Nightmare’s Call

Chapter 720: Siyuan 3

Thousands of kilometers away from Fencheng, in a barren hill.

Kaxi and Shen Qiusha sat cross-legged in front of a tall stone statue with solemn faces.

"Now, all your other conditions have been met." Shen Qiusha's face was pale, and the severe injuries she suffered before have not yet healed.

But she has run out of time. The enemy may come at any time. She must help Cassie finish shaping the helmet as soon as possible.

Mingkai is over, but as long as people are still there, hope is still there!

"So, teacher, when will it start?" Cassie said solemnly.

"The material is inside this stone statue. It's not too late, let's do it today." Shen Qiusha looked calm.

"Before that. I want to explain to you about the nature of the helmet."

"The nature of the helmet?" Cassie was a little puzzled, as if this topic had already been discussed before.

"It's not those standardized written explanations, but the real one, a summary of Mingkai's internal understanding of the combat helmet."

Shen Qiusha's eyes softened, and she gradually recalled the happy and peaceful life when she was still in Mingkai's headquarters.

"Yes." Cassie nodded seriously.

Shen Qiusha came back to her senses, and gently stroked Cassie's hair.

"The battle helmet is a powerful armor shaped from the true trajectory of the soul. Therefore, each battle helmet will have its own unique talent and ability that belongs to its owner.

That is a special talent originating from the soul, the ability that appears after being magnified by the helmet. This is also the biggest reason why the battle helmet is really better than other adjustment battle helmets, ordinary mechs. "

Cassie listened carefully, without asking anything.

Shen Qiusha continued: "No one knows the original source of the helmet. But over the years, we have integrated and divided the capabilities of the helmet into three types, regular, special, and super."

Cassie memorized the "Three Departments" carefully, but he didn't realize at all that there was a tiny transparent white light on the edge of his soul, which was continuously transmitting the image and sound information here to another place far away.

"The number of modules that a helmet can normally carry is generally determined by its own physical fitness. The better the physical fitness, the more modules it can carry.

Moreover, because the battle helmet is an armor that is truly connected with the soul, to a certain extent, the power of the soul can also temporarily increase the power of the battle helmet. "

Shen Qiusha calmly explained.

"For example, Marshal Beiyi, who is known as the strongest in the alliance. When he was in the decisive battle with the alien forces, at the last moment when the fuel was exhausted, he just relied on his soul to explode and completely wiped out an entire alien mech army with a number of more than 30,000. .”

"Although he died of illness after the war, everyone in the upper circles knows that he died because of exhaustion of his soul and the outbreak of sequelae."

Her words completely overturned the written common sense Cassie learned from history books.

But before he finished digesting the shocking inside story, Shen Qiusha continued with the following content.

"A general battle helmet can carry ten modules, which is one of the reasons why the actual combat power of a battle helmet is far superior to other mechas and adjustment battle helmets.

Because they are at most four or five modules. Attack, Defense, Energy, Hide. The four basic modules account for more than half.

And we are completely free to allocate more modules. The more modules, the stronger the natural combat effectiveness. "

Cassie nodded, understanding.

Shen Qiusha continued.

"We have the exclusive ability of a battle helmet, and a super large load of at least ten modules. Under these conditions, even if it is a piece of garbage, it can still display the terrifying strength of an elite.

Therefore, the War Helmet is the strongest that deserves it. "

"This part is finished, next, let me talk about the part of the spirit pattern.

The spirit pattern is the core foundation of the battle helmet, which is equivalent to the combination of the cockpit and the central control system of the mecha. Very important.

Spirit patterns must be drawn according to each person's own soul trajectory. The more perfect the drawing, the stronger the exclusive ability generated.

The better the material used, the greater the potential of the helmet. The load is also greater”

Just when Shen Qiusha began to teach Cassie how to draw the spirit patterns.

Lin Sheng, who was far away in Fencheng, also returned to the bookstore and started teaching courses that were carried out simultaneously.

However, as Shen Qiusha's explanation gradually deepened.

Lin Sheng also felt a strange sense of familiarity.

"Isn't this exclusive ability similar to divine talent?"

In the back of the bookstore, Lin Sheng squinted slightly on a single armchair, feeling more and more interesting.

Obviously it is a world of science and technology, but the representative of the highest level of technological combat power is faintly related to divinity.

"This battle helmet is basically a special technique that relies on external forces to draw out the divine talent in advance."

Lin Sheng is extremely familiar with divine talent.

Shen Qiusha's teaching soon reached the step of formally shaping the helmet.

Lin Sheng didn't do anything, and completely handed over the whole process to the soul resonance. All the preparatory work before drawing the spirit pattern was quickly completed.

Then there is the most critical step of drawing the spirit pattern.

There is no way to do this step by hand. You have to draw it yourself.

Because only the subject knows the trajectory of his own soul.

On Lin Sheng's side, the most resilient material has yet to be found. Fortunately, Dukaante got a substitute in advance. The quality is slightly lower, but it doesn't matter much.

Lin Sheng just sat quietly in the dark, motionless.

But no one noticed that his skin under the clothes was slowly outlining metallic lines.

For him, sensing the trajectory of the soul is as simple as breathing and drinking water.

Just less than ten minutes.

Lin Sheng's body was already covered with various silver metal patterns.

Just after he completed the last line of the soul track.

In the darkness, the silver spirit patterns all over Lin Sheng's body lit up with a soft golden light at the same time.

He keenly felt that a part of his soul power was involuntarily drawn away and merged into the spirit patterns all over his body.

Although this part of soul power is very, very small. But now he is a demigod.

With the powerful power of divine fire burning, the soul has long been forged by divine fire, and it is extremely powerful and indestructible. So a trace of soul is also very powerful energy.

If someone can see Lin Sheng's current soul body.

will be able to see. He is still in the original human form at this time, but under the translucent skin of his body, a large number of colorful flames are continuously burning.

That is Shenhuo.

"Wait. No!"

Suddenly Lin Sheng felt a trace of soul power flowing into a completely different void. Instead of all staying in the spirit pattern.

What a trace of soul power flowed into was a tiny gap in the void that even he couldn't detect.


In an instant, a loud noise like thunder exploded in Lin Sheng's mind.

All the vision in front of him suddenly went black.

When he opened his eyes again, his surroundings had completely changed.

"Here. Where is it??!!"

Lin Sheng floated quietly in a huge blood-red space.

Countless symbols, numbers, and unknown patterns floated around him like wreckage.

Seen from all around, the blood-red space couldn't see the edge at all.


Suddenly a huge shock came down from the sky.

Lin Sheng raised his head abruptly.

Above him is an ocean of souls shining with endless blue light.

In front of the stone statue among the barren hills in the distance.

Shen Qiusha looked at Cassie who had fallen into a daze. A faint smile appeared on his face.

"Welcome to arrive, Soul Origin Sea."

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