New Story of Lv Bu

: : Let’s copy Liu Jingsheng’s lair

October 21st, Shenshi, Sili, Henan Yin, Xinzheng County.

Xinzheng, during the Yanhuang period, was the country of Xiong, and later, it was the country of Zhu Rong. During the Xia and Shang periods, Xinzheng was the capital of Xia and Gyeonggi as the capital of Shang. In the Western Zhou Dynasty, Xinzheng was the State of Xi, in the Spring and Autumn Period was the State of Zheng, and during the Warring States Period, it was South Korea. Xinzheng, the once capital of South Korea, was established in Zheng County and governed in Handu. At the same time, Xinzheng became one of the metropolises within a thousand miles, rich in products, and extremely developed industry and commerce.

After Qin unified the six countries, Xinzheng and Yuanling counties were established, which belonged to Yingchuan County. The Han Dynasty inherited the Qin system, and Xinzheng belonged to Henan County.

A hundred miles north of Xinzheng is Guancheng County. Along the way, there are newly built official roads, which can accommodate eight horses and make the march very fast. Ever since Grand Sima Lubu was angry, he led eight thousand tigers to gallop in the starry night, chasing Li Lao, Guo Bang, and Fan Chou all the way south, General Wei Gao Shun immediately passed the order, gathered the elite, chose 50,000 steps to ride, and went all the way to the south. Before sunset, I finally came to Xinzheng.

"The order: the whole army rests, buries the pot and cooks, three hours later, get up and go. The soldiers are too tired and don't need to camp, but they need to send out sentry. Anything within a radius of two hundred miles, I want one. Clearly!" Gao Shun turned over and got off his horse, threw the horse's reins to the soldiers behind him, and lay on the ground, letting the soldiers on the left and right massage his sore legs before he stood up.

At this time, Suihu's soldiers had already opened a simple Chinese army tent-this was a newly made thing by Luoyang Gongcao, which could be supported within a quarter of an hour, and it was easily retracted and retracted. Gao Shun lifted the curtain and strode the meteor into the Chinese army's large account. He just picked up the tea cup and poured warm tea into his stomach. The military officer in charge of communications came with a stack of eagle letters.

Gao Shun quickly put down the teapot and bowl, grabbed the pile of eagle letters, and looked carefully. Da Sima Lubu is the first military commander of the dynasty. He pays attention to all the rivers and lakes, he is happy and enmity, he likes to chase the wind and power, spur the horse, and make ten decisions. Naturally, these trivial things will not be placed in his eyes. As Da Sima's close comrade-in-arms and military deputy, General Wei Gao Shun had to reluctantly. He first looked at the abridgement on the eagle's envelope, set aside the report papers, and picked up the important ones.

Ugh! There is no way, behind every heroic hero who is happy about the rivers and lakes, someone has to take care of these minor tasks for them.

After reading the stack of Eagle Letters, Gao Shun let out a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the situation is under control. This battle has been fought for several months, the money and food have been spent countless, and the soldiers killed and wounded are everywhere. Fortunately, I finally won! The next step is how to finish it. You should try to get what you can get, and what you get is true! The princes of Kanto must pay the price of blood!

Gao Shun stood up, and under the dazzling giant candle, carefully looked at a huge map. He stared at the mountains and cities on the map with piercing eyes, and hundreds of thousands of soldiers were shaking in front of him. The Tiger and Leopard Cavalry pursued Chunyuqiong to the south, and had already arrived at Weishi, the trapped camp and the Beiwei army pursued Yuan Benchu ​​eastward, Zhang Liao's trapped camp was in Xiaohuang, and Pound's Beiwei army was in Fengqiu.

Zhao Zilong's selection of the front army is in the wild jujube, Hou Ziyu's silver fox and ghost army in Yingyin, Gao Lan and Ju Yi in Chenliu, the entire east and the south are all in force. It seems that it is not a problem to conquer Yanzhou and Yuzhou in one fell swoop. In remote Jizhou, there are Lu An’s Tiance Army, Ling Hao’s Ling Hao Army, and the old fox Dahong’s Zhang Yan. With these three armies, it is not difficult to settle Jizhou.

In addition, there are three battlefields. In the distant Western Regions, Lord Kanghou and General Lu Zheng of Tianxiong are fighting hard with Divas I of the Guishuang Empire. In the direction of Hanzhong, there was Taiwei Huangfu sitting in town, as well as Yan Xing's Guanxi cavalry and Zangba's mountain infantry. Zhang Lu's colorful army was nothing to eat. The only flaw is the two nephews of Zhang Ji and Zhang Xiu from Nanyang.

Li Lao, Guo Bang, and Fan Chou were defeated. According to the information obtained by the scouts, they were definitely fleeing east. As long as they don’t go north and go back to the west, there is no big deal. Let them go east to harm Yuzhou and Xuzhou. Li Lao, Guo Bang, and Fan Chou are all year-round horse bandits. It is naturally good for them to create some trouble for the princes of Yuzhou, Xuzhou, Yanzhou, and Qingzhou.

Gao Shun's fingers swept across the huge map and drew a big circle. Finally, his fingers stopped in a place, Xiangyang! When Wang Situ supervised Nanyang, Li Lao, Guo Bang, and Fan Chou led the headquarter and killed Liu Biao, Liu Jingsheng's general, Cai Hao, and lost a thousand miles. This time Nanyang had such a big mess, Xinye abandoned the guard, will Cai Hao take advantage of the fire? Thinking of this, Gao Shun's heart couldn't help but sink, Liu Jingsheng could calm down, and Cai Degui's servant could not tell.

"General Wei, the eagle letter I just received. The cousin of Jingzhou Muliu mentioned a 200,000 army. They have captured Xinye and marched towards Wancheng! The two nephews Zhang Ji and Zhang Xiu, who are holding on to Nanyang, are retreating, and Wancheng is at stake. Zhang Ji sent an emergency eagle letter, one hundred thousand in a hurry, asking for assistance!" At this moment, the tent was lifted, and the military officer in charge of communications walked into the big tent and crossed his hand to report.

Peng! Gao Shunyi punched the screen! His grandma is a bear! What are you really afraid of! Liu Jingsheng had to mobilize troops to fight the fire. In this way, his dream of attacking Yanzhou, Qingzhou, Xuzhou, and Yuzhou in one fell swoop was completely shattered! The great situation that had taken place after the victory over the princes of the Kanto region was immediately lost! It's really maddening! No matter how hard it is!

Wang Situ, Wang Situ, can't your old man bear it? Look at the Louzi you stabbed, it's leaking from all sides!

After a while, Gao Shun immediately took measures. Since the dream of raiding Yanzhou, Qingzhou, Xuzhou, and Yuzhou in one fell swoop was gone, he must find it from Liu Biao and Liu Jingsheng! "Give me my order! Dahongtong Zhang Yan, Tiance General Lu An, and Linghao General Lu Linghao quickly settled Jizhou and waited for the opportunity to enter Qingzhou. Guarding General Zhao Yun must cooperate with Zhang Yan, Lu An, and Lu Linghao's subordinates and guard Jizhou. Yingxin sent a letter to Da Sima and told him that Wancheng was in danger, and ordered Zhang Liao, Xu Huang, and Pound to return to their teachers quickly!"

"Nuo!" Junhou, who was in charge of communications, walked through the dragons and snakes, and noted them all. He put away the pen, ink, paper and inkstone in his hand, raised his head and asked. "General Wei, former General Hou Cheng and Si Li Du Supervisor Cheng Lian, what orders are there?" Gao Shun turned around abruptly, gave him a surprised look, and then said slowly. "Hou Ziyu is fighting an old battle. I am afraid that the action has already started at this moment. You only need to tell him the latest situation. He will naturally understand how to deal with it. As for Cheng Lian, order him to strictly guard Si Li. If there is another sneak attack, About Luoyang, I will cut off his head to make a urinal!" Gao Shun said in a loud voice.

Liu Jingsheng, you immortal! Dare to take advantage of the fire! If you don't cut off your head this time, I will swear not to be a human being!

October 22, Yin Shi, Yuzhou, Runan County, Xiping County.

The sky was already bright, and among the rugged mountains, a round of red sun was gushing out, sprinkling golden light everywhere. Under the rays of the sun, the mountains in winter seemed to be wearing a gray hat, which looked very funny. Among the verdant mountains, the grass and trees are already withered and yellow, and the red and yellow trees tremble in the northwest wind that comes from the whistling, and they are scattered all over the ground golden.

Outside the West Gate of Xiping County, curls of cooking smoke drifted with the wind, thousands of cauldrons were steaming steaming, and the fire-headed soldiers were sweating profusely and burying the pots to make food. Within the huge barracks-if this vast plain is considered a barracks-the silver fox ghost army who slept soundly all night finally got up, and the fatigue of driving hundreds of miles in the starry night has been wiped out. They squeezed in front of the buckets to wash, and drove vulgar and innocent jokes between each other. After a meal and a meal, they still have to drive at least a thousand miles today.

Inside the magnificent Chinese army's big tent, the former general and Sili Xiaowei Houcheng were sitting behind the desk with a bowl of hot horse milk in his hands, drinking with a savory taste. On top of the huge case table in front of him, a map was spreading out, and Mr. Ziyu's fingers were as white as jade, making gestures on the map. General Zhang Yun, his old subordinate, the leader of the Silver Fox Ghost Army, was sitting opposite him.

"Former General, General Wei’s eagle letter is here, just to inform about the latest situation, and there is no substantive order." Zhang Yun took the hot horse milk in his hand and took a tasteful sip. Said slowly. His grandma is a bear! This hot horse's milk is indeed better than goat's milk! Although it's not as hot as hot milk, it doesn't have a hint of fishy smell! The former general will have a blessing!

"This is also the meaning of the question. Whoever knows me, Xiao Shunzi!" Since his reputation as "Mr. Ziyu", Hou Cheng has gradually become more elegant in his speech. After reading dozens of books, he has faintly possessed the tolerance of Taiping Prime Minister. "Da Sima is a passionate young man. He will definitely come to Wancheng after he has cleaned up the three of Li Su, Guo Bin, and Fan Chou. However, it is better to carry the army, fall into the camp, and ride the tiger and the leopard. All the troops pulled out are enough for Liu Jingsheng to drink a pot."

Hou Cheng's face was smiling and not smiling, and Zhang Yun looked like a cloud in a mist. "In Xiao Shunzi's hands, how can he have 50,000 or 60,000 horses, plus those three old-brand elites, are enough to clean up Liu Jingsheng. In that case, we don't have to join in the fun." Speaking of which, Hou Cheng's right hand swept down on the huge map. The four rings on his hand brightened the eyes of people. Emerald, cat's eye, ruby, and sapphire, when they flickered, golden light burst out like the sun.

"Fangyang! Let's go to Xiangyang to copy Liu Jingsheng's lair! Give him a cruel note!" Hou Cheng said coldly.

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