New Story of Lv Bu

: : Go to Yangzhou for a big ticket

October 25, noon, Yuzhou, Runan County, Xincai County.

Si Yuqing, Xuzhou, was originally called Zhongdu Dayi. In addition to the large number of people, rich products, and huge tax revenue, it also has a long history and cultural heritage. Since Yao and Shun, Siyuqing Xusizhou has been the birthplace of the Han nationality. In the Western Zhou Dynasty, it was feudalized and feudalized everywhere. Almost every county seat was one of the fiefs of eight hundred lords at that time. The same is true for Xin Cai.

In the Yao and Shun era, Boyi was named Lvhou Kingdom because of the great power of Yu Zuo Da Yu in water control. In the Spring and Autumn Period, Cai Pinghou moved the capital to this place and named it "Caizhou" and later named "Xin Cai". After the Qin eradicated Chu, the whole country was unified, the construction of counties and counties was abolished, and Xincai County was first established. In the last years of the pre-Han Dynasty, Wang Mang usurped the Han, changed the original Yuan Dynasty, and Xincai changed its name to Xinqian County. In the first year of Jianwu of this dynasty, Xincai County was renamed.

However, in Xincai County at this time, there is almost no one. Not only that, but there are still ruins everywhere, and at first glance, it is full of depression. Between the broken walls, there are occasionally a few corpses. Most of them are described as withered old men and women, with blank eyes, with a dishevelled look, or with their heads separated, or their bodies severely wounded. It is obvious that they are all. He was slaughtered and died.

Among the slumped ruins, several purlins used as beams were still blowing green smoke, and a bit of sparks were still in the gray ashes as soon as the freezing cold wind blew. Entering a small courtyard to take a closer look, the broken earthen jars, the overturned rice jars, and the wooden racks used as wardrobes are everywhere. The gate of the courtyard was kicked open with a foot, and there are big footprints on it.

Not only the food and beans are gone, but the pigs, sheep, chickens and ducks are also gone. Except for dozens of corpses, there were no living things in the entire Xincai County, and it was as silent as death, like a locust. Galloping all the way, for hundreds of miles, what I didn't expect to see turned out to be an empty city, and the soldiers of the Xiliang Army couldn't help but curse. "His grandma is a bear! Who is so wicked? Let people live?" "That's right, you Yangzhou army eats meat, so you have to leave some soup for us Xiliang army."

Cursing in their mouths, these uncles were still scrambling around without giving up, searching carefully one by one, hoping to find some food to eat. However, after searching the whole city, only a dozen buckets of aged corn were found. It looks like it was at least two years ago. In desperation, they had no choice but to find some smoking purlins on the spot, and set up a pot on the spot to make corn porridge.

Within the county office, looking at the empty lobby, the second hall, and the third hall, Li Yu couldn't help but curse. "His grandma, a bear! Damn Yuan Gonglu! The Yangzhou army of the thief chief! Damn barbarians! Even the screens, case tables, and even bedding in the county office were taken away by his mother! Have you ever seen good things? No? Even the crude benzene furniture is a **** snatch? Aren’t you afraid of flashing your old waist? Although I’m a horse bandit and a thief, they have all seen the world! These crude benzene furniture, I don’t like them. of!"

But the curse is just to vent the suffocation in the heart, and it won't help the matter after all. After cursing in the most vicious language, Li Zhang couldn't help but find a rotten bamboo mat and spread it on the ground. He hesitated and lay down on the ground with a golden sword. Ugh! Hearing that Yuan Gonglu had withdrawn his troops, Babaer rushed over, thinking about finding some food. Yuan Gong’s family has a big business, living extravagantly, and more than a hundred stone grains must be insignificant. Unexpectedly, people have plucked their feathers, they are even more picky than iron cock!

At this moment, only a squeak was heard, the door of Santang opened, and Guo Bang walked in with a golden sword, followed by five or six soldiers. "I said, Lao Li, don’t get sulking there! Get up and eat meat! I just found a two-legged lamb and saw that it was freshly killed. I washed it and peeled it carefully, and it happened to be grilled on a charcoal fire. Let's drink!" Guo Bang roared loudly.

Upon hearing this, Li Zhang immediately got up. He yelled, "His grandma is a bear! In Xiliang, he was chased by the army and ran away. When he had nowhere to go, he had eaten Two-legged sheep several times. I didn’t expect to taste this again today! I don’t know if it’s “not envious of sheep” or “rotten bones”? That thin and tasteless “Rao Pao Huo”, we are Lao Li Don't eat it!" Guo Bang burst out laughing as soon as he heard it. "It's Nennen's ‘and bone rotten’, just a moment, just a moment.”

After half an hour, the entire three halls of the county government were filled with a strange fragrance. The soldiers on the left and right took out pieces of fresh and golden roasted meat from the charcoal fire, rubbed some salt powder, and handed them to the two bosses. Guo Yan stretched out his hand and patted a jar of new mud-covered wine, filtered it with a piece of linen cloth, and filled two large coarse porcelain bowls with gaps.

"Come on! Lao Li, let's go with you brothers!" As soon as he finished speaking, Guo Ben raised his neck and did it! "Let's go!" Li Zhang also raised his neck and did. Just like this, you can drink and drink, just take those pieces of barbecue, Li Nao and Guo Bang, you come and go, you only drank and only drank for half an hour, and I felt that the wine was enough, so I called left and right to take out a new boil. I drank several bowls of corn porridge.

"I said, Lao Li, just now I inspected the military horses. Together with the old brothers who have been searching for them, there are about 2,000 people, and there are still 3,000 horses. It’s just that there is not a single grain of this food. Where can I go? My brothers have to set a tone first." Guo Bin fell back and lay on a broken bamboo mat, pinched a bamboo stick, while tickling it, while looking at Li Lai and said.

"Lao Guo, you are right. I wondered, this time the Kwantung warlords are asking for Lu, Yuan Road’s loss is not great, but he didn’t even leave us a grain of hair. Don’t expect Yuan Benchu ​​and Cao Mengde if he is like this. The only solution today is to find food in any way so that we can survive. Looking at this posture, Ping Yu, there is probably not much food."

Li Yu lay on the bamboo mat, resting his head on his arm, and said slowly. "This statement is great!" Upon hearing this, Guo Bang immediately got up. "From Xincai to the east, you should not think about the road to the withdrawal of the Yangzhou army. To the west, that is Lu Fengxian's site, and you can't hide it. Where can you dare to crash? To the north, it is Yuan Benchu ​​and Cao Mengde. I don’t think I can see the direction of the escape. In my opinion, let’s head south. The area bordering Jiujiang County, Yangzhou, can definitely be grabbed!"

There are a total of 13 states in this dynasty. Since the rebellion of the Shichangshi, the northern, western, and central states have suffered repeated military disasters. In addition to the frequent floods and droughts, they have long been riddled with problems. empty. Only beneficial to Zhou, Jingzhou, Yangzhou, Jiaozhou and Xuzhou are better. Among these five states, only Yangzhou, which was close at hand, could be saved for a while.

"This is justified. However, Yangzhou is the site of Yuan Highway after all???" At this point, Li Su stopped abruptly. His meaning was very clear. After killing Wang Situ's family, he and Guo Bang had already offended Na Lu Feng Xian thoroughly. At this moment, Yuan Benchu ​​and Cao Mengde were too busy to take care of themselves. Looking at the world, only Yuan Gongdao dared to take them in. If a big ticket is made on the site of Yuan Highway, once there is a horse that is high and short, where can you settle down?

"Hey! I said Lao Li, why are you so stubborn? Let's cover up, whether we are dressed as a yellow scarf, whether we are a horse bandit or a sand thief, as long as we can't recognize him, Yuan Gonglu can't take us. How? Besides, if we don’t have food, we all have to starve to death. Having food is better than eating his mother’s two-legged sheep. Without food, we have no army. Our brothers are even ordinary. The people are not as good! After we collected the food, we went to Pingyu County, held the emperor, and then negotiated the price with the princes of all walks of life, and came to him to repay the money on the spot, even if it was a big deal. It's all **** thing!"

Upon hearing this, Li Zhang's eyes lit up immediately. "Fuck! This ticket, if you dare to do it!"

More than ten days later, Lu Kang, the prefect of Lujiang, received an emergency military report. The four counties bordering Yuzhou, Liaoxian, Yangquan, Anfeng, and Anfeng, were successively robbed by masked bandits. The home was looted. Accompanied by robbery, it was **** and burns. Women from below 50 to above 12 were all raped. Thousands of officials, gentry, and common people were killed.

Today, more than 100,000 victims in the four counties are coming to the Lu River, the county government. If no help is given, tens of thousands of people will die of starvation. After hearing the news, Lu Kang was shocked immediately. He sent people to help and reassure the people, while reporting to Yangzhou Mu Yuan Shu, and reporting what happened. At the same time, he sent the thief Cao Cao from the county to work and rushed to the four counties to conduct a close investigation. thing.

Lu Kang is the uncle of Lu Xun's younger brother, Lu Lingqi's little friend. Lu Kang, whose name is Jining, is a son of the Lu family, a prominent family in Wujun County, Yangzhou. He was named Yi Lie when he was young. He was elected as Maocai by Yangzhou Governor Zang Min, and then served as Gaocheng County magistrate. During his tenure, he was able to "rectify thieves" quite well, and he was deeply loved by the people. Later he was promoted to the prefect of Wuling, and then transferred to Guiyang and Le'an. He was praised wherever he went. Later, he offended the **** and was dismissed from office. Soon, Yilang resumed his revival.

At that time, the thief Huang Rang connected a group of thieves in Jiangxia and other places, gathered more than 100,000 and captured four counties. The imperial court appointed Lu Kang as Lujiang prefect. After Lu Kang took office, he was rewarded and punished clearly. He defeated Huang Rang and others, and other remnants also returned. The first emperor commended Lu Kang for his achievements, and named Lu Kang's grandson Lu Shang as a doctor. After taking the throne today, the world is in chaos. Lu Kang ventured to send Xiaolian to pay tribute to the court, and he was named General Zhongyi, with a rank of two thousand stones in the middle, and he was already at the rank of Jiuqing.

Unexpectedly, just because of Lu Kang's sloppiness, it caused him a terrible disaster.

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