verify. In the end, this result was reported to Mrs. Zhao Yi. Not only that, but there are even more troubles later. Matthew is often ordered to report to the funeral at Yin’s mansion in Henan. Suddenly, the old Patriarch vomited three mouthfuls of blood and Wang Shijun also fell. According to the messenger, the old Patriarch said. If he survives no more than three days, he is Wang Shijun, probably no more than a month. What a miserable thing! The pillar of the imperial court, the five-dynasty elder Wang Situ suddenly collapsed, plus Lao Wang Shu and Wang Wei, how can Taiyuan Wang's family affection? "

Linglong sat down slowly and gently held Diao Chan in her arms, while wiping her tears like beads on her face, while softly comforting her. Linglong and Diao Chan are similar in age, Diao Chan is gentle and kind, exquisite and strong, Diao Chan is gentle and intelligent. In a very short period of time, the two of them get along very well. Although they are a little worse in generation, neither of them cares, and they always call their names in private. Linglong grew up in Xiqiang since she was a child, and she was used to seeing joys and sorrows. To her, birth, old age, sickness and death are just like commonplace. However, Diao Chan was different. She had been suffering. If she hadn't been adopted as an adopted daughter by Wang Situ, in such troubled times, she would have become a plaything of the nobles. Diao Chan is very grateful to Wang Situ.

Thinking of Wang Situ's appearance, Diao Chan's heart filled with warmth for no reason. That clean body like a bamboo pole, the hard goatee that always tilts forward, on the surface is serious, there is always a bit of color in the dark, from time to time he always thinks about using his hands. This is Wang Situ. It looks no different from other men. Alas, this is probably the generality of men. It is true that Wang Situ has various shortcomings, but after all, he has given himself an excellent life.

"No! Linglong, I have to go to Henan Yin Mansion!" Thinking of this, Diao Chan finally had a decision in her heart. The most important qualities of human beings are gratitude and compassion. Wang Situ alone saved himself among thousands of people and gave him a life of prosperity and glory. Only in this way, he should be more grateful and use practical actions to repay the royal family of Taiyuan instead of crying alone here.

"Alright. I'll accompany you to see Madam Zhao Yi." Linglong is extremely smart, and she understood everything when she heard it, she said loudly. Diao Chan stood up slowly, washed her face in a hurry, and adjusted her makeup in front of a huge glass mirror. Ugh! This is the case for women, no matter how old they are, whether things are urgent or not, the first priority before going out is to put yellow makeup on the mirror.

"Let's see Kang Moli first to see if she is willing to go together. After all, Lu Zheng's mother Adele is Wang Wei's grandson." Diao Chan finally finished cleaning up, she said quietly. "This?????? You go first, I'll wait for you at the door." Linglong hesitated and said. For Diao Chan, a political idiot, she has completely given up her efforts to persuade her.

It was a matter of Adele and Lu Zheng to be married to the Wang family of Taiyuan, and had nothing to do with Kang Moli. Furthermore, since having Lu Yi, Kang Moli has only this son in her eyes. It stands to reason that all mothers in the world are like this, and only children are in their eyes. However, it was in the homes of the ordinary people, in the courtyard of the deep house, which seemed a bit out of date.

"Okay. I'll come as soon as I go, and you can wait for me here." Diao Chan immediately understood Linglong's meaning in a kind-hearted manner.

"Huh? Go to Henan Yin's mansion? What are you going to do there?" Kang Moli was inexplicably surprised. Lu Yi was already two years old, at the age of mischief. He ran out of sight if he didn't pay attention. When he exhausted all his energy to find him, he was already very dirty. Fortunately, Lu Yi never cried, even if he knocked his nose and face swollen, he just hummed a few times, grinned and grinned again.

While talking to Diao Chan, Kang Moli's eyes were like eagles, staring at Lu Yi with shining eyes, as if the wolf on the grassland was staring at her prey. She grabbed Lu Yi who was about to drill under the high collapse and slapped her ass. "Drill! I ask you to drill! Every day, I either drill the box or go to the house to uncover the tiles, and see if I will not kill you!" she yelled.

"Mother! Don't hit or hit! Your **** hurts!" Lu Yi yelled loudly, but his small dark faces turned around.

"That's the case. There was news just now. Yesterday, in the county town of Wanzhou in Nanyang County, Li Lao, Guo Bang, and Fan Chou all rebelled. Wang Situhe's family was killed. I will go to Henan Yin's mansion to mourn, by the way I come over and ask you if you are going. Because of Princess Adele, the second son is related to the royal family of Taiyuan, and you are the second son's adoptive mother. As usual, you should visit.

Diao Chan grinned as hard as he could, trying to put on a smile, but she really couldn't do it. It was even more ugly than crying. Fortunately, Kang Moli's thoughts were all on Lu Yi, and there was no idle time to see whether her face was laughing or crying. "Oh???" Kang Moli finally understood, she covered her mouth with a white, tender and plump hand, her face was surprised. Oh! It turned out that something happened to the King's family in Taiyuan! What a disaster! But, that's Lu Zheng's business, what is it to me?

"Diao Chan, look, now that Lu Zheng has not returned from his expedition to the Western Regions, and Lu Yi is so mischievous, I really don’t have time to go around. You think it’s okay, I’ll prepare some gifts, and you can take them to the funeral. One day, I'll go again." Youdao was silly for three years. Kang Moli was in this state at this time. She smiled bitterly and pointed to Lu Yi helplessly spread her hands.

"Well, elder sister cherishes herself. I'm leaving!" Diao Chan politely blessed her, and went without moving her skirt. After getting out, Diao Chan took a deep breath and let out all the depression. At this moment, she finally understood why Linglong was reluctant to come to see Kang Moli. In Kang Moli's eyes, except for Lu Yi, everyone had already existed like wood.

"You two are going to Yin's mansion in Henan?" Mrs. Zhao Yi, Yan Yan, sat behind a huge case table, raised her eyes, and quietly looked at Diao Chan and Linglong who were sitting next to her. The huge case is stacked on top of each other, piled up with small hills of documents, documents from various places that require soldiers to pay, memorandums of requests for rulings on major cases, and reports on floods and droughts. There.

"Madam, now that Situ Gong's family is killed, the old Patriarch and Patriarch are ill in bed. The mansion of Henan Yin is at the time of Liushenwuzhu. After all, I, Diaochan, is Situ Gong’s adopted daughter. Go visit and help them take care of this. As it should be. As for the princess Linglong, she is the fiancée of the eldest son, she went to see it, it can show the lady and the elder son's attention to the veterans of the Five Dynasties, and also help to enhance the prestige of the eldest son between the ruling and the opposition." Diao Chan Sitting there, looking directly at Yan Yan and said.

"Oh! That's it! You can also go." Yan Yan raised her eyebrows, drawing a strange arc. She put down the brush in her hand, took a deep look at Diao Chan, and went on. "The ancients said: Asking loyal ministers must be at the door of filial sons. Diao Chan, I am very relieved that you can think about it like this. Then, you and Linglong will go with you, and you will be the main one. It will be better to live for a few more days."

Upon hearing this, Linglong was overjoyed immediately. She had been bored in the Da Sima Mansion for a long time, and she had long wished to go out for a stroll. Although I went to Yin's mansion in Henan Province, and there were all kinds of rituals, it was funeral, better than boredom at home. "Mother, you also go with us." Under the ecstasy, Linglong's heart had already flown away, and she finally blurted out a word. Upon hearing this, the corners of Yan Yan's mouth rose slightly, revealing a helpless smile. Ugh! Linglong is still a child!

"So, Diao Chan went with Linglong. Madam Wan'an!" Diao Chan hurriedly pulled Linglong and bowed, and dragged Linglong out of the house. "Why are you pulling me? Why do you pull me when I ask my mother if I can go?" Linglong asked confusedly. "Stupid boy, it's not that the lady doesn't want to go, but she can't go now!" Diao Chan said, scraping the tip of her exquisite nose.

"Why can't you go?" Linglong was inexplicably surprised. "Stupid girl, now, the princes of the Kwantung princes failed to seek Lu, and the world is ruinous. Sooner or later Da Sima will be crowned the king, and it will be a matter of time for him to become the emperor. The important minister is seriously ill, and the emperor personally visits, that means this person will die. Undoubtedly! It's not that my wife doesn't want to go, but it's not time yet!" Diao Chan said, scraping her exquisite nose again. "Oh! Han people are so troublesome, they are all in their stomachs!" Linglong finally realized it suddenly, she said with emotion.

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