Night Evolution

Chapter 1062: Fraud and exploitation

Chapter 1062

   "You all understand!"

   The king of natural disasters in the dark said in a deep voice.

   Hundreds of selected candidates, some were extremely excited, some were calm and ambitions gradually rising, some were worried and uneasy, and some looked calm but in fact they already wanted to kill all the kings of natural disasters.

  The forest is big and there are all kinds of birds, and some people just look for the guardian behemoth in their hearts.

   As long as it is to protect the giant beast, one's own life and death can be ignored.

   It cannot be said who is right or who is wrong, nor can it be said that these are all rapes.

The reason is simple. Although the King of Night Scourge said that the guardian behemoth is their real enemy, in fact, it is the guardian beast that protects ordinary lives. Several ordinary people can live to face the threat of the original ancestor beast. ?

   The answer is that there is no one, so Yuanzu Beast feeding on the lives of various races is actually meaningless to ordinary people.

   Really uncomfortable, truly desperate, in all likelihood are high-level practitioners like the King of Natural Disasters.

   It’s not surprising that some people have been sheltered by the guardian behemoth since they were young, and they have been affected by the fact that the guardian behemoth is the greatest guardian of their closest friends. It is not surprising that they have a sense of worship for the guardian behemoth.

   Therefore, it is impossible to say who is right and who is wrong. It's just that individuals have different positioning of their own interests.

   "It seems that some people disagree."

   The King of Dark Night Scourge sighed.

   Dozens of beings of various races were suddenly shrouded in darkness and disappeared into form after this sentence fell.

  Choose the chosen person, the condition is that the heart is firm and the soul is strong.

   But if you want to protect the giant beast, then you can only kill it to eliminate the future troubles.

   The remaining hundreds of selected candidates, watching the disappearing people around them, have lingering fears and dare not speak.

   "How do we hunt and kill the behemoths of natural disasters."

   Zhao Mu suddenly asked loudly.

   The Dark Night Scourge King looked at Zhao Mu and nodded in satisfaction when he saw Zhao Mu's unconcealed ambition. They needed this kind of existence, and only this kind of existence could hunt down the most special natural disaster behemoth.

   The darkness flickered, and boxes made of iron clouds appeared in front of Zhao Mu and others.

Iron cloud is as hard as iron, but it is not as sharp as iron. Zhao Mu opened the box and immediately saw one of the suits. Only by looking at the aura on it, he knew that he would definitely not lose to the immortal gods, but the power on it had no root. In other words, it's just a one-time treasure suit.

   If worn on the body, it should be enough to explode immortal combat power in a short time.

   If hundreds of people are like this, it is equivalent to several immortals in a short time.

   A few instead of hundreds, Zhao Mu is sure.

   First of all, even if it is a one-time immortal fetish, this battle suit brings real immortal combat power.

   Most of these hundreds of people are cloud hunters. Among them, the most powerful strength will not exceed the mythological triple. This kind of strength controls the immortal power, just like a child with a sledgehammer, it is impossible to control and can only be thrown out with all its strength.

   This also means that many people may only have a few cell phone meetings when wearing battle clothes.

I don’t know how to control power every time. As long as I take a shot, I can’t control it with all my strength. Originally, the suit is a one-off. It’s a bit high to see that hundreds of selected candidates can display combat power comparable to a few immortal. Up.

   "drop your blood on the natural disaster suit."

   the king of natural disasters in the dark night pointed.

   Zhao Mu dripped blood like the others, and the natural disaster suit in the box disappeared into his body.

   Just need to move between thoughts, the natural disaster suit will be activated and worn on the body surface.

   "Now I officially teach you how to hunt down the behemoths of natural disasters."

   The night king of natural disasters said that darkness enveloped everyone.

   After a few days, the darkness dissipated.

  The selected candidates who disappeared for several days have been reborn. They have experienced many battles in the dark night illusion created by the king of the night and natural disasters, wearing natural disaster suits and fighting with the behemoths of natural disasters.

   In the most tragic battle, they only lost dozens of people.

   After hundreds of illusory challenges, they have wiped out the fear of the behemoth with confidence and caution.

  Caution is that they found that by hunting and killing the behemoths of natural disasters, they can avoid their own casualties by being careful.

  The confidence lies in that as long as you are cautious, you can defeat the behemoths of natural disasters with the help of natural disaster suits.

   Except for a few people, the rest can't wait to really hunt down the behemoths of natural disasters in reality.

   Zhao Mu noticed these people, and they all found him.

   The Dark Night Scourge King also noticed that they were different from the other selected ones, but he didn't show any special attention to them.

   The King of Dark Night Scourge disappeared, and the King of Red Rain Scourge appeared.

After showing up, without saying anything, the natural disaster cloud dropped countless red raindrops. All the selected people turned into red raindrops after being hit by the red rain, and followed the red rain king of natural disasters to a place in the cloud world. A rain.

   is not a natural disaster, just ordinary rain.

   The selected person who blended into the rain, incarnate raindrops falling from the cloud world to the upper reaches of a huge river in the natural disaster continent.

   Zhao Mu looked at this huge river and immediately thought of the legend about this river.

This is the most famous river in the natural disaster continent, the Hope River. Even in the clouds, the world is almost unknown. The source is the most central natural disaster forbidden area of ​​the natural disaster continent, and the end is at the southern end of the natural disaster continent. The entire Hope River is in the middle like a straight line. There are no twists and turns.

   The river is extremely turbulent, and there are violent storms on the river and its banks.

   However, there are no behemoths of natural disasters here, and there has never been any behemoth of natural disasters near the River of Hope.

Although the storms here are also very dangerous, it is much better than the behemoths of natural disasters. Many powerful people collect resources from both sides of the Hope River. In some special areas, there are even a few people living along the Hope River. .

   The red rain fell and finally landed in a small valley on the shore.

   All the selected were removed from the raindrops and immediately found a cave hidden behind the vines on the rock wall of the valley and walked in.

   The first to fall first went to the depths of the cave. When Zhao Mu fell, it was already the last.

The remaining four people who fell in the same group as him were all people who had been paid attention to by the King of Dark Night Scourge. This is definitely not a coincidence. Obviously, the King of Dark Night Scourge notified the King of Red Rain and deliberately left them last. .

   The illusion created by the king of the night and natural disasters actually contains huge traps.

   The natural disaster behemoth is not that easy to kill.

Hundreds of successful hunts in a row, the reason for their success is that they know the behemoths they are facing, and that they know that they are facing illusions, and everyone is willing to use their full strength without fear of Another night king of natural disasters may release the water.

  If the real power of the Lord of Natural Disasters is really shown in the illusion, imagine what will happen?

The king of natural disasters destroys all the selected ones, and then all the selected, let alone welcome, welcome the greed and ambition to become the king of natural disasters. I am afraid that the possibility of being scared by the king of natural disasters is higher. .

   deliberately weakened the king of natural disasters, allowing them to win again and again in their dreams.

In this way, when facing the king of natural disasters, all the selected will not dare to step forward, but will cooperate with all their strength to hunt down the king of natural disasters. When they realize that the illusion is different from reality, the life and death There is no room for retreat.

  Some people will flee with fear, but some people will fight to the death.

   No matter how you choose, there is no way out in the face of the behemoth of natural disasters.

  The king of natural disasters does not expect the first batch of selected people to hunt down the behemoths of natural disasters. They are just cannon fodder. More detailed information on the behemoths of natural disasters is the greatest value. This cruel truth is only a few people aware of.

   The King of Red Rain and Natural Disasters kept a few of them until the end, which is already giving them special treatment.

   If they are smart enough, then find a way to survive.

The king of natural disasters needs cannon fodder to test the behemoths of natural disasters, but it also needs some survivors to bring back information about the behemoths of natural disasters. If they successfully complete the mission, they may be able to survive, otherwise even if they see the insidiousness of the king of natural disasters, there is no room for resistance. .

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