Night of apocalypse

Chapter 599 Heartache (Additional update for Bai Alliance Leader An Jingyuan) (Third update)

Chen Ye and Qi Dong were speechless when they heard this.

"Stop being in a daze, let's go!"

Shen Qiu said to the dull Lieutenant General Cheng He, and then threw him out.


Lieutenant General Cheng He immediately turned into a parabola and flew out.

Then Shen Qiu raised his left hand, and the entire palm of his left hand cracked, forming a circular hollow.


Purple lightning arcs were running wildly.

Shen Qiu activated the amplification ability of the atomic magic suit and tried his best to increase his power.

A reminder suddenly popped up in his eyes.

"In atomic amplification, the amplification intensity is 100%!"

"Thunder Roar Cannon!"

Shen Qiu instantly shot a terrifying purple beam of light at the snake man.


The moment the snake man was hit, purple lightning flashed all over his body and he howled in pain.

Shen Qiu then turned around and jumped dozens of meters into the air.


Shen Qiu was dumbfounded for a moment. This atomic magic outfit has increased so much? He couldn't even adapt to it.

At this time, the snake man saw that Shen Qiu was about to run away, so he slithered after him with red eyes.

Long Er and others saw Shen Qiu holding back the hatred and shouted happily.

"Chen Qiu, hold on, we are here to help you."

"No, I'll divert it away, and you guys quickly send the convoy into overlap!"

Shen Qiu said without looking back.

"Okay, then Shen Qiu, hold on!"

Long Er, who was about to rush forward to help, immediately stopped after hearing what Shen Qiu said.

"I know, hurry up!"

Shen Qiu replied to Long Er.

Long Er immediately shouted to the stagnant motorcade.

"Let's go!"

The convoy that was originally separated quickly drove towards the overlap.

When Bei Kailun saw this, he said to Chen Ye and the other two.

"Let's go too!"

"Ah, didn't the boss lure the monster away? Why don't we wait for him?"

Chen Ye asked confusedly.

"What are you waiting for him to do? Are you going to cause trouble for him?"

Bei Kelun replied calmly.

"It seems so, okay then!"

Chen Ye and Qi Dong thought for a moment and realized what Bei Kailun said made sense. That big snake man, they really can't help much.

So they ran towards the overlapping shadows.

On the other side, Shen Qiu ran wildly. The snake man glided and chased Shen Qiu at a very fast speed. It gathered green energy in its mouth crazily, and then shot out a green beam.

Shen Qiu tried his best to dodge!


The green beam immediately sliced ​​the earth open.

Shen Qiu's face turned green. Thanks to his atomic magic equipment amplification and attack warning, he was able to dodge so easily.

However, in order to prevent the snake people from losing their hatred, Shen Qiu had to turn around from time to time and use the amplifying cannon to blast thunder cannons at the snake people.

Although the snake man evaded quickly, he was still hit several times, and his hatred value continued to increase.

Immediately, the snake man burrowed directly into the ground, and Shen Qiu immediately lost track of him.

Shen Qiu then lowered his head to look at the ground, and a reminder popped up in his eyes.

"Warning: High atomic reaction scanned!"

He suddenly jumped up with all his strength!


The entire ground suddenly collapsed, and the snake man came out and bit Shen Qiu with his bloody mouth.

It's a pity that I didn't bite.

Shen Qiu deftly stepped on the gravel on the spurt, used the force to rush out of the bite range, and finally landed safely.

But before he could be happy, the snake man came out and swung his tail with all his strength and swept over fiercely.


Shen Qiu was immediately hit, and his whole body flew out like a meteor, and finally hit the ground!


A 10*10M deep pit was smashed into the ground.

Shen Qiu quickly got up. He felt a dull pain in his whole chest. Although most of the damage was absorbed by the atomic magic suit, the atomic magic suit on his entire chest was dented.

However, the dented area soon repaired itself at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"It works well!"

Shen Qiu's eyes lit up. Now he could finally experience Zhuo En's happiness.

But then Shen Qiu suddenly noticed something. The energy of the atomic magic suit dropped from 100% to 97%.

In other words, from just now until now, Shen Qiu has consumed 3% of the energy of the diamond-level P1 purity atomic module.

According to the current price estimate of the atomic module, the diamond-grade P1 purity is worth about 8 million+ points, which means that Shen Qiu has now conservatively estimated that he has consumed 24W+ points.

At this moment, Shen Qiu deeply understood what Qi Lin said, and he suddenly felt extremely heartbroken. This could not be described as burning money. At this time, he was simply a loser among losers.

It's a pity that Shen Qiu didn't dare to release the atomic magic suit state even though his body hurt, because the snake man rushed over.

Shen Qiu's expression changed and he ran away.

He doesn't dare to be beaten anymore now. Judging from the energy consumption analysis, the atomic magic equipment consumes power as long as it is activated. Of course, that's okay. The most annoying thing is that amplifying the ability consumes a lot of energy, and getting beaten also consumes a lot of energy. You can't afford to be hurt!

As for Long Er, they also kept speeding up to let the transport convoy in.

"Quick! Quick!"

He was so anxious that his throat was about to smoke.

On the one hand, he was worried that the overlap would disappear soon, and on the other hand, he was worried that Shen Qiu would not be able to hold on if it took too long.

Fortunately, the people below were very powerful, and the transport truck rushed into the overlap with all its strength.

Soon we were almost gone.

So Long Er shouted to Shen Qiu using the wireless communication device.

"Okay, come back quickly!"


When Shen Qiu heard Long Er's words, it was as if he heard the sound of nature. He finally got it done and no longer had to carry such a big snake man around.

So Shen Qiu changed direction and ran towards the overlapping area where Long Er was with all his strength.

The snake man also chased after him angrily, but Shen Qiu, with the blessing of superpowers and atomic magic equipment, could run as fast as lightning.

Even the snake man who moved very fast was left behind by Shen Qiu for a while.

At this time, the entire convoy had entered, leaving only Long Er and Lieutenant General Cheng He waiting for Shen Qiu, who was running over.

They looked at Shen Qiu who was getting closer and closer, then looked at the snake man following behind, and shouted excitedly

"Hurry up!"

"You go in first, I will follow you right away."

Shen Qiu said while sprinting with all his strength!

When Long Er and others saw this, they immediately turned around and rushed into the overlap.

After they entered, Shen Qiu also approached the overlap in the blink of an eye.

He accelerated with all his strength, reaching the ultimate speed.

Finally, he simply stomped the ground and jumped into the overlapping world.

However, at this moment, the phantom of the insect-like world in front of Shen Qiu suddenly changed drastically and turned into a world of darkness.

Shen Qiu's eyes widened to their maximum size and he shouted in shock.


In an instant, Shen Qiu rushed into the overlapping world and disappeared.

At this time, the snake man who caught up immediately jumped into the air, and it roared angrily. But he didn't dare to get close to the overlapping shadows and could only wander around the periphery of the overlapping shadows.

At this time, of all the teams, only one mixed team was left that had not entered the overlapping world and was still waiting in the distance.

The leader of this convoy was a middle-aged man wearing a major general uniform with a serious expression and a tense face. He was looking at the overlap ahead.

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