Night Evolution

Chapter 797: Desperate unbelievers

Chapter 797

"I really have faith, I am not an unbeliever."

Dressed in gorgeous bacon, clutching the railing of the cell in the special prison, he roared heartbreakingly.

Zhao Mu looked at Bacon pityingly, with surprises in his heart.

The Mirror of Time can cut off the faith connection between mythology and believers. Although Bacon’s faith is not very pious, the Mirror of Time easily cuts off the belief. Unless the Lord of the stars appears in front of Bacon, he will not be aware of his belief.

Soon a few days passed, and there was a riot in the vicinity of King Dia.

The bishop of the church could not save his son. He directly used all the manpower and material resources of the Kingdom of Dia to capture many unbelievers from remote villages and towns in a short period of time, and directly gathered up to 100 prisoners in the special prison.

In common sense, it should be procrastination.

It is best that the special prison will never have less than 100 people, and his son will be able to live safely.

If you think of a way, you might be able to keep a grandson.

However, the son of the bishop of the church is an unbeliever, which directly became a means for other bishops to attack him. He will soon become unstable in the seat of the bishop of the Kingdom of Dia, so he can only send everything away as soon as possible before he leaves. Unbelievers.

In this way, through the operation of power, he can more or less allow his son to hide some materials privately.

Early in the morning, a hundred people including Zhao Mu and Bacon were escorted to the front of the church temple by the Inquisition.

Although the city of the unbelievers does not focus on killing chickens and monkeys, it does not prevent all believers from warning the fate of becoming unbelievers.

Through the teleportation array of King Dia City, all the unbelievers were escorted away in public.

Continuous teleportation finally came to a dim underground square.

It should not be said to be dim, because the walls around the underground square are filled with burning torches, so it is not that the light is dim, but there is an invisible mental pressure that makes the inner negative emotions surge.


Two huge iron gates opened on one of the walls of the square.

All the unbelievers subconsciously looked over and saw that it was an extremely long passage.

Seeing the passage, you will intuitively know that the passage is a thousand kilometers long.

With such a long passage, standing in the square and looking inside, you can see the end of the passage as if the distance of the passage has been shortened. At the end of the passage, on the left and right sides, skinny heads poked out, eyes full of craziness and appetite looking through the passage. To all unbelievers.

"Everyone comes here to get a proof of identity."

A figure shrouded in darkness appeared in front of the iron gate and said flatly, “Take your ID certificate and ten days’ worth of food and water, and you can pass through this passage to the City of the Unbelievers. If you have your ID certificate, you won’t be attacked. If not, you will be attacked."

Originally, seeing those skinny monsters, the unbelievers present were still a little frightened.

Hearing the words of the black robe man, many people suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

However, there are also some people with ugly faces. Those skinny monsters are in the city of the unbelievers they are going to. They are the believers of the unbelievers and not the gods. With their heels, they also know that they are not for the elderly in the city of the unbelievers.

"Give me identification and water."

Zhao Mu stepped forward and said first.

"As a reward, I will give you food and water for twenty days."

The black-robed man nodded with satisfaction and handed Zhao Mu a large package.

He likes such a smart person, which saves him a lot of things. With the first initiative, the rest will take the initiative a lot, and the chance of resistance is much smaller, so he doesn't mind giving a little benefit.

Otherwise, if he revolted, he could only suppress one by one, but couldn't hurt or kill the troublesome.

Sure enough, seeing that the first one stepped forward had benefited, the remaining unbelievers stepped forward one by one to obtain identification certificates.

Bacon was the last one to come forward, and when he came up, he directly took out a spar emitting bright stars.

The black-robed man accepted it, tacitly allowing Bacon to enter the passage with a spatial ring.

Zhao Mu did not rush, but Bacon ran forward desperately.

Seeing Bacon running, many unbelievers accelerated.

Zhao Mu quickly fell to the end, of course he knew why Bacon ran.

Because his bishop father told him never to be the last one when passing through the channel of unbelievers.

Zhao Mu guessed that the last ones would be eaten.

Those unbelievers waiting at the end of the passage are waiting for them, the unbelievers who fell at the end, to have a good meal.

The answer to why not eat before is of course novice protection. The black-robed people say that they will not be attacked if they have an identity certificate. This should be true, but there is a short-term condition. This time is for every unbelievers to save themselves and struggle. Save time.

Missing this period of safety is not good use, and the result is eaten.

Zhao Mu believes that his analysis cannot be wrong.

If there is no novice safety period, I am afraid that all unbelievers will be eaten by hungry monsters when they first enter the city.

Thinking of this, Zhao Mu also began to accelerate.

It is not that the unbelievers do not have extraordinary powers, but the extraordinary powers before they are sent are abolished.

Even though the human beings in this world are extremely strong, a thousand-meter-long passage cannot be completed in a day. It took two days for the first person to walk out of the passage, and the greedy eyes of the skinny infidels I deeply regret that I ran too fast.

Zhao Mu followed Bacon unhurriedly, playing with a ring in his hand.

He stole it while Bacon was resting. It is ridiculous that Bacon woke up and looked for it like crazy, but he never suspected because Bacon never remembered the cloth he was hurt. This guy Lume.

Passing through the end of the passage, you can see the stone walls that can't be seen on the left and right.

There are spiral-like passages on the rock wall. The passage is almost 100 meters wide. Close to the outer layer, you can see the bottomless abyss. In the inner layer, there are caves of different sizes on the rock wall. The spiral passages are everywhere on the ground. They are all bones. The scary thing is that none of the bones is complete.

If you want to describe it, it means that all the bones can be eaten inside are eaten.

After walking for a thousand kilometers, the unbelievers who passed through the passage gathered together to rest in a group.

When only the last one has not come out, the unbelievers guarding both sides of the exit are drooling crazily. The unbelievers who are at the end can see that something is wrong as long as they are not fools. Instinctively they want to step back, but take a step back. The body automatically advances two steps.

Even if it stops, it will move forward, as if the entire passage is shortening.

But for a moment, the last unbeliever was forced to leave the passage.

At the moment they came out, dozens of people had already rushed forward, and the screams only lasted for a few seconds and disappeared. After a few minutes, a large living person had disappeared and only the bones that had been bitten into pieces were left. Ten monsters crashed to death on the stone wall with satisfaction.

More skin and bone monsters walked out of the cave nearby, dragging away the monster bodies with little flesh.

Zhao Mu suddenly understood that the monsters who died just now were all monsters who didn't want to live, so they could have a full meal before they died, and then their corpses would become food for other monsters. The unbelievers here lived so painful but still alive. Obviously, I can't die.

Those who died just now are probably allowed to die only if they meet the conditions of death.

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