Nightmare’s Call

Chapter 708 Start 3

The girl was very thin, with sunken eye sockets, yellow skin, and a very tired expression, as if she hadn't rested for a long time.

Diet seems to be a problem too.

But judging by her clothes, she is probably one of the homeless people that can be seen everywhere outside.

It's not that there are no homeless people in the Federation of Stars. On the contrary, because of the over-developed technology, many industries can be fully automated, so they don't need much manpower.

This also leads to an increase in unemployment in disguise. The number of homeless people is more than before.

Judging by the age and dress of girls, they may also be one of the losers of industrial automation.

After resting for a while, the girl seemed to be warmer because of the air conditioner in the room, so she curiously flipped through the bookshelves.

To Lin Sheng's surprise, the girl seemed to really plan to buy a book.

She picked out a medical textbook, took out a well-kept student ID card, and ran to the counter to pay.

"You can get a 20% discount with your student ID card." Lin Sheng set up an automatic vending counter when Vera was not there.

At this moment, an electronically synthesized sound came from the counter.

The girl carefully took out a point card, paid for it, then found a seat in a corner of the bookstore and sat down, slowly reading.

Lin Sheng originally thought she was a homeless man, but now it seems that she is actually a student.

Out of curiosity, he popped out a thread of soul tentacles, and gently touched the shallow layer of the girl's soul. Start reading information.

Soon, a lot of professional knowledge flooded into his mind.

These are all fragments of information that flashed through the shallow layers of the brain when the girl was concentrating on her studies.

But Lin Sheng didn't wait long.

After a long time, there was a slight ringing sound from the girl's body. She quickly took out a cheap black phone, lowered her head and began to answer the phone in a low voice.

The call seemed to be from family members.

Soon, along with the phone conversation, a large number of associative memory fragments were read by Lin Sheng.

Both parents died in a car accident, and they stayed at his uncle's house. As a result, he was rejected by his glamorous cousin and uncle and aunt.

I don't eat well, I don't wear warm clothes, I often get sick and I don't have enough money to see a doctor. The savings and real estate left by her parents at home were also entrusted to her uncle because they trusted her.

Some time ago, because she was sick again, coughing, runny nose, she was kicked out of the house by her cousin because she thought it was dirty.

I go to school during the day, and I can only find a place to rest and sleep in the park at night. It's just that the weather has been getting colder and colder recently, and her illness has become more and more serious.

Finally, a kind classmate introduced her to a part-time job, and only then did she have some money, which can barely guarantee her living.

Just seeing a doctor is not enough. So she ran to the bookstore and decided to read medical textbooks by herself to find a cure.

However, it seems that because her illness has been bad, the boss of the part-time job shop is also a little worried about being infected, so she also plans to fire her and find someone else.

But no matter how miserable she is, Lin Sheng has seen many people who are worse than her, so he doesn't care about it.

What he cared about was that the girl never complained about herself from the beginning to the end, but that no matter what kind of predicament she faced, she could face it calmly and hard.

No crying, no despair, just calmly accept the reality, and then work hard to reverse and improve.

"What a strong soul."

Lin Sheng admired it in his heart. He vaguely saw a shadow of a person from this girl.


The same is true for that woman, no matter what kind of desperate situation she faces, she is always working hard, looking for, striving for that elusive glimmer of hope.

"Little girl, I still need a salesperson to take care of the bookstore. Are you willing to work? The salary is three thousand a month."

Looking at the girl who was silent after answering the phone, Lin Sheng spoke up directly.

"Eh?? Me?" The girl raised her head and looked left and right. She was the only customer in the surrounding bookstore.

Immediately, he looked at the boss Lin Sheng with some doubts.

"Yes, it's you." Lin Sheng smiled.

"Can I really do that? I'm still sick. It might infect you," the girl confessed honestly.

"It doesn't matter, your disease is very good, just take some medicine. It's a small problem." Lin Sheng said indifferently.

"If the boss doesn't mind. I will!" The girl stood up and bowed to Lin Sheng seriously.

She knew very well that her job was given to her on purpose by her boss.

So she will keep this kindness in her heart.

After confirming the girl's work contract, Vera also went to school, Lin Sheng simply left the bookstore to the girl's management.

This girl named Sosu Simon did not disappoint him. She came to the bookstore to help out after class every day. Her attitude was extremely serious, and she even wiped all the books in the bookstore with a dry cloth.

The purchase and replenishment of goods are all done quickly and with ease.

As for Lin Sheng, after he was completely free, he decided to formally start cultivating a group of his own personnel.

From the bully Bren and the elite student Dukaent, he has roughly contacted some of the middle and lower classes in this world.

And next, it's time to get in touch with the mecha system that really belongs to the foundation of the ruling class.

Lin Sheng first spent money to buy a spacious small warehouse behind the bookstore.

Then hired someone to transform it into a large church-like house.

Then, he did not take the initiative to recruit people, nor did he summon the subordinates of the Holy Spirit Palace, but waited quietly.

In the bookstore, there is a special old book section, where he hides some very interesting powers in it.

Only those with a strong will and a strong soul, or those who have been approved by him, can get in touch.

Of course, the premise of these people is that none of them have the qualifications to pilot mechs. And the mecha qualification is the prerequisite for the qualification of the battle helmet, so let alone control the battle helmet.

People are longing for the extraordinary.

The bookstore still stands here quietly.

People come and go, in and out.

Everyone passing by here, as long as they have a strong soul, will vaguely feel the subtle attraction that exists here.

Just like Dukaente before. Unwilling to be ordinary, struggling hard, trying to find opportunities.

Anyone who has such a desire will be attracted unconsciously, enter the bookstore, and then accidentally come into contact with the special symbols hidden in the old book section.

That symbol is nothing else, but the sacred species that Lin Sheng left there on purpose.

Lin Sheng is like a giant spider that has woven a web, quietly waiting for the flying insects to throw themselves into the net. Voluntary access.

Soon, within two weeks, more than a dozen people came into contact with the sacred seed that Lin Sheng deliberately set up. Received the inheritance of the sacred species.

And these people, under the looming attraction of the Holy Seed and Lin Sheng's secret guidance, also slowly discovered the small church behind the bookstore.

They have no qualifications, are of different ages, have different occupations, and family backgrounds.

There are even two of them are wealthy businessmen.

But everyone started to gather here, because of the unwillingness that has been lurking in their hearts.

After all, in this world, what really determines the upper level is the apex of the mecha system, the battle helmet!

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