New Story of Lv Bu

: : Lao Wang Shu's deathbed persuade

October 12, Luoyang City, the capital of the Han Dynasty, the mansion and back house of Henan Yin Wangkui, the outdoor room of Lao Wangshu.

Zhang Zhongjing and Hua Tuo came out one after another. Both of them were dignified, their eyebrows furrowed, and their faces as dark as the bottom of a pot. Looking at the faces of the two of them, the three of Ma Riwen, Diao Chan, and Linglong who were waiting in the outer room immediately shook their hearts. The secret path was broken, and it seemed that Lao Wang's illness was extremely dangerous! However, the people around were so messy and hard to say anything, so they had to follow the two of them, and walked forward more than a hundred steps, and came to the secret room. Ma Rixi waved his hand to shield everyone from him, and then he spoke with a hoarse voice.

"Dare to ask the two genius doctors, what is the condition of the old Patriarch?" Ma Taichang patiently waited for the two genius doctors to settle down before raising his eyes and looking at Zhang Zhongjing and Hua Tuo with piercing eyes. Ma Taichang is the principal appointed by Mrs. Zhao Yi Yan Yan and represents the court. Therefore, Diao Chan and Linglong, who represent the Grand Sima Mansion, did not speak, but just sat there quietly and listened.

Too often refers to the Zhizong of Tangyu, Zongbo of Zhou Dynasty, and Fengchang of Qin Dynasty, holding the heaven and earth of building a nation, the gods, the rituals of humans and ghosts, the good fortune, the evil, the guest, the army, the honors, the jade silk bells and drums and other cultural relics. Taichang had three main responsibilities: First, he was in charge of sacrificial rites, ancestral temples and dynasties, funerals and other ceremonies. At the time of sacrifice, he served as the assistant of the chief priest, the emperor. The second is to be in charge of the Emperor's Bed and Temple Garden Mausoleum and the county where it is located. Third, the fourteen doctors of the Five Classics in this dynasty are also too common, as usual, the doctors and doctoral disciples must be evaluated and recommended.

The dynasty is too often, and everything is important, so you are the first of the princes and the first important minister under the three gongs, who belonged to the name of the lieutenant. "Zuo Zhuan? Thirteen Years of Chenggong" says: The great event of the country lies in the sacrifice and the army. Sacrifices and war parties are the country's major events. Too often involves ancestral temples and ceremonies. If the person in his position is careless, he will be blamed at every turn. Therefore, only highly respected officials can do the job.

In the former Han Dynasty, as usual, he was appointed as Taichang. Under Taichang, there are Taichangqing and Cheng, as their supporters, there are Taile, Taizhu, Dazai, Taishi, Taibu, imperial doctors, doctors offering wine, high temple order, Shizu temple order and other officials, among them Increases and decreases frequently. In addition to sacrificial offerings, this dynasty's too often emphasized cultivating. Although it is not necessary to serve as a village lord, it is not for the famous Confucianists.

Because the position of Taichang is so precious, Madam Zhaoyi ordered Ma Rixi to take charge of this matter, which shows that the imperial court attaches great importance to the Wangs of Taiyuan.

This sentence of Ma Rixiong is not annoying, but the real question is a little bit, which is the key point. Upon hearing this, Zhang Zhongjing hurriedly replied: "The pulse of the master, the old paternal master, the pulse is rushing between the muscles and the flesh, the pulse is not adjusted, and the repetition is repeated, like a bird pecking. This is true. The bird pecks the veins in the zang veins. This kind of pulse condition is that the spleen, stomach and kidney yang of the master's homeowner are declining, and the spirit is loose. "Suwen? Jade Machine Zhenzang Theory" Zeng Yun:'The evil spirit prevails, the essence is also weak. If the disease is severe, the stomach qi cannot be assimilated to the sun in the hands, so the true visceral qi can be seen alone, and those who see it alone, the disease will overcome the viscera, so it is said to be dead. "When the true visceral veins appear, the disease is very serious."

"As for the specific situation of the real zang pulse, "Suwen? Jade Machine Zhenzang Theory" Zeng Yun:'The real liver pulse is urgent at home and abroad, like a knife and blame, like pressing the string of the piano..., the true heart pulse is strong and beats. , Such as the countenance of coix seeds...; the true lung pulse is so large and empty, as in the human skin with hairy feathers...; the true kidney pulse is to the beat and extinct, like a finger bullet stone...; the true spleen pulse is to the weak But at a glance.... Everyone who sees the true internal veins will die." "Dead Veins General Decision" once said: "Birds peck three to five peck, the house leaks half a day and a drop, and the bullet is hard to find. It is scattered, the fingers are scattered and the real solution is, the fish Xiang seems to be there and there is nothing, the shrimps and shrimps jump in silence, and the kettle is boiling like a soup, and there is no need for medicine if you die."" At this moment, Lao Wang Zhang Zhongjing, who had always been eloquent and eloquent, was in a critical condition and was in a mess.

Upon hearing this, everyone in the room immediately looked at each other. Zhang Zhongjing entered medicine with Confucianism, read a wide range of books, and there are so many goods in his belly. The medical books he quoted were only seen by famous doctors who have been infiltrated in medical practice for decades. All of you here are big laymen, how can you understand it for a while? If the doctor Zhang continues to say this, how long will he finish talking?

"Mr. Zhang, I’m all a layman, you don’t need to say so much. Just tell us, can the old master’s disease be cured? If it can be cured, how long will it take? Okay, how long can it last? At this moment, it has reached the most critical juncture. Please also ask the two geniuses to speak out!" Linglong interrupted Zhang Zhongjing's words and asked bluntly. She is Princess Xiqiang, she has long been used to seeing life and death, and she has a straightforward temper. These words are quite appropriate for her.

Hua Tuo specializes in surgery and is used to life and death. Compared with Zhang Zhongjing, he appears more determined. Now seeing Zhang Zhongjing's concern, he was a little confused, and quickly stepped forward to make up for his colleagues and explain well. "My elders, the true visceral pulse, that is, the pulse without stomach qi! It is also the dead pulse of the five internal organs in the "Suwen? Pingren Meteorology" on the four seasons. The true qi of the five internal organs depends on the nourishment of the stomach qi, and it also needs stomach qi. The carrier can reach the Taiyin lungs in the hands, and then spread the whole body. Now the stomach of the old family is gone, and the death pulse has appeared, and within two days, he will pass away. If you faint again, the day of life and death will be here! Hope you all make preparations early!

As soon as he heard this, the faces of everyone present immediately became frosty, and it seemed that Lao Wang Shu was bound to die. "It seems that we have to prepare a shirt ceremony! As for whether the old Patriarch and Madam Zhao Yi should meet, it depends on the meaning of Wang Shijun." Ma Taichang said leisurely. The so-called ceremonial ceremonies are typical examples of the imperial court giving mourning, offering sacrifices, banquets, posthumous awards, posthumous titles, building monuments, setting up squares, building temples, giving rewards, giving shades, etc. to deceased officials. There are rules for this. As long as you report to the court, the people who are in charge can increase or decrease it slightly. It is not a matter of urgency. The main point of Matthew's remarks is on the latter sentence, which is meeting.

Throughout the ages, when the great court officials collapsed and died, the emperor could see the disease personally. What's more, the emperor is going to see the disease, this is a rare grace, and it also means that this person will undoubtedly die. If the emperor’s vision has been over, but this person has come back to life, it would be a big joke. Therefore, until the last moment, the emperor will not personally go to the sight disease. Now that you are in the palace, you naturally have to obey the intentions of the current Patriarch of the Wang family. If Wang Shijun feels that Lao Wang Shu still has a ray of life, then he can drag it on.

After a while, everyone saw Wang Wei and explained the meaning. "This matter is of great importance, and I still ask the Patriarch to decide. If the old Patriarch has anything to say to Da Sima and Mrs. Zhao Yi, it must be dealt with as soon as possible. For Doctor Zhang and Doctor Hua, it will take a quarter of an hour to protect the Patriarch. You can still do it with a clear mind.” Matthew often glanced at the two and said with his hands.

Upon hearing this, Wang Kui immediately burst into tears. Knowing that his father was going to let go, he still couldn't control his tears. However, after all, he was a heavy minister of the imperial court, the head of the Taiyuan royal family, and he had a suggestion in a flash. "Zhou Jun, please wait a moment, I'm going to ask my father what he meant." As soon as he finished speaking, he struggled to get up and entered the inner room.

After about a half of a stick of incense, Wang Wei staggered out. At this moment, the tears on his face had long since disappeared, replaced by a face full of determination and perseverance. "Father agreed. He said that there are important things to say to Mrs. Zhao Yi. This is something that must be said. The man will die in his lifetime, so he doesn't need to cry his nose and wipe his tears. Please also ask two genius doctors to deal with it."

A quarter of an hour later, Mrs. Zhao Yi, Yan Yan, took more than a hundred attendants and rode a carriage to Henan Yin's mansion. Zhang Zhongjing and Hua Tuo looked at each other, carrying a bowl of concoction that had already been cooked, and lightly walked into the interior room, and slowly poured Lao Wang Shu down. After dozens of breaths, the door of the outer room creaked open. Yan Yan, dressed in plain clothes, walked in.

It's strange to say that after a quarter of an hour, Lao Wang Shu on the sickbed slowly opened his eyes, and those eyes turned out to be piercing and gleaming. "The old Patriarch is awake!" Zhang Zhongjing and Hua Tuo cross-handed and said, they bowed back and gently closed the door of the house. In the huge interior, there were only four people left: Mrs. Zhaoyi Yan Yan, Henan Yin Wangkui, Diao Chan, and Princess Linglong.

"Old Patriarch, are you okay?" Tears were already in the eyes of Mrs. Zhao Yi's Yan Yan. "I have seen Mrs. Zhao Yi!" With Wang Wei's support, Lao Wang Shu slowly sat up, leaning on a pile of brocade mattresses, fixedly looking at Yan Yan. "My old man's deadline is over, I'll be over! I have a very important thing to tell Madam Zhao Yi, they just happened to be a witness." At this point, Lao Wang Shu raised his skinny right hand, lightly Tap Ma Taichang, Diao Chan and Princess Linglong.

"Madam, the important thing for politics is to set the foundation of the country. Now, the Kwantung Allied Forces have suffered a big defeat, and no one in the world can contend with Da Sima Xiang! When the old minister is dying, he admonishes Da Sima and Madam Zhao Yi. , Da Sima should be the king. After the king is appointed, he will recuperate, and within five or six years, he can no longer use swords and soldiers. After ten years of life and ten years of lessons, you can add the gift of nine tins after you have rehabilitated you. Taiyuan Wang's Clan members, please also Da Sima and Mrs. Zhao Yi to strictly control them. If you are not a weapon, you will be killed without mercy!"

After saying this, Lao Wang Shu closed his eyes and said nothing. The so-called ritual of the nine tins is the honor of the nine emperors bestowed on the important ministers. The first is the carriage and horse, the second is the clothes, the third is the musical instrument, the fourth is the Zhuhu, the fifth is the Nubuat, the sixth is the hundred people of the tiger and the ben, the seventh is the axe, the eight is the bow and the arrow, and the nine is the scorpion. In the past, when Wang Mang usurped the Han, he first received the gift of the nine tins, and then made a concession, ascended to the throne and proclaimed the emperor.

What Lao Wang said was so bluntly that it was a naked act of persuading advancement. For a while, everyone was shocked.

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