New Story of Lv Bu

: : The helplessness of the little man

On October 20th, at noon, Yuzhou, Chenliu County, and Jujube county seat.

Jujube is a place name. It was owned by Zheng State in the Spring and Autumn Period. It was named "Linyanyi". There are endless piles of emptiness in the territory, so it is called Linyan. Ancient historians' writings have always been refined, and they were called Zhenglinyanyi or Zhengyanyi. "The Thirty Years of the Spring and Autumn Period? Xianggong" records: "Zheng Youji rushed to the Jin Dynasty, and he was chased by the siblings, and the jujube." During the five years of the Qin King’s Yingzheng, he announced to the world that the system of prefectures and counties was implemented. Wild jujube is a plant similar to jujube, with small fruit and sour taste.

After Gaodi founded the country, he followed the Qin system and was still called wild jujube. In the twelfth year of Emperor Wen, the big river burst in Suanzao County and rolled eastward, breaking down the Jindi. In the first year of Emperor Wu's Yuanshou, the wild jujube county belonged to Chenliu County, and the third year of Yuan Emperor Yongguang, the wild jujube county belonged to Jiyang State. In the 5th year of the founding of Zhao Zhao, the wild jujube county was restored to the Chenliu county. The strategic location of wild jujube is extremely important. It is located between the big river, Pushui and Yingou water. To the east is Xuzhou, to the northeast is Yanzhou, and to the south is Yuzhou. Controlling the wild jujube, he strangled the throat of Dong Jin from Si Li.

Three years ago, the 18th princes raised their troops, knocked on the west side of the Guanxi to defeat Dong Zhuo, and the base camp was located in wild jujube. This time the Kwantung Allied Forces marched westward against Dasima Lubu, and the base camp was also located in wild jujube. Among the three-way army, Yuan Shu’s Yangzhou soldiers took Xian County as their base camp, Yuan Shao’s Jizhou Army took Chen Liu as their base camp, and Cao Cao, who had surrendered Chen Liucheng, had to lead his troops northward, using wild jujube as his base camp.

A few days ago, Cao Mengde personally raised tens of thousands of elite, starting from the wild jujube, galloping westward, preparing to attack Luoyang City, the capital of the Han Dynasty, and the elite squad rider of the base camp wild jujube was exhausted. However, in view of the strategic location of the wild jujube, Cao Mengde spent a long time licking the tooth flower, but still cruelly stomped, leaving a thousand cavalry and three thousand infantry, in addition, there are three thousand heavy soldiers, holding on to the wild jujube.

To be honest, among the princes of the world, there are many cavalry under their command, but there are very few elite cavalry. Only Yuan Benchu, Cao Mengde and the dead Gongsun Bogui have tens of thousands of cavalry under their command. Why? After Da Sima Lubu obtained Youzhou, he almost monopolized all the horse-raising places. In addition, the warriors who were good at riding and shooting were in Youbingliang, these two points completely ruined the dream of the lords of the world. It turned out that when Liaodong was lonely overseas, he could still pay a lot of money, and go to Donglai and Gongsundu in the upper right corner of Qingzhou to bargain. Now, Gongsun Du has finished his calf, and the horse market in Donglai is completely dying.

Most of the thousand cavalry who stayed in the jujube were riding bad horses for pulling carts, and even 30 to 40% were riding mules and donkeys. Such a cavalry would be laughed off by the princes of the world when taken out, but Cao Mengde didn't care at all. Although it can only pretend, it can be used to frighten the bandits and bandits, go to Mercedes-Benz, and pass news.

The cavalry known as the iron cavalry is like this. It is obvious that the remaining three thousand infantry and three thousand heavy soldiers are even more unbearable. Although the 1,000 cavalry didn't look very good, they were veterans who had seen blood on the battlefield anyway, but these 3,000 infantry were inferior products eliminated from the county soldiers, only after half a year of training. As for the three thousand heavy soldiers, it's even simpler, just catch some civilians and train for a few days.

Riding seven thousand steps, it sounds mighty and majestic, and then put on neat livery, everyone has a shield, or a spear, standing on the wall, looks majestic, enough to frighten those horse bandits Sand Pirates. Cao Mengde is a rare hero in the world. He is accustomed to playing tricks. According to his original intention, he left and right to capture Luoyang City, the capital of the Han Dynasty. These seven thousand people were stuck in this wild jujube city for several days and nights. Luoyang The city was captured. To be a joke, these seven thousand people will always be better than the grass people.

The seven thousand garish troops were all handed over to a school lieutenant surnamed Wang, who had a single name in one English. He was a native of Yuzhou. He was born in a family of military generals. In the five generations of his ancestors, the highest official position was once a military commander. Kanto is a prime minister, and Kansai is a general. Such a background is considered the number one in Yuzhou. Xiaowei Wang is cautious, old in the army, and extremely qualified, and looks similar to Chun Yuqiong, a general under Yuan Gonglu. However, Lieutenant Wang had a very prominent shortcoming, that is, good wine, he has reached the point of being addicted to alcohol, once he started drinking, he must be drunk. Because of this, Cao Mengde sucked the tooth flower seeds for a long time.

"You only need to keep it for ten days, and within ten days, I will definitely be able to attack Luoyang City. If a small group of horse bandits and sand thieves come and send cavalry to drive them away, if you encounter a large group of rogues, feel relieved. Just keep the city. As long as you keep enough for these ten days, I don’t blame you for losing the jujube. But there is one, no alcohol! If it’s something wrong with drinking, I will cut off your head and make a urinal!"

Before leaving, Cao Mengde was still a little worried. He called Wang Ying and asked carefully before leaving.

Boss Cao’s speech always counts. Appreciate doubts and punish doubts. Take the threats before Boss Cao’s departure. Xiaowei Wang really stopped drinking. Within seven days, he really didn’t drink, and he was addicted to alcohol. At that time, even if he hit the wall with his head, he did not dare to start the vows. In this way, day after day, enduring thousands of tortures, counting the days with my fingers, today is finally the tenth day.

Boss Cao said that after ten days of keeping it, it doesn't hurt to lose the Jujube City. The sun was in the sky, it was noon, most of the tenth day had passed, and it seemed that this messenger could be handed over immediately. Just thinking about it, the wine worm in Xiaowei Wang's belly began to move around. After several ideological struggles, Xiaowei Wang finally made up his mind.

Damn it! Let's drink! Suddenly, the roast goose, pork shoulder, big fish and big meat all came up, and the lieutenant Wang held the wine jar to let go and drank. Due to the blockade of the Union State Army, the value of good wine was so high that Xiaowei Wang couldn't drink it. All he drank was undistilled and filtered rice wine, which was sifted with fine yarn to filter out the froth before drinking. Xiaowei Wang started drinking and drank more than ten altars in a row.

I was stunned at the left and right, and I was quite a little apprehensive. The ambassador has not yet been handed over. How can this be a good thing for Master Xiaowei to drink so much? If I missed Cao Yanzhou's major event, even if I had nine heads in the item, it would not be enough for his old man to cut! I wanted to step forward to dissuade me, but when I looked at Wang Xiaowei's drunk eyes that were more intimate than meeting my mother, I was immediately withered. Let him go!

With just such a meal, after half an hour passed, the lieutenant Wang finally got over the alcohol addiction and grabbed a roast goose and started to gnaw it. In front of him, there were eighteen wine jars neatly arranged. Although the weight of the wine jars in this dynasty was very small, the eighteen jars of wine looked very scary. The unfiltered sake has a great stamina. Just after half a roast goose has been eaten, the lieutenant-sir is drunk. "I am drunk?????? Um??????" He fell asleep soundly, still biting half of a roast goose in his mouth.

Just as he met his beautiful fairy daughter in his dream, he heard only a rush of footsteps, followed by yelling from left and right. "Master Xiaowei! Master Xiaowei! It's okay! Hong Ling from outside the city came to pass the order, saying that General Yuan Yuan is here!" In my dream, I just touched the full chest of the fairy daughter and was suddenly interrupted. Master Wei finally got out of anger.

"His grandma is a bear! Which General Yuan is it? Where did the birdman dare to disturb grandfather's spring dream?" Wang Xiaowei opened a pair of drunk eyes and glared. At this moment, his eyes are hazy. Everything seems to be even. "Hey! Obediently! Why do you **** have two heads? Hee hee hee hee hee ??????" Lieutenant Wang laughed.

"It's Yuan Shao Yuan Benchu, the general who was pro-appointed by the emperor!" He was almost choked to death by the words of Mr. Xiaowei. After rolling his eyes, he immediately turned back and sneered. Upon hearing this, Lieutenant Wang woke up for more than a half of his time. He jumped up from the couch, put on clothes and armor casually with the help of the left and right, and slid out of the county office and headed straight to the tower. .

When he reached the top of the city, Lieutenant Wang's drunken spirit faded again. This time, his eyes were no longer even in double numbers. He calmed down and tried his best to push back the remaining dizziness in his brain, then opened his eyes and looked under the city. "Hey! On the top of the city is the school lieutenant Wangying? Someone is the Hong Ling's urgent envoy under General Yuan Da, who is here to send an order! Order your department to carry the grain and grass and leave the city quickly! Supply grain, grass, armor and military supplies for the Jizhou army! The time limit is half an hour. If you lose your time, the tribe will destroy your tribes!" Maybe it's been a long time, Hong Ling under the city head is very angry, and he shoots the paper document with a bow and arrow. Chengtou!

There was only a puff, the iron arrow was being nailed to the wooden pillar of the tower, Hong Ling hurriedly turned around and slapped away.

Xiaowei Wang hurriedly ordered someone to fetch the piece of paper. With the help of the left and right, he read the ten lines at a glance. It was indeed Yuan Shao Yuan Benchu's flower boy, and the gold medals were all there. "Oh! Passing my general order, the whole army will immediately go out of the city with grain, grass, armor, and military resources!" Captain Wang sighed and immediately took measures. General Yuan Da came back this time, he must have returned triumphantly, who would dare to provoke him?

There was another rush of hands and feet, and I had been busy for a short half hour, and it was too late. As everyone looked through the autumn water, only a group of people from the west yelled horses, yellow dust rolled, and the sky was overwhelming. Xiaowei Wang is a veteran man. His old man was setting up a pergola in his hand, watching dazzlingly, and saw a billowing yellow dust waving in the wind with a Yuan character flag, but it was a bit shabby.

"General Yuan Da is here! Immediately clean up the military appearance and set up a team to greet him!" Master Xiaowei waved his right hand and stood in the front with a horse.

When he was drunk, he neglected Hong Ling's urgent messenger. This time, he must work harder to perfuse.

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