New Story of Lv Bu

: :Chun Yuqiong falls in the chasm

On October 22nd, Chen Shi, Yanzhou, Chenliu County, Weishi County.

The Wei clan was the prison of Zheng State in the Spring and Autumn Period. It was the place where the prison officer Zheng Dafu Wei clan was eating, hence the name Wei clan, which has been inherited to this day. During the Warring States Period, the Wei family belonged to Liangdi. Qin Shihuang set up the county in three years, after being divided and abolished, the subordination relationship was changeable. The Han Dynasty inherited the Qin system, and the Wei family was under the jurisdiction of Chenliu County in Yanzhou. Weishi is bordered by Kaifeng in the north, Yanling in the south, Xinzheng in the west, and Yongqiu in the east. It has always been a place of four wars and a troubled town.

Weishi County is located between the two tributaries of the Jialu River. It is long and narrow from north to south, and extremely narrow from east to west. Standing at the head of the county, looking east and west, the depth is no more than miles. Since Yanzhou was occupied by Cao Mengde, it has recruited civil servants and repaired more than 100 county towns in the territory. However, after the catastrophe, there was a shortage of food and money. The so-called repairs were nothing more than imaginary stories, just messing up some mud and stuffing them indiscriminately.

Within the Weishi county seat, the county government has long been dilapidated, and it seems that it is no different from the wild temples in the wilderness. At this moment, within the dilapidated county government, people are lying crookedly, these people are in ragged clothes, incomplete armour, and food on their faces. They are sleeping. "Get up! It's all **** up! After drinking the porridge, I will start drawing soon! If you don't leave, the tiger and the leopard will catch up again!"

More than a dozen school lieutenants and soldiers holding horse whips in their hands were shouting loudly. The armor on their bodies is still neat, and their faces are not as disheveled as ordinary soldiers. Obviously, these high-ranking generals must have been corrupted behind their backs, as evidenced by the oil stains on the corners of their mouths. "Oh! I just fell asleep after a shift, and now I have to get up and run for my life again!" "Yes! That's it!" The people lying on the floor began to move. They complained loudly, picked up their pants and went to the hut, and washed their faces indiscriminately. I went to eat porridge.

Perhaps because of the looting last night, in today's iron pot, it is rare to see thick porridge. It turns out that the chopsticks do not fall, and the towel is wrapped in the thick porridge! "Hey! It turned out to be thick porridge!" "And minced meat?" After a few exclaims, everyone stretched out the wooden bowl in their hands, lest they hesitate a little and it would be their turn. "Don't worry! Don't worry! Everyone has a share! Take care of your fullness!" The fire-headed soldiers were sweating their spoons, a bowl of thick porridge, a spoonful of meat sauce, enough pipe!

In less than a quarter of an hour, in all directions within the county seat, there was a sound of snoring porridge, like a dog licking food.

As the commander-in-chief of this army, Chunyuqiong naturally does not need to huddle with these soldiers, drinking the unappetizing thick porridge and meat sauce like a dog licking food. On the table in front of him, there was a pig shoulder, half a roast goose, two plates of greens, and even a small jar of local wine! As a veteran after a hundred battles, Chunyuqiong ate food very fast. In an instant, he cleaned up in a snoring manner. The bowl was light and the bowl was light. Today, he is going to cross the Jialu River in one fell swoop and head south along the Langtang Canal. , It’s safe to reach Chen County.

Since the breakout, Tiger Leopard Knight has been falling tightly behind him, taking a bite from time to time, every bite hurts his muscles and bones. In desperation, he had to abandon all his pawns and ran away with Qingqi under his command. After two days and nights, he fled for more than a thousand miles, and then he got rid of the tiger and leopard riding behind him. After finally arriving at Weishi County, I slept peacefully.

As long as you successfully cross the chasm today, and then you can't sleep without rest, you can drive three hundred miles southeast to Chen County, the prefecture of the Kingdom of Chen, you will have escaped! Chen Guoguo is small in population and rich in products. It is a typical Zhongdu Dayi. After a lot of searching there, he will either go east to Yangzhou and seek refuge on the Yuan Highway, or segregate a prefecture to become king, no matter which road is the same. Kangzhuang smooth road!

"Passing! The drawing will begin in a quarter of an hour! Today, we must arrive in Chen County!" Chun Yuqiong said, picking up the teeth.

The Jialu River, also known as the "gulf", was cut by the State of Wei during the Warring States Period. It was opened by King Wei Hui in ten years. The river flows from the north of Xingyang into the fields of the garden, flows through the territory of Kaifeng in the east, and then flows into the Ying River in the south. At that time, the digging of the chasm was mainly to irrigate the farmland. This is a common practice throughout the ages. Where there is water, it becomes a fertile field. After more than 20 years, the development and management of the overlapping economy, to the 31st year of King Hui, the "gulf" finally connected the rivers of Ji, Pu, Sui, Ying, Ru, and Si, forming a thousand miles of fertile fields and a dense waterway transportation network.

In addition to thousands of miles of fertile fields, the gap isolates things and the strategic position is extremely important. In the last years of the Qin Dynasty, the king of Chu Xiang Yu and the king of Han Liu Bang faced each other here. Later Chu and Han agreed to "take the chasm as the boundary, divide the world in the middle, and cut the chasm to the west as the Han, and to the east as the Chu." The Jialu River has plenty of water and can pass through boats. By the time of this dynasty, the dykes were in disrepair and floods were frequent.

At this time, the Jialu River, although in midwinter, the river is not as abundance as Meng Chun, but it is still tens of feet wide and the water depth is more than two feet. "This river cannot be crossed by a boat! Go quickly to find the boat nearby, or cut down trees, tie the wooden rafts, and cross the river." Chun Yuqiong rode a horse to the Jialu River and ordered people to explore with a wooden pole. After a bit of water depth, he said helplessly.

Although man is sure to conquer the sky, but facing such a deep and long "gap", Chunyuqiong can only sigh with joy.

The veteran Chun Yuqiong gave an order, and his seven-to-eight thousand Qingqi rushed immediately. A group of people went up and down to search for ships and boats along the way. A group of people dispersed and fell trees in the nearby mountains and forests. Wooden raft. Fortunately, the weather was fine and it wasn't too cold, and all the troops felt comfortable all over when they moved around. After busying for more than half an hour, he finally **** more than a hundred wooden rafts, plus dozens of large and small ships raided from upstream and downstream, and it seemed that he could ferry a thousand or eight hundred cavalry at a time.

"Cross the river! After crossing the river, immediately send out horses to all directions, always be careful to attack with the state army! Those children and grandchildren are the best at sneak attacks! From Lu Fengxian to Xu Gongming, but his mother is not a fuel-efficient lamp! Brothers, we The ninety-nine prayers have all been worshipped, but you can't be destroyed by this last shiver!" Chun Yuqiong said impassionedly, waving his arms immediately on the edge of the chasm. This sentence is what he said in his heart, and it happened to be the heart of the Chinese Army, that's it, you can't be attacked anymore!

The first group of more than 1,500 cavalrymen who crossed the river crowded the boats and rafts noisily with men and horses. The captured boatmen slid the bamboo poles in their hands reluctantly, and the boat slowly left the river and sailed towards the east bank. Chun Yuqiong was right by the river, staring at the opposite bank intently, his face full of dignity. If the Union State Army has an ambush on the east bank and waits for a half-way to strike it, how can this be good? In the past few months, he and the Bingzhou Army have seen dozens of battles, both large and small. They know them too well!

In the anxious and dignified atmosphere, the boats and rafts finally landed, and the Jizhou Qingqi all breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts, and they swiftly disembarked from the boat and boarded the solid land on the east bank. "Quickly send scouts to detect horses, I want to know every move within a hundred miles!" the captain who led the team roared loudly. "No!" Hearing a loud promise, more than a hundred scouts galloped away in all directions.

"Drive!" The captain who led the team clamped his horse's belly with his legs, flicked the rein, and rode his horse straight to a high post in the distance. After a while, he immediately stood on the high hill, set up a pergola, and looked around. Seven or eight miles to the east, there is a verdant lush forest, and the horse scout under his command has approached the edge of the forest. There was a hustle and bustle, and hundreds of birds skyrocketed from the woods. "Nothing! Let General Chunyu cross the river. There is no one in that forest!

The captain who led the team let out a sigh of relief, flicked the reins, galloped on his horse, slid down the high post, and galloped towards the river.

The signal soldiers on the east coast waved the flags in their hands vigorously, carried out the command of the school lieutenant, and passed the signal of safety. In an instant, more than a hundred large and small boats and wooden platoons on the west bank of the Jialu River moved slowly, and the river surface, which was about 30 meters wide, was immediately crowded with the Jizhou Qingqi who were rushing to cross the river. Alas! Finally escaped from birth!

A huge wooden raft slowly drew ashore, Chun Yuqiong flicked the rein, got off the raft, and jumped onto the east bank of the Jialu River. "Has the scout come back? Is there anyone who can breathe? Come out to answer! Are there any ambushes nearby? Have you ever found clues about Bingzhou Jingqi? Huh?" Chun Yuqiong shouted as he rode straight to the high hills. Binzhou Army is too cunning, he dare not be the slightest carelessness. Sometimes, what he sees with his eyes and what he hears from his ears may not be true. He has to interrogate carefully.

However, no one answered him, no one! There is only the breeze passing by and the cold air.

not good! Something must have happened! Just now he saw it with his own eyes on the West Bank. The captain who led the team sent out more than a hundred scouts. Why didn't one come back? Chun Yuqiong turned his face and glanced behind him. On the wide river, large and small boats and wooden platoons were returning. On the east bank of the Jialu River, three or four thousand Jizhou Qingqis were squeezed in chaos, and they were busy climbing up the bank from the shallows.

"Speed ​​up! Speed ​​across the river! The cavalry who came ashore rectified the army and moved closer to me!" Chun Yuqiong yelled.

Woo?????? Suddenly, seven or eight miles away from the hill where he was standing immediately, in the woods where hundreds of flying birds just soared into the sky, a stern horn sounded. It was Bingzhou Jingqi. Unique horn sound. Densely armored cavalry spewed out from the lush woods, and the cavalry running in the forefront even wore heavy black armor with men and horses. That was a tiger ride!

The wind is blowing, and a big flag is fluttering in the wind. On it is a big fighting character Xu. That is the general of the tiger and the leopard rider in charge of General Xu Huang!

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