Nightmare’s Call

Chapter 709 Hiding 1

Inside the cold white church.

A tall man in white delicate armor and a white mask stood quietly with his back to the door.

If it's just that, it won't arouse the touch and vigilance of others.

The point is that his mask is not an ordinary pattern, but a ferocious and ferocious one like a ghost, but with a strange and sacred pattern.

There are sharp claw-like spikes on the shoulders of the man's armor, protruding outward, as if two claws are grasping something outward.

A pure white cloak was thickly and quietly draped behind him, and the fine black gray crystal diamonds inlaid on the cloak could be vaguely seen.


The door of the church opened slowly.

Dukaante walked into the church with a calm expression. Unlike usual, he was also wearing a mask at this time.

When he came to the bookstore again a few days ago, according to the text of the information he received at that time, he came today as an appointment.

Not just him.

Figures wearing various masks gradually filed in outside the door.

Some are tall, some are short, some have white hair, and some are fat and potbellied.

Although all of them have different shapes and temperaments, they all have one thing in common.

That's the look in their eyes.

Through the gap between the eyes left by the mask, it can be seen that their eyes reveal a strong will that will never give up.

Everyone wears a mask, but everyone's mask is different.

Ducaante and another woman in the red coat stood in the front, and the rest of the group filed through the door and stood behind them.

No one spoke. After everyone came in, the door automatically rebounded and closed.

A transparent glass skylight above the church casts a bright beam of light, just separating the crowd from the armored figure.

"All here?" Lin Sheng turned around slowly, and the ferocious ghost mask was completely displayed in front of everyone.

Among the twelve people, several people couldn't help but paused for breath, and their footsteps moved back a little unconsciously. Obviously frightened.

"Don't be afraid." Lin Sheng gently raised his hand, his right arm covered with white armor reflected a shining white light under the beam. Can't tell if it's the reflection or his own light.

"From the moment you get that special symbol, from the moment you decide to step here, it is decided that you are no longer as ordinary as before."

The twelve people are all people who have initially felt the strange effect of the mysterious symbol. Naturally, he would not think that Lin Sheng was just joking around.

In fact, even if Lin Sheng didn't speak, they could still feel an aura from Lin Sheng that was of the same origin as the symbol they got.

That aura was so powerful and majestic that they didn't even dare to get closer.

A special feeling told them that once they got too close to the white armor, they might not even be able to preserve their own thinking.

Dangerous, mysterious, weird, but with a touch of sacredness.

This is the image of Lin Sheng in the eyes of all of them at this time.

"We came here to know the origin of that symbol, its function, and whether it has any bad influence on us!"

A man with a fat body but a strong voice was the first to ask.

Judging from his tone, he seems to have been in a high position for a long time, unlike his usual status.

"There's nothing bad about it." Lin Sheng said flatly, "It's just a little bit of seed that I scattered casually when I was very bored. You got it because you have a soul and will that are better than ordinary people."

"Soul? Do souls really exist?" The woman in the red coat suddenly asked.

Lin Sheng looked at each other. "I don't like people interrupting me. If you don't believe me, I can grab your soul and let you experience it?"

The eyes of the woman in the red coat changed slightly, and she dared not speak again.

After experiencing the powerful effect of that mysterious symbol, she dare not bet on whether the other party really has this ability anyway.

"So, what's your purpose in calling us here?" Dukaente asked in a low voice, suppressing his vigilance.

"That's right, since you summoned us, there must still be a certain fixed arrangement. Since the symbol is distributed by you, we can get in touch with the symbol, is it the talent you need?"

The potbellied man from before spoke again.

"In a sense, you are not irreplaceable to me. I can find another group of people like you at any time." Lin Sheng smiled, "But I am the real one to you." of all."

"Let's be honest, what do we need to pay to fully grasp that mysterious symbol?"

The woman in the red jacket said quickly. Instinctively, she wanted to interrupt Lin Sheng again, but when she thought that she just felt the oppression of the aura of the man in white armor.

She held back again, and hurriedly refused to listen.

It's a pity that her words were heard by the man in white armor, as if she hadn't heard it, and there was no response.

"I just want to see how far you can go." Lin Sheng smiled, "Of course, if you can meet my requirements, even if it's just the minimum standard, I can consider accepting you as disciples."


As soon as this word was uttered, it immediately caused some commotion among the people present.

They are all people who have absorbed the seeds of divine power, and they can feel that Lin Sheng in front of him is powerful and mysterious.

"Can I leave?" A petite blonde girl asked suddenly.

"Whatever you want." Lin Sheng didn't hold back, "Of course, if you leave now, the symbols you got before will also disappear. You can think about it carefully."

"." The girl's expression froze. Naturally, she didn't really want to leave, but was probing verbally.

Unfortunately, after probing, she found that they really seemed irreplaceable to each other.

"Okay, now, those who are willing to leave can go out on their own. If not, I will tell you what the power you have and how to get more." Lin Sheng smiled.

This time there was really no one left.

After receiving the power blessing of enjoying the mysterious symbols, they all have strong expectations and curiosity about it.

As for Lin Sheng, he only told them the characteristics of the Holy Seed. As for whether to decide to hold it, it depends on them.

After all, in order to strengthen the Holy Seed, what is needed is a pious and firm will to believe. Faith in the Holy Light.

Soon, Lin Sheng's explanation lasted for more than an hour.

The twelve people also really understood what the mysterious symbol they had absorbed was during this more than an hour.

But even if they understand that this is a special power of a similar religious nature, no one is willing to give up hope.

So when they came out of the church, everyone was more determined than before.

Because they all know that divine power is their only hope to change their destiny.

As time went by, the twelve elites selected by Lin Sheng gradually began to grow by leaps and bounds under his teaching.

Not because of anything else, but just because the Holy Seed is in this world, but it is the first generation of Holy Seed taught by Lin Sheng.

Compared with the subsequent generations, the first generation of holy seeds not only has much stronger amplification ability and power, but also has a much faster growth rate.

In addition, this group of people was carefully selected by Lin Sheng, and they had strong souls with a strong unwillingness to resign.

That's why even Lin Sheng paid attention to their growth rate.

In the first month, Lin Sheng taught them the comprehensive combat skills combined from the Holy Spirit Palace.

In the second month, they were taught about the awakening method of the four major characteristics in the divine power.

These four characteristics are, namely, speed, protection, blood, and armor.

If you want to fully grasp the four characteristics, it depends on your qualifications.

This is the in-depth excavation and development of the sacred power. Only those who are extremely compatible with the sacred power and have a high understanding can quickly develop the ability of characteristics.

Beginning in the third month, some of the twelve people gradually realized the ability of the divine nature.

The four characteristics correspond to Lin Sheng's four divinities.

The easiest of these is Speed, followed by Guardian, then Blood, and finally Armor.

Arranged completely in order.

The first to comprehend the supernatural speed, as expected by Lin Sheng, was Duka Ente.

Next is a red-haired woman named Shanli.

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