Night Evolution

Chapter 882: The origin of the blade of the night

Chapter 882

Zhao Mu snapped his fingers, and the eternal snowfield disappeared into a dense forest.

There are no insects in the forest, big tree vines entwined to block the sun, countless plants interweave the forest aisles and different buildings, together forming an incredible plant city.

"It's so beautiful here."

The Crimson King walked to a swing and sat down with nostalgia and couldn't help but say.

"So we need more primitive people to reshape the dark continent with the spirits they took from us."

Zhao Mu calmly said with his back against a tree trunk.

The Crimson King nodded in agreement. It can be known from the secret legends left by generations that 900 million years ago, the Dark Continent had the same spirituality as the Dawn Continent, and it was the **** human being who took away the spirits of all things in the Dark Continent.

Even Dawn Continent, the only place of hope, is still occupied by humans.

"You don't even know what we are looking for in this world!"

Crimson King said solemnly.

"But I know it is important to immortality."

Zhao Mu said helplessly, "You probably didn’t know that Dark Journey to the West was unfortunately destroyed. If I can’t commit my crimes, I will be severely punished, and depending on your appearance, the task will not be completed smoothly. If we can work together to complete the task, I will share 40% of the benefits. ."

"The Dark Journey to the West was destroyed, so how could you appear here?"

Crimson King asked warily.

"I don't know, I wake up in this world..."

Zhao Mu was silent for a moment and said, "I may have been accidentally swept over by a space crack when the Dark Journey to the West was destroyed, but it is more likely that I was used as a bait. Dawn did not kill me but sent me to this world. Find out what you know about you."

"So you may have something you shouldn't have."

Crimson King sneered.

"Yes, there may be positioning monitoring on my body."

Zhao Mu said frankly, “They couldn’t find you, or they couldn’t find your mission objectives, so they let me come here deliberately. I’m in a very bad situation now and I don’t know how to leave this world and return to the Dark Continent, so I I can only come to you."

"We don't want to be troubled by you."

Crimson King sneered.

"I have a solution."

Zhao Mu confidently said, "As far as I know you have pretended to be the scarlet ghost and the book of death, then you must have at least two lock nails. As far as I know, lock nails have the ability to seal, no matter the light is in me Any method left on the body can be sealed."

"If we can still use the lock nail, we will kill you first."

The conviction king said with murderous intent.

"Can it only be used once?"

Zhao Mu asked disappointedly.

After a moment of silence, he took out two gem-like crystals.

These are two true immortal magic elements, seeing this Crimson King and Convicted King's eyes are worth it.

Really immortal magic element!

They are not immortal, they can use the lock nails because they have the power left by immortal ghosts.

Now the power is very small, and can only exert the power of the lock **** nail.

But if there is a true immortal magic element, this universal supreme energy can make the weak power of the immortal ghosts in the lock gods grow rapidly, which is enough for them to use the lock gods again, enough to instantly kill two mythical peaks.

I didn't kill the Scarlet Ghost and Book of Death before, but I didn't want to disturb the will of the main plane.

At the same time, in order to find the blade of the night, it takes the experience and memory of the Crimson Ghost and the Book of Death to stay alive, but they underestimated their successful escape.

But now there is no need to stay alive, they have probably found the place where the Dark Night Blade fell.

The two units are truly immortal, and they can completely kill the two peaks of mythology. When the time comes, no matter the gods or the scarlet ghosts of the main plane, they will not dare to continue chasing them. The Convict King almost subconsciously reached out and grabbed Zhao Mu. Really immortal magic element in the hand.

"this is mine?"

Zhao Mu withdrew his hand and said seriously.

"Do you want to use this as a bargaining chip?"

Crimson King calmed down and asked.


Zhao Mu nodded and said, "The immortal ghosts and gods will hand all the lock nails to you. It can be seen that your mission is not of ordinary value. Immortal ghosts and gods cannot be stingy with the immortal magic elements, so I guess you must have them on hand when you first came to this world. Immortal magic element.

Just don't know what happened, you used up the immortal magic element.

Without the immortal magic element, you can't drive the lock nails many times and cause the mission to fail, and your guilt is not small. "

The Crimson King and the Convicted King smiled bitterly at each other, and the devil's heart guessed at all.

The immortal ghosts and gods gave them ten units of true immortal mana in addition to the lock god, but everything went smoothly in the plane of shadow for many years, so they didn't need to charge the lock **** at all. In the end, the two of them couldn't bear the greed and put the immortal mana Used it up.

Otherwise, there are ten units of Immortal Magic Element in their hands, how could they have fallen to the current state of embarrassment.

"Do you want to know what our mission is?"

The Scarlet King thought for a moment and said.

"tell me the story."

Zhao Mu said expectantly.

"Have you heard of Dark Night Blade?"

Crimson King asked.

"Of course, I caught a myth not long ago and threw it into the Heavenly Demon Realm to know a lot."

Zhao Mu nodded.

"Night Blade is the heir of immortal ghosts and gods."

Crimson King gritted his teeth and said.

"Is it the one back then?"

Zhao Mu exclaimed.

The stronger the existence, the more difficult it is to give birth to blood descendants.

Immortality is even more difficult.

Therefore, the immortal ghosts and gods had a son that caused a sensation in the Dark Continent. This son was also spoiled in every way, but just because he was too spoiled, he provokes the immortal and was pressed by the immortal demon like a fly died.

The immortal ghosts were furious, so they attacked the immortal demon.

In the end, he was crippled and dragged to the Dawn Continent. No one knew why he was brought to the Dawn Continent, but the immortal ghosts and gods knelt down and begged for mercy, but everyone knew that they were spared. This was proclaimed by the immortal ghosts and gods.

Immortal ghosts and gods are certainly not crazy, but are trying to belittle themselves.

To prove that he was really wrong, the horror of the immortal demons that can push the immortal ghosts to this point can be imagined.

If what the Crimson King said is true, then the son of the immortal ghost and **** may not have died completely. At least a trace of the remnant is really flexible. Like the sun god, he was sent to the world of havoc with the gods, and finally turned into the plane of shadow. The blade of the night that brings infinite fear.

It's just that if these are true, why don't the immortal ghosts come to Black Night Blade earlier.

Have to wait for the death of the dark blade, before remembering to send his hands down to find the buried ground of the dark blade?

Instinctively told him, what did the Scarlet King conceal, or did he not even know the truth?

But it doesn't matter, he will know the truth soon.

"If so, it seems that this benefit has nothing to do with me."

Zhao Mu sighed.

"It doesn't matter, save the young master, the great immortal ghosts and gods must be generous with rewards."

Crimson King stared at Zhao Mu's hand and said seriously.

"I will give you a unit of immortal magic element, and you will give me a lock nail."

Zhao Mu meditated for a moment and said, "You use immortal magic elements and lock nails to seal the hidden dangers in my body, and at the same time control my life and death, correspondingly, I will use lock gods nails to nail one of your true spirits. If I die, one of you will be buried with me."

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