New Story of Lv Bu

: : There are only eight hundred county soldiers in the city

The three thousand Yanzhou Army was struggling with horses and hunger all the way. Where can they have the strength to fight? As soon as I saw that there were fine riders rolling in all directions, I was immediately bluffed. The clever and clever man rode the horse and fled. Those who turned their minds a little slower were immediately shot by arrows coming from the lasing. , Exclaimed, turned over and fell. Suddenly, three thousand Yanzhou troops were killed and turned on their backs.

To be honest, the people who came around were only three thousand fine horses under the Korean order, and the horses galloping behind, making all the yellow dust, were only three thousand heavy soldiers. Han Sui had been fighting for a long time, and had long expected that the three thousand Yanzhou army would travel a long distance, hungry and tired, and had already reached the point where the lights were exhausted. Setting an ambush here and now will surely receive the first-hand effect and wipe out Cao's army.

The three thousand fine horses under Han Sui's command are based on the eight hundred fine horses brought from Luoyang City, the capital of the Han Dynasty, as the backbone. These eight hundred fine knights are all veterans of a hundred battles under the command of the generals in Luoyang City, the private soldiers of the Emperor Huangfu, the personal guards of the general Wei, and the slick veterans under the account of Mr. Ziyu?????? The veteran Yuzi in China, the world he has seen, and the people who have been killed are countless.

These old fried dough sticks watered flowers and planted vegetables in Luoyang City, the capital of the Han Dynasty, and sent them to us. They were already tired. As soon as they heard that they were about to return to the battlefield, they all cheered and cheered. With their means and qualifications, they picked up three or four surrender horse bandits and sand thief. Didn't they pinch them in their hands? Seeing that he was chasing with Boss Han, rich and promising, one by one was already happy. Once you make a move, it is a unique skill at the bottom of the box! Huangfu Taiwei's commander pointed out where the marksman shot the carving men, and General Wei was full of energy, and the elites who attacked all were trapped. Mr. Ziyu marked the silver fox and ghost army who took advantage and did not lose, and they all showed their skills together.

His grandma is a bear! This battle is bound to capture Cao Mengde and his generals! Anyway, I'm going to be too addicted!

With more than three thousand and hundred battles against the three thousand tired Cao Jun Qingqi, not to mention the difference between the hip horse and the body armor, just the tolerance and calmness can not be compared. . These veterans galloped on their horses and were not close to the enemy. What they were holding in their hands was either a god-arm bow or a god-arm crossbow. When they met each other, they just swished and swished in a rain of arrows!

Unprepared, at least seven or eight hundred people were shot off the horse among the three thousand Yanzhou Qingqi! The arrows of the God Arm Bow and God Arm Crossbow are large and long, and they are fired at close range. There is no way to hide, and there is no way to hide, so I have to bow my head, and the rest is up to the thief. Whoosh whoosh! Whoosh whoosh! In just a few dozen breaths, three thousand Yanzhou Qingqi fell down a large area, and they were completely stunned!

"Follow me! Stand out! To the east!" One-eyed general Xiahou Dun deserved to be the first general under Cao Mengde, and he was the first to react. When I saw the yellow dust rolling around, I knew that I was in an ambush. I quickly clamped my legs into the belly of the horse, waved the spear in my hand, and went straight to the east. From Luoyang to Jujube, and then to Puyang, Xiahou Dun opened the way, and Xiahouyuan broke off.

"My lord, the situation is critical, and there are so many Bingzhou troops. We must not be able to fight. Let's run eastward!" Before the voice was over, Xia Houyuan didn't care about his superiority and inferiority, and he grabbed Cao Mengde's crotch and lowered his horse. The reins went straight to the east. "To the east! Protect the lord! Get out!" Li Dian and Le Jin hurriedly led their soldiers, surrounded by Cao Cao, panicking and heading east.

"Little ones! Cao Mengde escaped! Catch him! Catch him alive!" Han Suihan's boss was very excited, carrying a horse in his hand, his legs and his belly, and carrying his own soldiers. Go up! "Don't run away from Cao Mengde!" "Capture Cao Mengde alive!" "The wife and shadow son is here!" Three thousand and one hundred war veterans shouted, and the crowd rushed eastward.

In this way, Xiahou Dun, Xia Houyuan, Le Jin, and Li Dian kept Cao Cao and fled all the way east. The Bingzhou Jingqi behind him chased him tightly, and he pulled his horse back to fight back, repelled a wave, and fled again. Han Sui has been in the West for a long time, knowing that the essence of the chase is to completely lose the confidence of the chased. As soon as I saw this situation, I immediately understood it. "Little ones, don't be in a hurry, don't chase too hard! Once the pressure is reduced and there is a way to escape, they just want to escape, and they won't fight desperately."

Upon hearing this, Three Thousand Jingqi immediately slowed down and fell behind. The generals of Cao Jun breathed a sigh of relief, hurriedly increased their whip, and fled straight east. Just ran all the way, and I don't know how long it took. After checking the horses, there were only more than 300 riders left. The horses under everyone's hips hadn't eaten or drank in the past few days, and their physical strength had long been exhausted. All the way, they continued to foam at the mouth and fell to death one after another. In desperation, everyone had to slow down their horses, and the two of them rode together, rushing eastward, no matter where they went.

After another half an hour, there was a small city in front of him. The wall was low and dilapidated, which was extremely miserable compared to the magnificent county town in Sili. "Go into the city! Anyway, take a breath before speaking!" Cao Mengde straightened his waist immediately and said with all his strength. At this moment, between his legs, blood was already worn out, and his waist was like a needle stick.

At this moment, I suddenly heard the horseshoe beating behind him, shaking the earth, everyone looked back, three thousand horses were riding together, everyone leaped horses and swords, and hurried forward. Cao Mengde is really a good man. He immediately took shape, built a pergola with his hands, and looked at the small city. He estimated the distance, and it was about ten miles away. "Follow me! Kill to that small city!" Cao Mengde's legs clamped his horse's belly, and he took the lead and rushed out first! More than 300 Qingqi glanced at each other and hurriedly chased after each other.

Three thousand combined state fine riders, each person has four or five war horses, riding in rotation, the war horses can get a rest, the speed is naturally much faster than the Yanzhou army. In this way, they fled and chased, and chased them for two or three miles. The horses of the Yanzhou Army finally couldn't hold it. They foamed at the mouth and fell to the ground. Even Cao Cao himself fell from the horse three times in succession. Fortunately, Xiahou Dun and Xiahou Yuan were quick in their hands and pulled him up.

Seeing Bingzhou Jingqi chasing him closer and closer, there were only less than a hundred riders left under his command of more than three hundred riders. Cao Mengde couldn't help but sigh in his heart: "My life is over!" He held the horse's rein in his left hand. With his right hand gripping the dagger around his waist, his heart said, if Bingzhou Jingqi catches up, I, Cao Cao, will use this dagger to slay himself! Even if you die by yourself, it is better than being a prisoner!

Just when Cao Mengde was eager to die, he could only hear a roar: "Master, don't panic! I'm here with Cao Hong!" A sturdy horse came out of the oblique stabbing and went straight to the rolling Bingzhou Jingqi. ! This group of people and horses are all light riders, about three thousand people, each with a gray-headed face, and the people and horses are full of dust. At a glance, you know that it is a long journey and a thousand-mile drive.

The first general, born with a leopard head and eyes, a top helmet and a braided armour, carrying a big sword in his hand, flying his horse like flying, it is Cao Hong and Cao Zilian! Supervisor Cao Hong led three thousand light knights, rolling in, and in an instant, he smashed into a group with the three thousand Bianzhou iron knights rushing! Bingzhou is skilled in riding bows and horses, and they are all veterans after a hundred battles, so much better than Cao Jun! This fight naturally has the upper hand.

"Brothers! Even if you die, you must protect your master's integrity!" Cao Hong sternly shouted, and he slashed the Bingzhou Jingqi Lianmen and horses on the opposite side! A large spatter of blood spattered out, so that his head and face were splattered all over. He stuck out his tongue and licked the blood at the corner of his mouth, which was salty and fishy. I stayed here for many days and finally saved the lord at a critical moment.

At this moment, I could only hear a trumpet from the top of the city, and in an instant, the flags were flying, and the heads were moving, like a sea of ​​people. A man with a helmet and a braided armour and a sword on his waist. This man is nine feet tall and has a beautiful big beard. He is eight feet three inches long and has beautiful beard and beard. He is one of Cao Cao’s important advisers. One, Cheng Yu Cheng Zhongde! At this time, he was serving as the magistrate of Shou Zhang.

"Lord! General Zilian and I have been waiting for you again for a long time! Open the door! Welcome the lord and General Zilian into the city!" Cheng Yu laughed loudly. Before the words were over, only a squeak was heard, the city gate burst open, and Cao Cao took the lead and entered this city with his legs clamped in the belly of the horse. Behind him, Xiahou Dun, Xia Houyuan, Le Jin, and Li Dian flew their horses and went straight to the head of the city.

Cao Cao slowed his horse speed, boarded the city head, reined his horse, and heard a sorrow. The horse under his crotch finally couldn't support it, foaming at his mouth, and the hill fell crashing down, seeing that he was dead. Cao Cao's eyes were quick and his hands were quick, he flew up and fell to the ground. He took a breath, and tears fell in his eyes. "I have fought for many years and have won a hundred battles. I don't want to attack Luoyang City this time. I am defeated! Not only did I break Cao Zixiao, I even disappeared from Feng Xiao!" "Master! Guo Jia is here!" I only heard a loud roar. The people wearing ordinary cavalry costumes shouted loudly on the ground, and Cao Cao quickly saw that it was someone else, it was Guo Jia!

Hearing this, Cao Cao immediately turned from crying to laugh, his face was full of smiles with crystal clear tears. He took Guo Jia Guo Fengxiao with one hand, and Cheng Yu Cheng Zhongde with one hand, and said with a big smile: "Hahahahahahaha! Even if the soldiers are destroyed, the 100,000 elite will be ashes! As long as Fengxiao and Zhongde are there, I will make a comeback. That day!" "We thank the lord!" Cheng Yu and Guo Jia hurriedly bowed their hands and bowed their bows, raised their heads, wiped the corners of their eyes with their sleeves, their faces were already full of determination.

After calming the two counsellors, Cao Mengde then set up a pergola and looked out of the city, only to see the city gates burst open on all sides, and Cao Hong and Cao Zilian, with hundreds of Qingqi, were running towards the city gate. Two or three miles away, Xiliang Jingqi didn't even pursue it. In a blink of an eye, on the top of the city, there are densely packed grass men with helmets and armours. "Zhong De, how many soldiers are there in the city after you deal with it this way?" Cao Cao couldn't help but lose his color. "Master, there are only eight hundred county soldiers!" Cheng Yu replied with a cross-handed smile.

"Master, Han Wen promised that Xiliang Dahao is true, but he was suspicious, so he had to bluff him with suspicious soldiers."

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