Night Evolution

Chapter 796: Special prison

Mime private 796

"How can I get into the city of the shadow faithless."

Zhao Mu constantly observes with the eyes of the void.

However, outside the Abyss of the Unbelievers, there are powerful seals that cannot be seen at all by idle means, from the sky to the underground, from the shallow shadow plane to the deep space of the shadow plane, and even from the past to the future on the time level.

The gods of the year were catastrophic, and the most powerful **** of time among the gods fell here.

Even if it falls, this power still seals the origin of the Shadow Plane. It is possible to achieve this level because of the joint action of more than a hundred myths who fell in that battle, but more importantly, time The **** is infinitely close to the myth.

Even this **** of time can't make accurate judgments without the magic mirror of time.

Unable to accurately judge, it is actually a reminder.

After careful consideration, Zhao Mu left the plane of shadow.

The city of the unbelievers must not enter directly from the plane of shadow.

It is easier to enter the real city of the faithless first, and then into the city of the shadow faithless. He does not believe that the seal here has no loopholes. If there is no counterfeit at all, how can the crimson ghost be sealed? Outside contact.

So there must be a loophole, and he needs to find that loophole.

Under the law of faith, the Time Mirror should know everything. However, the power of the Time God interfered with the power of the Time Mirror. He could not accurately find out the inevitable loopholes, so he could only venture to go personally.

Kingdom of Dia, the kingdom of faith of the Lord of the Stars.

Although the city-states of all nations destroyed most of the kingdoms of worship of the gods, the kingdoms near the City of the Unbelievers were not harassed by any war at all. The underground prison in the city of King Dia held the most ferocious criminals in the entire kingdom.

Relying on the shadow stealth technique, Zhao Mu easily sneaked here.

Special prison area, a prison area where special prisoners are held.

There are not many people but nearly a hundred, all of whom are unbelievers judged by the church.

Among them, the longest detention has been here for more than five years.

When the number reaches one hundred, the church will send people to the city of the unbelievers.

It seems that the number of people is small, and on average there are less than 20 people a year, but it is important to know that the kingdom of the main plane is in the millions, and the city of the unbelievers receives among the millions to tens of millions of people every year. between.

There are many reasons for the formation of such a large number of unbelievers.

In order to maintain the faith, the church still has enough superficial effort, and the clergy are also very friendly to believers.

Squeeze the money of believers?

This kind of thing is almost impossible to happen. The existence of true gods can easily corrupt the reputation of the believers and weaken the faith of believers. The church will directly clean up this black sheep. Therefore, the church will not only not search for believers, but has some small things to believers. the benefits of.

As for the financial resources the church needs, a group of extraordinary people really don't need the wealth and resources created by ordinary people.

However, when there is light, there is darkness. The church does not allow darkness, but it does not mean that darkness is completely eliminated. There are always some people who hide well. As long as these people have true faith in the gods, the gods will not stare at them all day long. Everyone.

These clergy also do not directly do evil, they all do evil within the rules.

For example, for some people who look at a beautiful believer, the clergy can use many methods, and a few words secretly are enough to prevent the family of this beautiful believer from finding a job, and even being dragged to the alley when going out will be seriously injured.

For treatment, the clergy would not agree.

The reason is also very simple. There are many people queuing for the lack of healing magic, or you can say that you are not religious enough.

It is very difficult to directly determine the degree of religious piety even in the church. Under such oppression, a family will easily lose faith in the gods. When a considerable number of people cannot benefit from the gods, that is when true faith disappears. .

It is even very easy to feel resentment towards the gods towards the church.

Why doesn't the church know that true unbelievers appear only when they are persecuted.

But the gods won’t care. It’s not enough to spread the faith of the unbelievers. Anyway, the city of the unbelievers needs these unbelievers to add to it, and they can’t completely erase the evil thoughts of the clergy. robot.

Zhao Mu walked into the cell casually and saw a young man with numb eyes.

The magic mirror of time emerged in his hand, and all the past and present experiences of this young man suddenly emerged.

Bloom, twenty-six years old today.

He was originally the gatekeeper of the royal city, and his family was neither rich nor poor.

Unfortunately, he has a fiancée who does not match his status. When he was given food at noon, he was favored by a young man who entered the city. The young man’s father was the bishop of the Kingdom Church headquarters, and his status in the kingdom was better than that of the king. Even higher.

It's a **** if Bloom can have a good end for such a person who is in love with his fiancee.

His fiancee was taken away, and a corpse and some rewards were returned a few days later.

Bloom frantically rushed to the but he was caught and escorted to the underground prison as soon as he entered the door.

The cruel darkness made Bloom completely desperate, and his belief in the Lord of the Stars completely collapsed. The Kingdom Church's method of monitoring the unbelievers found Bloom for the first time. People from the Inquisition directly stopped them and sent them to special prisons.

"You are the one."

Zhao Mu's Void Eye twisted Bloom to break it down into particles.

As for his soul, he was lucky enough to be reborn in the dream world.

By the way, he doesn't mind helping Bloom take revenge.

Zhao Mu controlled the splitting of the fingertip cells, and a drop of blood came out to draw energy and grow in the air.

In the blink of an eye, the one that has grown is exactly the same as Bloom.

Zhao Mu resets the divinity of 1 point of law in time, and decomposes the divinity of this point into the soul composed of the four attributes of intelligence, spirit, perception and foreign spirit, and then weakens the soul to the ordinary human qualities that Bloom should possess. After injecting into the body.

This is a flesh and blood incarnation, the weakest flesh and blood incarnation for him.

As long as you enter the city of the unbelievers, you can naturally use the power of time and mind to leave the time coordinates. Even the Blue Star and the Dawn Continent can come and go freely in the time coordinates. The seal of a city of the unbelievers cannot stop the location and transmission of the time coordinates.

That afternoon, a sensation happened in Dia City.

Bacon, the son of the bishop of the church, was locked down by the church's methods of monitoring the unbelievers. The Inquisition, independent of the clergy system, directly caught Bacon and threw him into a special prison. No matter how much he cried and pleaded, it would not help.

Not to mention the son of a bishop of the kingdom, even the son of the archbishop or even the pope will not survive.

At most, the status of status allows an unbeliever like Bacon to bring something into the city of the unbelief.


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