New Story of Lv Bu

: : Those two are both extremely difficult and ruthless characters

"It's not good! We are in the middle!" "The tiger and the leopard ride!" "Run! If you don't run, it will be too late!" Among the Jizhou Qingqi, there are many sharp-eyed, smart people who can manage the city. To escape from a cruel battlefield like the Great War, and to save his life in the chase of the Tiger and Leopard Cavaliers for thousands of miles, he must have two brushes in his hand. Those stupid idiots have long been killed in Huangquan, all the way to the west. Seeing Xu Huang's general flag and the tiger and leopard riding hurriedly, they immediately yelled.

These Jizhou Qingqis are not only sharp-eyed and quick-mouthed, but most importantly, they have an extremely sensitive sense of crisis. As soon as he shouted out, his feet had already pinched the horse's belly and rushed out like an arrow from the string. They unanimously rode their horses and ran to the southeast, which was the direction of Chen County, the county of Chen Kingdom. Two hundred miles south from Weishi, after Fugou and Changping, it is Chenxian.

The words of the boss of Chunyu are still in my ears, there are a lot of people in the country, and there is money and food, which is a good place to recuperate and restore strength! As for whether it can run, it depends on the thief. As long as you gallop your horse and run faster than the other robes! Don’t you see, they did this during the Guancheng War, and facts have proved that this method is indeed a life-saving method.

The seven thousand light horses under Chunyuqiong's command are actually a hodgepodge, most of them are drawn from the command of the generals of Jizhou, a small part of them are the soldiers who have taken in along the way, and there are even hundreds of horse bandits and sand thief. All in all, these mountain-topped troops with numerous factions are nothing more than cannon fodder used to attract the attention of the Union State Army. At critical moments, all can be sacrificed.

As for this, Chunyuqiong still knows it, and other leaders, big and small, also know it. There are tigers and leopard riders behind them eagerly chasing, the big guys hug in a group, and the chances of survival will be greater. If not, I'm afraid the big guy would have parted ways long ago. General Chunyu has more than 3,000 direct descendants, and these talents will be the capital and backbone for him to get started in the future.

However, when he was halfway through, he was suddenly attacked by the Tiger and Leopard Cavalier, and even the Qingqi under Chunyu Qiong's subordinates was completely broken.

At this moment, the big guy's dream of living well in Chen County was completely shattered by the sudden appearance of the tiger and leopard rider. In fear, the first reaction was to run away, as far as he could run. As long as you can stay away from those mysterious tiger and leopard riders, even if you run to the ends of the world, you will not hesitate! People have the same heart and heart, and in a flash, the three or four thousand cavalry on the east bank collapsed.

"Fleeing the battle, kill without mercy!" Chun Yuqiong roared, taking the lead, galloping off the high post, and rushing into the turbulent crowd. He danced a spear in his hand like snowflakes, raised the spear in his hand, and killed more than ten Jizhou Qingqi who had escaped without authorization. The soldiers on his left and right also screamed and drew out the ring-saw at his waist, followed him into the chaos, hacked and hacked, and instantly killed more than a hundred cavalry who fled, but Still can't stop the soldiers fleeing.

In the distance, under the flag of the general with the character Xu, Xu Huang and Xu Gongming carried a mountain axe in his hand, riding a sturdy and unusual green-maned horse under his crotch. The gang kills. Behind him are thousands of tiger riders with heavy armors and hideous masks on their faces. After the tiger riders, there are more than 10,000 leopard riders without vests. Twenty thousand tiger and leopard riders let out a roar, and the horseshoes shook the sky and the earth was shaking. Cyclonus swept through, only four or five miles away from Gaogang.

"General! Let's go! If you don't leave, it's really too late!" The guards on the left and right screamed at Chun Yuqiong while waving their weapons and killing the fleeing soldiers in vain. Amidst the fleeing army, they were like a small boat floating in the vast ocean. They were swept up and down, and there was a disaster at any time and place, but they still persisted stubbornly. The cavalry who had landed ashore galloped in swarms and rushed towards the southeast, where there was a ray of life.

Looking at the chaos on the east bank, on the wide Jialu River, the boatmen who were forced by Jizhou Qingqi to row with a knife threw the long pole in their hands, and a fierce man plunged into the water. Unmanned boats and wooden platoons swirled downstream in the swift water. The Jizhou Qingqis who were abandoned on the boats and wooden platoons cursed loudly, shooting randomly with their bows and arrows in their hands.

"Oh! It's all because of my mistake!" Chun Yuqiong shook his head and sighed. Zongma joined the collapsed army and sprinted all the way south. At this moment, his heart is full of regret. I should have expected that Xu Huang and Xu Gongming’s tiger and leopard riders have chased me for two or three days. Where can I easily leave my life? It's obviously a trap, why can't I see it?

"Tiger Cavalry deals with nearby enemy forces, Leopard Cavalry follows me to chase Chun Yuqiong! Without cutting off the head of this servant, I will never accept soldiers!" Xu Huang shook the Xuanhua axe in his hand, shouting boldly Tao. "No!" Twenty thousand tiger and leopard riders slammed their promise, and in an instant, they were divided into two groups, the horseshoe bang bang, and they killed Jizhou Qingqi who was running away. Since Yuan Shao's Jizhou army besieged Zhongmou for seven days and seven nights, Hubaoqi has taken a sigh of relief in his heart. Now, this suffocating breath has completely come out!

Xu Huang led the Leopard Rider and chased him to the southeast, killing Chunyu Qiong and making a big defeat. On both sides of the road along the way, the beheaded Jizhou Qingqi was everywhere, with people and horses piled into a **** alley. After chasing for more than half an hour, he has been chasing for more than a hundred miles, and he has already reached Fule County in the territory of Chen Kingdom. At this time, Chun Yuqiong has only hundreds of Qingqi left beside him.

"General Xu, there is an urgent Yingxin, one hundred thousand urgent! It was from General Wei!" Hong Ling's anxious shout came from behind, her voice rushing, revealing a wave of anxiety. "Call! Send the order, take a break for a quarter of an hour!" Xu Huang whistled, slowed the horse's speed, and the horse under the hip ran for more than a mile before slowly stopping. Xu Huang grabbed Ying Xin and looked at it in a glance.

This eagle letter is very long, with a total of three or four hundred characters. For Gao Shun, the general who has always been concise and concise, it is already a rare tirade. After describing in detail the rebellion of Li Su, Guo Bang, and Fan Chou, after the death of Wang Situhe’s family, General Wei Gao Shun explained in more than a hundred words that Cousin Liu had mentioned 200,000 troops, captured Xinye, and besieged Wancheng. The situation in Wancheng is at stake.

In the end, it was the command written by General Wei Gao Shun, with an iron hook and silver markings. "Order: General Xu Huang, supervise his subordinates, immediately head west, and starry night to aid Wancheng. My general supervise all the monarchs, fought against Liu Jingsheng in Wancheng, and vowed not to be a man without breaking the Jingzhou army!" After reading it finally, Xu Huang immediately stopped. Angry, he shouted with a wave of his right hand. "Pass the order, rest for half an hour, rectify the army, and then immediately head west, Starry Night rushes to assist Wancheng, and a decisive battle with Liu Jingsheng! This is the order issued by General Wei just now!"

When I heard the order of General Wei, his face was full of grief, and the generals who were about to argue immediately fell silent.

His grandma is a bear! Chunyu Lao'er, this time it's cheaper for you! Xu Huang got off his horse and threw an axe into the ground, secretly thinking in his heart.

At the same time, Zhang Liao, who was in Xiaohuang County, Chenliu County, also received a military order from General Wei Gaoshun. "Hey! This time Yuan Benchu ​​escaped and was born again! What did you say Liu Jingsheng did not do well? At this time, he was stuck in a row and died in vain? Didn't he know that the Kwantung Allied Forces had collapsed across the board?" Zhang Liao said with a long sigh of the densely packed prisoners and the gutter water behind them. "General, probably because Liu Jingsheng feels that the war will stop, and that the Bingzhou Army and the Kwantung Allied Forces will lose both! This is just the beginning, and I want to pick up a big deal! Without Nanyang, Jingxiang is not Jiujun." The counselors on the left and right laughed and cursed Tao.

"Liu Jingsheng touched Da Sima and General Wei very badly. This time, it must be a lifetime of nine deaths." Zhang Liao smiled.

"Huh? Liu Jingsheng personally raised 200,000 amphibious forces, captured Xinye, and sent troops to Wancheng, Zhang Ji is at stake?" Chen Liujun, outside Fengqiu County, said Pound with his thick fingers scratching his huge head. "In this way, didn't Yuan Benchu ​​and Cao Mengde pick up a big bargain? I was chased by my hundred thousand fine horses with no way to the ground, and thunder thundered in the sky, Liu Jingsheng sent troops!"

"No! No!" The generals on the left and right laughed: "General, you forgot about Zhao Zilong's appointment with Han Wen. One is a rising star, the flower of a rising star, and the other is a thousand-year-old fox who has been in Xiliang for many years. The two are here, enough for Yuan Benchu ​​and Cao Mengde to drink a pot!" "Also!" Pound drew a rare sentence: "The two of them are both extremely difficult and ruthless characters!"

"So, General Wei asked me to make an appointment with Han Wen to pursue Yuan Benchu ​​and Cao Mengde?" In Yanzhou, the county governor of East County, Baili southwest of Puyang City, outside of Baima County, Zhao Yun also received a warrant from General Wei Gaoshun. "Command: Commander Zhao Yun, the general guarding army, leads his troops, and joins forces with Wei Wei Han Sui to pursue Cao Cao and Yuan Shao. As long as the warfare, the first is to wipe out the enemy, and the second is to get the ground. The general can choose what he wants. I don't want to do it remotely. !" Finally finished reading, Zhao Yun slowly closed the paper eagle letter, and solemnly put it in his sleeve pocket.

According to the news from the Yingxin, the Huben Army, Beiwei Army, Tiger and Leopard Cavalry, Silver Fox Ghost Army, and the trapped camp have all moved westward to break the siege of Wancheng and clean up Liu Jingsheng. In Jizhou, Yanzhou, Qingzhou, and Yuzhou Bingzhou Army, there are only five left, their own Fengfeng Army, Weiwei Han Sui’s Jingqi, Dahongyou Zhang Yan’s old unit, Linghao Camp, and Lu An. The Heavenly Strategy Army. By the way, there are also Gao Lan and Ju Yi in Chenliu. However, these six armies are not under each other. What does General Wei mean?

After a while, Zhao Yun wanted to understand that he and Han Sui were working together, chasing Cao Mengde and Yuan Benchu, they should be amazing soldiers. Dahongyou Zhang Yan, Dagongzi, Tiance General Lu An, and Linghua General Lu Linghua had the task of setting down Jizhou, and then the camera went south to attack Yanzhou and Qingzhou. As for Gao Lan and Ju Yi, they probably acted as soldiers, mainly occupying land, and moved slowly eastward.

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