New Story of Lv Bu

: :The last time the wrist is wrenched

The reason why everyone present was astonished and surprised was naturally due to the reasons. In short, in short, it was all due to the situation of the war. This time the Kwantung warlords raised their troops, knocked on the Kanxi, and attacked the Great Sima Lubu, which was more violent than the last time the warlords raised their troops to defeat Dong Zhuo. The aristocratic families in the world eagerly looked north, thinking that this time Lu Bu and the Bingzhou Army would definitely not be able to hold them. Yuan Benchu’s Jizhou Army had three to four hundred thousand, and Cao Mengde’s Yanzhou Army and Yuan Gongdao’s Yangzhou Army each had two to three hundred thousand, a large army of one million, even if the encounters were overwhelming, it would take a year and a half, right? Unexpectedly, after only playing for less than three months, he was defeated.

As a result, Da Sima Lubu has become a prince second to none in the world according to Youyou and Siliang four states. As long as you recuperate for three or five years, and regain your breath, wouldn’t you be able to beat anyone you want? With the remaining power of the Kwantung Allied Forces victory over the Kwantung Allied Forces, it is already a certainty to go further and become the king. Moreover, when the first emperor was reigning, he deliberately named Da Sima Lubu a king with a different surname, but Da Sima flatly refused after weighing the pros and cons at that time. To be king now is what he deserves.

The dynasty has been enjoying the country for four hundred years, and the orthodox status of the emperor of the Han Dynasty has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Among the great families of the world, there are also many who are willing to rejuvenate the Han family. If it is to follow the merits, the great Sima Lubu was named the king of different surnames, that is the true name, and he has two conquests of Xianbei, one conquest of Wuhuan, and the suppression of the Yellow Turban, exterminating the Xiliang rebels, and eliminating Dong Zhuo’s military merits. The king is nothing.

However, when it comes to adding nine tins, it has to be stunned. You must know that before the king of Anhan recklessly proclaimed himself the emperor, nine tins were added. Lao Wang said that before his death, he offered two strategies, one is to become king, and the other is to add nine tins. To be king is a matter of course, and there is no arrogance. However, the addition of nine tin is debatable. Should Da Sima be roasted on the fire?

Too often, Ma Rixi sat with his eyes wide open, and stared at Lao Wang Shu intently. His face was unwavering, but his heart was ups and downs, turbulent. The Han-supporting faction of this dynasty, after eliminating those wall-to-wall grasses that fell in the wind, the only remaining three tribes are left. Zheng Tai, Shi Sunrui, Yang Zan and others followed the emperor’s eastward movement. Now only Zheng Gongye is left alone. Shi Sunrui and Yang Zan have long been the ghosts of the Kanto princes, belonging to the most mixed ones. The miserable faction.

Others such as Ma Riquan, Shaofu Xunyou, Da Sinong Zhao Qi, and others are regarded as Xun officials, and believe in what Mencius called: the people are the precious, the emperor is the light, and the society is second. Now the three of them have long been integrated into the Luoyang court, becoming the three of the nine princes. The last faction is Wang Situ, Huang Wan and others. Now Wang Situ suddenly collapsed. Huang Wan has also been released as a prefect. The leader of the Han school has fallen suddenly, like a meteor across the sky and disappeared. distance. Among the important court officials, there are no more leaders with enough weight.

The sudden death of Wang Situ not only caused huge losses to the Wang clan in Taiyuan, but also caused the Yonghan faction to lose its leader.

Now, Lao Wangshu offers advice on his deathbed, what should he do? Is it to stand up impassionedly to oppose, or to remain silent and let the situation develop further? At this moment, too often Ma Rixi's heart is sour, sweet, bitter, spicy, and salty, and he can't tell what it's like. Suddenly, he remembered the raging fire that ignited in Luoyang when the Xiliang Army evacuated Luoyang, and the bones abounding in the cemetery of the emperors after the heroes of the Guandong entered Luoyang, and then think about the magnificent and magnificent city of Luoyang, the capital of the Han. There are also the small people living in peace and contentment in Si and Youliang in the four states, and the harmony and warmth in the alleys of the wine shop, he couldn't help lowering his head.

Mencius said: The people are precious, the emperor is light, and Sheji is second. As long as the ordinary people live well, who will be the emperor of his Liu family? If you change the emperor Pingyu to become the emperor of Luoyang, you still don't know what you can do? In any case, one thing is certain, and it will never do as well as when Da Sima Bingzheng! Then, let's make the king first. As for Jia Jiuxi, it's his mother's early death!

Thinking of this, Matthew finally had a solution in his heart. Let's wait until the day of adding nine tins. I must be awkward by then.

Just after a few breaths, Matthew had already turned his mind several times. Unlike him, this matter made Linglong feel a little funny. She has lived in West Qiang for a long time, and the people in Qiang have always been going straight and expressing their arrogance when doing things. How can they be like the Han people who tentatively tentatively tried. Now that Da Sima's merits have arrived, he should first be crowned king. As for adding Jiuxi, I'll talk about it when that time comes. Although Linglong is clever and smart, she is not a Han Chinese. She can't understand the true meaning of this policy before the death of her old patron.

Diao Chan sat there quietly, her two beautiful big eyes widening, staring at everything in front of her in amazement. She has been in Wang Situ's mansion for many years, and she has long been aware of all the ugliness and hypocrisy in the world. However, at this moment, everything that happened before her eyes still shocked her. This is two powerful Korean giants wrestling their wrists. It is a contest without the sword and shadow. It is like a dying swordsman who exhausted his life when he was dying, and released the ultimate trick.

"Old Patriarch, when Fengxian first arrived in Bingzhou in the past years, the noble family looked on with cold eyes and no one was optimistic about him. If it weren't for your strong support as the Patriarch of the Kings of Taiyuan, you would definitely not settle for Bingzhou in a short period of time. Without these , There is no Da Sima today, and there is no imperial court today. You and the royal family of Taiyuan have made great contributions to the imperial court. This point, Fengxian and I both bear in mind. It is Wang Situ who also made great contributions to the imperial court. Yes, now it has suddenly collapsed. This shirt is naturally thickened."

Yan Yan said these words loudly. She took out her handkerchief and gently wiped the moist corners of her eyes. She paused for a while, waiting for everyone to understand her words. Huh?????? The foul breath in Wang Kui's heart finally came out. It can be seen that Da Sima and Mrs. Zhao Yi still know a lot about the merits of the Taiyuan Wang family. It is so good, so easy. Okay!

"Fongxian is a pure military commander. He doesn't have too much thought in his heart. He just wants to charge and fight with the big guy, and be happy and enmity. But, the next thing, someone must take care of it. Nothing, I am a female generation. I had to run to the front desk. Since ancient times, there have always been many hidden and dirty things in the hall. You don’t want to clean them up. Someone will step on your nose and face. You will kill you and break your bones. Connected to the tendons. In desperation, as long as it is not too excessive, I just need to open one eye and close one eye. It is my brother Yan Kuan, who was not given a heavy rebuke a few months ago and smashed to the end. Is it anymore?"

After Yan Yan finished speaking, she stopped again. She picked up a cup of tea and drank it gently. Except Linglong, everyone present shuddered suddenly, and they really understood. This remark, on the surface, is a commonplace, but in fact it has a profound meaning and requires careful experience. The key points are "not excessive" and "strict and lenient beatings."

Above the court, there has always been a lot of party fights and factional fights. Once the fight is up, it will be a life-and-death fight when it reaches the point where the fish die and the net is broken. A savvy governor will try to avoid this extreme situation and limit party and faction disputes to an acceptable range. This is the true meaning of the term "not excessive". As long as it is "not too much", it is a situation where the monarch and his ministers get together and enjoy each other, otherwise, it is a life and death battle. Yan Kuan, I hit, let alone other people?

"Old Patriarch, I am a woman of the Taoist family. Whether the king is entrusted or Jia Jiuxi, it is all decided by the princes of Gonggon in the DPRK. Yan Yan can only pass on the words of the old Patriarch to Fengxian and let him make the decision. Okay. I think that as long as it is supported by the people of the world, and with the help of the officials and gentry from the ruling and the opposition, whether it is defeating the Kwantung Allied Forces or restoring the economy, everything can be done. The old Patriarch is a man of great merit, and Wang Situ is the same. The court still knows this. The royal family of Taiyuan is the first generation of the dynasty, and the court also wants to be gentle and graceful. I also hope that the old Patriarch will feel at ease and he will be healthy and healthy. Old days."

Speaking of which, this unique pairing comes to an end. Yan Yan got up long, with the skirts still, slowly exiting the interior room, Diao Chan and Linglong got up quickly, and leaned over to salute with Ma Rixiong and Wang Wei. "The minister is waiting to send Mrs. Zhao Yi!" "Ms. Zhao Yi is back to the house!" Amidst the sound of sending off, Yan Yan walked out of the big room and got on her own car with the help of the maid. Bao Lai Che. Seeing no one was around, she whispered, took out a muslin kerchief, and gently wiped the sweat off her face.

Lao Wang Shu deserves to be an old fox with thousands of years of deeds. The ultimate big move he made before his death was earth-shattering, and Yan Yan took it all hard to pick it up. With these two policies, Lao Wang Shu expressed the political attitude of the royal family of Taiyuan. He would rather bear the lifelong infamy of "advising the ministers to enter the princes" to protect the royal family of Taiyuan. Yan Yan's answer seemed a little messy, but it actually had the effect of two or two strokes. On the one hand, he affirmed the achievements of the Wang family, and on the other, he beat Wang Ling and the others.

In this round, the two Korean giants wrestled their arms. It can be said that neither of them won or lost. As for the final result, it will take decades to know. Both of them fully expressed their true meanings, and the other side of the arm understood it. They reciprocated each other, and each took a step back and reached a new balance. The rest depends on the new principal. Can the person completely comply with this agreement? Throughout the ages, smart politicians have played such games.

Just as Yan Yan's car was driving into the Da Sima Mansion, in Wang Wei's mansion, a rapid bell rang for the first time.

Lao Wang Shu, I'm sorry!

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