Night Evolution

Chapter 867: Origin of Dark Creatures

Chapter 867

   "Is this really a laboratory?"

   Zhao Mu said inexplicably shocked.

   broke into the zeroth era ruins, the first thing he saw was the boundless ruins.

   This is not a small world in an ordinary ruin, but a huge world that is at least several hundred million kilometers in length and breadth.

   The whole world is full of urban ruins, barren jungles and fallen dead bodies everywhere.

   This is the battlefield, the battlefield after the disaster.

   At the same time here, Zhao Mu obviously felt that the spatial dimension here is the same as the Dawn Continent.

   This is a low-dimensional world. It can be seen that the human evolution faction has also absorbed the technology of some human degeneration factions, and used this technology to create a huge low-dimensional world transformed into a super laboratory for both production and experimentation.

   Only in the end, this place was still discovered and destroyed by the human degeneration faction.

   The human evolution faction defeated the invaders, so the master of the immortal ancestor dragon took this experimental world and escaped to the Dawn Continent of the low-dimensional world, and even used his own life to hide it.

   That person is self-destructive, otherwise that person will not actually die.

   chose death to protect this place, so it is very likely that the most important secrets of human evolution are hidden here. Of course, it does not rule out that people are not dead at all. After all, there is a terrifying existence of immortality as a favorite of war.

   Zhao Mu separated out incarnations one by one, and began to search around from the entrance.

   soon discovered a fairly intact factory, and found some ultra-dimensional reproductive equipment in it.

   This is a production plant for ultra-dimensional reproductive equipment, and the previous federal military should have obtained the ultra-reproductive equipment here.

   continued to explore around, and soon came to a ruined city.

   Through the eyes of the void, he was constantly searching for anomalies, and soon some extremely dangerous existence was discovered.

Those are the lives in the huge cultivation tanks in the underground laboratory in the city. These lives still have vigorous vitality. Combined with the urban ruins here, they have not been decayed and weathered due to time. It is not difficult to judge that the world was probably in a static state before the ruins opened. status.

   Inside the cultivation tank, Zhao Mu saw dragons, phoenixes, and unicorns. He also saw life forms such as the Quetzalcoatl and the Hell Three-headed Dog.

   Although sleeping in the culture tank, the coercion exuding from his body is a real myth.

You can see eight intact culture tanks in just one city. There are at least hundreds of cities in the whole world. This means that thousands of sleeping myths can be awakened at any time. He can discover that these previous federal military should No exception.

   Why didn't they try to control these myths? Why did they leave the Zeroth Era ruins with the ultra-dimensional cloak?

   is even tight-lipped about this place, the specific situation inside has never been leaked.

   Then, the dark creatures immediately annihilated human beings shortly after the emergence of the super dimensional cloak. The dawn also said that the super dimensional cloak cannot appear, and the appearance of this thing will attract dark creatures. Obviously, the dark creatures know this world and are very taboo against this world.

   The ancestors of dark creatures were probably born here.


   Zhao Mu instantly blended into the law of light.

His super-dimensional divinity swallowed the law divinity that merged all the laws when it was formed, which allowed him to get rid of the web of laws, and at the same time, he was able to switch and master all the laws freely. This is exactly what his super-dimensional divinity is. The horror.

   Moving at the speed of light, Zhao Mu instantly arrived at the nearest city.

   The speed of light is very simple to mythology, but it only refers to the speed of linear movement.

   If it is a curve, the speed will be greatly reduced.

   Zhao Mu is now more than a curve. He easily circumvented all the obstacles in the ruins of the city. No matter whether he went around halfway or destroyed the obstacles along the way, he did not slow down, but he had already arrived in the laboratory underground in the city.

   Zhao Mu stood in front of the cultivation tank, the immortal magic element of the cottage turned into black light and spread over.

  Time into a dream!

   Zhao Mu suddenly saw all the time and dream memories of a five-color **** cow in the cultivation tank from its birth.


   Zhao Mu frowned.

   He was ready for the five-color sacred cow to wake up, but the five-color sacred cow did not wake up.

   was about to break the culture tank, but saw the five-color **** beef in the culture tank. The eyes could see that the body was shriveled and turned into mummy. A pair of bull's eyes opened to exude a five-color light, which is faster than the speed of light and cannot be avoided.

   Two holes of blood passed through Zhao Mu's eyes and out of the back of his head.

   Not to mention the eyes, even the middle-level artifact that merged in the eyes was shattered into nothingness by the five-color light.

   Zhao Mu quickly retreated, evacuated the underground laboratory and returned to the surface in shock.

   is too terrible, the cultivation tank is obviously just a five-color sacred cow that looks like the first myth. The light from his eyes just now feels more powerful than the peak of the myth. If it weren't for the eye of the abyss, the eye of the void was hurt by the compression of space.

   The result is not that the Eye of the Abyss Destruction Head is pierced, he will directly become a headless man.

   With this level of danger, it's no wonder that the federal military in the previous life only took away the super-dimensional colony.

   Time fusion!

   Zhao Mu consumed a true immortal magic element and forcibly merged the five-color light in the blood hole in his eyes.

   If it does not merge, the five-color light will make his wounds incurable.

   The time fusion is over, and the Eye of Straight Death has a special attack pupil technique death light.

The innate pupil technique of the five-color sacred cow is the light of death, which can produce amazing instant killing effects when seen with both This fits well with the eyes of the straight death. Almost hit hard below.

   once again activated the Void Eye, Zhao Mu found that the underground laboratories in neighboring cities had undergone tremendous changes.

The myths that were intact in the culture tanks transformed lives. At this moment, they all turned into corpses. One by one, they walked out of the culture tank and wandered in the underground laboratory. A little bit abnormal.

   At the end of the memory of time, there is a tiny twist on the back of the five-color sacred bull with a needle sticking out.

   The five-color sacred cow was pierced, and then the time of the entire world freezes.

   That should be some kind of method, the limit squeezed the power of the five-color **** cow.

   That's why I made a myth one heavy, and at that moment the destructive power of the nine myths broke out.

   Zhao Mu thoughtfully, he might have misunderstood one thing.

   The owner of the Immortal Ancestral Dragon, leaving this world is not a relic for future generations, but is using this world to complete a certain layout, and now even if he tells him that the owner of the Ancestral Dragon is not dead, he will not be surprised.

   "Can't help me."

   The immortal magic element of Zhao Mu's whole body turned into black brilliance and spread to the whole world.

   As long as he analyzes all the time dreams of the entire world, he can not only obtain the advanced technology inheritance of the zeroth era human evolution school, but also know all the secrets of the world, big and small, and then decide what he wants to do.

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