New Story of Lv Bu

: :Even if you are the emperor, you deserve it!

"So? Taiyuan Wang Family is afraid that it is going to decline?" Liu He asked quietly, leaning back on a pile of pillows. The talented man was just anxious, and the genius doctor hired by Qing Yangchun went down and was fine. Huamanyi sat behind him and gently massaged his shoulders with two weak and boneless hands. Only then did Liu He feel that the dust had been washed away all the way.

"You know the situation, it's roughly those things. This is the Taiyuan Wang family, it's not a decline, after all, a thin camel is bigger than a horse. But there are no three pillars in succession, and it is already broken. I'm afraid it will be quiet for five or six years!" Huang Wan sighed long and took a deep look at Huamanyi. Then it rained like rain and started to stew the lamb in front of him. "Two adults, please sit down slowly, and my concubine will go and take a look at the other guests." Huamanyi took her hand, bowed for a blessing, and got up.

"In the third generation of the Wang family, Wang Ling is now the prime minister of Changshan, Wang Han is the maidservant of one of the Jiuqing, and Wang Jin is the prefect outside. In terms of talents and dispositions, Wang Han and Wang Jin are among the best. Ling, a little tenderer, immature, and a bit of a young master temperament, among the members of the Wang family, I am afraid it will be difficult to convince the crowd. In the opinion of Brother Ziyan, who will be the next Patriarch?"

It was not until Huamanyi's figure disappeared outside the door and the door of the house was gently closed that Liu He took a drink and said.

Among the Luoyang court, the leader of the Han-supporting faction was Situ Wang Yun. Now that Wang Situ died suddenly and his family was killed, it is worth checking out the attitude of the kings of Taiyuan toward Han-supporting. Liu He's father, Liu Yu, was a brave and loyal supporter of the Han, but it was a pity that he was attacked and killed by Gongsun Zan. In Liu He's heart, he has always been a **** supporter of the Hans. It is his dream to become his father. Now that the Kwantung heroes are going to ask Lu to defeat and lose, the world is already determined, and the return of the emperor to Luan has become the top priority.

"Oh! The next Patriarch, I am afraid it will be Wang Ling! Without it, Wang Ling, as a protagonist, has always been regarded as a leader in the third generation of the Wang family. It is Wang Ling himself, who has always belonged to the Taiyuan Wang family. The heir is his own. Although Wang Han and Wang Jin are even better than Wang Ling in terms of talents and abilities. However, after all, they are collaterals and they absolutely cannot be the heads of the family!"

Huang Wan drank another drink and said with a long sigh. He could roughly guess what Liu He wanted to express. Liu He was the most trusted friend of the emperor when he was in trouble in Chang'an. He Huang Wan was one of the backbone of the Han school under Wang Situ. The three pillars of the Wang family's continuous funeral, and there is still too much time to take care of themselves, how can they have spare time to pay attention to the situation of the DPRK? This matter of supporting the Han, I am afraid that within three to five years in the future, I am afraid that I will not get the help of the king of Taiyuan. If the domineering Wang Ling becomes the head of the family, the big thing will be done!

"Well, tomorrow we will go to Henan Yin's mansion and visit Wang Cao Zhuan." Liu He said with a long sigh. "Hey! It can only be so! Do everything and know the fate." Huang Wan also said with a long sigh. Said it was a visit to Wang Wei, but it was actually just to listen to the Taiyuan Wang family's attitude towards funeral affairs, such as who will be the head of the family, and whether they will continue to support the emperor and the Zhongxing Han family.

This emperor is not the other emperor, but is undoubtedly the emperor of peace. In just a few words, the two reached a tacit understanding.

"Brother Ziyan, if the general trend is determined today, Da Sima has become the number one prince in the world. Pingyu must also recognize the current situation, and the request may not be too extravagant. If the emperor only wants to be a Taiping emperor There will probably be no problem with Luang this time. If the emperor still thinks about the Zhongxing Han Dynasty and is still in the old capital, this time Luang will probably be in trouble."

Liu He drank a glass of wine, put down the chopsticks in his hand, and finally got straight to the point and said the theme of today's meeting. "According to the current situation, even if Pingyu wants to be a Taiping emperor, it depends on Da Sima's answer or not. Even if Da Sima agrees, it depends on the old man of Bingzhou generals and Da Sima's hidden residence. The child’s Conglong’s minister did not agree. Alas, I knew why it was today! Also, as early as the Kwantung heroes were knocking on the west side, the emperor’s "Lv Zhaoshu" was an irritation to Da Sima. Trouble! Among the generals in the state, some people screamed, what do you want the emperor to do? Why can't Da Sima do it?"

Huang Wan has been known for being smart and eloquent since he was a child, and is a famous child prodigy. After a long period of time, he has read many books and has experienced the **** for a long time, and he has also developed a pair of insights. His remarks are indeed the most plausible sayings, and they really hit the crux of the problem. If the emperor returned to Luan before the Kwantung heroes contended for Lu, the Luoyang court and Da Sima would definitely be cheering, like welcoming the real emperor, and welcoming the emperor of Pingyu. However, after the great defeat of the Kwantung heroes, there are still deep prejudices, and it is a bit untimely to mention the issue of returning to Luang. With you Ping Yu, the emperor is a horror? Where is the wind strong, where do you lean?

"Brother Ziyan, you are right. In the eyes of the generals of Bingzhou, the emperor is just a tablet. How can Da Sima not do it? A large number of loyal and loyal families. Besides, you and I, as a family, have been deeply graced by the country for many generations. You can't just avoid this because it is extremely difficult to deal with."

In Huang Wan's words, there is a faint atmosphere of depression and unease, and some loneliness of "looking at the sky and the earth, originality but tears". Liu Hesu was loyal and straightforward. He felt very uncomfortable when he heard these words, but thinking about taking on the heavy responsibility of the Zhongxing Han Dynasty, he had to restrain his temper and persuaded him with all his heart. For him, aristocratic families are the cornerstones of the Zhongxing Han House.

"Huh! Don't talk about those great families! One by one just wants to preserve the clan and enjoy wealth forever. Seeing who has the upper hand, they will jump over and hug their thick legs. Look at Yuan Benchu, Cao Mengde, and Yuan. Highway and others, which one is not ambitions? Which one does not want to compete in the Central Plains and have the world? It's just that the strength is not as good as the people, and the fists are not hard enough, as long as the eyes are greedy!"

When he mentioned the noble family, Huang Wan felt angry for no reason. In the prefecture of the prefecture and county, he was not less angry with the noble family. Since he followed Zhu Jun back to Luoyang City, the capital of the Han Dynasty, what he saw and heard along the way, coupled with the many obstacles encountered when serving as a magistrate, opened his vision. It is no longer Wu Xia Amon, who knows well. The subtlety of Da Sima's New Deal.

"This is a great thing! The world is in such a situation, so what can the husband want? This trip to Youzhou, what I have seen and heard along the way, and personal experience have made me know that Da Sima's New Deal is really a small citizen of this dynasty. It’s a blessing! But the emperor Dongshou Pingyu, the emperor is not guaranteed, sometimes even can't even eat a full meal. You and I have been deeply graced by the country for many years, so that the emperor will return to Luang and be a peaceful emperor?"

Although the words were not speculative, but, with the loyalty of Zhongxing Hanshi, Liu He had to break his lips and talk with Huang Wan. "If the emperor is determined to be a Taiping emperor, this time Luan can still be grasped by five or six points. However, the world has changed time, and he has already missed the best time to return to Luang. Picking it up from scratch now would be too much trouble. You and I work hard slowly."

Huang Wan nodded heavily in agreement. However, there are still deep doubts in his heart. The emperor's temperament, he is very clear, is a typical juvenile temperament, and has not been completely fixed. Even now, due to the current situation, it would be satisfying to be a peaceful emperor, but once there is a chance, will he bear it in secret? At that time, don't harm everyone.

"Come on! You and I have a drink together for the emperor's longevity!" Seeing that he had reached an agreement again on pushing the emperor to return to Luang, Liu He couldn't help but feel a little enthusiastic. He raised the wine glass with both hands and said loudly. "Let's live for the emperor!" Huang Wan also tidied his clothes, raised the wine glass in his hands with both hands, covered his face with large sleeves, and drank the full glass of Zhao wine. Without it, it is always right to live for the emperor.

"Brother Ziyan, what is the future of this big man?" Liu He couldn't help getting a little drunk after a few cups of bitter Zhao wine. He leaned on a pile of pillows, staring drunkly. Huang Wan said. "This world is naturally still the world. There is no doubt about it. However, in the universe of tomorrow, whether it will be surnamed Liu, Lu, or Yuan, Cao, then maybe! You and I are Han Chinese Ministers, must devote all their energy, work diligently, and run for the ZTE Han family all their lives. However, Mencius said: The people are the most precious, the emperor is the light, and the society is second. Compared with the fortunes of a family and a surname, the lives of hundreds of millions of people in the world are just that. The most important thing!"

Speaking of this, Huang Wan suddenly became agitated. He slapped the case, and said loudly like thunder. "From the time Pingyu returned to Luoyang, what I saw in my eyes and what I heard in my ears were praises to Da Sima! Let Si Bing cool down the millions of people in the four states. It is Da Sima who has enough food, clothing and clothing, and leads a stable and adequate life! It is Da Sima who destroys the thieves, builds water conservancy, and persuades the farming of mulberry and hemp! Go deep into barren, and put down Xianbei, Dongqiang, Xiqiang, Wuheng, and Xiongnu. Still Da Sima!"

Having said this, Huang Wan slapped the case abruptly, and shouted loudly: "Such a person, even if he is the emperor, is deserved!"

For a while, both people in the huge room were stunned. Huang Wan subconsciously stretched out his hand to cover his mouth, but his mouth was so wide that he looked terrified. Liu He's situation wasn't much better, his mouth was wide open, his right index finger pointed straight at Huang Wan, his mouth was **** ho, but he couldn't say anything, as if he was suddenly dumb.

In this extremely quiet, the great wheel of history rolled forward, and an unprecedented new era began.

The person Huang Wan said should be the emperor, is he the emperor after all?

Amidst the persuasion, how would he deal with it?

What will his wife, children, and generals experience?

End of Volume Seven

November 15, 2018

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