Night Evolution

Chapter 1077: Shuttle time and space

Chapter 1077

Outside the sea of ​​blood, the three giant Yuanzu beasts cautiously surrounded the sea of ​​blood to prevent Hong Linger from fleeing.

At this moment, the heartbeat in Time Lost City stopped.

Zhao Mu threw the body of the Nine-Colored Deer King into the immortal dream world to decompose, and left the Lost Time City and held the Lost Time City in his palm to look at the three giant beasts. He initially merged the source of the past dimension and the seed of the past dimension. Only rely on the source of energy to cleanse the body.

This is not an overnight event, and his true spirit needs a long time to transform.

It is conservatively estimated that it will take him a thousand years to completely become immortal and sacred.

Even so, he is now equivalent to half a step of immortality and sacred and invincible outside the same-level dimensional rules.

The king of these three giant beasts just made him try his methods.

Zhao Mu activated the Eye of Dimension and looked directly at the three giant beasts.

There is no need for time mind and time to dream. He has directly seen the past of the three behemoths through the rules of the past dimension, and from their present to the beginning of their birth, he sees everything they have experienced during the 800 million years of their birth. .

After reading it, Zhao Mu frowned, it is better to see the past in a dream.

Directly observing the life of Yuanzu Beast using the rules of the past dimensions is equivalent to looking at the memory of Yuanzu Beast’s 800 million years in an instant. This is not a small burden on the true spirit. On the contrary, when time is dreaming, he can search and ignore it by himself. Worthless memory.

Unless there is no time in battle, it is more appropriate to dream of time.

Anyway, because of the past dimensional rules, the ability to dream of time has also grown amazingly. The original giant world, a world that could not dream of time because of its source of energy, now he can easily dream of time through the dimension of time.

The Eye of Dimensions changed, Zhao Mu looked at the past with his left eye and looked at the present with his right eye.

The past seen by the left eye is exactly the past where the three giant beasts fought each other more than a decade ago.

At this moment, Zhao Mu was quite sure that he could do three things.

The first type is to directly attack the past from the present, and attack the three giants of the past when the three giants gave up their defenses, causing fatal damage to the past three giants. This kind of damage will cross time and space due to the power of the dimensional rules. Acting on the three giant beasts in the present time and space.

The second method is to directly copy the projection summons of the three giants from the past time and space to the present.

Whether it is a destructive projection or a real body projection, these copied projections will be absolutely controlled and fight to the death of the three giants.

The last method is to go directly to the past.

Not the real past, but the past of parallel time dreams.

Going back to the moment when the three giants were just born, directly kill the three giants just born in the past dimension of the memory level. What happened in the past dimension will extend to the current dimension. Killing will instantly disappear and no longer exist.

The last one is the most expensive, but the most unsolvable and the most terrifying.

No matter how strong you are now, there are always times when you are weak, go straight back to kill you before you were born, how can you become stronger in the future if you can't be born, this is the terrifying power of dimensional rules.

Zhao Mu looked at the three giant beasts and disappeared in their watchful eyes.

Appeared in the past, when the three giant beasts fought each other.

Zhao Mu looked at the three giant beasts close at hand, turned his head and saw him and Hong Ling'er who were entangled with the blood stone man at the end of the world, and tried to directly contact his past self, but this approach failed unexpectedly.

Under the dimensional rules, everything in the world has three states: past, future and present.

But there is only one existence that jumps out of the past, present and future, and that is the controller of the dimensional rules. All dimensional time and space are the only ones that can make the whole world go back to the past and the future with its heart.

He still can't change the time of the heavens and the world, but it is not difficult to reverse the time of individual worlds.

Zhao Mu drew out the time and space torture knife, and instantly flashed a knife to the Yuanzu Beast.

Although teleporting through the outer guardian enchantment with the help of dimensional rules, the Yuanzu Beast still has a close-fitting fur. This fur is fused with a stronger guardian power than the guardian enchantment. Zhao Mu lightly stabs the guardian beast. A wound suddenly appeared on the top of his head.

Following this wound, the time and space torture knife inflated and penetrated the head of Yuanzu Beast.

Six hundred million years ago, Yuanzu Beast and natural disaster ancient beast had a battle that lasted tens of thousands of years.

That time, they almost died together, and the top of Yuanzu Beast's head was almost penetrated.

Of course the wounds of the past are gone now, but the power of the dimensional rules of the past makes this wound reappear.

Follow the wound, of course, you can avoid the guardian source power melted in the fur.

As for the space-time torture knife that penetrates the head with a single knife, and grasps the source of the source of the dimensional source of power, he has been able to fully exert the power of the space-time torture knife, not one percent, nor one tenth of Hong Linger's, but the time and space torture knife ten. 100% peak power.


Yuanzu Beast's head was pierced and screamed.

The guardian barrier locked the hilt of the space-time torture tried to pull the handle out, but the space-time torture knife was finally pulled out, and the power of reversing time immediately made the space-time torture knife reinserted Yuanzu beast head.

In madness, Yuanzu Beast embraced his head with two fore feet.

The guardian enchantment compressed inward, Shengsheng compressed his head into a mass of minced meat, the guardian barrier wrapped the mass of minced meat and sealed the space-time torture knife inside, the Yuanzu Beast embraced his head with a pair of forefoot and took it off, then The limbs hugged his head on his abdomen and arched his body like a shrimp.

Hold your head in your arms and kill!

The infinite strength of Yuanzu Beast shrank in its abdomen embrace, and the space-time torture knives enclosed in it were squeezed and bent.

Zhao Mu's teeth were sore when he saw it, and he was not holding someone else's head but his own.

Although the true spirit will not die if it is immortal, is it really appropriate for your own head to be so bad?

A good bunny head becomes fleshy, it seems that it cannot be a spicy bunny head.

Zhao Mu stretched out his hand, and the time-space torture knife appeared in his hand through time and space.

The Yuanzu Beast was stunned. From the sudden attack to the penetration, he didn't notice where the enemy was. He didn't hesitate to abandon his severely damaged head but also blocked the enemy's sacred king weapon, paying such a high price. But disappeared.

What frightened him was that he didn't know how to disappear?

Thoughts flowed and thought a lot in an instant, Yuanzu Beast's body began to melt and began to decompose.

But in a blink of an eye, a person wearing a white rabbit skin cloak appeared.

Seeing the changes of the Yuanzu Beast, the ancient natural disaster beasts and the death beasts also began to change. Their bodies of giant beasts melted, and what remained in the void were three people who were exactly the same as triplets. Watching the three giant beasts The change from beast to human, Zhao Mu finally got serious.


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