Night of apocalypse

Chapter 598 Activation (Second update)

"Damn it! You move forward quickly, we're stopping it! There's no time, the overlap may disappear at any time."

When Long Er saw this terrifying monster, he became anxious and shouted to everyone through the communicator.

Immediately afterwards, Long Er's power exploded and entered the third level. White thin marks appeared all over his body. He rushed towards the snake man.

"Sir Long!"

Lieutenant General Cheng He's expression changed when he saw it, and he immediately rushed forward.

At the same time, senior officers rushed towards the snake man one after another.

"Restore the shackles!"

Long Er first put his hands together and used his full strength. Eighteen invisible air chains emerged out of thin air and wrapped around the snake man's body.

Immediately afterwards, Cheng He used his full strength in the middle.

"Earth Piercing!"


A sharp and huge cone rose up and penetrated towards the snake man.

At the same time, a famous noncommissioned officer launched an ability attack.

"Spear of Fire!"

"Spear of Thunder Explosion!"

As a result, the snake man moved instantly, and his huge strength directly broke the restraining chains. His sliding body swerved to avoid the piercing ground cone, resisted various attacks, and attacked Long Er and others at a very terrifying sliding speed. .

When it gets close, it opens its bloody mouth and sprays out green venom.

Long Er immediately waved his hand, and an invisible air wall was formed.

But it was useless. When the venom hit the air wall, it actually dissolved Long Er's ability.

Long Er's expression suddenly changed and he shouted.


Several sergeants were hit before they had time to dodge!


The entire body was like softened ice, dissolving into a pool of blood, leaving not even a scrap behind.

When Shen Qiu saw this scene, he cursed in a low voice.

"Damn it!"

He rushed forward with the Star Blade in hand. He poured all his strength into the Star Blade, and the whole sword flashed with lightning and buzzed.

"Holy punishment!"

The moment Shen Qiu got closer, he slashed at the snake man with his sword.

As a result, the closed eye on the left side of the snake man's neck suddenly opened, and the air was suddenly distorted.

Shen Qiu looked at the snake man like a fish in the water, looming and far away.


Shen Qiu ended up slashing the air with one sword.

His heart was suddenly startled. At this moment, the snake man opened his bloody mouth and bit at Shen Qiu, and the horrible stench rushed towards him.

Shen Qiu's nerve reflex made him jump back immediately.


The snake man immediately bit the air.

After Shen Qiu landed, he was still frightened. This guy was too scary.

Immediately after the snake man missed a hit, he turned his head and glanced at the convoy not far away, and then plunged into the ground, no longer entangled with Shen Qiu and the others.

It can be seen that this snake man is very cunning and knows which prey is easier to kill.

When Long Er saw this scene, his expression changed drastically and he shouted.

"Not good! Be careful!"

Unfortunately it's still too late.


The snake man penetrated up from the underground of the convoy and directly pushed a transport vehicle away. Then he opened his mouth and swept a green beam across.


Transport vehicles exploded one after another, and many soldiers were killed in an instant without any resistance. Even wearing black armor, they could not withstand the attack of the snake man.

Long Er was even more furious when he saw this. If this situation continued, the convoy would not have to enter the overlap, and everyone would die here.

He immediately floated towards the snake man, exerting all his strength.

"Air blast!"

In an instant, the air around the snake man shook violently, followed by a big explosion, and a terrifying impact swept across.

However, after the explosion, there were only a few scorch marks left on the snake man's body, but nothing happened. Instead, he became even more angry and slid and collided!

Bang bang!

One transport truck after another was hit and exploded!

Lieutenant General Cheng He roared, his whole body expanded, and he instantly turned into a ten-meter-high rock giant. Although it was not enough to be seen in front of the snake man, it was still very impressive.

He rushed forward and punched the snake man's body with all his strength.


The area where the snake man was hit was dented, but Cheng Hezhong immediately bounced his fist back.

"How can it be?"

Cheng Hezhong's eyes almost bulged out, he was in disbelief.

The next second, the snake man flicked his tail and hit Lieutenant General Cheng He.


Cheng Hezhong flew his huge body directly, and his body exploded like broken glass.

Immediately afterwards, Cheng Hezhong slammed the reduced human form on the ground and spat out a mouthful of blood.

After the snake-man succeeded with one blow, he opened his bloody mouth and faced Lieutenant General Cheng He, and suddenly green light spots all over the sky gathered in his direction.

Long Er's face turned dark when he saw this scene, and he thought to himself, it's over!

When Shen Qiu saw this, his eyes flashed with a stern look, his feet flashed with purple lightning, his heart skipped a beat, and he rushed forward with all his strength.

Lieutenant General Cheng He gritted his teeth and roared when he saw Shen Qiu rushing over.

"do not come!"

Long Er didn't expect that Shen Qiu would rush up and immediately shouted to him.

"Don't go! It's too late, be back soon!"

Chen Ye and others also shouted in horror.


Unfortunately, Shen Qiu didn't stop at all. He rushed straight to Cheng He and pulled him up with one hand.


The snake man instantly spit out a green beam of light.

Lieutenant General Cheng He, who was dragged up, saw this scene, his heart suddenly thumped, and his eyes were full of despair.

No one can withstand this monster's attack. This time, he and Shen Qiu will finish playing together.

Shen Qiu's heart suddenly changed, and he decisively activated the atomic magic suit, raised his left hand and waved it!

"Atomic Shield!"

In an instant, the atomic magic armor wrapped around his right hand proliferated wildly and covered Shen Qiu's entire body, including his head. The scarlet lines on his armor exuded a dazzling halo.

An interface appeared in Shen Qiu's eyes.

"The database is lost and the target's identity cannot be determined."

"The Atomic Magic Equipment is activated in all aspects."

"The remaining energy is 100%."

"Atomic shield deployed!"


The green beam hit Shen Qiu's invisible shield and exploded.

The hearts of Long Er and others suddenly tightened!

But when the explosion ended, Shen Qiu dragged Lieutenant General Cheng He and stood there intact. This scene shocked everyone.

Lieutenant General Cheng He was even more stunned.

Long Er looked at the equipment on Shen Qiu, his eyes filled with disbelief.

"Atomic Magic Equipment!"

The Hongmeng recently obtained a set of this kind of equipment, but it was given to General Long Xiu. He knew about this, so how could Shen Qiu also have it?

When Chen Ye and others saw it, they were also confused.

"Damn! Isn't that the same equipment as Zhuo En? Why does the boss also have it?"

"Not sure."

Bekelen showed a meaningful smile. The captain never disappoints.

"That's not right. The boss has this equipment. Why didn't he take it out when he fought Zhuo En? He was beaten half disabled by the opponent."

Qi Dong said in confusion.

"I guess he didn't want to use it and wanted to challenge his limits. The situation wasn't too bad at the time. After all, the captain hadn't completely lost his mind and gone crazy."

Bei Kailun had seen Shen Qiu in a state of complete madness, even doing it to one of his own.

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