Nightmare’s Call

Chapter 715 Expansion 1

"It's the first time we meet, my name is Hongrui. Please take care of me!"

Standing by the sofa was a beautiful woman with red waist-length hair.

Although there are so many handsome men and beautiful women these days because of genetic adjustments, they can make their faces perfect to the extent of their counterparts.

Either natural beauty, or later plastic surgery.

Different from Sha Lu's plumpness, this woman who claimed to be Hong Rui had sharp eyes and a protruding figure, but she was as vigorous and powerful as a wild wolf.

"Are you the red mech just now?" Dukaente instantly recognized the woman's identity.

Not relying on the eyesight, but relying on the perception of breath.

soul breath.

After receiving the seed of divine power, as the Son of God, there is absolutely no possibility of him admitting to the wrong person.

Because no matter how the face and body are adjusted, the soul will not change too much.

"You recognized it?" Hong Rui was taken aback for a moment, and then understood.

She was wearing a tight red leather jacket, which seemed to be a combat uniform for piloting a mecha.

Generally, this type of combat uniform will fit the skin as closely as possible in order to reduce cumbersome decorations and the like, and at the same time be simple and natural, like a second skin.

So this also caused Hong Rui to dress up at this time, as if she was only wearing a tight-fitting swimsuit, showing all the curves of her body.

But she didn't care at all. Instead, he strode up to Dukaente, bent deeply, and bowed.

"Take the liberty to visit, Hong Rui would like to ask, where exactly is your transparent invisible helmet made?"

"Transparent invisible helmet?" Dukaent was taken aback.

Sha Lu on the side was also stunned, blinking his big eyes, not knowing why. She didn't know anything at all, and didn't understand what Hong Rui was talking about.

Dukaente reacted instantly.

"I don't have that kind of thing." He said coldly. "Now, this is my home, please get out."

"Uh..." Hongrui didn't seem to expect that she would be treated like this. You must know that with her appearance and figure, this is the first time she has been reprimanded so unceremoniously since she was a child.

"I'll count to three. If you don't go, you never go."

Dukaante's expression became more and more indifferent.


Now both of them panicked.

Hong Rui and Sha Lu are good friends who have known each other for a long time. They were chased and killed at the same time this trip, and finally found a place that can shelter from the wind and rain. If they are kicked out now

I'm afraid Hongrui will really enter the crematorium tomorrow.


"Wait!! Dukaente, she is my only friend! We can pay the rent! A lot of rent!" Shalu explained urgently.

Seeing her like this, Hong Rui also panicked a little. She originally thought that with her appearance, at most she would be molested and blackmailed for some money, but she didn't expect this kind of development.


In an instant, Hongrui was quick-witted, and suddenly a golden point card appeared in his hand.

"One hundred thousand days!"

Anyway! The key is to block his mouth first!

"." Dukaente calmed down. It happened that he had invested two million. Now this guy sent him money, which can be regarded as helping him relieve the pressure of insufficient pocket money.

"Huh" the two women breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

At this time when Dark Armor is searching for their whereabouts everywhere, it is a great luck to find such a safe refuge.

Spending some money is nothing, as long as you can survive this period of time, everything is easy to say.

Lin Sheng stood quietly in front of the church statue. Calm eyes.

Cassie leaves.

He secretly used the power and network of believers to find the whereabouts of the woman named Shen Qiusha.

Then it was secretly handed over to Cassie.

It was late at night, Lin Sheng was standing alone in the church, and the white statue in front of him was shining with thin, hazy white light.

Three circular light curtains that can only be seen with the Spirit Vision turned on are slowly floating in front of Lin Sheng.

In the three light curtains, the dynamics of three people are displayed respectively.

From left to right, they are Dukaante, Shanli, and wealthy businessman Sutarne Manchester.

Dukaente was on the screen, killing the two black mechs in front of him with a swift blow. The movement is clean and neat, never leaving the water.

It was a replay of what happened to him during the day.

Shan Li joined a psychologist's firm, and was gently treating the mecha fighters who had retired from the battlefield for their psychological trauma.

Yes, her current job in the public eye is a psychologist.

The last Sutarne Manchester was a rich man with a big belly.

Unlike the other two, he is giving a public speech in a public place where a crowd gathers.

Since this wealthy businessman joined the embrace of the Holy Light, he has started making crazy donations, giving speeches, and organizing various large-scale events.

Because Lin Sheng is now a demigod apex existence, he has also established a wish force feedback mechanism.

Although there is no holy river to assist, but the basic belief - feedback magic, this equal exchange system can still be easily maintained.

And as a Holy Son, the greater the guidance and contribution you make, the more holy power and divine magic feedback you will get.

So after this wealthy businessman discovered this feature, he began to preach and absorb followers crazily.

This also makes him one of the powerful sons who are gradually catching up.

Although his aptitude is far inferior to Shanli and Dukaente. But his contribution was great enough, and Lin Sheng was not stingy with giving him more sacred power and magic.

Lin Sheng looked at the three people in the picture. Whether it's Duka Ente or Dodge, they're all starting to get in touch with the mecha field.

And Su Tarn, a wealthy businessman, also began to invest in the mech research institute, and seemed to be transitioning to join the ranks of arms research and development companies.

"very good."

Lin Sheng nodded in satisfaction.

The Holy Son is the second step he throws out to test the reaction of the world.

And the third step.

It was the only battle armor he began to shape.

Rather than saying it is a battle helmet, it is better to say that it is a powerful artifact armor that has absorbed the technology of the battle helmet.

Lin Sheng used the ordinary believer's wish power that he didn't need to convert it into divine power. Instead of using it to strengthen his own divine fire, he directly consumed it to build his own divine armor.

Once he directly absorbs the vow power of an ordinary believer, he will be bound by the believers and lose his original freedom.

Maybe it will rapidly grow in strength now, but once the believers shrink, he will also be severely injured as a god of faith.

This is what Lin Sheng wanted to avoid.

He came to this world, and now the biggest gain is that he has obtained a special method on how to forge a battle helmet.

But in order to forge the armor, he still needs some precious materials.

Relying on divine power and sacred power alone, without real objects, is not enough for the permanent existence of the divine armor.

Through careful calculation, Lin Sheng already had a perfect idea. The many blessings of the yin-turning holy wheel can completely make him a perfect processing factory alone.

The special ability of precognition also allows him to easily avoid all kinds of mistakes and failures.

"Create divine armor, improve strength. At the same time find the secrets hidden here in Infinite City. The two can be done at the same time."

Lin Sheng put his hands in his pockets, and finally glanced at the three light curtains in front of him.

"Struggle hard."

"Then, pray to me."

He smiled slightly, turned and strode towards the church door.

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