Night Evolution

Chapter 883: The secret of ghosts and gods

Chapter 883:

"Are you crazy?"

The Conviction King became angry when he heard Zhao Mu ask for the nails.

The Crimson King left the swing and stretched out his hand to stop the Convicted King who was about to do it. Unlike the Convicted King's impulse, he understood the meaning of the devil's heart.

Obviously, the Demon Heart does not trust them.

The reverse is also true for them, not to mention that the Heavenly Demon Demon Heart may still have the positioning and monitoring means of dawn.

Only with lock nails can we ensure that these methods are sealed.

But in this way, the Heavenly Devil's heart being sealed by the lock **** nail is equivalent to entrusting his life to them.

This was obviously unacceptable to the Demon Heart, so he asked for a lock nail, and also controlled the life and death of one of them, so that each other could control the life and death of the other, and naturally there was no need to worry about betraying each other.

From a logical point of view, this proposal of the Demon Heart is very fair.

But to hand over a lock nail, he needs to think about it.

Wanting to think about it, the Crimson King couldn't think of a better way.

The best way is of course to directly take away the immortal magic element in the hands of the demon heart, but it is not difficult for the demon heart to master the heavenly demon illusion, even if it is not their opponents to retreat calmly, then their enemy will have one more demon demon. heart.

Conversely, when they agreed to the conditions of the devil's heart, they would come out with an extra helper.

"give me."

The Crimson King stretched out his hand to the Convicted King.

It can be seen that the Convicted King trusts the Crimson King very much, although he is still very upset, he still takes out the lock nail.

Zhao Mu took out a unit of true immortal magic element and exchanged lock nails with the Crimson King.

The moment the exchange ended, the Crimson King started.

The true immortal magic element was integrated into the lock nail, and the lock nail was nailed to Zhao Mu's eyebrows all at once.

His super-dimensional divine body, his super-dimensional divine soul and true spirit were all locked by the lock **** at this moment.

The Scarlet King raised his head and touched his eyebrows, and was shocked to find that his eyebrows were also pierced by the lock nail.

He actually wanted to pit the devil’s heart. Although he gave the lock nail, the **** demon heart should not be able to use the control method of the lock nail at all. He could not use it temporarily when he got the immortal magic element. The lock **** nail controls the life and death of the demon heart.

When the time comes, the lock **** nail will not be said, maybe you can get more immortal magic elements from the hands of the gods.

Zhao Mu snorted coldly, watching the Scarlet King mockingly.

I really thought he was Nirvana. Indeed, he couldn't control the lock **** nail, but he couldn't help but he still had hundreds of true immortal magic elements on hand. He directly took out a hundred true immortal magic elements to use time fusion, and instantly took control of the lock **** Nail it to the Crimson King.

Unless the immortal ghosts and gods personally take action, don't want to take back the lock **** nails controlled by him.

As for his eyebrows, time reset to find out.

Up to ten true immortal magic elements can get rid of the extremely dangerous lock **** nail at any time.

"Good means."

Crimson King said unwillingly.

He thought there was only one possibility, that is, the immortal ghosts and gods had fought with the immortal gods, so the immortal gods studied the lock nails, and even developed some means to restrain the locks nails. This method was acquired by the gods' hearts. , This can control the lock nail in one fell swoop.

Apart from this, he could not think of other possibilities.

"To each other."

Zhao Mupi said with a smile.

"Are we in the same boat now?"

The Crimson King pointed at Zhao Mu and pointed at himself.

"of course."

Zhao Mu agreed.

"How many immortal magic elements do you have."

Crimson King asked.

"One unit."

Zhao Mu said without thinking.

The Crimson King nodded, saying that if it was one unit, there were at least two or three units.

But it will not be too much, and it will not exceed five units at most, because as far as he knows, the demon heart of the gods has become the pinnacle of mythology. Only a few million years ago, he cannot have too many immortal magic elements. Immortal magic elements will become them in critical moments. The hole card to escape.

"It's not safe here anymore, let's go."

The Crimson King sitting on the grassland stood up and said.

While standing up, the God Lock Nail in Zhao Mu no longer sealed his power and instead sealed some foreign objects and abnormal forces in his body. These were discovered by God Lock Nail and believed to be the positioning and control method left by Dawn.

Dawn let the demon come to them, let the dark creatures come to the dark creatures.

The idea is good, but I underestimated them.

"I use the heavenly magic illusion to cover."

Zhao Mu re-opened a new magical realm to envelop the three.

The Crimson King and the Convicted King led the way, Zhao Mu followed, and they were many times faster in the Heavenly Demon Illusory Realm. They even encountered the Crimson Ghost's clone passing by without being noticed.

A few days later, they came to the nostrils of the shadow behemoth.

The shadow behemoth is not dead, and naturally it still breathes.

He took a breath for a year, and breathed out a breath for a year, but a simple breath can already form a terrifying storm of destruction. Seeing the endless black storm with his own eyes, Zhao Mu can be sure that the giant shadow beast is almost equivalent to half a step of immortality. .

Fortunately, the Shadow Behemoth is now inhaling, and it is much easier for them to get into the Shadow Behemoth.

But it shouldn't be too careless. No one knows what the lungs of the shadow behemoth are. How strong the storm there is is completely unknown. If you get involved in death, you can't die, but it's embarrassing. That's for sure.

Following the storm tide caused by the breathing of the shadow behemoth, the three of Zhao Mu began to enter the shadow behemoth.

Not long after they entered, the Crimson Ghost and the Chaos God appeared one after another.

They appeared here, of course someone whispered.

In the endless storm tide, Zhao Mu quickly separated from the Scarlet King and the others. There were lock gods positioning them to each other and they would not be separated. He chose to temporarily separate at this time because he found a secret from the lock gods.

Through the immortal dream world of the Dream Eater Tree, he successfully learned many secrets of immortal ghosts and gods.

For example, immortal ghosts and gods were once humans.

He is the soul of the zeroth era after the death of human beings, most of the memories of his life have been wiped out, plus the immortal ghosts and gods can't say anything to the lock **** ~ so he started from What is seen in the dream of time is only some incomplete possibilities.

At about the end of the zeroth era, the human degeneration faction finally ushered in a devastating disaster.

The disaster is related to Chi. I don’t know what happened, but the immortal ghosts will be furious as soon as they hear the word Chi. There is even a female ghost he loves accidentally mentioning that the word was tortured by the immortal ghosts with a lock god. Ten thousand years.

The word wisdom is taboo for immortal ghosts and gods.

Dark Night Blade is actually not Chi's son.

It's his incarnation, he and the immortal demon are actually acting, acting in a scene for Shuguang.

On the surface, the immortal demons want to throw the immortal ghosts and gods to the super-dimensional evolution game to kill people with a knife, so as to avoid the immortal ghosts and gods' dying counterattack. In fact, they take the opportunity to send the incarnations of the immortal ghosts and gods into the shadow of the world of the havoc of the gods. surface.

However, human beings are not as good as heaven, and when the incarnation entered the world, he was hit hard by the dawn.

I don’t know how to become the immortal ghosts and gods behind the blade of the night, and even think that this incarnation is dead. It was not until the shadow plane of the world of havoc of the gods and the shadow plane of the Dawn Continent were more closely connected a few years ago that the incarnation was accidentally discovered. Not dead yet.

After investigation, the Dark Night Blade was locked.

That's why the Crimson King and the Convicted King were sent at any cost to let them reclaim the immortal ghost and god's out-of-control incarnation of Dark Night Blade.

This discovery really surprised Zhao Mu.

The shadow planes of the two different worlds have been gradually connected in the dark.

Heavenly Ji Dixian must also know that he just didn't tell him that in the future, let him explore the shadow plane of the Dawn Continent, maybe he intends to let him pass from the shadow plane on the side of the reincarnation world of the gods.

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