Nightmare’s Call

722 Disillusionment 2

The core consciousness of the soul is actually the soul with self-consciousness.

Among the hundreds of thousands of souls absorbed by Lin Sheng, there are tens of thousands of soul consciousnesses that still maintain their independent self.

This means that these tens of thousands of souls can be regarded as living beings and provide him with vow power.

"It's so wonderful"

Lin Sheng's heart was surging. Look up at the spiritual sea overhead.

Just ten seconds into it, and only at the outermost edge, he got tens of thousands of soul consciousness.

As long as you go back and wash it with the holy power, it is equivalent to getting tens of thousands of fanatics who can produce high-quality wish power.

One fanatic is worth a hundred ordinary believers.

This is simply a lucrative business.

At this time, the entire spiritual sea, in Lin Sheng's eyes, is like a huge treasure. As long as he can get in, he is simply picking up money.

Before he came back to his senses, there was another huge traction force, pulling him to fly backwards crazily.

"Is it over?" Lin Sheng's heart skipped a beat.

A light blue transparent fragment floated silently on his fingertips.

The fragment quickly merged into the surrounding space and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

This is a small piece of soul fragment that was torn apart by the power of the yin-turning holy wheel activated in Lin Sheng's body, and thrown into this space.

And for this piece of soul fragment not to be found. Lin Sheng also added a large number of hidden spells for the soul.

As a master of soul manipulation. He also holds a soul artifact such as the yin-turning holy wheel.

It is not difficult for Lin Sheng to do such a small thing.

Immediately after separating the soul fragments, Lin Sheng felt a huge attraction and accelerated again, like a giant hand, grabbing him and squeezing him out forcefully.

boom! !

A colorful cylindrical tunnel appeared in his mind again.

A large number of fluorescent colors of countless colors are constantly flowing and shining in the tunnel.

He was being pulled by a huge force, and rushed towards the exit along this passage.

A few seconds later, Lin Sheng was shocked all over. Consciousness suddenly darkened.

He slowly calmed down the shock and tearing pain at the soul level, and then slowly opened his eyes.

In front of him, there was a silver-white humanoid armor floating peacefully.

The surface of this armor is smooth and flat, without any redundant module components, it is just a simple human figure.

"Did it work?" Lin Sheng reached out and touched the so-called battle helmet.

The feeling from the fingertips is warm and firm. Like human skin.

"Although it succeeded, it's just a special armor with good performance."

Lin Sheng lightly pressed his hand on the armor's chest, feeling the power contained inside.

Bear the brunt of the guardian divinity. Then there is the speed, and then there is none.

There are only two natural abilities. In this way, this armor has shown a special state of being extremely saturated.

Lin Sheng even suspected that if he added a little more divine ability to it, the armor would collapse in an instant.

"Among the known materials, there is simply nothing that can carry my full capabilities."

Lin Sheng looked at the prototype of the helmet with disappointment.

This thing is tasteless to him, even if he has two divine talents, it is a greatly weakened version.

And the material determines the upper limit of this thing. Since he was born, he has already decided where the limit is.

"But forget it, just treat it as a toy." Lin Sheng's brows became peaceful again. "After all, the real value of this thing is to get the key to enter the Siyuan Sea"

With a wave of his hand, the helmet in front of him disappeared immediately.

The whole room regained its original tranquility.

Lin Sheng closed his eyes and began to baptize the tens of thousands of soul consciousness he had just obtained with holy light. These soul consciousnesses are like blank paper, their thinking is extremely chaotic, and they have long been crushed into idiots by the huge spiritual pressure of the spiritual sea.

So Lin Sheng used the Holy Light to brainwash him without any psychological burden at all.

After brainwashing, let them master the holy light, and then protect it with the patron saint. As long as they regularly provide a little chaotic soul power for them to absorb and digest, this is the energy battery that continuously generates will power.

a week later.

Cassie was dressed in a neat black suit, holding a handful of solemn dark blue lake tail flowers in her hand, and gently put them into the flower boxes on both sides of the church.

Then he took a few steps back, clasped his hands together, and closed his eyes quietly in prayer.

"Why do you have time to come back?" Lin Sheng walked out from behind him, and also joined his hands together to pray to the statue.

"The teacher passed away. No one can restrain me anymore, so I'm back." Cassie replied calmly, but a trace of sadness flashed between her brows.

"Shen Qiusha?" Lin Sheng was a little stunned.

"Yes. Die for me." Cassie seemed to have matured a lot.

Shen Qiusha's death was almost inevitable.

He also learned after the fact that without the help of any external force, it would take a huge price to guide ordinary souls into the Siyuan Sea.

And the price this time is Shen Qiusha herself.

In order to open the passage to Yuanhai, she gave all her soul.

Similarly, before she died, she also told Cassie everything she had carried.

Everyone has an opportunity in their lifetime to enter the Siyuan Sea.

Si Yuanhai made up for Cassie's lost vitality, and the huge soul infusion wiped away all the hidden wounds on his body, and also received the gift that his soul had grown to three times its original size.

The soul that is equivalent to three times the strength of ordinary people makes him completely reborn at this moment.

And the price is the death of the teacher.

"So, what are you going to do next?" Lin Sheng still had a good impression of Cassie, a guy who helped him a lot unconsciously.

If possible, he would not hesitate to help him.

"I joined the teacher's organization." Cassie replied seriously. "Inherited everything from her."


"Yeah. I'll bring my parents along." Cassie nodded.

"Very good. I wish you a smooth journey. Don't forget, my promise here is always valid." Lin Sheng smiled.

"Thank you for taking care of me all the time."

Cassie took two steps back, ignoring the other people in the surrounding church watching.

He bowed seriously and respectfully to Lin Sheng.

Lin Sheng didn't avoid it, but just looked at him with a smile.

Cassie straightened up, and finally looked through the door of the church to see the neighborhood where she grew up.

"So farewell."

Finally, he turned and left towards the door as if he had let go of some burden.

Soon his back disappeared into the bright morning sun.

Lin Sheng silently watched him leave completely, and sighed slightly in his heart.

Seeing Cassie, he actually remembered how he was when he first came to this world.

Standing in the church at this time, he was dressed in the same way as the people around him who came to pray.

No one knew that the real behind-the-scenes controller of the Holy Light Church was Lin Sheng who seemed to be standing here like an ordinary person.

"Going back." Lin Sheng looked back at the statue he had made. Also walk towards the exit of the church.

During this time, he consumed his soul power almost every day to enter the Siyuan Sea.

Although because there are only five levels of authority, you can only enter for ten seconds at a time.

But little added up, even if it was only for a second, he could absorb far more soul power than Cassie.

Cassie tripled his soul power, that is to say, he absorbed the soul power of two of his own souls.

But Lin Sheng was only a second. It has absorbed tens of thousands of soul consciousness. It is thousands or even tens of thousands of times his.

After finding such a great treasure as Siyuan Sea, Lin Sheng's entire energy is now concentrated in Siyuan Sea.

Ten seconds at a time, he can absorb 10% of the soul power of his own soul.

At the same time, tens of thousands of fanatics can be harvested.

There is also a huge amount of messy information knowledge.

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