New Story of Lv Bu

: : The reinforcements are only me Yankuan

October, the first three years of peace, is destined to be an eventful autumn. After the heroes asked Lu Fang, Wancheng was besieged again.

On the afternoon of October 19th, after hearing about the changes in Nanyang, Jingzhou Mu Liubiao made up his mind, personally lifted 200,000 amphibious troops, and went north to take Nanyang County. Xiangyang, the home of Jingzhou animal husbandry, was only two hundred and fifty miles away from Junzhi Wancheng in Nanyang County. Liu Biao raised his troops at the time of the 20th, and soon captured Xinye. The army did not stop in Xinye, and went straight to Wancheng. From then on, it was like a broken bamboo. By the afternoon of the 22nd, it had already arrived under Wancheng. Early the next morning, the Jingzhou Army began to attack.

Liu Biao's army of 200,000 is only an imaginary number. The real soldiers are only 148,000, plus the heavy troops and the men and women who accompanied the army to make up 200,000. There are 60,000 naval forces, 80,000 infantry, but only 8,000 cavalry, and the horses they ride are mainly dwarf Sichuan horses. Since Da Sima captured Youzhou, the world’s horse breeding grounds have been in the hands of the Bingzhou Army. If the world’s princes want to raise a cavalry that can be seen by themselves, they have to humiliate themselves and go. Yizhou bought it.

The chief governor of the navy has two chief and deputy chief governors. The chief governor is Cai Tao, and the deputy governor is Zhang Yun. Cai Hao needless to say, although he is not very good in land warfare, water warfare is second to none in the world. This time he sent troops, in view of the experience of the last big defeat, he was quite self-aware, and proactively proposed to Liu Biao that he was not responsible for the land warfare, and specifically commanded the navy. Naturally, his request was met.

Zhang Yun is Liu Biao's nephew, and his mother Liu is a sister of Liu Biao. In this way, he and Cai Hao became in-laws. Zhang Yun had been living in the rivers since he was a child, and after growing up, he joined the Jingzhou navy, starting from Dubo and continuing to work in other Sima. Among the generals in Jingzhou, if talking about the navy, apart from Cai Hao and Cai Degui, they are generally recognized as Zhang Yun.

The navy in Jingzhou has always been known as a strong army in the world, and it has always been the work of Cai Tao and Zhang Yun. Cai Hao is Liu Jingzhou's brother-in-law, and Zhang Yun is Liu Biao's nephew, and Liu Biao is relieved to hand over the military power of the Jingzhou navy to them. In addition, there is another meaning, which is to let Cai Wei and Zhang Yun look at each other so that Liu Biao can be relieved.

The infantry in Jingzhou is naturally the veteran of the army, the head of the Huang family at the end of the four great families of Cai Kuai Pang Huang, and the prefect Huang Zu of Jiangxia as the governor. Huang Zu's command includes five generals, Wenpin, Wang Wei, Fu Xun, Huang She, and Huo Jun. Huang She is the son of Huang Zu, and the other four are direct generals under Liu Biao's command. The eight thousand cavalry, Liu Biao's darling, was personally led by his eldest son Liu Qi.

"General Huang, 80,000 infantry, I will give you everything! If there are people who don’t listen to orders and retreat, you can kill them! I don’t want to be remote! I only need one, and I will take over Wan as soon as possible. City! After taking all the land of Nanyang, I will practice Ran Nuo, reward the three armies, the fame and fortune of the monarchs, all in this battle!" Jingzhou Mu Liu Biao, armed with a sword, faced the generals and shouted loudly. .

"No!" The generals, headed by Cai Hao and Huang Zu, slammed their promise. Then the Meteor strode out of the tent and dealt with the siege.

Starting on the 23rd, he attacked for five days and five nights in a row, but Wancheng remained motionless. "His grandmother is a bear! I don't believe I can't attack this small Wancheng!" Huang Zu finally furious. He patted the case fiercely, raised his eyes, stared at the Jingzhou generals in front of him coldly, and said word by word. "From now on, all the ministries will attack together, yellow shots, you go first!"

Regardless of Huang Zu being a big boss, he doesn't know a few big characters, but when it comes to the ability to fight, he is the number one in the Jingzhou land war. Not only that, but he also used tactics well, and his eyes were like a torch. Sun Jian, the Jiangdong tiger, who used to traverse the world, was shot and killed by his arrows. There are many factions in the Jingzhou army, and there are many hills. They wait and see each other when they fight, and the wolf is not on the dog. This is the real reason for the delay in capturing Wancheng. Huang Zu didn't know about this, he just wanted to consume some of the ministries, and then the whole army would join in after the red eyes.

On the first day of November, the entire Jingzhou army joined together and launched a fierce attack on Wancheng. Zhang Ji immediately felt a lot of pressure.

Today, the entire army stormed from Chenshi to Shenshi. Seeing that Wancheng was still standing still, the Jingzhou Army's pawns were already exhausted. Huang Zu had to order to stop the attack, bury the pot and cook, and take a break. Continue to attack the city tomorrow. After the military order was issued, the Jingzhou army immediately cheered the whole army, and in an instant, they unloaded like a mountain and went to bury the pot and cook.

However, what Huang Zu didn't know was that at this moment, Wancheng was already in danger. As long as he worked harder, Wancheng would be captured. Everything in the world is so marvelous. It seems that there is an extraordinary mysterious power in the world, which is controlling the general trend of the world. It was because of Huang Zu's benevolence that led to Liu Jingzhou's big defeat and failure.

This is the great power of the great wheel of history rolling forward! This is the mysterious power of destiny in the dark!

"The Jingzhou Army has finally retired. Looking at the posture of these tortoises and grandchildren, they will not launch an offensive tonight. Order the army's medical craftsmen, Baigong, and the heavy troops to work hard tonight and prepare for the battle of tomorrow. Let the remaining soldiers have a hot meal and sleep for a few hours. Tomorrow will be the hardest day! The big thing, let's talk about it after tomorrow."

Sitting on the head of Wancheng, Zhang Ji looked at the fragmented, battered city wall and the half-collapsed watchtower, and said with a sullen face. The cloak on his body had long been riddled with holes, covered with blood and dust, and a dozen arrows were hung diagonally on a delicate mountain armor. His left arm was wrapped in muslin, and wisps of blood still ooze from it.

"Nuo!" Zhang Xiu, with a few military hous' right fists as their chests, gave a military salute weakly, and went wandering. Each of them had wounds on their bodies, and there were more than one wounds. Fortunately, Zhang Xiu's body suffered eight wounds. Fortunately, none of them were fatal. After the war, they were already exhausted physically and mentally, but there were still a lot of things to do. Visiting the wounded and dealing with tomorrow's battle had no choice but to reluctantly. At this moment, everyone is thinking about a question, a matter of life and death. Wancheng has been under heavy siege for five days and five nights. Will reinforcements come? Will he arrive in time before the city breaks?

On the wall of Wancheng, there are messy corpses everywhere, and they lie there quietly in various strange postures. The dark-brown blood ran gurglingly until it turned into clumps, pieces of almost solidified objects. Between the broken armor and the twisted rattan plates, there are arrows everywhere, iron arrow clusters nailed diagonally to the city wall, but the arrow shaft is made of bamboo.

On the top of the city, there are only less than 3,000 remaining Han soldiers, and only one-tenth of the original county soldiers of nearly 30,000 are left. The people who are still alive have their faces dumbfounded, lying on the cold city head, or leaning on the battered city wall. No one speaks. This battle has already exhausted all of their energy. . At this moment, what they desperately needed, except for warm meals, was to sleep without scruples. As for life, or tomorrow's battle, let it go.

The heavy soldiers had already been incorporated into the regular army and were exhausted in the five days and five nights of offensive and defensive battles. Today, those who clean the battlefield, move the wounded, and prepare arrows above the city’s head are all newly recruited servants from the people of Wancheng. Their eyes were full of curiosity, and they were doing their jobs tremblingly and cautiously. A few people are still retching, the tragic sight in front of them has touched their souls, their belly is already empty, but they are still vomiting convulsively.

"General Zhang, good news! Great news!" A slightly hoarse, gentle voice rang in his ears. In amazement, Zhang Ji quickly raised his eyes and saw Luoyang County Magistrate Chen Qun Chen Changwen rushing over. Behind him was a young man dressed as ordinary people and masked with a blue scarf. Chen Qun's armored sword looked as embarrassed as Zhang Ji.

"Brother Changwen, don't talk and laugh anymore! Now Wancheng is under heavy siege, and the city is broken in the middle of a day. I have not waited for much. Where is the good news?" Zhang Ji slowly stood up. Crossed hands bowed to salute. His face was full of wry smiles, as if he had been hit **** his head. There is one more thing he didn't say, that is, whether there are reinforcements, and if there are reinforcements, will they arrive in time before the city breaks. The left and right are about to fight to death, why bother to leave a bad reputation for surviving?

"General Zhang, reinforcements have come! We have rescued!" Chen Qun said happily. "Reinforcements are coming? Where?" Zhang Ji raised his head in amazement and looked around. In an instant, he understood everything. The eagle-like eyes were fixed on the masked young man. The masked young man smiled slightly and took off the blue scarf covering his face.

"I am the reinforcements! The reinforcements are indeed only me. I am the new Nanyang prefect Yan Kuan! I have seen General Zhang, but General Zhang will not come here unscathed?" Upon hearing this, Zhang Ji's face was surprised at first. , And then at a loss, and finally, there was a suddenly realized expression, and in a flash, he changed his face three times. "Hey! It turned out to be Yan Shijun! Long admiring the great name, long admiration of the great name! Welcome! The Yan Shijun can give up his life to support Zhang Ji, and his life-saving grace is really as heavy as Mount Tai!"

Zhang Ji said sincerely. Pooh! I don't believe that Da Sima can let my brother-in-law Yan Kuan come and die!

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