New Story of Lv Bu

: : Cheng Zhongde's courage is too much to bend and educate!

Sure enough, Cheng Yu Cheng Zhongde was hit by the words. In the whistling northwest wind, Han Sui waved his hand and roared: "Little ones! Let's go!" As soon as he finished speaking, he put his legs in the belly and went ahead. Up. The three thousand fine riders under his command were like squally storms, and they were immediately withdrawn cleanly. After more than a hundred breaths, only the corpses of thousands of people and horses were left around Zhencheng.

In this battle, Han Sui strategized, commanded Ruo Definitely, spotted Cao Mengde's weaknesses, and used wolves tactics to bite the Yanzhou Army. The bite was so cruel and accurate, it happened to bite Cao Mengde's waist and eye, and almost wiped out Cao Mengde's cavalry. Killing thousands, seizing more than 2,000 horses, and capturing more than 2,000 Yanzhou cavalry is a rare victory.

Seeing that Cao Mengde had already entered Zhencheng, he didn't know how many soldiers there were in the city. The three thousand fine horses under his command came from thousands of miles. If you can't fight for a long time, why not stop here and find a place to rest. , By the way, digest the captives. If there are heavy soldiers ambushing in Zhencheng, the cold will come to us Lao Han all of a sudden, making a humiliated face, wouldn't it be fame?

In the end, even though Han Sui was unwilling, he had no choice but to retreat. He spent more than a year in Luoyang City, the capital of the Han Dynasty, and he had calluses under his buttocks. Now he finally got a chance to lead troops again. If he suffered a big defeat, this was the chance to lead troops. It's freaking out. Thinking about the days when he was idle with five ridges and six beasts in the capital, he really had lingering fears. Alas, what our old Han likes most in his life is galloping horses and chasing wind and electricity. Although Wei Wei is expensive, I still respect him.

Cheng Yu Cheng Zhongde is not only bold, but also good at making good judgments, the best at guessing people's minds, Korean Yueguo is really suspicious!

"Oh! Cheng Yu's courage is too much of a benevolence and education!" Cao Cao couldn't help being overjoyed when he saw Han Sui leaving the siege. The so-called Ben and Yu refer to Meng Ben and Xia Yu. Meng Ben was a famous warrior of the Qin people during the Warring States Period. He could not avoid dragons and tigers and rhinos when he walked on land. He was able to draw horns, exhaled anger, and made a loud noise. He was particularly brave. Xia Yu was a famous warrior in Zhou Dynasty, a defender of the country, and his legendary ability was extremely powerful. Cao Cao compared Cheng Yu with two people, which is really a very appropriate compliment. When he saw the lord's praise, Cheng Yu couldn't help but express himself. He quickly cleansed his clothes, crossed his hands, bowed, and said: "Thank you lord! Cheng Yu has no choice but to do this!"

"Thanks to Zhong De this time! If Han Wenyue ignores him and immediately orders the siege, I am afraid I will die without a place to bury him!" Cao Cao reached out and touched the fine sweat beads on his head, and said with lingering fear. This time, I'm trying to survive, but if the first Governor Lu Feng leads a large army to come tomorrow, what should he do? Thinking of this, his face immediately clouded over. "It's okay, the spirit of Han Wen's cavalry has been exhausted, and he has plundered along the way, and the rewards are very rich. His strong soldiers no longer have the idea of ​​giving up life. Rather than garrison troops under a strong city, how can it be? Distribute troops and plunder nearby counties?" Cheng Yu said calmly.

"This statement is great!" Cao Mengde is extremely clever, and in a flash, he wanted to understand. Who is Han Sui's Hangeul appointment? It was the horse thief leader who used to be rampant in Xiliang. Now, even though he has been an officer and soldier, the strong smell of horse thief on his body is determined to be unclean. For the horse thief, the favorite thing is to looting and plundering, and then returning home in daylight.

Just as everyone was raising their heads with their hands and sighing, the military officer in charge of communications came hurriedly. "My lord, this is the eagle letter I just received! Three days ago, in the county town of Wanzhou in Nanyang County, the generals of Xiliang, Li Lao, Guo Bang, and Fan Chouzong made chaos, beheading Situ Wang Yunmanmen. Then they plundered. In Wancheng, more than a hundred families of aristocratic families were slaughtered, and the whole army went south, and was defeated by Zhang Ji and Zhang Xiu's nephew in the middle."

"Congratulations lord! Congratulations lord! Yanzhou can be rude!" Upon hearing this, Guo Jia immediately jumped up. "Fengxiao, He Xizhi has it?" Cao Cao raised his eyes and looked at Guo Jia with deep meaning. "My lord, I have seen Lu Fengxian many times in Luoyang for more than a year. He is a rare hero in the world. He is very strong. After hearing about this, he will definitely be furious. He will try his best to prevent Li Yu, Guo Bang and Fan Chou caught them and thwarted their bones and ashes. They are determined not to retreat!"

"Hahahahahahahaha! Yanzhou Chou'an is all dependent on Li Na, Guo Bang, and Fan Chou!"

Cao Mengde raised his head with his hand and laughed loudly. At this moment, his face was already light.

October 21st, before the hour, Chenliucheng, the prefecture of Chenliu County, Yanzhou, outside the west gate.

Yuan Shao's general, Ju Yi, holding the household register of Yin Shou and Chen Liujun in his hand, stood proudly in the cold winter wind. He pressed the sword with his left hand, and his right hand was firmly holding the seal and the household registration atlas. The howling northwest wind blew his robe backwards, revealing the iron armor inside. The full-faced beard swayed slightly with the biting cold wind, but his eyes stared into the distance like a falcon.

Behind Ju Yi, five thousand dead men stood neatly, like towering trees, without fear of the cold wind and dripping blood. These five thousand dead soldiers were all Ju Yi’s private soldiers, and he was also the old man who was able to settle down for his life. In order to keep this private soldier, Ju Yi did not hesitate to turn his face with the white horse general Gongsun Zan, and he did not hesitate to fight with the fourth generation and the third gong. Yuan Benchu ​​turned his face. However, at this moment, the elite team he had worked so hard to train was about to hand over to Da Sima Lubu.

Ugh! Go ahead! Thinking of this, Ju Yi couldn't help but let out a long sigh in his heart! The world has changed with time, the Han Dynasty has fallen, and the world has fallen apart. Even heroes such as Yuan Benchu ​​and Cao Mengde are constantly wandering between life and death. What about a little prince like him? After the entire army returned to Da Sima this time, this elite team did not know who was going to lead it! It's really unwilling to give up.

"General! Presumably the envoy sent by the Grand Sima has arrived." A young man with a small cap in Tsing Yi said softly a step behind Ju Yi. With a faint smile on his face, he looked harmless to humans and animals, just like a guy in an ordinary wine shop. Indeed, he is the shopkeeper of a wine shop in Chen Liucheng, but his true identity is the leader of the shadow in Chen Liucheng.

"Oh! Your ambassador, please come forward and speak, don't be polite!" Upon hearing this, a smile appeared on Ju Yi's face, as gentle as a breeze in a bright spring day. Don't look at the harmless look of this man and animal, this is just an illusion! An hour ago, in the lobby of Chenliu's Prefect's Mansion, this fellow slashed the three lieutenants under Cao Mengde's command, and was empty-handed.

The reputation of Shadow and Si Wencao, Ju Yi has long been able to hear calluses in his ears. For several years, the assassin general Ma Zhong has been using the shadows to control this elite group under his command. Only in the lobby of Chen Liu's prefect's mansion, the actions of his generals have fully illustrated this point. Now, Ju Yi has made up his mind and is ready to return to Da Sima, and the people of the shadows must not be offended! If the General Assassin were to be aware of his unwillingness to Ju Yixin, he would definitely not see the sun of tomorrow.

"Thanks to the general!" The smiling young man gently moved forward half a step, only half a step, standing with cross-hands bowed solemnly.

After comforting the leader of the shadow, Ju Yi raised his eyes and looked into the distance steadily. In the west direction, a piece of yellow dust was raised, in the howling northwest wind, like a yellow dragon, rushing towards the west gate of Chen Liucheng. Ju Yi is a veteran of the army, he is a veteran after a hundred battles, he can tell at a glance, this is a fine rider, look at the rising yellow dust, there are probably more than a thousand riders.

How about only a thousand rides? Ju Yi couldn't help but feel a little puzzled. Da Sima was one person below ten thousand people, and he was on the battlefield. There were still Yuan Benchu's remnant enemies of the Jizhou army around him. There were only more than a thousand riders. Isn't it a bit careless? Just as Ju Yi was puzzled, the elite rider rushed along the wind, and in an instant, it arrived at the city of Chen Liu, and one of the generals turned over and dismounted.

"General Ju Yi, don't come here unscathed?" The man smiled and gave Ju Yi a bear hug when he came up. As soon as he saw this person, Ju Yi's face immediately burst into laughter. This person is not someone else, but Gao Yuanbo! In Yuan Shao's Jizhou army, there were many hills and many factions. Ju Yi joined the group later, not a direct line, and suffered a lot. Although Gao Lan joined the group earlier, Yuan Shao treated him well, but compared to direct line generals such as Yan Liang, Wen Chou, and Chun Yuqiong, he was not even a bit behind.

"Uncle Yuan, aren't you in Yuan Shaojun? How did you get here???????" Halfway through the conversation, Ju Yi was silent. He knew that Yuan Shao was defeated. He knew that Gao Lan had stayed behind to defend the Guancheng camp. He also knew that Gao Lan was here now. Does it need to be asked? His entire army must have surrendered to Da Sima, and then he was ordered to come to comfort him.

"Hahahahahahahaha!" Gao Lanzong laughed for a long time. "I said Laoju, I am the envoy sent by General Wei Gaoshun! Nuo! This is a personal notice issued by Da Sima. You and I are both generals of two thousand stones, and still lead the troops. You are General First, I am General Jianwei. General Wei is afraid of your doubts, so he sent me here. Now you can rest assured!"

"This??????" Ju Yi opened the letter carefully and read it through ten lines before slowly closing the paper. "Da Sima and General Wei are so kind to me waiting for the generals! Compared with Da Sima, Yuan Benchu, who claims to be able to gather talents from all over the world, is just a porpoise!" Ju Yi couldn't help but cry and wept bitterly. It's runny.

Gao Lan is also very smart, so he wiped the corner of his eye with his big sleeve just like he was tearing away. Through the gap between the big sleeves, he peeked at him, and saw that Ju Yi was also peeking at him. The pair of eagle eyes was full of calmness and satisfaction. "Hey! Gather the heroes of the world and make good use of them! Looking at the world, if you are not Da Sima, who can do it? I and the king will finally be the master!" Gao Lan suddenly shouted.

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