Nightmare’s Call

Chapter 710 Hiding 2

Unlike Dukaente, Shan Li is an intelligence officer with a special identity.

She is a special frontline intelligence agent serving the government. It's just that in the last mission, she was given up by her superiors because of the special nature of the mission.

Although she struggled again in the end, she was lucky enough to come back alive. But the higher-ups no longer trusted her and put her on the bench. He also started pouring sewage over her head.

She doesn't have the qualifications to pilot a mech, so she is powerless to resist or fight, so she can only bear it silently.

Because of this, her desire and unwillingness for power is the strongest of all. The second is Duka Ente.

The reason why the two are progressing at the same pace is simply because Dukaante's qualifications are better than hers.

And with the gathering and training during this period, gradually, these twelve people have a lot of tacit understanding with each other.

From the mysterious man in white armor, they learned that the sacred power comes from a place called the Holy Spirit Palace.

So in order to strengthen the cohesion, they called themselves the Secret Spirit Society.

Secret means secret, Ling represents the Palace of the Holy Spirit, and Society simply means community.

The man in the white armor, apart from teaching them skills, has absolutely no requirements for them from the Secret Spirit Society.

There are no tasks either.

At first, the twelve of them were still wary, but later they faintly discovered that the armored man seemed to be observing their growth.

Regardless of his purpose, because the armored man finally gave them hope to change everything.

So everyone unanimously and respectfully called him the president.

Although Lin Sheng never admitted that he was the president.

The rich area of ​​Finn City.

The basement of a detached villa.

Bang bang bang! !

With his upper body bare, Dukaente punched out his fists like lightning, hitting the heavy sandbag on the opposite side that was as tall as a person.

The sandbag filled with iron sand shook violently, making a loud explosion-like sound.

The entire basement was filled with this unpleasant, cracking noise.

Dukaente beat him for more than half a minute without stopping. Throw at least three punches in one second. And every punch is a powerful punch. And that's just his warm-up.

Finally, as the sandbag swayed and suddenly flew high, Dukaante punched the final blow with all his strength.

This training has also come to an end.

"Record the results. Prepare a medicated bath for me. I want to take a bath." Dukaente picked up the towel on the shelf beside him, wiped his sweat, and ordered aloud.

"Okay sir." An electronically synthesized female voice came from the ceiling.

Dukaente quickly wiped off the sweat from his head and upper body. Go up the steps in the basement.

As the blue soundproof door slowly opened, he walked into the living room on the first floor and was about to take out a bottle of iced milk from the refrigerator to drink.

Suddenly the doorbell rang.

Ding. Ding.

The piercing bells echoed continuously in the living room.

Dukaente frowned, and it was already eleven o'clock in the evening. Given his poor popularity, it was unlikely that the only few friends came to look for him.

Then the only possibility.

He squinted his eyes and looked at the half-open window on the right.


A figure flashed past suddenly, flew into the living room with precision, landed a few meters in front of him, and appeared.

She is a beautiful girl with a petite figure and a slightly neutral appearance.

"What are you doing here at this time?" Dukaente said in a flat tone, casually threw the cold milk in his hand to the other party, and went to the refrigerator to take out another bottle.

The woman has dazzling blond hair and a soft smile on her face.

"Flash away broke through. Did you know?"

"Breakthrough?" Dukaent narrowed his eyes. "Has she broken through to the second nature?"

"Yes. She has successfully comprehended guardianship. She is indeed the member among us who comprehended the fastest speed." The blond girl said in a complicated way.

An inexplicable look flashed across Dukaente's face. The members of the Secret Spirit Society conceal their identities from each other.

No one knows who's real background.

Of course, there are exceptions to this, and that is him and the blonde girl in front of him.

The two of them recognized each other's identity at a parent's gathering, and thus knew each other's real name.

As for the others, they are still called by their code names.

"And then? You came here to tell me this, what's the point?" Dukaante sat on the sofa, tapped his finger on the armrest, and turned on the music player.

The soft music gradually sounded in the living room.

"I just came to tell you that in a few days, I may be going to other places. Star City." The blond girl smiled. "Are you envious?"

"You want to take the external auxiliary route?" Duka Ente was stunned.

The technology in this world is not only mechs, but also external auxiliary systems that do not require mind control.

These auxiliary systems are specially designed for people without mecha qualifications.

In the field of external assistance systems, the most famous on this planet is the External Assistance Research Institute in Star City.

"The president said that you can only focus on your own evolution without relying on external objects. You are going astray." Dukaent said calmly.

"The president also said that everyone's path is different. Try, experience, think, and then choose. This is a step that everyone must taste." The blonde girl smiled.

"I can't convince you. It's up to you. Should I tell you about your plan to come?" Dukaent closed his eyes.

"Lend me a million. I started a small external assistance systems company."

"Okay. I'll inject you two million."

"Thank you."

The girl achieved her goal, she threw down a card with her account number written on it, turned around and disappeared in a flash.

This is the divine speed of divine power.

Dukaente took the card and placed it on the table.

Although the Secret Spirit Society has only been established for a few months, their cohesion is far superior to other organizations.

It has only been three months since Dukaente obtained the divine power. After he tested himself, he found that his physical fitness has far surpassed the scope of ordinary people.

The comprehensive values ​​of various items have reached an average of three times that of the average person.

Coupled with the comprehension of the divine speed characteristics of the divine power.

Now he is simply a powerful monster in human skin. Super fast, can recover quickly after injury. After covering the body with divine power, it can also enhance the body's defense and explosive power for a short time.

He no longer knows how strong he is.

The former self, in front of the current self, is almost like a baby, vulnerable to a single blow.

Through mobile banking, transfer 2 million to this account, and Dukaente quickly went to the bathroom to take a bath.

It's just that tonight seems a little restless.

He was just about to take a rest after taking a bath, when he suddenly heard a faint vibration from a distance.

This vibration impact is very weak.

If it wasn't for his perception being different from ordinary people now, he wouldn't be able to notice it.

Dukaente, who was going to sleep, frowned, and felt that the shock was slowly approaching his house.

"What's going on? Decorating the house in the middle of the night?"

He couldn't comprehend that the voice could move by itself.

"Forget it, it has nothing to do with me, I don't bother to care so much. Anyway, someone will call the police to disturb the people in a while."

He changed into his pajamas, went upstairs and entered his room, and was about to rest after reading a book.

Suddenly, there was a whistling faintly outside the window.

Before he could react.

A lump of black object slammed into the glass window of his second floor.


The glass shattered and scattered all over the ground. In the white glass slag, a group of black furry things slowly unfolded.

It was a strange creature that looked like a wild cat and a fox.

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