Night Evolution

Chapter 868: Really Immortal Holy Realm

Chapter 868:

   The mysterious world where time has been suspended for countless years is shrouded in darkness from a certain corner.

   When the whole world was dark and dark, Zhao Mu invaded the time dream of the whole world.

   This move seemed to anger all the transformation myths that came out of the cultivation tank. Zhao Mu picked up the Sky-Swallowing Demon Lu to lock the manufacturing factory of the Ultra-Dimensional Reproduction Equipment, and tore down a piece of void where the entire factory was directly swallowed into the gourd.

   left a time coordinate, Zhao Mu locked the time coordinate left in the magma sea and teleported away.

   The teleportation ends, and Zhao Muzhen enters a time dream.

   Incorporating the super-dimensional Godhead of the Time Mirror, the immortal demon began to quickly clean up those not very important memories in the time dream, sorting out all kinds of knowledge and various useful information, and finally completely presented it to Zhao Mu.

   Even so, Zhao Mu watched it for a few days before finishing it.

  This is indeed the nest of the human plan sect, once named the existence of the immortal holy world.

   This is the Immortal Holy Realm, or the original Immortal Holy Realm.

   Relying on the weapons of war constantly made here, although the human evolution faction has been madly suppressed, it has survived and continued to grow like an immortal Xiaoqiang. Even the human evolution faction has discovered a way to become immortal.

  The so-called immortality means being able to produce immortality by oneself.

It is not a copycat, but the true immortal magic element. Immortality needs to sublimate the soul and body again, and then the consciousness directly communicates with the high-dimensional space, capturing the true immortal magic element from the high-dimensional space. In this process, the essence of life will also be affected. The high-level dimension changes.

   At this point, the human evolution faction is actually qualified to fight back.

   I just don't know what happened, and eventually the evolutionary faction of humans was completely killed.

   One person came after the immortal holy world was in ruins, this person is wisdom.

   He unearthed all the technical data of the human evolutionary faction from the ruins, and even introduced the new in a short period of time. Zhao Muzheng wanted to see what kind of technology Zhi had introduced, but the time dream was out of control at this time.

   I saw Zhi who was studying in the laboratory, and suddenly turned to look at Zhao Mu who was standing behind.

   Zhao Mu was startled and saw Zhi smile at him.

Everything about Zhi in the entire time dream is blurred. What exactly did Zhi do. ​​The time dream can no longer be reproduced. It took a long time for Zhao Mu to come back to his senses. How did the Zhi in the time dream come back? thing?

   Wisdom in reality realizes that he has been spied on by people through time dreams and descends on time dreams at that moment.

   Or the wisdom has been so powerful that it is unimaginable, so powerful that even if it is a time afterimage left in the time dream, it is capable of detecting the existence of the time dream, but after thinking about it carefully, Zhao Mu overturned his own thoughts.

   This is not the first time he has seen Zhi in a time dream. This is the third time. Why is there an accident only this time?

   The answer may be simple. Zhi once left some power or information in the time dream of this world. When someone sees everything through the time dream, it will automatically trigger the power left by Zhi, or it may be false at all.

   Zhao Mu thought about it carefully and had the answer in his mind.

   "This is not Chi."

   Zhao Mu muttered to himself.

   Not this time, he has some understanding of Chi in the first two time dreams.

Zhi’s wisdom is too terrifying to imagine, but he is essentially a dead house. If he has not had to go out to make money, he would rather stay with his goldfish at home. When he has enough wealth, Zhi chooses to live a daily life. Goldfish are companions or live in the laboratory.

   There is absolutely no reason for such a person to leave a time dream with a trace of consciousness here.

   If it's not Chi. That is the master of the immortal ancestor dragon.

   There is only this person, there is a reason to erase part of the time memory in the time dream, because he does not want anyone to know the secret of Zhi staying here, he wants to monopolize the secret here, so he even died once in this world.

   After hesitating, Zhao Mu decided to use all his strength.

   If the owner of the immortal ancestor dragon is sure to obliterate him, just obliterate him directly.

   did not pretend to be Chi to frighten him, which shows that this person's current situation is not enough for him to deal with himself.

  Super-dimensional body!

Zhao Mu's body began to change. The skin became milky white as smooth and tender as the baby's skin. The dolphin-like head has big watery eyes. His slender body is the same as a crocodile but with smooth skin. On his back, he has hollow wings that resemble a butterfly but are much longer. .

   This kind of form is exactly the mother worm of dreaming.

   The super-dimensional divine body can transform him into a real dreaming mother.

   successfully became a dreammaker, and his control of the dream world was immediately strengthened.

   Between Zhao Mu's thoughts, he consumed a real immortal magic element to invade the time dream of the whole world again, and then directly controlled the time dream to collapse from the periphery, and the collapsed time dream turned into the power of the dream to continuously strengthen the control of the remaining time dream.

   The human body, he relies on the time dream talent to view time memory.

   But becoming a dreammaker, he can directly eat the entire time dream and get everything instantly.

   "You humble artificial seed, stop!"

   A figure flashed in the dream of time and shouted angrily not far from Zhao Mu.

   "Why, stop pretending to be wisdom."

   Zhao Mu said with contempt.

He is deliberately irritating this person. Although he doesn't know what artificial species means, but judging from the name, he probably means that this human being is not a purebred human. It seems that in the zeroth era, at least within the human evolution sect, humans have a strict hierarchy. .

  From what he said just now, it can be seen that he looks down on the so-called artificial seed at all.

   In that case, it would be very angry to be despised by an artificial species.

  The anger is right, as an enemy, he is upset by himself.

   "You can enter the dream of time, you really know wisdom."

   The owner of the immortal ancestor dragon trembled.

"of course I know."

   Zhao Mu said confidently.

   "I am the you kill me, I will remember my name."

  Gen was shaking again all over.

   Zhao Mu frowned. The names of the zeroth era human beings are all single words.

   It is not surprising that this person is called Yuan, and it is not surprising that this person is afraid of Chi.

   This world time has been suspended for countless years. In Yuan's concept of time, he may still be in a short time after self-destruction. If his injury is heavy to a certain extent, it is not surprising that he is not even sure to beat him in the dream of time.

   What makes him wonder is why Yuan said his name for him to remember.

   There are two possibilities, he may judge that his current state is bound to die.

   So when I say my name before death, I don’t want to be completely forgotten after death.

   The second possibility is that his name itself contains some special power.

  Some exist, because the special name of ability itself is taboo.

  Some exist, because the special name of the ability can be immortal as long as it is not forgotten.

   There are too many possibilities for a single name.

   This is him. After a lot of time dreams, he knows a lot of secrets that few people know outside of common sense. Only then can he perceive the trap hidden behind the simple sentence that Yuan just reported his name.

   If this person is killed in the waiting meeting, he must use all means to cut off all possible means of resurrection.

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