Night of apocalypse

Chapter 597 Accident (1st update)

Shen Qiu was also happy to hear Long Er's words and said.

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's get going!"

Long Shifen decisively shouted to Lieutenant General Cheng He who was on standby.

"Cheng He, take action!"

Lieutenant General Cheng He immediately activated the wireless communication device on his collar and issued orders to the entire convoy.

"The overlapping area is 8 kilometers ahead of us at 9 o'clock. All vehicles should follow suit. If there is a serious impact and people are injured or disabled, save those who can be saved, but abandon those who cannot be saved, including me! Definitely! We need to send supplies in, do you understand?"


Countless sonorous and powerful responses sounded.

Shen Qiu then said to Bei Kelun.

"Take good care of Chen Ye and Qi Dong!"


Bei Kelun responded calmly.

"Let's clear the way."

Long Er said something to Shen Qiu and took the lead in rushing towards the coincidence point.

Shen Qiu quickly followed up.

Lieutenant General Cheng He led the transport convoy to form a long queue and followed behind.

This is the Gobi Desert, the ground is undulating with sand and gravel, and the vehicles are fully loaded, so the cars cannot drive fast at all.

Shen Qiu and Long Er ran forward for a distance and ran into monsters that were disintegrating. These monsters are mainly humanoid green-skinned creatures with ugly ears and pointed noses. They are not tall, only over two meters tall, but they have a mess of simple weapons in each hand.

A reminder popped up on Shen Qiu's bracelet.

"Target green spirit beast, atomic fluctuation reflection 89, judged level LV1 type creature."

Long Er waved his left hand, and the air in front of him buzzed, and in an instant, countless air blades swept past like a storm.


Each green spirit beast was rushed away, and its whole body was torn apart.

However, this was just the beginning. Following behind the green spirit beast, a ten-meter-tall giant came roaring with a mallet in hand!

Shen Qiu's whole body flashed with lightning, and he drew out the Star Blade and faced the giant.


The giant swung the mallet and hit Shen Qiu.

Shen Qiu did not dodge, but instead accelerated, dodged the blow, rushed to the giant's feet, and slashed at it with one sword!


The giant's right foot was cut off directly.


With a howl of pain, the giant collapsed.

Just when the giant was about to struggle to get up, Shen Qiu jumped on his neck and chopped off his head with a sword.

After dealing with the giant, Shen Qiu immediately ran forward.

The entire convoy approached the insect world in an orderly manner.

At this time, monsters began to appear in the insect world. Giant crawling insects with very weird shapes emerged. These insects all had human faces and were extremely disgusting.

At the same time, in addition to these crawling bugs, there are also many moth monsters the same size as humans emerge. There are so many of them that it is terrifying just looking at them from a distance.

Shen Qiu's attention was immediately attracted by those insect-shaped monsters. He twitched the corner of his mouth and shouted at Long Er.

"Are all bugs in this world this big? And there are so many of them?"

Long Er glanced at it and said calmly.

"There's nothing surprising. The most indispensable thing in the insect world is quantity. But it doesn't matter. These bugs that appear are of lower levels, but you must be careful not to be bitten. These damn bugs contain There are all kinds of toxins, and even we may not be able to withstand them."


Shen Qiu responded solemnly.

At this time, in the area on the right side of the insect world, there is an illusory overlapping change.

The shadow of a simple and mysterious temple emerged, with stone pillars reaching into the sky standing in the temple.

The surface of the stone pillar is carved with strange snake patterns, and a pair of scarlet eyes are constantly looking at the overlapping illusions, looking left and right.

At this time, with Shen Qiu and the others clearing the way, the convoy quickly approached the phantom of the insect world.

Finally, Shen Qiu and the others encountered a huge number of moths.

Shen Qiu roared, purple fine marks appeared on his face and neck, and terrifying thunder and lightning burst out from his whole body, and then he waved his hand!

"Chain lightning!"


Purple lightning spread like a thunder net.

One after another, large moths were hit by a chain of hits and fell from the air. Their entire bodies were burnt black and emitted a burning smell.

At the same time, Lieutenant General Cheng He personally led elite soldiers wearing black armor to attack.

His whole body hardened into a stone giant, and he burst out with powerful power. He punched the giant worm that came towards him and roared in anger.



The giant bug's head was directly smashed, and the thick green corrosive liquid splashed.


Many soldiers raised their beam guns and fired beams of light to kill the insects that followed.

Seeing the overlap right in front of them, everyone became more and more excited.

Long Er roared passionately.

"Rush! Rush! We'll be arriving soon."

Seeing this scene, Shen Qiu fought harder to kill those bugs. He raised his left hand and blasted out thunderstorms.


Shen Qiu killed the swarms of insects.

At the same time, Shen Qiu was very keen to focus on the huge insects and rushed over, cutting their bloated bodies in half with one sword.

I have to say that although these insect-type monsters are numerous in number, as Long Er said, they are not too powerful and are not difficult to clean up.

Soon the leading transport vehicle reached the edge of the overlap.

"Quick! Get in!"

Lieutenant General Cheng He kept shouting.

Suddenly one transport truck rushed in.

Shen Qiu glanced at it with the corner of his eye, and his tense nerves relaxed a little, and the convoy began to enter.

However, because Long Er is escorting a lot of supplies this time, the transport vehicles cannot get in all at once, so it will take some time.

Fortunately, judging from the situation, there shouldn't be any big problems.

However, just when the convoy entered one-fifth of the way, a terrifying green beam suddenly swept towards the convoy.


A huge explosion swept across.

Seven large transport vehicles were destroyed instantly, the ground was melted away, and a three-meter-deep horizontal trench appeared. The convoy that originally entered the overlapping world in an orderly manner was suddenly cut in half.


"Ah~ my feet!"

A noncommissioned officer who survived the impact screamed while holding his melted leg.

At this time, a second lieutenant next to him changed his face and rushed over.

"Xiaoji! I'm here to save you."

"Come on! Leave me alone."

The surviving sergeant roared while enduring severe pain.

At this time, Shen Qiu, Long Er and others turned around in shock and saw a fifteen-meter snake-like monster crawling out of the overlapping world on the side. It has a huge deformed head with a huge green eyeball on it. The entire back of the head is bulging. The sharp teeth are covered with mucus. The lower body is like a cobra. There is a closed eyeball on each side of the neck skin fold. Below it is a pair of sharp claws covered with dense scales. Its overall body length reaches more than sixty meters and is densely covered with tough spiked snake scales.

At the same time, a mysterious logo, MX404, can be vaguely seen on its body.

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