Nightmare’s Call

Chapter 721 Disillusionment 1

The soul originates from the sea.

Or it should be called the spiritual sea.

Lin Sheng had seen the records of this great place in the myths and legends of this world.

But he never expected that one day, he would actually enter here in person.

The spiritual sea is different from the extreme spiritual sea he linked to.

Not only is there a huge chaotic soul power here, but also countless years of infinite knowledge and history accumulated by countless spiritual creatures.

Their whole life, their knowledge, all along with their own souls, are slowly rippling in this blue ocean.

All spiritual beings stay here, from birth to old age and death, all the accumulation.

Only a very small number of undead species can have the opportunity to jump out of here completely.

Lin Sheng quietly looked up at the huge blue ocean above his head.

He breathed as deeply as he could.

But the violently beating heart and the constantly flickering divine fire still expressed his unrest at the moment.

He doesn't care about pure chaotic soul power.

After opening the sea gate. He has as much chaotic soul power as he wants.

But the endless knowledge and information accumulated in the spiritual sea made him unable to calm down.

"I only devoured tens of thousands of souls, and the accumulation I got is enough for me to achieve such a high level.

But now, in front of me are billions and billions of infinite information. Although only a small part of it is useful information, if it can be used"

Lin Sheng's heart was burning.

This represents all the information accumulation of the entire world civilization.

He pondered for a while, trying to calm down his emotions as much as possible, and then slowly flew up. Approach the blue ocean overhead.

As the distance approached, Lin Sheng saw it clearly.

The blue sea water presents a strange sense of contradiction that is crystal clear, cold and deep.

Soon, he was only an arm's length away from the sea.

But at this moment, an invisible transparent wall precisely blocked his flight.


Lin Sheng reached out and touched the wall in front of him.

Hard to the touch, cold.

He exerted a little force.


There was a muffled sound from the walls, but nothing moved.

"Audit permission"

Suddenly, a cold and ruthless flow of information poured into Lin Sheng's consciousness from the transparent wall.

"Approved, permission confirmed, fifth-level inheritor."

"Welcome to Siyuan Sea, you only have ten seconds to stay. Please grasp it carefully."

The mechanical flow of information turned into sound, constantly echoing in Lin Sheng's mind.

"Ten seconds?" Lin Sheng was taken aback.

He was drawn here inexplicably, and then told that he only had ten seconds to enter.

"It seems that it should be some kind of resonance accident when I made the helmet. I didn't expect to have such a powerful inheritance of special power when I made the helmet."

He once again realized that the complete background of a world cannot be compared by a single individual.

I also realized how terrifying the Kuroshio that can completely destroy the world is.

Take back your thoughts.

Lin Sheng kept groping around the wall.

He didn't dare to use any abnormal power. The spiritual ocean in front of you is so huge.

Although he doesn't know how it compares to the Lingji sea he is connected to, the most dangerous thing is not these, but the endless information in the spiritual sea that has accumulated for countless years.

Even for him, the guardian deity has its limit.

Along the wall, Lin Sheng tried a little bit.

Just didn't wait for him to move much.

The wall in front of him suddenly disintegrated automatically, and a hole appeared in front of him just for one person to enter and exit.

A huge attraction pulled over from the hole in an instant, just pulling Lin Sheng in abruptly.


His whole body seemed to be drowning, forcibly falling into countless blue sea water.

The endless blue chaotic soul power around him rushed towards him like a bee seeing nectar.


A huge amount of soul power forcefully penetrated through every pore of Lin Sheng's skin.

As soon as the soul power entered Lin Sheng's body, it was immediately burned and purified by the divine fire that filled Lin Sheng's body.

The chaotic soul power turned into pure flawless soul power, which was quickly absorbed by Lin Sheng.

But apart from these, it is not so easy to solve the massive messy information hidden in the chaotic soul power.

In just one second, Lin Sheng's consciousness flooded with various information exceeding tens of thousands of people.

To make matters worse, these information are not all human beings, there are also memory information of insects, animals, and other species.

A large amount of information is complicated and useless, and it is not worth being absorbed by Lin Sheng at all.

"It can't be like this! The speed of influx is too fast, I must control the speed!"

Knowing that it was not good, Lin Sheng quickly mobilized the divine fire, trying to slow down the influx of surrounding souls.

But although his divine fire is powerful, in the spiritual sea, what he is facing is the souls of hundreds of millions of infinite creatures.

The huge ocean of souls brought a terrifyingly huge spiritual pressure.

This pressure forced Lin Sheng forcefully, forcing him to passively absorb the seawater of souls around him.

What's worse, with the influx of information, deep in Lin Sheng's soul, a desire for endless information around him naturally arose.

"Can information also generate wind?" Lin Sheng felt awe-inspiring.

With a vast knowledge system of mysticism, he naturally knows what kind of emotion this is.

Knowledge information, if the gap between the two is too large, it will also make weak individuals thirst for knowledge.

This is the desire and desire of the soul itself for higher information aggregates.


Lin Sheng tried his best to control the speed of countless information pouring in around him.

But the huge spiritual pressure made him barely slow down the influx speed a little bit.

A large amount of disorganized information, like no money, poured into his mind. into the depths of his soul.

The divine fire was burning crazily, but under the terrifying spiritual pressure of the spiritual sea, it was still frighteningly fragile.

Just like the ants in front of the mountains, the gap is too big.

Fortunately, Shenhuo is not useless.

Under the terrifying consumption and burning, Shenhuo still worked hard to filter and purify most of the soul power pouring into Lin Sheng's body.

At the same time, a large amount of information poured in, apart from making Lin Sheng in a state of confusion for a short period of time, at most it gave him a headache for a while.

Ten seconds is over quickly.

Lin Sheng was quickly repelled out of the blue spiritual sea by a strong repulsive force, and floated in the outer air again.

At the same time, the invisible wall resurfaced, blocking him.

"It's finally over." Lin Sheng let out a deep breath.

"Although I do not reject the absorption of soul power, soul power that has not been tempered by the divine fire is harmful to me.

But this time it wasn’t for nothing.”

He floated in front of the sea of ​​spirituality, his eyes flickered, and he had a new discovery.

In the massive amount of information that flooded into his mind before.

Because of his huge soul capacity and the strong foundation of Shenhuo. As a result, the amount of information he can hold far exceeds the limit that normal people can carry.

In ten seconds, he absorbed the life information of hundreds of thousands of spiritual creatures from birth to old age and death.

Ninety-nine percent of this information is rubbish, but the remaining little bit has given him a lot of gains.

He stretched out his hand, and in the palm of his hand, countless dense blue light spots were slowly rising.

These blue light spots are like fine sand, spinning and flying in his palm, forming a miniature blue cyclone.

"I didn't expect there to be soul core consciousness here"

Lin Sheng looked at the blue cyclone in his palm, and the corners of his mouth involuntarily curled up.

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