Nightmare’s Call

Chapter 716 Expansion 2

The Holy Light Church officially established the Holy Light Church.

The highest decision-making layer of the church is formed by the mysterious Twelve Sons.

The Twelve Sons have absolute leadership over other saints.

And similarly, because of the regularization and organization of the church, the speed of the spread of the Holy Seed has further increased.

A few weeks later, the number of believers joining the church has climbed to thousands every day.

It's a scary concept.

Because formal believers are not ordinary shallow believers. A believer is only a fanatic who has been granted the existence of the sacred species, and is eligible to be called a believer.

And there are tens of thousands of such believers in the Holy Light Church today.

Tens of thousands of people, compared to the entire Green Lake Star, is not too many. Even if they are scattered, it is just a small breeze to the entire Cadizman Kingdom, not worth mentioning.

But for a single city, Finn City.

Such a number is a bit too exaggerated.

With the number of believers and believers, the Church of the Holy Light has now exceeded 300,000.

Half of the entire city of Finn is full of their people.

Residents gossiped, mentioning the Church and the Holy Light every few sentences.

After believing in the Holy Light, everyone's happiness index has been greatly improved.

This further stimulated other non-belief residents.

Especially in this era of extreme class solidification.

Belief in the Holy Light can not only make you feel peaceful and happy physically and mentally, but if you are devout enough, you may also be given the Holy Seed, thereby becoming a believer and mastering special powers.

Soon, the Church of the Holy Light spread rapidly among the common people.

Even many frustrated Bingte joined the church because of their curiosity about the holy power, and were influenced to become one of them.

On such a basis, the Twelve Holy Sons are still mysterious, and even if they appear occasionally, they only use remote equipment to remotely control a few bishops.

No one knows the identity of the Sons, and no one knows how strong they are.

The Holy Light Church doesn't need to fight people at all.

Just the self-maintenance of the believers who joined it has made it a deformed behemoth.

A large number of social relations are intertwined and quickly combined into a huge combination of emerging interests.

In response to such a sudden appearance of religious groups, many senior officials of the city government were very cautious at the beginning, calling experts to conduct research on the so-called sacred power mastered by the Holy Light Church.

Unfortunately, as a result of the research, all the experts were also influenced and joined the church. And the senior officials were influenced and joined because they didn't see any side effects.

So far, about 70% of the upper-class people in the entire Fencheng have all fallen.

There is no longer any obstacle to the spread of the Holy Light Church.


A big hand slapped heavily on the transparent light curtain.

In the capital of the southern province of the Cadizman Kingdom.

Governor Charles stared at the entire area of ​​Fern City that had been dyed red on the light curtain with a gloomy expression.

"Who can tell me where the Holy Light Church that popped up suddenly came from? Why didn't we know about it before.

Even their origins can't be found at all! What does it mean to have a security department! ? The scale of more than 300,000 people! In the event of any trouble."

Charles' tone was very serious.

This kind of religion, which is suddenly expanding rapidly, will cause big problems if it is not handled properly.

In particular, this Church of the Holy Light is said to hold a special power called divine power. It seems to be an energy field technique that everyone can practice.

The energy field exercises have actually been successfully developed by experts many years ago.

However, the energy field exercises that are circulating on the market are often considered useless because their effects are too weak.

Even in many cases, the psychological function and self-hypnosis of the practitioners are better than the effect of the so-called energy field exercises.

But this Holy Light Church is completely different.

Their divine power is real and can have practical effects on the human body.

Although this force cannot be detected by the instrument. But it can indeed be seen with the naked eye.

General meeting room.

The senior officials from all over the province sitting in two rows looked at each other, and no one could answer the governor's question for a while.

Because the Church of the Holy Light really appeared too suddenly.

"The Church of the Holy Light appeared without any signs at the very beginning. So what we need is not to directly enforce control, but to find the original source first."

After a long while, a woman with long white hair and a white blindfold spoke slowly.

She is the mayor of Wisteria City near Fern City, and she knows the news of the Holy Light Church better than anyone else present here.

"It is said that the Church of the Holy Light claims that the sacred power they possess is a completely harmless positive energy that can heal the body and mind. It will not cause any damage to the human body. It is an extremely gentle healing power, which is equivalent to what we can do. A catalytic beam that promotes wound healing," said an official.

"Yes, I also rushed over to investigate. The sacred power does not have any side effects, and the effect is very simple, only healing and soothing effects." Another official also nodded in agreement.

"So far, although the Church of the Holy Light has developed rapidly, according to the investigation report sent below, I judge that this church does not pose any threat to the government.

Although there are many people joining, we only need to communicate well with the upper echelon of the church. Not only will there be no harm, but it will also better integrate the masses and appease the trouble of sharpening class conflicts. Another sociologist-turned-official echoed his approval.

"Nowadays the unemployment rate is too high, and the contradiction between Pingren and Bingte is gradually sharpening. I think the emergence of the Holy Light Church is not accidental, but an instinctive demand of society.

Even if there is no Church of the Holy Light, sooner or later there will be a second, and a third.

So my personal suggestion is to appease and incorporate. "

Vice-Governor Rant Saha said with a relaxed expression.

"And, in fact, I have already contacted the high-level members of the Church of the Holy Light in advance, and they are all law-abiding healers, they don't have any big desires, they are just ordinary people.

As long as we give them equal social status and certain social benefits, we can easily turn them into our help. Contribute to stabilizing the situation in the province. "

Governor Charles' face was gloomy.

What he is really worried about is that the Church of the Holy Light will be used by those who want to incite the people, and use this as a condition to blackmail the government and negotiate for benefits.

But after discussing it now, it seems that the situation is not as bad as he thought.

"If that's the case, it's better to get worse." Governor Charles nodded.

"Then, this matter, you will be in charge of Rand Saha to deal with it quickly, no problem?" He looked at the deputy governor Rand Saha.

"No problem." Lante Saha nodded slightly.

"Actually, from my personal point of view, I quite admire the promotion of the Holy Light Church.

Because they cured my wife's neurological atrophy that had been incurable for more than ten years. "

"Your wife? Has she been cured??!" The governor was taken aback for a moment.

Not only him, but other officials present were startled when they heard the words.

"Yes." Lantsaha nodded, "Three days ago, I witnessed a patient suffering from malignant heart atrophy who was rescued from the brink of death by the holy power of the Church of the Holy Light."

"how do you know"

"It's asking me why I know it's true, not a fake one, right?" Rand Saha smiled.

"That's because the patient with malignant heart atrophy is the daughter of my cousin."

Shrinking disease is the most important terminal disease that plagues the entire Starry Sky Federation today.

Like cancer in the past, there is absolutely no cure for this disease. Once you get it, you can only wait for death.

And now, someone actually told them that this disease can be cured? !

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