New Story of Lv Bu

: : Now that Nanyang has no owner, does the general mean it?

In the third year of the Ping of the Han Dynasty, on November 1, Shenshi, Jingzhou, the prefecture of Nanyang County, Wancheng. The Jingzhou Army was in a hurry to attack the city.

"Shuowen Jiezi" says: "Wan, Qu Cao walks on its own feet, from 宀, 夗声." Its meaning is "the four directions are high and the center goes down". Quercus is a kind of grass and a kind of herbal medicine. The stem is erect, purplish red, with longitudinal edges, many branches, and pubescent. When making herbal medicine, it is called Polygonum palmatum. It has the effects of stopping bleeding and clearing away heat. It tastes bitter and slightly cold. It often grows in valleys and wetlands, as seen in "Shen Nong's Materia Medica". "Quietgrass self-covering" refers to the fragrant grass everywhere, and the vegetation is luxuriant, as if the ground is covered by soft quakegrass.

Wandi refers to a basin with "squares and high under the center", and the land is fertile. The name of Wandi has its origins.

Yao once fought at the Pu of Danshui to subdue Nanman, and Emperor Shun gave his son to Nanyang. In the summer, Dayu used Dengzhou in Nanyang as its capital, and during the Shang and Zhou Dynasties, it was the land of Shen, Deng, and Xie. Nanyang is located in the south of Zhou's capital and was once called "the land of Zhounan". Zhou's emperor Fengshen, Lu, Xie, Li, Liao, Zeng, Pang, and Xu were here. Suddenly, the "land of Zhounan" became fertile soil.

In the "Book of Songs? National Style", there are eleven articles by Zhou Nan, headed by Guan Ju. This "Zhou Nan" refers to the "land of Zhou Nan". After the king of Zhou Wu extinguished the Shang Dynasty, the territory was vast. When he became a king, Zhou Zhao reunion, and then ruled by Zhou Gong Ji Dan and Zhao Gong Ji Xi divided Shaan. Shaan County was Shanxian County of Hongnong County of the dynasty. "Zhao Gong was both the residence of the minister, and Zhou Gong went to Yingcheng Zhou." Zhou Gong lived in Luoyi, the eastern capital, that is, Luoyang and the east of Shanxian County, all under the rule of Zhou Gong. "Zhou Nan" refers to the vast area from the south of Luoyang to Jianghan.

In the early Spring and Autumn Period, the Zhou Dynasty declined and the princes fought for hegemony. The Chu Kingdom in the south took the opportunity to rise and gradually encroached on the north, annexing the Han River Basin countries. Both Lu and Shen were destroyed by the king of Chu Wen. The king of Chu saw that there were fertile fields and rivers and boats, enough to serve as a forward base for the Central Plains, so he set up Wanyi here. Since then, the world has the name of Wanyi, and the descendants are Wancheng, Wanxian, and Wanzhou. During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, Nanyang was one of the eight metropolises in the world, with developed copper casting, iron smelting, silk and commercial development.

In the late Warring States period, Nanyang was under the control of Qin. In the thirty-fifth year of King Qin Zhao, Nanyang County was initially established. After the first emperor unified the six countries, he "moved the unruly people to Nanyang." The so-called "unruly people" were the rich, merchants and handicraftsmen of the six countries. As a result, Nanyang County has both money and people, as well as advanced technology. From then on, industry and commerce have developed rapidly and gradually become the world's iron smelting center.

After Gaodi Dingding was founded, it followed the Qin system and was still Nanyang County. Its jurisdiction expanded to the south of Xiong'er Mountain and the north of Dahu Mountain. The economy and culture of Nanyang County are at their peak. Nanyang Water Conservancy is as famous as Guanzhong Zhengguoqu and Chengdu Dujiangyan, and is known as one of the three largest granaries in the world. At the time of Emperor Wu, there was a monopoly of salt and iron. There were nine workers in the country, and in the early forty-sixth period, Nanyang had both workers and iron officials.

After Wang Mang usurped the Han Dynasty, Emperor Guangwu raised troops in Nanyang and achieved his imperial career. Nanyang was then called the "Emperor Township". At the time of the Shichangshi Rebellion, Nanyang County had a population of 2.4 million, which was almost equal to a few Youzhou. The twenty-eight generals of Yuntai under Emperor Guangwu, Taiban came from Nanyang. Over the past two hundred years, they have multiplied and spread, and they have become a heir to poetry and books. The strength of Nanyang County has already surpassed that of Xiaozhou.

In the present age, the Han Dynasty is declining, the world is falling apart, the princes are rushing, and the Yuan family of the fourth generation and the three gongs naturally takes Nanyang County as the foundation, and absolutely cannot let others get involved. Therefore, Yuan Gonglu dominates Nanyang as his son, even his elder brother Yuan Benchu ​​had to travel far to Jizhou. It's a pity that Yuan Road is so arrogant and unpopular, so Nanyang County is so angry that people have to go far to Yangzhou.

Nanyang County belongs to one of Jingxiang's nine counties. Liu Biao and Liu Jingsheng are Zhengpai's big bosses in Nanyang County. He has long wanted to include Nanyang County under his command. Seeing Yuan Road running off, he immediately dispatched Cai Hao to lead his army northward to retake Nanyang County. Not wanting Da Sima to take another path, Wang Situ supervised Nanyang, and Xi Liang Jing rode a horse. Cai Hao was defeated and fled, and even Xiangyang City was almost lost.

Hearing that Xiliang’s generals were in chaos, plundering Nanyang and banning more than a hundred families of aristocratic families, in a flash, they were defeated by Zhang Ji and Zhang Xiu's nephew, and fled east with all their troops. The insightful people of Jingzhou immediately I was overjoyed. The politics of Jingzhou is actually the four great families of Cai Kuai Pang Huang who supported Liu Biao, and shared their interests in order to achieve a co-governance situation. Now that Nanyang has no owner, is there any reason for Cai Kuai Panghuang to ignore it?

In an instant, the army general, Nanyang prefect Cai Tao, Jingzhou Zhizhong Kuaiyue, Nanjun prefect Kuailiang, and Jiangxia prefect Huang Zu immediately went out of the mansion and went to see Liu Biao in the Zhoumu Mansion in Xiangyang City. "Zhou Mu, Nanyang County has given the generals from the heavens! If you don't take troops from the heavens, you will be condemned by the heavens!" General Cai Hao Cai Degui said impassionedly.

Cai Tao's second sister was married to Liu Biao as the second wife. Although she was the second wife, she was like a wife who had replaced her in terms of etiquette. In this way, Cai Hong is Liu Biao's brother-in-law, his position is as if he were in the same position as the uncle in Luoyang, the capital of the Han Dynasty. As usual, he can speak casually without having to slap him. Furthermore, Cai Tao is the prefect of Nanyang, and he is naturally the most anxious.

"This???" Although Liu Biao had made up his mind a long time ago, he would segregate Jingzhou and wait for the time to come. However, which hero in troubled times has no desire to compete in the world? Nanyang County has a large population and the benefits of rivers and boats. In addition, it is one of the three largest granaries in the world. There are workers and iron officials, copper casting, iron smelting, silk, and commerce are developed. In this fertile soil, who is there? Can you not be tempted?

"The three-way army of the Kwantung Allied Forces have lost their helmets and armors, and lost a big defeat. At this time, if our army went north and occupied Nanyang County, wouldn't it be the mold of Na Lu Fengxian? If he raises his army to go south and come to fight I, how can I be born? I am famous for being a fine horseman in the state. Can I be able to resist Jing Xiang's pawn? Maybe, it's just the end of stealing chickens and loosing rice."

In front of a huge map of Jingxiang's nine counties, Liu Jingsheng pointed his finger at the location of Nanyang County, and he pondered for a long time before speaking slowly. Cai Hao can stand out among the capable men and strangers of the nine counties of Jingxiang, and has always been in the high position of the generals, so naturally there are two brushes under his hands. He peeked at him. Although the second brother-in-law shied away from her mouth, those old eyes were staring at Nanyang County, looking at the posture, wishing to swallow Nanyang County in one bite! Ugh! This is the case with Liu Jingzhou, courageous and eager.

"No! No! No! This time we sent troops to Nanyang, they must have no blood. They will come to catch, please listen to me one by one!" Cai Hao first gave Liu Biao a big reassurance, and then he started talking. "Nanyang County has a large population and the benefits of rivers and boats. In addition, it is one of the three largest granaries in the world. It has workers and iron officials, and has developed copper casting, iron smelting, silk and commercial development. This is the dream of all the world's heroes. Emperor Guangwu took Nanyang as his foundation and achieved hegemony."

Cai Hao opened the sect clearly, first mentioned the importance of Nanyang to Gang Xuling, and then went on. "The current world is a world of great controversy. What is the controversy? On the surface, it is righteous, it is the Zhongxing Han Dynasty, and it is still in the old capital. In reality, it is just a place. There are Tuss and wealth, and there is Caisi has soldiers, and only after the soldiers have sufficient resources can they compete in the Central Plains and contend for the supremacy of the world."

"If you win Nanyang, this big game of Jingxiang's nine prefectures will be alive! The people of Nanyang will move south to Shijingxiang eight prefectures, and the household registration will be doubled in ten years. Get the Nanyang Gongtiezhizhi To build a heavy armor and a strong bow, sling stones and thunderbolts, to fund the military needs, and within a year, you will be able to make weapons and weapons. In addition, Nanyang has the convenience of a boat and a fertile field. It is one of the three largest granaries in the world. In time, You can have enough food. After the soldiers, the food enough, and the tools are good, Yizhou will be expedition to the west to fight against the court, go down the river, regain the Jiangdong, and then squat the horses and attack the Central Plains, then the emperor's industry can be successful! The farmhouse is average, hesitating and lingering, and missed the opportunity."

Cai Wei's remarks were built up in the high house and clearly spoken, just like Emperor Han Gao and Zhang Zifang were discussing the general trend of the world. Only Kuailiang, the Kuaiyue brothers and Huang Zu nod frequently. "The general's words are great! It's time to send troops to the north to take Nanyang County! Although the group of heroes flees in a big defeat for Lu, but Na Lu Fengxian also broke a lot of men and horses, it is the time when both lose and lose! In addition, the four Youliang states have experienced war and chaos, and the people have run out of money. Where can there be a lot of money to fight this long-running battle?"

In the treatment of Jingzhou, Kuai Yue smiled slightly and slowly expressed his opinion. Kuai Yue is Jingzhou's foremost counselor, best at planning military affairs. His perspective is very unique, and he was the first to see that Lu Fengxian did not have huge financial resources to support the successive battles. "Yindu's words are great!" Cai Hao laughed with his palms. "The battle between the heroes and Lu is a big battle, and the Western Regions and the Guishuang Empire are also a big battle. It is still a big battle to attack Jizhou and Youzhou. In addition to the Hanzhong direction, Liu Yan and Zhang Lu go out of the chute, and the battle is repeated. How can Lu Fengxian survive?"

"The general of the strategist is absolutely right!" Kuai Liang, who was silent for a long time, suddenly spoke. "Fighting is money, food and logistics. The battle line of the Bingzhou Army stretches for thousands of miles, and the daily expenditure must be astronomical. If I were Lu Fengxian, I could only watch my Jingzhou Army go north to Nanyang and dare not move. Without it, It’s because his treasury is already empty! On the other hand, my Jingzhou army, with the power of the Jingxiang eight prefectures, went straight to Nanyang on the narrow front. He Lu Feng can't afford it first, but my Jingzhou army can afford it. !"

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Cai Tao laughed again with her palms. With laughter Fang Xie, he asked in an extremely charming tone: "Now that Nanyang has no master, does the general mean it?" Hearing this, everyone in the room raised their eyes and looked at Liu Biao in unison. Everyone's face is full of expectation. Liu Biao pondered for a moment, then suddenly waved his right hand downwards: "It's like a king's word!"

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! In an instant, the room was filled with laughter. This Nanyang County was already in the bag!

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