Night Evolution

Chapter 1061: Desperate world

Chapter 1061

   "Really ignorant."

   Zhao Mu stood against the wall away from the turbulent crowd in the city.

   If the Lord of Natural Disasters really intends to massacre the city, he can simply throw off the natural disaster.

   Although it is said that it is impossible to fight in the barrier of guarding giant beasts, it is clear that the king of natural disasters who masters the source of natural disasters is a special case, especially Shengguan city is the only gap and weakness in the barrier of guardian beasts.

   But the Lord of Natural Disasters didn't do it directly, obviously he didn't intend to harm the lives in the city.

The cloud of natural disasters is slowly falling. In fact, the king of natural disasters is doing his best to control the cloud of natural disasters, so that when the cloud of natural disasters falls into the city, the lives of all ethnic groups in the city will not be unbearable. Zhao Mu guessed that the king of natural disasters is testing and testing. The lives of all ethnic groups in the city.

  The specific why, I will know later.

   Several hours passed before the natural disaster cloud completely landed in the city.

   This speed made Zhao Mu and others a little impatient. I have to say that although the king of natural disasters is good at fighting in the legend, they are only good at destroying but not good at creating and guarding. Their control of power is also very weak.

   But it is not surprising to think about it, the king of natural disasters is basically equivalent to the immortal level of combat power.

However, the longest-lived king of natural disasters is only one million years old. Whether it is the dark continent or the world of humans and demons, the immortal within one million years old, in addition to wisdom, that is, he can become immortal step by step. The king of natural disasters rely on external forces to master the immortal level. It's **** if you can control your power.

   Unless he is a genius like Zhi, he will not be able to control the source of natural disasters in his body for millions of years.

   Zhao Mu pretends to be the cloud hunter of the adult race, and still pretends from the cell and soul level.

   So he didn't worry at all, the Lord of Natural Disasters could discover his anomaly through such rough exploration.

   The moment the Lord of Natural Disasters completely fell, the lives of all races in the city screamed and cursed desperately.

   Then the voice stopped abruptly, because death did not come, the natural disaster cloud just passed over each life, leaving a black whirlpool mark on some of the eyebrows. Zhao Mu touched his eyebrows and he didn't expect that he was also selected.

   The last chosen one appeared, and the natural disaster cloud rose again and floated in the sky.

   All the selected ones also rose into the air at this moment and finally landed on the natural disaster cloud.

   Some natural disaster clouds will have a black throne more than ten meters high, on which sits a figure more than twenty meters tall shrouded in darkness. This figure cannot see his face, but he can be seen looking down at all the chosen ones.

   "I am the king of natural disasters in the dark night."

   "I believe you are all wondering why you are called here, why the king of natural disasters does not step out of the original ancestor beast to capture the murderer, and why it is absolutely not allowed to live on the back of the original ancestor beast in a city without the birth of the natural disaster king."

   "These doubts in your heart, I will give you answers here."

   The King of Night Scourge said, a message burst out from the black vortex between the eyebrows of each selected one.

   After receiving these messages, Zhao Mu had already digested it instantly.

   It turns out that in this world, the biggest enemy of the wisdom and life of all races living on the back of the guardian behemoth is the guardian behemoth.

   This truth, if you say it out, the lives of all races will not believe it.

   The death of the guardian monster will leave a guardian heart.

   Only with the help of the guardian heart can the lives of all races resist the damage of the behemoths of natural disasters and hunt them down.

   This refers to the first hunt and the most important ceremony for becoming the king of natural disasters.

However, this ritual contains traps. In addition to integrating the heart of natural disasters, every king of natural disasters actually integrates the heart of guarding first. After becoming the king of natural disasters, the heart of guarding will not completely disappear, but will be completely rooted in the heart of natural disasters. In the true spirit of the king.

   Yuanzu Beast, this is the source of all guardian monsters.

   The true spirit merges with the heart of guardianship, and the king of natural disasters will be restricted by Yuanzu Beast from then on.

   That is the death heart that can't leave Yuanzu beast for a long time, and the death heart obtained by the king of natural disasters hunting death behemoth, of which only one ten thousandth of the power can stay, and all the rest will become the food of Yuanzu beast's sleep.

  If this were the only situation, the king of natural disasters would not be completely hostile to Yuanzu Beast.

   Yuanzu Beast is asleep, so naturally it will wake up.

When    wakes up, the king of natural disasters and the lives of the various races in the cities will all become the dinner for the original ancestor beasts after awakening. At this time, all the guardian behemoths will come to the natural disaster continent and the natural disaster behemoths to start a **** battle.

   In this case, where is the city on the back of the guardian beasts still alive.

   are basically dead, only a small number of survivors will survive deep underground.

  In this process, the natural disaster behemoths will also suffer heavy losses, so the surviving lives of all ethnic groups will actually have a period of safety, which is enough to expand the population and develop a new civilization in the ruins of the natural disaster continent.

   When it reaches a certain level, the number of natural disaster monsters gradually recovered.

The new lives and civilizations of various races are certainly not the opponents of the natural disaster giants. In the process of being squeezed and destroyed the living space, it is a normal transition stage to discover that the guardian giants of the world in the cloud are naturally due to avoid the natural disaster giants. The beast relies on the guardian behemoth.

   Since then, the urban civilization on the back of the guardian beast has appeared again, and the lives of all races have entered a new cycle.

   So strictly speaking, this is a hopeless world.

   guarding the giant beast, it is not the lives of all races but the ancestor beasts.

  The king of natural disasters will not let the lives of all races set foot on the back of the Yuanzu Beast, hoping that the lives of all races will leave as many survivors as possible after the Yuanzu Beast wakes up. Someone will be killed if they break this bottom line.

Some people may wonder, why not disclose the truth directly because the truth is too desperate, not every life will climb in adversity in despair, and most of the lives of all races know the truth of the world, and do not wait for the Primordial Beast Awakening has self-destructed, and the ugliness of the human heart is far greater than the glory before the catastrophe of the world.

   This time, a mysterious existence hunted and killed the guardian behemoth, and the kings of natural disasters almost did not cry with joy.

   Because of the death of a large number of guardian monsters, the sleeping Primarch Beast was affected by some kind of influence and delayed its awakening.

   This discovery gave hope to the desperate kings of natural disasters.

   They hope to give birth to a new king of natural disasters, who do not rely on the guardian heart. If such a king of natural disasters can escape the destruction of the original ancestor beast, the lives of all races are equivalent to planting a seed of hope.

   Someone asked, the kings of natural disasters are all saints who sacrifice themselves for others?

Of course not, the king of natural disasters also has his own goals. For millions of years, the kings of natural disasters have hidden a lot of death hearts. They hope that the new king of natural disasters can inherit a special natural disaster and use this natural disaster to save all natural disasters. The true spirit of the King.

   As long as the real spirit is free, they naturally have a way to start to be free again.

   This time, taking advantage of Yuanzu Beast's deep sleep, the selection of Shengguan City is the first batch of candidates for the king of natural disasters.

They will challenge the selected natural disaster behemoths, either to successfully give birth to the natural disaster king, or all die, and then the next batch of challengers will continue. This is related to the future of all natural disaster kings, and the selected are not qualified to resist and cannot resist. .

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