Nightmare’s Call

Chapter 711 Hiding 3

This strange thing also seemed to find itself flying to someone else's house, and it turned its head to look at Dukaente.

"I'm sorry, I can't help myself. I'm being chased by some troublesome monsters, can you let me stay here and hide for a while, please!"

This weird thing can speak Federal language just fine.

"Hunted?" Dukaente blinked, the thing in front of him didn't look like a human being.

"Yes. My name is Sha Lu, and I am one of the five great warriors of the Ming Armor!" The monster replied quickly.

"Ming Kai? Is there anyone else in Ming Kai?" Dukaente asked in surprise.

"Hey, although Mingkai is gone, isn't it a little too rude for you to say that in front of me?" The monster immediately retorted.

"Battle helmet!" Dukaente sighed slightly.

A few months ago, this was also the existence he yearned for the most.

"How about it? Help me. Although you don't have the qualifications for an awakened battle helmet, I can give you some practical and good things for free." The monster lured him for a profit.

"And you can also get the friendship of a beautiful woman~~~"

The outer skin on its body quickly peeled off, revealing the white skin underneath.

Soon, in less than a few seconds, the monster's outer skin completely peeled off, revealing its original appearance.

It turned out that this monster was actually a beautiful young woman with long black hair and a plump figure.

"What's chasing you?" Dukaent got up and remotely controlled the window, let the house update system automatically replace a new glass, then closed the curtains and activated the sound insulation system.

"You don't need to know that much. If you know more, it won't do you any good. This is a wealthy area, and there are many children and nephews from big families living here, so they won't make too much trouble for me.

So, as long as I hide for a while, I will be safe soon. "

The beautiful young woman wore pink suspenders and denim shorts, stood up, and combed her waist-length hair.

"By the way, my name is Shalu, what's your name?"

"You introduced yourself just now." Dukaente said calmly.

"Really? Hahaha, I forgot."

Dukaente's eyes flickered, this is a good opportunity, an excellent opportunity to collect information about the helmet.

"It seems that there is no movement, it should be gone." Sha Lu listened carefully to the movement outside, and heaved a sigh of relief.

Then she clasped her hands together and bowed to Dukaente.

"Can you let me hide here for a few days, really, I will definitely repay you! I can give you money. Things like money are too vulgar. I also have some good gadgets, which can be given as a reward." You! Please!"

Shalu originally planned to talk about money, but unfortunately she suddenly realized that there was only a pitiful five hundred yuan on her point card.

Some time ago, since Mingkai's last stronghold on this planet was attacked by Darkkai, it fell apart.

They were hunted down separately and hid all the way, but unfortunately they were forced to disperse and flee.

Now that she finally got rid of the pursuers, while she was relieved, she couldn't restrain the tiredness welling up from the spring. I had no choice but to ask the indifferent student in front of me.

"I'm just an ordinary liberal arts student, and I can't protect a warrior like you, so you'd better find another place to hide."

Dukaente did not respond immediately, but directly refused with a blank face.

It's a pity that the beautiful young woman in front of her has already maintained her bowing posture and stood still. There was a faint snoring sound from his body.


Dukaente was speechless.

Just as he was about to stand up, he got out of bed and came closer to check.

Suddenly, a faint buzzing sound quickly approached outside the window.

Dukaente was silent for a while, and took out a pair of long alloy daggers from the drawer of the bedside table in the bedroom, and held them in his hands.

"If it's really a battle helmet, then I'm in an isolated space now?" He still knew a little about the battle helmet.

The isolated space is an independent special subspace, everything in it is a complete copy of everything in reality, even if the entire isolated space is completely destroyed, it will not have any impact on the real space.

"Then. Let's see how strong I am now."

In the dark night.

A burly mecha covered in pitch-black slowly floated in mid-air.

A blood-red goat's head pattern was smeared on the hideous shell of the mecha.

The moonlight fell through the clouds and fell on Dukaent who was slowly walking out of the room.

He raised his head and looked at the black mech floating in mid-air.

"Isn't it a battle helmet?"

The electronic eyes of the black mecha moved over with a red light and landed on him.

"An ordinary person?" The mecha suddenly lost interest and continued to scan other places with its electronic eyes.

"Theoretically, the partition space can isolate all the transmission of messages, as long as you find someone within the specified time... Wait!! Something is wrong! How can ordinary people enter the partition space!!?"

The black mecha reacted suddenly, and the electronic eyes scanned it again.

Pooh! !

Unfortunately it was too late.

Under the moonlight, a silver knife light suddenly turned into a ribbon, which appeared and tightened on his body suddenly.

Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi! ! !

In an instant, more than ten sharp blade cutting sounds sounded at the same time.

Dukaent's figure slowly emerged from behind the black mech, then fell down and squatted on the ground.

His whole body shone with a faint white light. Under the moonlight, it seems to be covered with a layer of hazy gauze.

"Too weak." Dukaent stood up and looked back at the black mech.

"You!!? You are.!!"

The whole body of the black mech was stiff, suspended in mid-air.

boom! !

Suddenly his whole body exploded, turning into a ball of gray fire, emitting countless gray particles, which disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Dukaent stood quietly on the ground, looking up at the bursting gray particles.

He raised his hands and looked at his white and clean palms.

Although he already roughly knew his stats in the simulation, he was still stunned when he exploded with such terrifying strength in real combat.

"This power."

For the first time, he truly realized how terrifying the power in his body was.

It was also the first time that the mysterious person who imparted the divine power to the Secret Spirit Club had a terrifying level of power possessed by the divine.

"That's the choice of physical power."

A vague and peaceful voice suddenly rang in his ears.

"President." Duka Ente froze, and quickly bowed his head and replied respectfully.

"You can't bear it anymore. Even though you know that if you kill the opponent, you will cause trouble for the dark armor, but you still do it." Lin Sheng's voice was flat, without any emotional ups and downs.


"No need to apologize." Lin Sheng's voice interrupted him. "Do what you want."

"Let me see how strong your will can shine."

Dukaente's eyes were hazy, in a trance, as if he saw a pure white majestic sacred armor in the dark, quietly opening his empty eyes, staring at himself.

"When you are weak, when you are unyielding, when you are desperate, when you are in pain, ask me for strength"

In the haze, the armor slowly receded, faded, disappeared, and finally completely submerged into the darkness.

Thank you Chenyu for the reward, Lao Gun here wishes everyone a happy Mid-Autumn Festival~ All wishes come true and everything goes well~

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