New Story of Lv Bu

: : Liu Shizhong's future

Officials in this dynasty are divided into central capital officials and prefecture officials. All those in the capital of the capital belong to the central capital officials, and all those in the outer counties and prince kingdoms are counted as prefecture officials. In addition, military officials belonging to the border county and officials from the Western Regions are considered border officials. Zhongdu officials, county officials, and border officials can be transferred to each other. The differences between Zhongdu officials and county officials are only in terms of their positions, and their powers are roughly the same. For example, if they are the heads of the same county, they are the prefects in the county, the state ministers in the vassal states, Jingzhaoyin in Chang'an, and Henan Yin in Luoyang.

In the city of Luoyang, the capital of the Han Dynasty, Zhongdu officials were divided into inner and outer dynasties. The general difference is that Da Sima, left and right generals, servants, regular servants, scattered horses, and all officials are the inner dynasty, and the prime minister up to 600 shi is the outer dynasty. There is naturally a reason for the division into inner dynasty and outer dynasty. In reality, it started with the handling of military affairs, and by the time of Emperor Wu, it became custom-made.

The world of this dynasty is the world of the emperor alone, and all major events in the world are determined by the emperor in one word. After Gao Di established the country, the established political system is the rule of the king and the co-rule. The emperor is above the top and holds the highest power, while the affairs of the world are handled by the prime minister. Under the prime minister, he has his own Jiuqing and county officials. However, this is just to deal with ordinary political affairs, the real national plan, but someone else plans for the emperor, and when the national plan is decided, it will be handed over to the prime minister. In this way, there is a distinction between internal and external dynasties.

The politics of this dynasty took Emperor Wu as a turning point. Emperor Wu fought for the fourth life and expedition from the north to the south, creating a prosperous generation. In the meantime, many reforms were made to the political system, and the difference between the inner and outer dynasties was formed in the time of Emperor Wu. In the previous generation of Han, Qin's prime minister was in power. Although the first emperor of Qin Shi was in charge of the book and personally took charge of the general affairs, he was still the prime minister who integrated the politics of the world. Zhao Gao was in power during the Second King, which was a special case, but because the prime minister was in charge of political affairs, he had to add the name of a "prime minister of the middle". At the beginning of the founding of this dynasty, Gaodi inherited the Qin system and entrusted all the political affairs of the world to Xiao He, with the prime minister in charge of a hundred officials.

The prime minister leads the foreign dynasty and handles the affairs of the world, while the officials of the inner dynasty plan the military plan for the emperor.

"Han Shu? Hundred Officials Form" says: Servant, left and right Cao, all officials, scattered horses, Zhongchang attendants, all add officials. The added or lieutenant, general, doctor Qing, general, captain, Shang Shu, imperial physician, imperial official order, to doctor. The dead, as many as dozens. Serving in the middle, Zhongchang serving in the forbidden. Zhu Cao received the book matter. All the officials have the method. Ride away and ride in a car. In the matter, officials are also added, or doctors, Yi Lang, consultants in charge, and regular attendants in the ranks. In the Yellow Gate, there is the Yellow Gate, who is in charge of the general doctor, all of whom are made by Qin Dynasty.

The officials of the Inner Dynasty can be roughly divided into four categories: First, those who are allowed to enter the ban are Jizhong and Zhongchang. Second, the officials close to the deacon of the emperor are the left and right Cao and Sanqi. Third, what the consultants are responding to is doing something. The above three types of people are all close ministers of the emperor, and most of them are appointed officials. In addition, it is not to increase the official position, the position is the close minister of the emperor, it is the position of Shangshu.

These four types of people are all close ministers of the emperor, because they are close to the emperor, they can gradually invade the power of the prime minister, and thus become the system of the inner court.

Among the courtiers of the emperor, the servant is the most noble. During the day, except for the banquet in the harem, the servants are all by the side of the emperor. Even if he travels far away from the capital and travels around the county, the emperor will choose from his servants those who have a wide range of knowledge and humor and speak humorously, so as to prepare for consultants at any time. At the time of the court meeting, the attendant must also accept the edict, question the public minister, or convey the edict of the emperor.

Therefore, in the political system of this dynasty, the position of the servant is extremely important, and it has always been called "internal phase" and "hidden phase." The selection of the servant is also quite strict, and it must be a person who has a special relationship with the emperor and Feng can be competent. In the pre-Han, the servants were usually held by seven types of people: old friends of the emperor, foreign relatives, luck, literary servants, scholars of martial arts, children of heroic officials, important officials and Confucian officials. After Guangwu Zhongxing, purging the inner dynasty, the servants of Yuxing, Caiwu, and literary were no longer serving as servants. There were only three categories: foreign relatives, heroes' children, important ministers, and Confucian ministers. Since then, the position of serving as a servant has been respected by relatives, and its purpose is to serve as a servant and consult about major issues.

Except for the eunuchs, unless the emperor has an edict summoned by the emperor, other officials cannot enter the imperial ban. However, the attendant is a special case and can enter and exit the imperial ban at any time. The emperor of this dynasty, except for the monarch who ruled by doing nothing, the emperors Wudi, Guangwu, Mingdi, Zhangdi, and Wang Mang were all times when the eunuchs did not win their will. The reason is that the emperor is close to the servant.

No matter how clever the emperor is, he always has to discuss the military-state plan with his courtiers and deal with difficult incidents. When meeting the emperor, the elders of the important ministers are often extremely solemn and cannot discuss everything. Besides, it is inconvenient to discuss some matters with them, but it is just right to discuss with the nearest ministers. The power of affairs fell into the hands of the neighbors. If there are no scholars among the nearby officials, the emperor will have to ask the eunuchs.

Since Da Sima entered Luoyang and established a system of supervising the country, he has quoted the story of Huo Guang to deal with military affairs. After the death of Emperor Wu, Huo Guang assisted the government, led by General Sima, and became the head of the Inner Dynasty. The Inner Dynasty became the highest authority from the original advisory body. What Da Sima and Madam Zhao Yi wanted was this practical effect.

Suddenly, the "hidden phases" and "internal phases" of Nei Dynasty immediately became the upstart celebrities in the officialdom of this court.

However, among the upstarts of the Manchu dynasty, there is only one person who is depressed and unhappy. This person is the son of Yu Youzhou Mu Liuyu, Shizhong, and Youzhou Zhizhong Liu He. Liu He arrived in Luoyang City, the capital of Dahan, just three days ago. He came to Luoyang on the order of Youzhou Mu Fu Xie to discuss the aftermath of Youzhou with the court. He is an aboriginal of Youzhou, and he is good at government affairs, so he is very suitable for people and land.

Just before Liu He's departure, Youzhou Mu Fu Xie specially asked him to visit the mansion, and practiced for him by the way. The two of them ate and chatted.

"You go to Luoyang here. There are three main tasks: one is to report to the court about the process of pacifying Youzhou, and Youzhou plans to take care of the aftermath. There is generally no problem with this one. Second, it is. Reached out to the imperial court, everyone sat down and asked the price to pay the money on the spot, not afraid to get blushing. Whether it’s money or food, or a battle of weapons, or a hundred workers, scholars, Beijing University or Taixue students, as long as The court has some, and we have it in Youzhou! This one, I'm afraid it will be very difficult to handle."

Having said this, Fu Xie stopped, raised his eyes, and fixedly looked at Liu He, as if he wanted to see if Liu He really understood what he meant. "Zhou Mu, in my opinion, I still saw Wang Situ first, and let his old man lead me to see Madam Zhaoyi. I always have to nod at the top so that I can bargain with Wang Situ, Cao Zhuan." Liu He saluted with cross-hands and replied with a smile.

"Ruzi can be taught too!" Hearing this, Fu Xie burst his palm and laughed. Now that Liu He knew it well, he stopped asking. "This third one is your future way out. The current court is the chief of the Inner Dynasty and the Outer Dynasty. After all, you have the title of Attendant. Now the post of Attendant has become a noble court. It's a pity that it was wasted. It's better to stay in Luoyang for a while and connect all the old relationships. In this way, there will be less obstacles to asking people to ask for food. After this errand is over, I will specialize. Shu, ask the court to transfer you back to Beijing to take up a post." At this point, Fu Xie deliberately increased his tone and said loudly.

Liu He is very clever. He understood it immediately, and immediately thanked him with cross-hands: "So, I really want you, I dare not ask your ears! Liu He thanked Zhou Mu here!" His father is Guyou. Liu Yu, the animal husbandry of the state, won the hearts of the people in Youzhou, and was later defeated by Gongsun Zan. Because of this, the people of Youzhou deeply deplore them. Seeing Liu He's eyes, they look like their nephews and nephews. Now Youzhou has a rough decision, waiting to be revived. As the son of the late Youzhou Mu Liu Yu, how can the court feel at ease if he does not enter the court?

"It's so good! Your job is to work in Youzhou Zhizhong, but it is a three hundred stone sesame mung bean official, like chicken ribs, tasteless, a pity to abandon it. If I confess to the sparse, the court will look at my one. Old face, let’s talk about the merits of Laozhou Mu, plus your contributions in restoring the battle of Youzhou. A Qianshi county magistrate is a good one! If you are lucky, you might be able to seal the marquis."

Fu Xie is worthy of being a well-known and capable minister. In a flash, he found a way to eliminate the doubts of the imperial court, but also to find a good future for Liu He. In this way, both public and private can be achieved. Fu Xie's heart and heart are full of sincerity, listening to his ears, seeing in his eyes, Liu He couldn't help but sigh. "My lord is to me, please recreate it! Liu He must work hard to repay the lord!" Liu He leaned over to salute, his voice was a little choked, and his eye sockets had already begun to wet. Since losing his father, he has been in pain for a long time. Until this moment, he felt that sadness came from it, and he could not restrain himself.

"Get up! Get up! Don't be like a child! As long as you work hard in the future and become a generation of famous ministers, you won't be in vain!" Fu Xie quickly leaned down, stretched out his hands, and picked up Liu He. Both the official and private affairs were discussed, and extremely appropriate measures were taken. Both the host and the guest were very happy. As a result, Fu Xie and Liu He were both drunk.

Early the next morning, Liu He got up and used breakfast to deal with everything at home. He packed up his luggage, packed three carts full of books, clothes, gold and silver, and packed up ten carts of Youzhou's special earthenware, ready to move around in Beijing. Only then were two hundred soldiers ignited, and under the **** of an official army, with the ardent expectations of the people of Youzhou, they headed south to Luoyang.

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