Night Evolution

Chapter 1076: Xinghai Nether

Chapter 1076

Twenty years, it has been twenty years since Zhao Mu left the world of humans and demons in a blink of an eye.

The first ten years were okay, and the world of humans and demons was at least peaceful on the bright side.

However, in the eleventh year, the shadow plane deep underground in the human-devil world finally spread unstoppably to the surface. A large number of lives of various races were polluted by the power of the shadow plane and eroded into the shadow life, swept by the control of the immortal shadow life. The earth destroys everything.

When the war begins, it will always be the life at the bottom of the world that suffers first.

More than 30% of humans and demons were transformed into shadow beings, and another 20% died in the early stages of the war.

Only half of the humans and demons have been migrated to the immortal worlds of large and small planes alive. Numerous worlds of large and small planes are like stars forming a sea of ​​stars, and this sea of ​​stars itself also forms a large array of offensive and defensive stars.

This big formation can be said to have assembled all the immortal crystallization of wisdom.

The lives of the worlds of the Xinghai planes, their lives will be the same as all immortals, completely bound to the entire Xinghai Nether Array. Any damage caused by any foreign attacker to the Xinghai Nether Array will be shared among all immortals and all lives. .

In theory, only by killing all immortal and all beings on the Star Sea plane can this great formation be broken.

If there is life on the Xinghai plane, their true spirits and souls will also become part of the great formation.

Transformed into Xinghai Nether, it possesses the characteristics of immortality within a large array.

Relying on the heaven-defying Xinghai Nether Array, the immortal forces such as Heavenly Luck and Dawn finally led the humans and demons to block the shadow life.

However, even mortals know that offense is the kingly way, and long defense is bound to fail.

There are countless human demons on the Xinghai plane, but there are no resources to support all demons.

The transcendent world will definitely not die from starvation, but the cultivation resources are very scarce, and can only satisfy the best talented humans and demons to cultivate, and the poorly qualified humans and demons can't even practice as much as in the past hundreds of millions of years.

In the fifteenth year of Zhao Mu's disappearance, the difficult situation within Xinghai changed drastically.

For countless years, the blood moon brilliance spread all over the world of humans and demons, and it has already deeply polluted the world of humans and demons.

All kinds of life can survive because of a certain degree of adaptation to pollution.

There is another reason. The pollution of the blood moon brilliance will not produce instantaneous fatal pollution unless it is a big blood moon outbreak once a year. A pure human being will only be polluted step by step and transformed into a human demon when encountering the blood moon brilliance.

The blood moon brilliance is pollution, and the shadow plane is not another pollution.

Both living and dead are polluted and transformed into shadow life.

At first, the power of shadows had the absolute upper hand. However, after a few years, the blood moon brilliance began to pollute even shadow life. A large number of polluted shadow life on the surface produced mutation and evolved out of the control of the shadow plane.

The internal turmoil of the shadow life began to occur, and the human-devil world was completely chaotic from the surface to the depths of the underground.

On the contrary, it was the human demon in the Xinghai plane, taking a breath from the sidelines.


In the world of giant beasts, more than ten years have passed since the battle to besieged and slayed the blood stone men.

On this day, Zhao Mu, who was about to assassinate the blood source stone man again, suddenly took shape.

It was only an instant delay, and Zhao Mu had been grabbed by the blood source stone man and torn to pieces.

The sudden change made the three giant beasts at a loss. Fortunately, Hong Ling's blood sea treasure box restrained the blood stone man, even if one person was missing, it would not affect the continued siege of the blood stone man, but the three giant beasts felt in their hearts disturbed.

Because they all saw that Zhao Mu, who was killed just now, was just a clone.

If it is the deity, the burst of energy after being shredded will not be so weak.

Zhao Mu used a clone to disguise the deity, and they could not see the true or false. If it hadn't been for the true spirit in this sub-body seemed to be suddenly taken away, they wouldn't be able to find that the deity of Zhao Mu had disappeared.

How many years has Zhao Mu's deity left, and what has he been doing all these years?

Will they leave the world of giant beasts to find foreign aid? If this is the case, their situation is very bad.

Just about to question Hong Ling'er, the three big beasts saw the blood sea treasure box in Hong Ling'er's hand drop out. The opened treasure box lid rushed out an illusory city that was constantly growing, and the city came out like thunder. The sound of rapid heartbeat.

In Time Lost City, the body of the Nine Color Deer King kept twitching.

In the heart, the two true spirits that have been entangled for more than ten years have already decided the winner.

The strength of the pure true spirit, Zhao Mu was even worse than the Nine Color Deer King.

But he masters the rules of the true spirit. He has many rules that can help strengthen the true spirit. Although a single rule is much different from the source of the source force, the combination of close to two hundred rules is enough to provide his true spirit with a steady stream. s help.

After more than ten years, Zhao Mu finally initially devoured the true spirit of the Nine-Colored Deer King.

If he is willing, he can now control the body of the Nine Color Deer King to become half-step immortal and sacred.

But there is still the problem. Although his true spirit has surpassed the Xeon immortal, there is still a gap between the immortal and the sacred, and he can't fully control the body of the nine-color deer king. After a brief control, he has to fall into a deep sleep.

Of course, he can also seal the body of the Nine-Colored Deer King and wait until it becomes an immortal sacred to refine it into a clone.

But this is undoubtedly something in the future, and he cannot immediately improve his strength in the present.

So when the true spirit that swallowed the Nine-Colored Deer King took control of his body, Zhao Mu was determined to abandon the body of the Nine-Colored Deer King.

The nine-color light of the Nine-Colored Deer King is stripped out and integrated into the Lost City of A small part of the flesh and bones is used to cook soup and cooking food, most of which he intends to refine into the source of the past.

Regardless of the nine-color deer king is immortal and sacred, but the accumulated source of the past dimension is not much.

First of all, the Nine-Colored Divine Light diffuses the body without end, which is not a small consumption. Secondly, the Nine-Colored Divine Light is used to purify the magic lines on the human demon, which has consumed a large amount of the source power of the past dimension for hundreds of millions of years.

But the biggest consumption is that the Nine Color Deer King actively abandons the past dimensional source power.

It is because the body is too strong that the true spirit is suppressed in a deep sleep. If you keep accumulating the past dimensional source power in the body, the Nine-Colored Deer King will only sleep longer, so in the deep sleep, the instinct is to release the past dimensional source power. .

Part of it penetrated into the ruins of the battle, causing a large number of dead lives in the ruins of the battle to become the living dead.

Another part of it penetrated into the void and disappeared.

Zhao Mu guessed that the source power of these past dimensions that had penetrated into the void had been sucked away by the Holy Emperor.

The reason is simple. Although the holy emperor divided the dimensional rules into three, he did not divide the original sacred texts of the dimensional rules into three. It is very likely that the original sacred texts of the dimensional rules have been in the hands of the holy emperor.

But it's just a possibility, not entirely certain.

Because Zhao Mu couldn't figure it out a little, how could the holy emperor be forced to despair if he mastered the sacred texts of the dimensional origin?

After all, the original sacred text is equivalent to half of the original source in pure power. This means that the saint should actually have a part of the power of the past and future dimensional rules. There is actually no reason why he will be forced by a group of immortal sacreds. To despair.

Unless... the final battle in which the Holy Emperor was severely wounded to the point of death and self-seal was otherwise hidden.


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